path: root/src/ranch.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ranch.erl')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/ranch.erl b/src/ranch.erl
index 6f1b6fe..ea5f59b 100644
--- a/src/ranch.erl
+++ b/src/ranch.erl
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
@@ -67,17 +68,23 @@ start_listener(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts)
true ->
Res = supervisor:start_child(ranch_sup, child_spec(Ref, NbAcceptors,
Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts)),
- case proplists:get_value(socket, TransOpts) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Socket ->
- %% change the controlling process so the caller dying doesn't
- %% close the port
- ListenerPid = ranch_server:lookup_listener(Ref),
+ Socket = proplists:get_value(socket, TransOpts),
+ case Res of
+ {ok, Pid} when Socket =/= undefined ->
+ %% Give ownership of the socket to ranch_acceptors_sup
+ %% to make sure the socket stays open as long as the
+ %% listener is alive. If the socket closes however there
+ %% will be no way to recover because we don't know how
+ %% to open it again.
+ Children = supervisor:which_children(Pid),
+ {_, AcceptorsSup, _, _}
+ = lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, Children),
%%% Note: the catch is here because SSL crashes when you change
%%% the controlling process of a listen socket because of a bug.
%%% The bug will be fixed in R16.
- catch(Transport:controlling_process(Socket, ListenerPid))
+ catch Transport:controlling_process(Socket, AcceptorsSup);
+ _ ->
+ ok
@@ -90,7 +97,8 @@ start_listener(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts)
stop_listener(Ref) ->
case supervisor:terminate_child(ranch_sup, {ranch_listener_sup, Ref}) of
ok ->
- supervisor:delete_child(ranch_sup, {ranch_listener_sup, Ref});
+ _ = supervisor:delete_child(ranch_sup, {ranch_listener_sup, Ref}),
+ ranch_server:cleanup_listener_opts(Ref);
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
@@ -115,36 +123,40 @@ child_spec(Ref, NbAcceptors, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts)
%% Effectively used to make sure the socket control has been given to
%% the protocol process before starting to use it.
--spec accept_ack(pid()) -> ok.
-accept_ack(ListenerPid) ->
- receive {shoot, ListenerPid} -> ok end.
+-spec accept_ack(any()) -> ok.
+accept_ack(Ref) ->
+ receive {shoot, Ref} -> ok end.
+%% @doc Remove the calling process' connection from the pool.
+%% Useful if you have long-lived connections that aren't taking up
+%% resources and shouldn't be counted in the limited number of running
+%% connections.
+-spec remove_connection(any()) -> ok.
+remove_connection(Ref) ->
+ ConnsSup = ranch_server:get_connections_sup(Ref),
+ ConnsSup ! {remove_connection, Ref},
+ ok.
%% @doc Return the listener's port.
-spec get_port(any()) -> inet:port_number().
get_port(Ref) ->
- ListenerPid = ranch_server:lookup_listener(Ref),
- {ok, Port} = ranch_listener:get_port(ListenerPid),
- Port.
+ ranch_server:get_port(Ref).
%% @doc Return the max number of connections allowed concurrently.
-spec get_max_connections(any()) -> max_conns().
get_max_connections(Ref) ->
- ListenerPid = ranch_server:lookup_listener(Ref),
- {ok, MaxConnections} = ranch_listener:get_max_connections(ListenerPid),
- MaxConnections.
+ ranch_server:get_max_connections(Ref).
%% @doc Set the max number of connections allowed concurrently.
-spec set_max_connections(any(), max_conns()) -> ok.
set_max_connections(Ref, MaxConnections) ->
- ListenerPid = ranch_server:lookup_listener(Ref),
- ok = ranch_listener:set_max_connections(ListenerPid, MaxConnections).
+ ranch_server:set_max_connections(Ref, MaxConnections).
%% @doc Return the current protocol options for the given listener.
-spec get_protocol_options(any()) -> any().
get_protocol_options(Ref) ->
- ListenerPid = ranch_server:lookup_listener(Ref),
- {ok, ProtoOpts} = ranch_listener:get_protocol_options(ListenerPid),
- ProtoOpts.
+ ranch_server:get_protocol_options(Ref).
%% @doc Upgrade the protocol options for the given listener.
@@ -152,9 +164,8 @@ get_protocol_options(Ref) ->
%% newly accepted connections receive the new protocol options. This has
%% no effect on the currently opened connections.
-spec set_protocol_options(any(), any()) -> ok.
-set_protocol_options(Ref, ProtoOpts) ->
- ListenerPid = ranch_server:lookup_listener(Ref),
- ok = ranch_listener:set_protocol_options(ListenerPid, ProtoOpts).
+set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts) ->
+ ranch_server:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts).
%% @doc Filter a list of options and remove all unwanted values.