%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*-
%%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
%%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%%% a copy of the License at
%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%%% under the License.
%%% @author Eric Merritt <[email protected]>
%%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC.
%%% @doc
%% types
-type error() :: {error, {Module::module(), Reason::term()}}.
-type goal() :: string() | binary() | rcl_depsolver:constraint().
%% API
-spec main([string()]) -> ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
main(Args) ->
OptSpecList = opt_spec_list(),
case rcl_cmd_args:args2state(getopt:parse(OptSpecList, Args)) of
{ok, State} ->
run_relcool_process(rcl_state:caller(State, command_line));
Error={error, _} ->
report_error(rcl_state:caller(rcl_state:new([], undefined),
command_line), Error)
%% @doc provides an API to run the Relcool process from erlang applications
%% @param RelName - The release name to build (maybe `undefined`)
%% @param RelVsn - The release version to build (maybe `undefined`)
%% @param Goals - The release goals for the system in depsolver or Relcool goal
%% format
%% @param LibDirs - The library dirs that should be used for the system
%% @param OutputDir - The directory where the release should be built to
%% @param Configs - The list of config files for the system
-spec do(atom(), string(), [goal()], [file:name()], rcl_log:log_level(),
[file:name()], file:name()) ->
ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
do(RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, Config) ->
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
do(Cwd, RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, [], Config).
%% @doc provides an API to run the Relcool process from erlang applications
%% @param RootDir - The root directory for the project
%% @param RelName - The release name to build (maybe `undefined`)
%% @param RelVsn - The release version to build (maybe `undefined`)
%% @param Goals - The release goals for the system in depsolver or Relcool goal
%% format
%% @param LibDirs - The library dirs that should be used for the system
%% @param OutputDir - The directory where the release should be built to
%% @param Configs - The list of config files for the system
-spec do(file:name(), atom(), string(), [goal()], [file:name()],
rcl_log:log_level(), [file:name()], file:name()) ->
ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
do(RootDir, RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, Configs) ->
do(RootDir, RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, [], Configs).
%% @doc provides an API to run the Relcool process from erlang applications
%% @param RootDir - The root directory for the system
%% @param RelName - The release name to build (maybe `undefined`)
%% @param RelVsn - The release version to build (maybe `undefined`)
%% @param Goals - The release goals for the system in depsolver or Relcool goal
%% format
%% @param LibDirs - The library dirs that should be used for the system
%% @param OutputDir - The directory where the release should be built to
%% @param Overrides - A list of overrides for the system
%% @param Configs - The list of config files for the system
-spec do(file:name(), atom(), string(), [goal()], [file:name()],
rcl_log:log_level(), [file:name()], [{atom(), file:name()}], file:name()) ->
ok | error() | {ok, rcl_state:t()}.
do(RootDir, RelName, RelVsn, Goals, LibDirs, LogLevel, OutputDir, Overrides, Config) ->
State = rcl_state:new([{relname, RelName},
{relvsn, RelVsn},
{goals, Goals},
{overrides, Overrides},
{output_dir, OutputDir},
{lib_dirs, LibDirs},
{root_dir, RootDir},
{log, rcl_log:new(LogLevel)},
{config, Config}],
run_relcool_process(rcl_state:caller(State, api)).
-spec opt_spec_list() -> [getopt:option_spec()].
opt_spec_list() ->
[{relname, $n, "relname", string,
"Specify the name for the release that will be generated"},
{relvsn, $v, "relvsn", string, "Specify the version for the release"},
{goals, $g, "goal", string,
"Specify a target constraint on the system. These are usually the OTP"},
{output_dir, $o, "output-dir", string,
"The output directory for the release. This is `./` by default."},
{lib_dir, $l, "lib-dir", string,
"Additional dirs that should be searched for OTP Apps"},
{disable_default_libs, undefined, "disable-default-libs",
{boolean, false},
"Disable the default system added lib dirs (means you must add them all manually"},
{log_level, $V, "verbose", {integer, 1},
"Verbosity level, maybe between 0 and 2"},
{config, $c, "config", string, "The path to a config file"},
{root_dir, $r, "root", string, "The project root directory"}].
-spec format_error(Reason::term()) -> iolist().
format_error({invalid_return_value, Provider, Value}) ->
[rcl_provider:format(Provider), " returned an invalid value ",
io_lib:format("~p", [Value])];
format_error({error, {Module, Reason}}) ->
io_lib:format("~s~n", [Module:format_error(Reason)]).
%% internal api
run_relcool_process(State) ->
rcl_log:info(rcl_state:log(State), "Starting relcool build process ..."),
fun() ->
%% @doc for now the 'config' provider is special in that it generates the
%% providers used by the rest of the system. We expect the config provider to be
%% the first provider in the system. Once the config provider is run, we get the
%% providers again and run the rest of them (because they could have been
%% updated by the config process).
run_providers(State0) ->
[ConfigProvider | _] = rcl_state:providers(State0),
case run_provider(ConfigProvider, {ok, State0}) of
Err = {error, _} ->
{ok, State1} ->
RootDir = rcl_state:root_dir(State1),
ok = file:set_cwd(RootDir),
Providers = rcl_state:providers(State1),
Result = run_providers(ConfigProvider, Providers, State1),
handle_output(State1, rcl_state:caller(State1), Result)
handle_output(State, command_line, E={error, _}) ->
report_error(State, E),
handle_output(_State, command_line, _) ->
handle_output(_State, api, Result) ->
run_providers(ConfigProvider, Providers, State0) ->
case Providers of
[ConfigProvider | Rest] ->
%% IF the config provider is still the first provider do not run it
%% again just run the rest.
lists:foldl(fun run_provider/2, {ok, State0}, Rest);
_ ->
lists:foldl(fun run_provider/2, {ok, State0}, Providers)
-spec run_provider(rcl_provider:t(), {ok, rcl_state:t()} | error()) ->
{ok, rcl_state:t()} | error().
run_provider(_Provider, Error = {error, _}) ->
run_provider(Provider, {ok, State0}) ->
rcl_log:debug(rcl_state:log(State0), "Running provider ~p~n",
case rcl_provider:do(Provider, State0) of
{ok, State1} ->
{ok, State1};
E={error, _} ->
-spec usage() -> ok.
usage() ->
getopt:usage(opt_spec_list(), "relcool", "[*release-specification-file*]").
-spec report_error(rcl_state:t(), error()) -> none() | error().
report_error(State, Error) ->
case rcl_state:caller(State) of
command_line ->
api ->