path: root/src/ranch.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ranch.erl')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/ranch.erl b/src/ranch.erl
index cab6e8f..9352ccc 100644
--- a/src/ranch.erl
+++ b/src/ranch.erl
@@ -228,9 +228,8 @@ child_spec(Ref, NumAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts0, Protocol, ProtoOpts)
-spec accept_ack(ref()) -> ok.
accept_ack(Ref) ->
- receive {handshake, Ref, Transport, Socket, HandshakeTimeout} ->
- Transport:accept_ack(Socket, HandshakeTimeout)
- end.
+ {ok, _} = handshake(Ref),
+ ok.
-spec handshake(ref()) -> {ok, ranch_transport:socket()}.
handshake(Ref) ->
@@ -238,8 +237,22 @@ handshake(Ref) ->
-spec handshake(ref(), any()) -> {ok, ranch_transport:socket()}.
handshake(Ref, Opts) ->
- receive {handshake, Ref, Transport, Socket, HandshakeTimeout} ->
- Transport:handshake(Socket, Opts, HandshakeTimeout)
+ receive {handshake, Ref, Transport, CSocket, HandshakeTimeout} ->
+ case Transport:handshake(CSocket, Opts, HandshakeTimeout) of
+ OK = {ok, _} ->
+ OK;
+ %% Garbage was most likely sent to the socket, don't error out.
+ {error, {tls_alert, _}} ->
+ ok = Transport:close(CSocket),
+ exit(normal);
+ %% Socket most likely stopped responding, don't error out.
+ {error, Reason} when Reason =:= timeout; Reason =:= closed ->
+ ok = Transport:close(CSocket),
+ exit(normal);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ok = Transport:close(CSocket),
+ error(Reason)
+ end
-spec remove_connection(ref()) -> ok.