path: root/src
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-10-17 15:05:57 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-10-17 15:05:57 +0200
commitec98f78f154bcf71afbf198386dc0ffb765839f2 (patch)
tree84ace300fc448b5f2bfa422a177cb734e4039839 /src
parentd92a10b19b8fb203a75b7e4065106573d30546d0 (diff)
Use a map instead of pdict to keep pid active/removed stateno-pdict
The performance seems to be equal as far as Cowboy is concerned, with a possible tiny improvement in the favor of maps. The code is smaller and the runtime introspection far cleaner because the process dictionary is small again.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/src/ranch_conns_sup.erl b/src/ranch_conns_sup.erl
index b87a7bb..02a3b26 100644
--- a/src/ranch_conns_sup.erl
+++ b/src/ranch_conns_sup.erl
@@ -112,18 +112,18 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Id, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, Logger) ->
loop(#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, conn_type=ConnType,
shutdown=Shutdown, transport=Transport, protocol=Protocol,
opts=ProtoOpts, handshake_timeout=HandshakeTimeout,
- max_conns=MaxConns, logger=Logger}, 0, 0, []).
+ max_conns=MaxConns, logger=Logger}, #{}, 0, 0, []).
loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, conn_type=ConnType,
transport=Transport, protocol=Protocol, opts=Opts,
- max_conns=MaxConns, logger=Logger}, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers) ->
+ max_conns=MaxConns, logger=Logger}, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers) ->
{?MODULE, start_protocol, To, Socket} ->
try Protocol:start_link(Ref, Transport, Opts) of
{ok, Pid} ->
- handshake(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, To, Socket, Pid, Pid);
+ handshake(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, To, Socket, Pid, Pid);
{ok, SupPid, ProtocolPid} when ConnType =:= supervisor ->
- handshake(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, To, Socket, SupPid, ProtocolPid);
+ handshake(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, To, Socket, SupPid, ProtocolPid);
Ret ->
To ! self(),
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, conn_type=ConnType,
"~p:start_link/3 returned: ~999999p~n",
[Ref, Protocol, Ret], Logger),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
catch Class:Reason ->
To ! self(),
@@ -139,82 +139,78 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, conn_type=ConnType,
"~p:start_link/3 crashed with reason: ~p:~999999p~n",
[Ref, Protocol, Class, Reason], Logger),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
{?MODULE, active_connections, To, Tag} ->
To ! {Tag, CurConns},
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
%% Remove a connection from the count of connections.
{remove_connection, Ref, Pid} ->
- case put(Pid, removed) of
- active when Sleepers =:= [] ->
- loop(State, CurConns - 1, NbChildren, Sleepers);
- active ->
+ case Conns of
+ #{Pid := active} when Sleepers =:= [] ->
+ loop(State, Conns#{Pid => removed}, CurConns - 1, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ #{Pid := active} ->
[To|Sleepers2] = Sleepers,
To ! self(),
- loop(State, CurConns - 1, NbChildren, Sleepers2);
- removed ->
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
- undefined ->
- _ = erase(Pid),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns#{Pid => removed}, CurConns - 1, NbChildren, Sleepers2);
+ #{Pid := removed} ->
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ _ ->
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
%% Upgrade the max number of connections allowed concurrently.
%% We resume all sleeping acceptors if this number increases.
{set_max_conns, MaxConns2} when MaxConns2 > MaxConns ->
_ = [To ! self() || To <- Sleepers],
- loop(State#state{max_conns=MaxConns2},
- CurConns, NbChildren, []);
+ loop(State#state{max_conns=MaxConns2}, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, []);
{set_max_conns, MaxConns2} ->
- loop(State#state{max_conns=MaxConns2},
- CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ loop(State#state{max_conns=MaxConns2}, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
%% Upgrade the transport options.
{set_transport_options, TransOpts} ->
- set_transport_options(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, TransOpts);
+ set_transport_options(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, TransOpts);
%% Upgrade the protocol options.
{set_protocol_options, Opts2} ->
- loop(State#state{opts=Opts2},
- CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ loop(State#state{opts=Opts2}, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- terminate(State, Reason, NbChildren);
+ terminate(State, Conns, Reason, NbChildren);
{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} when Sleepers =:= [] ->
- case erase(Pid) of
- active ->
+ case maps:take(Pid, Conns) of
+ {active, Conns1} ->
report_error(Logger, Ref, Protocol, Pid, Reason),
- loop(State, CurConns - 1, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
- removed ->
+ loop(State, Conns1, CurConns - 1, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
+ {removed, Conns1} ->
report_error(Logger, Ref, Protocol, Pid, Reason),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
- undefined ->
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns1, CurConns, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
+ error ->
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
%% Resume a sleeping acceptor if needed.
{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
- case erase(Pid) of
- active when CurConns > MaxConns ->
+ case maps:take(Pid, Conns) of
+ {active, Conns1} when CurConns > MaxConns ->
report_error(Logger, Ref, Protocol, Pid, Reason),
- loop(State, CurConns - 1, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
- active ->
+ loop(State, Conns1, CurConns - 1, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
+ {active, Conns1} ->
report_error(Logger, Ref, Protocol, Pid, Reason),
[To|Sleepers2] = Sleepers,
To ! self(),
- loop(State, CurConns - 1, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers2);
- removed ->
+ loop(State, Conns1, CurConns - 1, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers2);
+ {removed, Conns1} ->
report_error(Logger, Ref, Protocol, Pid, Reason),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
- undefined ->
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns1, CurConns, NbChildren - 1, Sleepers);
+ error ->
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
{system, From, Request} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [],
- {State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers});
+ {State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers});
%% Calls from the supervisor module.
