path: root/doc/src/manual
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6 files changed, 700 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/ranch.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/ranch.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e8a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/ranch.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+= ranch(3)
+== Name
+ranch - socket acceptor pool
+== Description
+The `ranch` module provides functions for starting and
+manipulating Ranch listeners.
+== Types
+=== max_conns() = non_neg_integer() | infinity
+Maximum number of connections allowed on this listener.
+This is a soft limit. The actual number of connections
+might be slightly above the limit due to concurrency
+when accepting new connections. Some connections may
+also be removed from this count explicitly by the user
+=== opt()
+opt() = {ack_timeout, timeout()}
+ | {connection_type, worker | supervisor}
+ | {max_connections, max_conns()}
+ | {shutdown, timeout() | brutal_kill}
+ | {socket, any()}
+Ranch-specific transport options.
+These options are not passed on to the transports.
+They are used by Ranch while setting up the listeners.
+=== ref() = any()
+Unique name used to refer to a listener.
+== Option descriptions
+None of the options are required.
+ack_timeout (5000)::
+ Maximum allowed time for the `ranch:accept_ack/1` call to finish.
+connection_type (worker)::
+ Type of process that will handle the connection.
+max_connections (1024)::
+ Maximum number of active connections. Soft limit. Using `infinity` will disable the limit entirely.
+shutdown (5000)::
+ Maximum allowed time for children to stop on listener shutdown.
+ Listening socket opened externally to be used instead of calling `Transport:listen/1`.
+== Exports
+=== accept_ack(Ref) -> ok
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+Acknowledge that the connection is accepted.
+This function MUST be used by a connection process to inform
+Ranch that it initialized properly and let it perform any
+additional operations before the socket can be safely used.
+=== child_spec(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts) -> supervisor:child_spec()
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer():: Number of acceptor processes.
+Transport = module():: Transport module.
+TransOpts = any():: Transport options.
+Protocol = module():: Protocol module.
+ProtoOpts = any():: Protocol options.
+Return child specifications for a new listener.
+This function can be used to embed a listener directly
+in an application instead of letting Ranch handle it.
+=== get_max_connections(Ref) -> MaxConns
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+MaxConns = max_conns():: Current maximum number of connections.
+Return the max number of connections allowed for the given listener.
+=== get_port(Ref) -> Port
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+Port = inet:port_number():: Port number used by this listener.
+Return the port for the given listener.
+=== get_protocol_options(Ref) -> ProtoOpts
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+ProtoOpts = any():: Current protocol options.
+Return the protocol options set for the given listener.
+=== remove_connection(Ref) -> ok
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+Do not count this connection when limiting the number of connections.
+You can use this function for long-running connection processes
+which spend most of their time idling rather than consuming
+resources. This allows Ranch to accept a lot more connections
+without sacrificing the latency of the system.
+This function may only be called from a connection process.
+=== set_max_connections(Ref, MaxConns) -> ok
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+MaxConns = max_conns():: New maximum number of connections.
+Set the max number of connections for the given listener.
+The change will be applied immediately. If the new value is
+smaller than the previous one, Ranch will not kill the extra
+connections, but will wait for them to terminate properly.
+=== set_protocol_options(Ref, ProtoOpts) -> ok
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+ProtoOpts = any():: New protocol options.
+Set the protocol options for the given listener.
+The change will be applied immediately for all new connections.
+Old connections will not receive the new options.
+=== start_listener(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, badarg}
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+NbAcceptors = non_neg_integer():: Number of acceptor processes.
+Transport = module():: Transport module.
+TransOpts = any():: Transport options.
+Protocol = module():: Protocol module.
+ProtoOpts = any():: Protocol options.
+Start listening for connections using the given transport
+and protocol. Returns the pid for this listener's supervisor.
+There are additional transport options that apply
+regardless of transport. They allow configuring how the
+connections are supervised, rate limited and more. Please
+consult the previous section for more details.
+=== stop_listener(Ref) -> ok | {error, not_found}
+Ref = ref():: Listener name.
+Stop the given listener.
+The listener is stopped gracefully, first by closing the
+listening port, then by stopping the connection processes.
