path: root/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2015-08-17 16:52:46 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2015-08-17 16:52:46 +0200
commitf5f480c5750b76b662430b62ef85ebceea5aadc6 (patch)
tree17cb06d0e11f571bc625707eeb6f83efe8028b5c /test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
parent5ea28fb44629eb217fee2a1e8fcd0bb47dde1034 (diff)
Beginnings of modernizing the test suite
Merging because I have to do other work but this is still a nice enough improvement.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/acceptor_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl b/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
index 6325055..507c2dd 100644
--- a/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/acceptor_SUITE.erl
@@ -13,44 +13,9 @@
-%% ct.
-%% misc.
-%% ssl.
-%% tcp.
-%% supervisor.
+-import(ct_helper, [doc/1]).
%% ct.
@@ -84,76 +49,40 @@ groups() ->
-init_per_suite(Config) ->
- ok = application:start(ranch),
- Config.
-end_per_suite(_) ->
- application:stop(ranch),
- ok.
-init_per_group(ssl, Config) ->
- application:start(crypto),
- application:start(asn1),
- application:start(public_key),
- application:start(ssl),
- Config;
-init_per_group(_, Config) ->
- Config.
-end_per_group(ssl, _) ->
- application:stop(ssl),
- application:stop(public_key),
- application:stop(asn1),
- application:stop(crypto),
- ok;
-end_per_group(_, _) ->
- ok.
%% misc.
misc_bad_transport(_) ->
+ doc("Reject invalid transport modules."),
{error, badarg} = ranch:start_listener(misc_bad_transport, 1,
- bad_transport, [{port, 0}],
- echo_protocol, []),
+ bad_transport, [], echo_protocol, []),
%% ssl.
ssl_accept_error(_) ->
+ doc("Acceptor must not crash if client disconnects in the middle of SSL handshake."),
Name = ssl_accept_error,
- {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
- {ok, ListenerSup} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_ssl, [{port, 0}, {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}],
- echo_protocol, []),
+ Opts = ct_helper:get_certs_from_ets(),
+ {ok, ListenerSup} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_ssl, Opts, echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
ListenerSupChildren = supervisor:which_children(ListenerSup),
- {_, AcceptorsSup, _, _}
- = lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, ListenerSupChildren),
- [{{acceptor, _, _}, AcceptorPid, _, _}]
- = supervisor:which_children(AcceptorsSup),
+ {_, AcceptorsSup, _, _} = lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, ListenerSupChildren),
+ [{{acceptor, _, _}, AcceptorPid, _, _}] = supervisor:which_children(AcceptorsSup),
true = is_process_alive(AcceptorPid),
- {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = gen_tcp:close(Socket),
receive after 500 -> ok end,
true = is_process_alive(AcceptorPid),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
ssl_accept_socket(_) ->
- %%% XXX we can't do the spawn to test the controlling process change
- %%% because of the bug in ssl
+ doc("Ensure that listener can use an externally opened SSL listen socket."),
Name = ssl_accept_socket,
- {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
- {ok, S} = ssl:listen(0,
- [{cert, Cert}, {key, Key}, binary,
- {active, false}, {packet, raw}, {reuseaddr, true}]),
- {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_ssl, [{socket, S}], echo_protocol, []),
+ Opts = ct_helper:get_certs_from_ets(),
+ {ok, S} = ssl:listen(0, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}, {reuseaddr, true}|Opts]),
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_ssl, [{socket, S}], echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
- {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw},
- {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = ssl:send(Socket, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>),
{ok, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>} = ssl:recv(Socket, 21, 1000),
ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
@@ -163,15 +92,12 @@ ssl_accept_socket(_) ->
ssl_active_echo(_) ->
+ doc("Ensure that active mode works with SSL transport."),
Name = ssl_active_echo,
- {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
- {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_ssl, [{port, 0}, {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}],
- active_echo_protocol, []),
+ Opts = ct_helper:get_certs_from_ets(),
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_ssl, Opts, active_echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
- {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw},
- {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = ssl:send(Socket, <<"SSL Ranch is working!">>),
{ok, <<"SSL Ranch is working!">>} = ssl:recv(Socket, 21, 1000),
ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
@@ -181,15 +107,12 @@ ssl_active_echo(_) ->
ssl_echo(_) ->
+ doc("Ensure that passive mode works with SSL transport."),
Name = ssl_echo,
- {_, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(),
- {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_ssl, [{port, 0}, {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}],
- echo_protocol, []),
+ Opts = ct_helper:get_certs_from_ets(),
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_ssl, Opts, echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
- {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw},
- {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = ssl:send(Socket, <<"SSL Ranch is working!">>),
{ok, <<"SSL Ranch is working!">>} = ssl:recv(Socket, 21, 1000),
ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
@@ -201,22 +124,12 @@ ssl_echo(_) ->
%% tcp.
