%% -*- mode: Erlang; fill-column: 80; comment-column: 75; -*-
%% Example Relx Config
%% ======================
%% This is an example relx config whose purpose is to demonstrate all of the
%% options available in relx. Its not expected that you will use all of the
%% things here. In fact, there is a high likely hood that *your* relx.config
%% will be extremely minimal, as relx does a very good job of figuring out
%% things on its own.
%% The Release We Are Building
%% ---------------------------
%% Lets say we have a release called sexpr. The sexpr release supports versions
%% 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 with different dependencies. 0.0.1 requires erlware commons
%% 0.8.0 or lesser. 0.0.2 requires erlware_commons 0.8.1 or greater along with
%% neotoma (any version). We also do not want neotoma to be loaded. We also want
%% our default release. the one we build in the common case to be sexper 0.0.2.
%% You can tell relx about additional directories that you want searched for
%% otp apps during the discovery process. You do that in the 'paths' config. You
%% can also specify these paths on the command line with `-p`. Be aware that
%% relx plays well with rebar so if you have a deps directory in the current
%% directory it will be automatically added.
{paths, ["/opt/erlang_apps"]}.
%% If needed you can use a specific vm.args file instead of the
%% one automatically generated by relx.
{vm_args, "./config/vm.args"}.
%% If you have a sys.config file you need to tell relx where it is. If you do
%% that relx will include the sys.config in the appropriate place
%% automatically.
{sys_config, "./config/sys.config"}.
%% relcool will include erts by default. However, if you don't want to include
%% erts you can add the `include_erts` tuple to the config and tell relx not
%% to include it.
{include_erts, false}.
%% The default start script relcool creates is basic. For a more complete start
%% script add the extended_start_script option.
{extended_start_script, true}.
%% When we have multiple releases relx needs to know which one to build. You
%% can specify that on the command line with the `-n` and `-v` arguments to
%% relx. However, it is often more convenient to do it in the config.
{default_release, sexpr, "0.0.2"}.
{release, {sexpr, "0.0.1"},
%% There are two syntaxes for constraints.
%% The first is the tuple syntax shown here.
{erlware_commons, "0.8.0", '<='}]}.
{release, {sexpr, "0.0.2"},
%% This is the second constraint syntax, it is interchangeable with the tuple
%% syntax and its up to you which you find more readable/usable.
%% You can put the release load types in the release spec here in exactly the
%% same way that you can do it for a normal relfile. The syntax is
%% {<constraint>, <type>}.
{neotoma, load}]}.
%% During development its often the case that you want to substitute the app
%% that you are working on for a 'production' version of an app. You can
%% explicitly tell relx to override all versions of an app that you specify
%% with an app in an arbitrary directory. relx will then symlink that app
%% into the release in place of the specified app. be aware though that relx
%% will check your app for consistancy so it should be a normal OTP app and
%% already be built.
{overrides, [{sexpr, "../sexpr"}]}.
%% In some cases you might want to add additional functionality to relx. You
%% can do this via a 'provider'. A provider is an implementation of the relx
%% provider behaviour. This probably shouldn't be needed very often.
{add_providers, [my_custom_functionality]}.