+These processes are stopped according to the `shutdown`
+transport option, which may be set to brutally kill all
+connection processes or give them some time to stop properly.
+This function does not return until the listener is
+completely stopped.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/ranch_app.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/ranch_app.asciidoc
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index 0000000..2edfc72
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+++ b/doc/src/manual/ranch_app.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+= ranch(7)
+== Name
+ranch - Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.
+== Dependencies
+The `ranch` application has no particular dependency required
+to start.
+It has optional dependencies that are only required when
+listening for SSL connections. The dependencies are `crypto`,
+`asn1`, `public_key` and `ssl`. They are started automatically
+if they weren't before.
+== Environment
+The `ranch` application defines one application environment
+configuration parameter.
+profile (false)::
+ When enabled, Ranch will start `eprof` profiling automatically.
+You can use the `ranch_app:profile_output/0` function to stop
+profiling and output the results to the files 'procs.profile'
+and 'total.profile'. Do not use in production.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/ranch_protocol.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/ranch_protocol.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714a82b
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+++ b/doc/src/manual/ranch_protocol.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+= ranch_protocol(3)
+== Name
+ranch_protocol - behaviour for protocol modules
+== Description
+The `ranch_protocol` behaviour defines the interface used
+by Ranch protocols.
+== Types
+== Callbacks
+=== start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, ProtoOpts) -> {ok, pid()} | {ok, pid(), pid()}
+Ref = ranch:ref():: Listener name.
+Socket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+Transport = module():: Transport module for this socket.
+ProtoOpts = any():: Protocol options.
+Start a new connection process for the given socket.
+The only purpose of this callback is to start a process that
+will handle the socket. It must spawn the process, link and
+then return the new pid. This function will always be called
+from inside a supervisor.
+This callback can also return two pids. The first pid is the
+pid of the process that will be supervised. The second pid is
+the pid of the process that will receive ownership of the
+socket. This second process must be a child of the first. This
+form is only available when `connection_type` is set to
+If any other value is returned, the supervisor will close the
+socket and assume no process has been started.
+Do not perform any operations in this callback, as this would
+block the supervisor responsible for starting connection
+processes and degrade performance severely.
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/ranch_ssl.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/ranch_ssl.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55accad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/ranch_ssl.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+= ranch_ssl(3)
+== Name
+ranch_ssl - SSL transport module
+== Description
+The `ranch_ssl` module implements an SSL Ranch transport.
+== Types
+=== ssl_opt()
+ssl_opt() = {alpn_preferred_protocols, [binary()]}
+ | {cacertfile, string()}
+ | {cacerts, [public_key:der_encoded()]}
+ | {cert, public_key:der_encoded()}
+ | {certfile, string()}
+ | {ciphers, [ssl:erl_cipher_suite()] | string()}
+ | {client_renegotiation, boolean()}
+ | {crl_cache, {module(), {internal | any(), list()}}}
+ | {crl_check, boolean() | peer | best_effort}
+ | {depth, 0..255}
+ | {dh, public_key:der_encoded()}
+ | {dhfile, string()}
+ | {fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()}
+ | {hibernate_after, integer() | undefined}
+ | {honor_cipher_order, boolean()}
+ | {key, {'RSAPrivateKey' | 'DSAPrivateKey' | 'PrivateKeyInfo', public_key:der_encoded()}}
+ | {keyfile, string()}
+ | {log_alert, boolean()}
+ | {next_protocols_advertised, [binary()]}
+ | {partial_chain, fun(([public_key:der_encoded()]) -> {trusted_ca, public_key:der_encoded()} | unknown_ca)}
+ | {password, string()}
+ | {psk_identity, string()}
+ | {reuse_session, fun()}
+ | {reuse_sessions, boolean()}
+ | {secure_renegotiate, boolean()}
+ | {sni_fun, fun()}
+ | {sni_hosts, [{string(), ssl_opt()}]}
+ | {user_lookup_fun, {fun(), any()}}
+ | {verify, ssl:verify_type()}
+ | {verify_fun, {fun(), any()}}
+ | {versions, [atom()]}.
+SSL-specific listen options.
+=== opt() = ranch_tcp:opt() | ssl_opt()
+Listen options.