tcp_accept_socket(_) ->
+ doc("Ensure that listener can use an externally opened TCP listen socket."),
Name = tcp_accept_socket,
- Ref = make_ref(),
- Parent = self(),
- spawn(fun() ->
- {ok, S} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw},
- {reuseaddr, true}]),
- {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{socket, S}], echo_protocol, []),
- Parent ! Ref
- end),
- receive
- Ref -> ok
- end,
+ {ok, S} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}, {reuseaddr, true}]),
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_tcp, [{socket, S}], echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
- {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>),
{ok, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 21, 1000),
ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
@@ -226,12 +139,11 @@ tcp_accept_socket(_) ->
tcp_active_echo(_) ->
+ doc("Ensure that active mode works with TCP transport."),
Name = tcp_active_echo,
- {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}], active_echo_protocol, []),
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_tcp, [], active_echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
- {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>),
{ok, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 21, 1000),
ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
@@ -241,12 +153,11 @@ tcp_active_echo(_) ->
tcp_echo(_) ->
+ doc("Ensure that passive mode works with TCP transport."),
Name = tcp_echo,
- {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}], echo_protocol, []),
+ {ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1, ranch_tcp, [], echo_protocol, []),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
- {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
- [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>),
{ok, <<"TCP Ranch is working!">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 21, 1000),
ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
@@ -258,19 +169,19 @@ tcp_echo(_) ->
tcp_max_connections(_) ->
Name = tcp_max_connections,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}, {max_connections, 10}],
+ ranch_tcp, [{max_connections, 10}],
notify_and_wait_protocol, [{msg, connected}, {pid, self()}]),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
ok = connect_loop(Port, 11, 150),
10 = ranch_server:count_connections(Name),
10 = receive_loop(connected, 400),
1 = receive_loop(connected, 1000),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
tcp_max_connections_and_beyond(_) ->
Name = tcp_max_connections_and_beyond,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}, {max_connections, 10}],
+ ranch_tcp, [{max_connections, 10}],
remove_conn_and_wait_protocol, [{remove, true}]),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
ok = connect_loop(Port, 10, 0),
@@ -295,12 +206,12 @@ tcp_max_connections_and_beyond(_) ->
{_, 20} = lists:keyfind(active, 1, Counts2),
{_, 20} = lists:keyfind(workers, 1, Counts2),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
tcp_set_max_connections(_) ->
Name = tcp_set_max_connections,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}, {max_connections, 10}],
+ ranch_tcp, [{max_connections, 10}],
notify_and_wait_protocol, [{msg, connected}, {pid, self()}]),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
ok = connect_loop(Port, 20, 0),
@@ -310,12 +221,12 @@ tcp_set_max_connections(_) ->
ranch:set_max_connections(Name, 20),
10 = receive_loop(connected, 1000),
20 = ranch:get_max_connections(Name),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
tcp_infinity_max_connections(_) ->
Name = tcp_infinity_max_connections,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}, {max_connections, 10}],
+ ranch_tcp, [{max_connections, 10}],
notify_and_wait_protocol, [{msg, connected}, {pid, self()}]),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
ok = connect_loop(Port, 20, 0),
@@ -330,14 +241,14 @@ tcp_infinity_max_connections(_) ->
ranch:set_max_connections(Name, 10),
20 = ranch_server:count_connections(Name),
10 = receive_loop(connected, 1000),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
tcp_clean_set_max_connections(_) ->
%% This is a regression test to check that setting max connections does not
%% cause any processes to crash.
