diff options
authorLuis Rascão <[email protected]>2017-10-17 21:50:48 +0100
committerGitHub <[email protected]>2017-10-17 21:50:48 +0100
commit2aba0053cb0241c04fad73e42fb903b95a0581ec (patch)
parent1f857cb42df8211178066aa3047a9087757732de (diff)
parent42d06d64a55c6385c45dde7dc7c1ce959862df46 (diff)
Merge pull request #610 from juhlig/patch-1
vm.args check for name/sname parameter
2 files changed, 207 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/priv/templates/extended_bin b/priv/templates/extended_bin
index cce1c25..0abf38b 100755
--- a/priv/templates/extended_bin
+++ b/priv/templates/extended_bin
@@ -294,16 +294,77 @@ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$ERTS_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
ERTS_LIB_DIR="$(dirname "$ERTS_DIR")/lib"
VMARGS_PATH=$(add_path vm.args $VMARGS_PATH)
-# Extract the target node name from node.args
-NAME_ARG=$(egrep '^-s?name' "$VMARGS_PATH" || true)
+# Check vm.args and other files referenced via -args_file parameters for:
+# - nonexisting -args_files
+# - circular dependencies of -args_files
+# - relative paths in -args_file parameters
+# - multiple/mixed occurences of -name and -sname parameters
+# - missing -name or -sname parameters
+# If all checks pass, extract the target node name
+set +e
+TMP_NAME_ARG=$(awk 'function check_name(file)
+ if (system("test -f "file)) {
+ print file" not found"
+ exit 3
+ }
+ if (system("test -r "file)) {
+ print file" not readable"
+ exit 3
+ }
+ while ((getline line<file)>0) {
+ if (line~/^-args_file +/) {
+ gsub(/^-args_file +| *$/, "", line)
+ if (!(line~/^\//)) {
+ print "relative path "line" encountered in "file
+ exit 4
+ }
+ if (line in files) {
+ print "circular reference to "line" encountered in "file
+ exit 5
+ }
+ files[line]=line
+ check_name(line)
+ }
+ else if (line~/^-s?name +/) {
+ if (name!="") {
+ print "\""line"\" parameter found in "file" but already specified as \""name"\""
+ exit 2
+ }
+ name=line
+ }
+ }
+ split("", files)
+ name=""
+ check_name(FILENAME)
+ if (name=="") {
+ print "need to have exactly one of either -name or -sname parameters but none found"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ print name
+ exit 0
+case $TMP_NAME_ARG_RC in
+ *) echo "$TMP_NAME_ARG"
+ exit $TMP_NAME_ARG_RC;;
+set -e
# Perform replacement of variables in ${NAME_ARG}
NAME_ARG=$(eval echo "${NAME_ARG}")
-if [ -z "$NAME_ARG" ]; then
- echo "vm.args needs to have either -name or -sname parameter."
- exit 1
# Extract the name type and name from the NAME_ARG for REMSH
NAME_TYPE="$(echo "$NAME_ARG" | awk '{print $1}')"
NAME="$(echo "$NAME_ARG" | awk '{print $2}')"
diff --git a/test/rlx_extended_bin_SUITE.erl b/test/rlx_extended_bin_SUITE.erl
index a9a7df7..c2e6bc2 100644
--- a/test/rlx_extended_bin_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/rlx_extended_bin_SUITE.erl
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@
+ start_sname_in_other_argsfile/1,
+ start_fail_when_no_name/1,
+ start_fail_when_multiple_names/1,
+ start_fail_when_missing_argsfile/1,
+ start_fail_when_nonreadable_argsfile/1,
+ start_fail_when_relative_argsfile/1,
+ start_fail_when_circular_argsfiles/1,
@@ -67,7 +74,10 @@ init_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
{state, State1} | Config].
all() ->
- [ping, shortname_ping, longname_ping, attach, pid, restart, reboot, escript,
+ [start_sname_in_other_argsfile, start_fail_when_no_name, start_fail_when_multiple_names,
+ start_fail_when_missing_argsfile, start_fail_when_nonreadable_argsfile,
+ start_fail_when_relative_argsfile, start_fail_when_circular_argsfiles,
+ ping, shortname_ping, longname_ping, attach, pid, restart, reboot, escript,
remote_console, replace_os_vars, replace_os_vars_multi_node, replace_os_vars_included_config,
replace_os_vars_custom_location, replace_os_vars_dev_mode, replace_os_vars_twice, custom_start_script_hooks,
builtin_wait_for_vm_start_script_hook, builtin_pid_start_script_hook,
@@ -1387,6 +1397,134 @@ custom_status_script(Config) ->
{ok, [Status]} = file:consult(filename:join([OutputDir, "status.txt"])),
{ok, {status, foo, _, foo} = Status}.