+=== opts() = [opt()]
+List of listen options.
+== Option descriptions
+Specifying a certificate is mandatory, either through the `cert`
+or the `certfile` option. None of the other options are required.
+The default value is given next to the option name.
+ Perform Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation with the given list of preferred protocols.
+ Path to PEM encoded trusted certificates file used to verify peer certificates.
+ List of DER encoded trusted certificates.
+ DER encoded user certificate.
+ Path to the PEM encoded user certificate file. May also contain the private key.
+ List of ciphers that clients are allowed to use.
+client_renegotiation (true)::
+ Whether to allow client-initiated renegotiation.
+crl_cache ({ssl_crl_cache, {internal, []}})::
+ Customize the module used to cache Certificate Revocation Lists.
+crl_check (false)::
+ Whether to perform CRL check on all certificates in the chain during validation.
+depth (1)::
+ Maximum of intermediate certificates allowed in the certification path.
+ DER encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters.
+ Path to the PEM encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters file.
+fail_if_no_peer_cert (false)::
+ Whether to refuse the connection if the client sends an empty certificate.
+hibernate_after (undefined)::
+ Time in ms after which SSL socket processes go into hibernation to reduce memory usage.
+honor_cipher_order (false)::
+ If true, use the server's preference for cipher selection. If false, use the client's preference.
+ DER encoded user private key.
+ Path to the PEM encoded private key file, if different than the certfile.
+log_alert (true)::
+ If false, error reports will not be displayed.
+ List of protocols to send to the client if it supports the Next Protocol extension.
+nodelay (true)::
+ Whether to enable TCP_NODELAY.
+ Claim an intermediate CA in the chain as trusted.
+ Password to the private key file, if password protected.
+ Provide the given PSK identity hint to the client during the handshake.
+ Custom policy to decide whether a session should be reused.
+reuse_sessions (false)::
+ Whether to allow session reuse.
+secure_renegotiate (false)::
+ Whether to reject renegotiation attempts that do not conform to RFC5746.
+ Function called when the client requests a host using Server Name Indication. Returns options to apply.
+ Options to apply for the host that matches what the client requested with Server Name Indication.
+ Function called to determine the shared secret when using PSK, or provide parameters when using SRP.
+verify (verify_none)::
+ Use `verify_peer` to request a certificate from the client.
+ Custom policy to decide whether a client certificate is valid.
+ TLS protocol versions that will be supported.
+Note that the client will not send a certificate unless the
+value for the `verify` option is set to `verify_peer`. This
+means that the `fail_if_no_peer_cert` only apply when combined
+with the `verify` option. The `verify_fun` option allows
+greater control over the client certificate validation.
+The options `sni_fun` and `sni_hosts` are mutually exclusive.
+== Exports
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/ranch_tcp.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/ranch_tcp.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fc268d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/ranch_tcp.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+= ranch_tcp(3)
+== Name
+ranch_tcp - TCP transport module
+== Description
+The `ranch_tcp` module implements a TCP Ranch transport.
+Note that due to bugs in OTP up to at least R16B02, it is
+recommended to disable async threads when using the
+`sendfile` function of this transport, as it can make
+the threads stuck indefinitely.
+== Types
+=== opt()
+opt() = {backlog, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {buffer, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {delay_send, boolean()}
+ | {dontroute, boolean()}
+ | {exit_on_close, boolean()}
+ | {fd, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {high_msgq_watermark, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {high_watermark, non_neg_integer()}
+ | inet
+ | inet6
+ | {ip, inet:ip_address()}
+ | {keepalive, boolean()}
+ | {linger, {boolean(), non_neg_integer()}}
+ | {low_msgq_watermark, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {low_watermark, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {nodelay, boolean()}
+ | {port, inet:port_number()}
+ | {priority, integer()}
+ | {raw, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), binary()}
+ | {recbuf, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {send_timeout, timeout()}
+ | {send_timeout_close, boolean()}
+ | {sndbuf, non_neg_integer()}
+ | {tos, integer()}
+Listen options.
+This does not represent the entirety of the options that can
+be set on the socket, but only the options that may be
+set independently of protocol implementation.