{'$gen_call', {To, Tag}, which_children} ->
- Children = [{Protocol, Pid, ConnType, [Protocol]}
- || {Pid, Type} <- get(),
- Type =:= active orelse Type =:= removed],
+ Children = maps:fold(fun(Pid, _, Acc) ->
+ [{Protocol, Pid, ConnType, [Protocol]}|Acc]
+ end, [], Conns),
To ! {Tag, Children},
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
{'$gen_call', {To, Tag}, count_children} ->
Counts = case ConnType of
worker -> [{supervisors, 0}, {workers, NbChildren}];
@@ -222,29 +218,29 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, conn_type=ConnType,
Counts2 = [{specs, 1}, {active, NbChildren}|Counts],
To ! {Tag, Counts2},
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
{'$gen_call', {To, Tag}, _} ->
To ! {Tag, {error, ?MODULE}},
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers);
Msg ->
"Ranch listener ~p received unexpected message ~p~n",
[Ref, Msg], Logger),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
handshake(State=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, handshake_timeout=HandshakeTimeout,
- max_conns=MaxConns}, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, To, Socket, SupPid, ProtocolPid) ->
+ max_conns=MaxConns}, Conns0, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers, To, Socket, SupPid, ProtocolPid) ->
case Transport:controlling_process(Socket, ProtocolPid) of
ok ->
ProtocolPid ! {handshake, Ref, Transport, Socket, HandshakeTimeout},
- put(SupPid, active),
+ Conns = Conns0#{SupPid => active},
CurConns2 = CurConns + 1,
if CurConns2 < MaxConns ->
To ! self(),
- loop(State, CurConns2, NbChildren + 1, Sleepers);
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns2, NbChildren + 1, Sleepers);
true ->
- loop(State, CurConns2, NbChildren + 1, [To|Sleepers])
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns2, NbChildren + 1, [To|Sleepers])
{error, _} ->
@@ -252,10 +248,10 @@ handshake(State=#state{ref=Ref, transport=Transport, handshake_timeout=Handshake
%% when different, is supposed to be sitting under it and linked.
exit(SupPid, kill),
To ! self(),
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
+ loop(State, Conns0, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers)
-set_transport_options(State=#state{max_conns=MaxConns0}, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers0, TransOpts) ->
+set_transport_options(State=#state{max_conns=MaxConns0}, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers0, TransOpts) ->
MaxConns1 = maps:get(max_connections, TransOpts, 1024),
HandshakeTimeout = maps:get(handshake_timeout, TransOpts, 5000),
Shutdown = maps:get(shutdown, TransOpts, 5000),
@@ -267,24 +263,22 @@ set_transport_options(State=#state{max_conns=MaxConns0}, CurConns, NbChildren, S
loop(State#state{max_conns=MaxConns1, handshake_timeout=HandshakeTimeout, shutdown=Shutdown},
- CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers1).
+ Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers1).
--spec terminate(#state{}, any(), non_neg_integer()) -> no_return().
-terminate(#state{shutdown=brutal_kill}, Reason, _) ->
- kill_children(get_keys(active)),
- kill_children(get_keys(removed)),
+-spec terminate(#state{}, #{pid() => active | removed}, any(), non_neg_integer()) -> no_return().
+terminate(#state{shutdown=brutal_kill}, Conns, Reason, _) ->
+ kill_children(maps:keys(Conns)),
%% Attempt to gracefully shutdown all children.
-terminate(#state{shutdown=Shutdown}, Reason, NbChildren) ->
- shutdown_children(get_keys(active)),
- shutdown_children(get_keys(removed)),
+terminate(#state{shutdown=Shutdown}, Conns, Reason, NbChildren) ->
+ shutdown_children(maps:keys(Conns)),
_ = if
Shutdown =:= infinity ->
true ->
erlang:send_after(Shutdown, self(), kill)
- wait_children(NbChildren),
+ wait_children(NbChildren, Conns),
%% Kill all children and then exit. We unlink first to avoid
@@ -307,31 +301,28 @@ shutdown_children(Pids) ->
end || P <- Pids],
-wait_children(0) ->
+wait_children(0, _) ->
-wait_children(NbChildren) ->
+wait_children(NbChildren, Conns0) ->
{'DOWN', _, process, Pid, _} ->
- case erase(Pid) of
- active -> wait_children(NbChildren - 1);
- removed -> wait_children(NbChildren - 1);
- _ -> wait_children(NbChildren)
+ case maps:take(Pid, Conns0) of
+ {active, Conns} -> wait_children(NbChildren - 1, Conns);
+ {removed, Conns} -> wait_children(NbChildren - 1, Conns);
+ error -> wait_children(NbChildren, Conns0)
kill ->
- Active = get_keys(active),
- _ = [exit(P, kill) || P <- Active],
- Removed = get_keys(removed),
- _ = [exit(P, kill) || P <- Removed],
+ _ = [exit(P, kill) || P <- maps:keys(Conns0)],
-spec system_continue(_, _, any()) -> no_return().
-system_continue(_, _, {State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers}) ->
- loop(State, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers).
+system_continue(_, _, {State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers}) ->
+ loop(State, Conns, CurConns, NbChildren, Sleepers).
-spec system_terminate(any(), _, _, _) -> no_return().
-system_terminate(Reason, _, _, {State, _, NbChildren, _}) ->
- terminate(State, Reason, NbChildren).
+system_terminate(Reason, _, _, {State, Conns, _, NbChildren, _}) ->
+ terminate(State, Conns, Reason, NbChildren).
-spec system_code_change(any(), _, _, _) -> {ok, any()}.
system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) ->