+start_sname_in_other_argsfile(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ rlx_test_utils:create_app(LibDir1, "goal_app", "0.0.1", [stdlib,kernel], []),
+ ConfigFile = filename:join([LibDir1, "relx.config"]),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ VmArgs2 = VmArgs ++ ".2",
+ rlx_test_utils:write_config(ConfigFile,
+ [{release, {foo, "0.0.1"},
+ [goal_app]},
+ {lib_dirs, [filename:join(LibDir1, "*")]},
+ {vm_args, VmArgs},
+ {generate_start_script, true},
+ {extended_start_script, true}
+ ]),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-args_file " ++ VmArgs2 ++ "\n\n"
+ "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs2, "-sname foo\n"),
+ OutputDir = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
+ rlx_test_utils:create_random_name("relx-output")]),
+ {ok, _State} = relx:do([{relname, foo},
+ {relvsn, "0.0.1"},
+ {goals, []},
+ {lib_dirs, [LibDir1]},
+ {log_level, 3},
+ {output_dir, OutputDir},
+ {config, ConfigFile}], ["release"]),
+ %% now start/stop the release to make sure the extended script is working
+ {ok, _} = sh(filename:join([OutputDir, "foo", "bin", "foo start"])),
+ timer:sleep(2000),
+ {ok, "pong"} = sh(filename:join([OutputDir, "foo", "bin", "foo ping"])),
+ {ok, _} = sh(filename:join([OutputDir, "foo", "bin", "foo stop"])),
+ %% a ping should fail after stopping a node
+ {error, 1, _} = sh(filename:join([OutputDir, "foo", "bin", "foo ping"])).
+start_fail_when_no_name(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, 1).
+start_fail_when_multiple_names(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-name foo\n\n"
+ "-name bar\n\n"
+ "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, 2).
+start_fail_when_missing_argsfile(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-name foo\n\n"
+ "-args_file " ++ VmArgs ++ ".nonexistent\n\n"
+ "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, 3).
+start_fail_when_nonreadable_argsfile(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ VmArgs2 = VmArgs ++ ".nonreadable",
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-name foo\n\n"
+ "-args_file " ++ VmArgs2 ++ "\n\n"
+ "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs2, ""),
+ file:change_mode(VmArgs2, 8#00333),
+ start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, 3).
+start_fail_when_relative_argsfile(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-name foo\n\n"
+ "-args_file vm.args.relative\n\n"
+ "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, 4).
+start_fail_when_circular_argsfiles(Config) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ VmArgs = filename:join([LibDir1, "vm.args"]),
+ VmArgs2 = VmArgs ++ ".2",
+ VmArgs3 = VmArgs ++ ".3",
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs, "-name foo\n\n"
+ "-args_file " ++ VmArgs2 ++ "\n\n"
+ "-setcookie cookie\n"),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs2, "-args_file " ++ VmArgs3 ++ "\n"),
+ ec_file:write(VmArgs3, "-args_file " ++ VmArgs2 ++ "\n"),
+ start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, 5).
+%% Helper Function for start_fail_when_* tests
+start_fail_with_vmargs(Config, VmArgs, ExpectedCode) ->
+ LibDir1 = proplists:get_value(lib1, Config),
+ rlx_test_utils:create_app(LibDir1, "goal_app", "0.0.1", [stdlib,kernel], []),
+ ConfigFile = filename:join([LibDir1, "relx.config"]),
+ rlx_test_utils:write_config(ConfigFile,
+ [{release, {foo, "0.0.1"},
+ [goal_app]},
+ {lib_dirs, [filename:join(LibDir1, "*")]},
+ {vm_args, VmArgs},
+ {generate_start_script, true},
+ {extended_start_script, true}
+ ]),
+ OutputDir = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
+ rlx_test_utils:create_random_name("relx-output")]),
+ {ok, _State} = relx:do([{relname, foo},
+ {relvsn, "0.0.1"},
+ {goals, []},
+ {lib_dirs, [LibDir1]},
+ {log_level, 3},
+ {output_dir, OutputDir},
+ {config, ConfigFile}], ["release"]),
+ %% now start/stop the release to make sure the extended script is working
+ {error, ExpectedCode, _} = sh(filename:join([OutputDir, "foo", "bin", "foo start"])).
%%% Helper Functions