+=== opts() = [opt()]
+List of listen options.
+Option descriptions
+None of the options are required.
+Please consult the `gen_tcp` and `inet` manuals for a more
+thorough description of these options. This manual only aims
+to provide a short description along with what the defaults
+are. Defaults may be different in Ranch compared to `gen_tcp`.
+Defaults are given next to the option name.
+backlog (1024)::
+ Max length of the queue of pending connections.
+ Size of the buffer used by the Erlang driver. Default is system-dependent.
+delay_send (false)::
+ Always queue packets before sending, to send fewer, larger packets over the network.
+dontroute (false)::
+ Don't send via a gateway, only send to directly connected hosts.
+exit_on_close (true)::
+ Disable to allow sending data after a close has been detected.
+ File descriptor of the socket, if it was opened externally.
+high_msgq_watermark (8192)::
+ Limit in the amount of data in the socket message queue before the socket queue becomes busy.
+high_watermark (8192)::
+ Limit in the amount of data in the ERTS socket implementation's queue before the socket becomes busy.
+ Set up the socket for IPv4.
+ Set up the socket for IPv6.
+ Interface to listen on. Listen on all interfaces by default.
+keepalive (false)::
+ Enable sending of keep-alive messages.
+linger ({false, 0})::
+ Whether to wait and how long to flush data sent before closing the socket.
+low_msgq_watermark (4096)::
+ Amount of data in the socket message queue before the socket queue leaves busy state.
+low_watermark (4096)::
+ Amount of data in the ERTS socket implementation's queue before the socket leaves busy state.
+nodelay (true)::
+ Whether to enable TCP_NODELAY.
+port (0)::
+ TCP port number to listen on. 0 means a random port will be used.
+priority (0)::
+ Priority value for all packets to be sent by this socket.
+ Minimum size of the socket's receive buffer. Default is system-dependent.
+send_timeout (30000)::
+ How long the send call may wait for confirmation before returning.
+send_timeout_close (true)::
+ Whether to close the socket when the confirmation wasn't received.
+ Minimum size of the socket's send buffer. Default is system-dependent.
+ Value for the IP_TOS IP level option. Use with caution.
+In addition, the `raw` option can be used to set system-specific
+options by specifying the protocol level, the option number and
+the actual option value specified as a binary. This option is not
+portable. Use with caution.
+== Exports
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/ranch_transport.asciidoc b/doc/src/manual/ranch_transport.asciidoc
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index 0000000..a9322f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/manual/ranch_transport.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+= ranch_transport(3)
+== Name
+ranch_transport - behaviour for transport modules
+== Description
+The `ranch_transport` behaviour defines the interface used
+by Ranch transports.
+== Types
+=== sendfile_opts() = [{chunk_size, non_neg_integer()}]
+Options used by the sendfile function and callbacks.
+Allows configuring the chunk size, in bytes. Defaults to 8191 bytes.
+== Callbacks
+=== accept(LSocket, Timeout) -> {ok, CSocket} | {error, closed | timeout | atom()}
+LSocket = CSocket = any():: Listening socket.
+Timeout = timeout():: Accept timeout.
+Accept a connection on the given listening socket.
+The `accept_ack` callback will be used to initialize the socket
+after accepting the connection. This is most useful when the
+transport is not raw TCP, like with SSL for example.
+=== accept_ack(CSocket, Timeout) -> ok
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+Timeout = timeout():: Ack timeout.
+Perform post-accept initialization of the connection.
+This function will be called by connection processes
+before performing any socket operation. It allows
+transports that require extra initialization to perform
+their task and make the socket ready to use.
+=== close(Socket) -> ok
+Socket = any():: Socket opened with listen/1 or accept/2.
+Close the given socket.
+=== controlling_process(Socket, Pid) -> ok | {error, closed | not_owner | atom()}
+Socket = any():: Socket opened with listen/1 or accept/2.
+Pid = pid():: Pid of the new owner of the socket.
+Change the controlling process for the given socket.
+The controlling process is the process that is allowed to
+perform operations on the socket, and that will receive
+messages from the socket when active mode is used. When
+the controlling process dies, the socket is closed.
