diff options
authorAnthony Molinaro <[email protected]>2017-05-08 19:04:36 +0000
committerAnthony Molinaro <[email protected]>2017-05-08 19:04:36 +0000
commit4f8f6125b3769e1eb107b4f02c2f039965688b08 (patch)
parentc1e37960af7dc23513f7c6dbc8d711dc30050e84 (diff)
Add the ability to chmod files in the overlay.
Two types are supported, direct chmoding, like {chmod, 8#00700, "path/to/file/maybe/with/{{templates}}" } or templating the permission where you have a template var like {file_perm, 8#00700} and an overlay {chmod, "{{file_perm}}","path/to/file/maybe/with/{{templates}}" }
2 files changed, 53 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_prv_overlay.erl b/src/rlx_prv_overlay.erl
index a4c0fa4..dc57326 100644
--- a/src/rlx_prv_overlay.erl
+++ b/src/rlx_prv_overlay.erl
@@ -308,6 +308,28 @@ handle_errors(State, Result) ->
-spec do_individual_overlay(rlx_state:t(), list(), proplists:proplist(),
OverlayDirective::term()) ->
{ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error().
+do_individual_overlay(State, _Files, OverlayVars, {chmod, Mode, Path}) ->
+ % mode can be specified directly as an integer value, or if it is
+ % not an integer we assume it's a template, which we render and convert
+ % blindly to an integer. So this will crash with an exception if for
+ % some reason something other than an integer is used
+ NewMode =
+ case is_integer(Mode) of
+ true -> Mode;
+ false -> erlang:list_to_integer(erlang:binary_to_list(render_string (OverlayVars, Mode)))
+ end,
+ Root = rlx_state:output_dir(State),
+ file_render_do(OverlayVars, Path,
+ fun(NewPath) ->
+ Absolute = absolutize(State,
+ filename:join(Root,erlang:iolist_to_binary (NewPath))),
+ case file:change_mode(Absolute, NewMode) of
+ {error, Error} ->
+ ?RLX_ERROR({unable_to_chmod, NewMode, NewPath, Error});
+ ok -> ok
+ end
+ end);
do_individual_overlay(State, _Files, OverlayVars, {mkdir, Dir}) ->
case rlx_util:render(erlang:iolist_to_binary(Dir), OverlayVars) of
{ok, IoList} ->
diff --git a/test/rlx_archive_SUITE.erl b/test/rlx_archive_SUITE.erl
index 08da2b8..5122c11 100644
--- a/test/rlx_archive_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rlx_archive_SUITE.erl
@@ -249,6 +249,8 @@ overlay_archive(Config) ->
TestDirFull = filename:join([LibDir1, TestDir]),
TestFileFull = filename:join(TestDirFull, TestFile),
SecondTestDir = "second_test_dir",
+ TestScript = "test_script",
+ TestScript2 = "test_script2",
[{overlay_vars, [OverlayVars1, OverlayVars2]},
{overlay, [{mkdir, "{{target_dir}}/fooo"},
@@ -260,9 +262,17 @@ overlay_archive(Config) ->
{copy, TestDirFull,
+ {copy, TestScript,
+ "{{target_dir}}/"++SecondTestDir++"/"++TestScript},
+ {chmod, 8#00700,
+ "{{target_dir}}/"++SecondTestDir++"/"++TestScript},
+ {copy, TestScript2,
+ "{{target_dir}}/"++SecondTestDir++"/"++TestScript2},
+ {chmod, "{{test_script_perm}}",
+ "{{target_dir}}/"++SecondTestDir++"/"++TestScript2},
{template, Template,
- {template, Template,
+ {template, Template,
{release, {foo, "0.0.1"},
@@ -272,7 +282,8 @@ overlay_archive(Config) ->
rlx_test_utils:write_config(VarsFile1, [{yahoo, "yahoo"},
{yahoo2, [{foo, "bar"}]},
{foo_yahoo, "foo_{{yahoo}}"},
- {foo_dir, "foodir"}]),
+ {foo_dir, "foodir"},
+ {test_script_perm,8#00770}]),
VarsFile2 = filename:join([LibDir1, "vars2.config"]),
rlx_test_utils:write_config(VarsFile2, [{google, "yahoo"},
@@ -283,6 +294,11 @@ overlay_archive(Config) ->
rlx_test_utils:write_config(VarsFile3, [{google, "yahoo"},
{yahoo4, "{{yahoo}}/{{yahoo2}}4"}]),
+ TestScriptFile = filename:join([LibDir1,TestScript]),
+ ok = file:write_file(TestScriptFile, <<"#!/bin/sh\necho \"hello world\"">>),
+ TestScriptFile2 = filename:join([LibDir1,TestScript2]),
+ ok = file:write_file(TestScriptFile2, <<"#!/bin/sh\necho \"hello world 2\"">>),
ok = rlx_util:mkdir_p(TestDirFull),
ok = file:write_file(TestFileFull, rlx_test_utils:test_template_contents()),
@@ -312,6 +328,19 @@ overlay_archive(Config) ->
?assert(lists:member({goal_app_2, "0.0.1"}, AppSpecs)),
?assert(lists:member({lib_dep_1, "0.0.1", load}, AppSpecs)),
+ % check that the chmod of our file worked
+ ChmodedFile = filename:join([OutputDir,"foo",SecondTestDir,TestScript]),
+ {ok, ChmodedInfo} = file:read_file_info (ChmodedFile),
+ % mode from file_info is a bitmask which might have other bits set, but
+ % if we mask those we care about and check we should get true, see details
+ % here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13183838/how-to-use-erlang-fileread-file-info-permissions-mode-info
+ ?assert(ChmodedInfo#file_info.mode band 8#00700 =:= 8#00700),
+ % check that the templated chmod of our file worked
+ ChmodedFile2 = filename:join([OutputDir,"foo",SecondTestDir,TestScript2]),
+ {ok, ChmodedInfo2} = file:read_file_info (ChmodedFile2),
+ ?assert(ChmodedInfo2#file_info.mode band 8#00770 =:= 8#00770),
TarFile = filename:join([OutputDir, "foo", "foo-0.0.1.tar.gz"]),
{ok, Files} = erl_tar:table(TarFile, [compressed]),
?assert(lists:any(fun(X) -> re:run(X, "lib/stdlib-.*/src/.*") =/= nomatch end, Files)),