Name = tcp_clean_set_max_connections,
{ok, ListSupPid} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 4, ranch_tcp,
- [{port, 0}, {max_connections, 4}],
+ [{max_connections, 4}],
notify_and_wait_protocol, [{msg, connected}, {pid, self()}]),
Children = supervisor:which_children(ListSupPid),
{_, AccSupPid, _, _} = lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, Children),
@@ -357,12 +268,12 @@ tcp_clean_set_max_connections(_) ->
_ = erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
ok = clean_traces(),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
tcp_upgrade(_) ->
Name = tcp_upgrade,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}],
+ ranch_tcp, [],
notify_and_wait_protocol, [{msg, connected}, {pid, self()}]),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
ok = connect_loop(Port, 1, 0),
@@ -370,20 +281,20 @@ tcp_upgrade(_) ->
ranch:set_protocol_options(Name, [{msg, upgraded}, {pid, self()}]),
ok = connect_loop(Port, 1, 0),
receive upgraded -> ok after 1000 -> error(timeout) end,
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
tcp_inherit_options(_) ->
Name = tcp_inherit_options,
TcpOptions = [{nodelay, false}, {send_timeout_close, false}],
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 4, ranch_tcp,
- [{port, 0} | TcpOptions],
+ TcpOptions,
check_tcp_options, [{pid, self()} | TcpOptions]),
Port = ranch:get_port(Name),
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port,
[binary, {active, true}, {packet, raw}]),
receive checked -> ok after 1000 -> error(timeout) end,
ok = gen_tcp:close(Socket),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
%% Supervisor tests
@@ -394,7 +305,7 @@ supervisor_clean_restart(_) ->
Name = supervisor_clean_restart,
NbAcc = 4,
{ok, Pid} = ranch:start_listener(Name,
- NbAcc, ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}], echo_protocol, []),
+ NbAcc, ranch_tcp, [], echo_protocol, []),
%% Trace supervisor spawns.
1 = erlang:trace(Pid, true, [procs, set_on_spawn]),
ConnsSup0 = ranch_server:get_connections_sup(Name),
@@ -419,7 +330,7 @@ supervisor_clean_restart(_) ->
ConnsSup = ranch_server:get_connections_sup(Name),
_ = erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
ok = clean_traces(),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
supervisor_clean_child_restart(_) ->
%% Then we verify that only parts of the supervision tree
@@ -430,7 +341,7 @@ supervisor_clean_child_restart(_) ->
1 = erlang:trace_pattern({ranch_tcp, listen, 1},
[{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}], [global]),
{ok, Pid} = ranch:start_listener(Name,
- 1, ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}], echo_protocol, []),
+ 1, ranch_tcp, [], echo_protocol, []),
%% Trace supervisor spawns.
1 = erlang:trace(Pid, true, [procs, set_on_spawn]),
ConnsSup = ranch_server:get_connections_sup(Name),
@@ -458,7 +369,7 @@ supervisor_clean_child_restart(_) ->
_ = erlang:trace_pattern({ranch_tcp, listen, 1}, false, []),
_ = erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
ok = clean_traces(),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
supervisor_conns_alive(_) ->
%% And finally we make sure that in the case of partial failure
@@ -468,7 +379,7 @@ supervisor_conns_alive(_) ->
1 = erlang:trace_pattern({ranch_tcp, listen, 1},
[{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}], [global]),
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}],
+ ranch_tcp, [],
remove_conn_and_wait_protocol, [{remove, false}]),
%% Get the listener socket
LSocket = receive
@@ -488,14 +399,14 @@ supervisor_conns_alive(_) ->
receive {tcp_closed, _} -> ok end,
_ = erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
ok = clean_traces(),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
supervisor_server_recover_state(_) ->
%% Verify that if ranch_server crashes it regains its state and monitors
%% ranch_conns_sup that were previously registered.
Name = supervisor_server_recover_state,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name, 1,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}], echo_protocol, []),
+ ranch_tcp, [], echo_protocol, []),
_ = erlang:trace(new, true, [call]),
1 = erlang:trace_pattern({ranch_server, init, 1},
[{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}], [global]),
@@ -513,7 +424,7 @@ supervisor_server_recover_state(_) ->
ConnsSup = ranch_server:get_connections_sup(Name),
- ranch:stop_listener(Name),
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name),
%% Check ranch_server has removed the ranch_conns_sup.
{'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch ranch_server:get_connections_sup(Name)),
_ = erlang:trace(all, false, [all]),
@@ -525,7 +436,7 @@ supervisor_clean_conns_sup_restart(_) ->
%% the ranch_server.
Name = supervisor_clean_conns_sup_restart,
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Name,
- 1, ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}], echo_protocol, []),
+ 1, ranch_tcp, [], echo_protocol, []),
Server = erlang:whereis(ranch_server),
ServerMonRef = erlang:monitor(process, Server),
%% Exit because Name already registered and is alive.
@@ -537,7 +448,7 @@ supervisor_clean_conns_sup_restart(_) ->
1000 ->
- ranch:stop_listener(Name).
+ ok = ranch:stop_listener(Name).
%% Utility functions.