+=== listen(TransOpts) -> {ok, LSocket} | {error, atom()}
+TransOpts = any():: Transport options.
+LSocket = any():: Listening socket.
+Listen for connections on the given port.
+The port is given as part of the transport options under
+the key `port`. Any other option is transport dependent.
+The socket returned by this call can then be used to
+accept connections. It is not possible to send or receive
+data from the listening socket.
+=== messages() -> {OK, Closed, Error}
+OK = Closed = Error = atom():: Tuple names.
+Return the atoms used to identify messages sent in active mode.
+=== name() -> Name
+Name = atom():: Transport module name.
+Return the name of the transport.
+=== peername(CSocket) -> {ok, {IP, Port}} | {error, atom()}
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+IP = inet:ip_address():: IP of the remote endpoint.
+Port = inet:port_number():: Port of the remote endpoint.
+Return the IP and port of the remote endpoint.
+=== recv(CSocket, Length, Timeout) -> {ok, Packet} | {error, closed | timeout | atom()}
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+Length = non_neg_integer():: Requested length.
+Timeout = timeout():: Receive timeout.
+Packet = iodata() | any():: Data received.
+Receive data from the given socket when in passive mode.
+Trying to receive data from a socket that is in active mode
+will return an error.
+A length of 0 will return any data available on the socket.
+While it is possible to use the timeout value `infinity`,
+this is highly discouraged as this could cause your process
+to get stuck waiting for data that will never come. This may
+happen when a socket becomes half-open due to a crash of the
+remote endpoint. Wi-Fi going down is another common culprit
+of this issue.
+=== send(CSocket, Packet) -> ok | {error, atom()}
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+Packet = iodata():: Data to be sent.
+Send data to the given socket.
+=== sendfile(CSocket, File) -> sendfile(CSocket, File, 0, 0, [])
+Alias of `ranch_transport:sendfile/5`.
+=== sendfile(CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes) -> sendfile(CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes, [])
+Alias of `ranch_transport:sendfile/5`.
+=== sendfile(CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes, SfOpts) -> {ok, SentBytes} | {error, atom()}
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+File = file:filename_all() | file:fd():: Filename or file descriptor for the file to be sent.
+Offset = non_neg_integer():: Begin sending at this position in the file.
+Bytes = non_neg_integer():: Send this many bytes.
+SentBytes = non_neg_integer():: This many bytes were sent.
+SfOpts = sendfile_opts():: Sendfile options.
+Send data from a file to the given socket.
+The file may be sent full or in parts, and may be specified
+by its filename or by an already open file descriptor.
+Transports that manipulate TCP directly may use the
+`file:sendfile/{2,4,5}` function, which calls the sendfile
+syscall where applicable (on Linux, for example). Other
+transports can use the `sendfile/6` function exported from
+this module.
+=== setopts(CSocket, SockOpts) -> ok | {error, atom()}
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+SockOpts = any():: Socket options.
+Change options for the given socket.
+This is mainly useful for switching to active or passive mode
+or to set protocol-specific options.
+=== shutdown(CSocket, How) -> ok | {error, atom()}
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+How = read | write | read_write:: Which side(s) of the socket to close.
+Immediately close the socket in one or two directions.
+=== sockname(Socket) -> {ok, {IP, Port}} | {error, atom()}
+Socket = any():: Socket opened with listen/1 or accept/2.
+IP = inet:ip_address():: IP of the local endpoint.
+Port = inet:port_number():: Port of the local endpoint.
+Return the IP and port of the local endpoint.
+== Exports
+=== sendfile(Transport, CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes, SfOpts) -> {ok, SentBytes} | {error, atom()}
+Transport = module():: Transport module for this socket.
+CSocket = any():: Socket for this connection.
+File = file:filename_all() | file:fd():: Filename or file descriptor for the file to be sent.
+Offset = non_neg_integer():: Begin sending at this position in the file.
+Bytes = non_neg_integer():: Send this many bytes.
+SentBytes = non_neg_integer():: This many bytes were sent.
+SfOpts = sendfile_opts():: Sendfile options.
+Send data from a file to the given socket.
+This function emulates the function `file:sendfile/{2,4,5}`
+and may be used when transports are not manipulating TCP