path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-07-24Work around broken elliptic-curve cipher suitesKlaus Trainer
2013-06-27Remove unknown keys from .app.src fileLoïc Hoguin
2013-06-20Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-06-20Add asn1 to the list of applications that need to be started for SSLLoïc Hoguin
2013-06-19Catch exceptions in ranch_conns_sup:active_connections/1Loïc Hoguin
2013-06-19Fix which_children call which returned incorrect valuesLoïc Hoguin
2013-06-07Add support for additional ssl options.Ransom Richardson
2013-05-16Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-05-16Add ranch_ssl:opts() typeLoïc Hoguin
2013-05-16Add ranch_tcp:opts() typeLoïc Hoguin
2013-05-16Fix typespecs for ranch:filter_options/3Loïc Hoguin
2013-05-16Add ranch:ref() typeLoïc Hoguin
2013-05-01Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-04-30Merge branch 'ssl_listen_nofile' of git://github.com/archaelus/ranchLoïc Hoguin
2013-04-29Allow connection processes to be supervisorsLoïc Hoguin
2013-04-28Allow ranch_ssl to use DER cert/key/ca options.Geoff Cant
2013-04-12Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-04-08Never tries to ssl_accept with an infinity timeoutLoïc Hoguin
2013-04-08Wait in the acceptor if we get emfile errorsLoïc Hoguin
2013-04-02Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-04-02Fix ranch_server:set_connections_sup/2 race conditionsJames Fish
2013-04-02Merge branch 'server-state-recover' of git://github.com/fishcakez/ranchLoïc Hoguin
2013-04-02Add ranch_server state recoveryJames Fish
2013-04-02Merge branch 'fix/sendfile-badmatch' of git://github.com/soundrop/ranchLoïc Hoguin
2013-04-01Remove ranch_listener and replace ListenerPid by RefLoïc Hoguin
2013-03-31Use a custom supervisor for ranch_conns_supLoïc Hoguin
2013-03-28Catch badmatch errors when using file:sendfileAli Sabil
2013-03-06Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-03-06Add next_protocols_advertised option to ranch_sslLoïc Hoguin
2013-02-18Support for fail_if_no_peer_cert SSL server option.0x00F6
2013-01-17Update Ranch toïc Hoguin
2013-01-15Merge branch 'optimise-conn-count' of https://github.com/ferd/ranchLoïc Hoguin
2013-01-15Ignore tracking of requests when MaxConn = infinityFred Hebert
2013-01-15Allow raw socket options for TCP and SSLFred Hebert
2012-12-24Update version toïc Hoguin
2012-12-24Improve max_connections typeLoïc Hoguin
2012-12-24Add ranch:set_max_connections/2 and get_max_connections/1Loïc Hoguin
2012-12-21Ensure transport module is loaded before checking exportsAndrew Majorov
2012-12-21Fix for cases when listener dies before acceptorsAndrew Majorov
2012-12-21Make listener supervisor failures less painfulAndrew Majorov
2012-12-20Add {socket, Socket} transport option, for accepting on existing socketsAndrew Thompson
2012-12-20Return {error, badarg} if start_listener got a bad transport moduleLoïc Hoguin
2012-12-01Add Transport:sendfile/2 supportLoïc Hoguin
2012-12-01Fix typespecs for Transport:send/2Loïc Hoguin
2012-11-12Add two values to Ranch application for private useLoïc Hoguin
2012-11-12Allow IP tuples and more when connecting transportsLoïc Hoguin
2012-10-24Allow passing the 'verify' option in ranch_sslLoïc Hoguin
2012-09-26Add the {nodelay, boolean()} option controlling TCP_NODELAYLoïc Hoguin
2012-08-22Update version toïc Hoguin
2012-08-20Add the 'ranch_protocol' behaviourLoïc Hoguin