path: root/src/rcl_app_info.erl
diff options
authorEric <[email protected]>2012-09-12 16:27:41 -0500
committerEric <[email protected]>2012-09-12 16:27:41 -0500
commit2311bc5cbe06dcf2cb03d9b0a93392e1d9095bbb (patch)
tree6356c02752681f522fae2d843d0a97151e6af7bf /src/rcl_app_info.erl
parent152a385e6cc6de064e2a0f1b1ef3061826598180 (diff)
support OTP App discovery in the system
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rcl_app_info.erl')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rcl_app_info.erl b/src/rcl_app_info.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf3302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rcl_app_info.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+%% -*- mode: Erlang; fill-column: 80; comment-column: 75; -*-
+%%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
+%%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+%%% a copy of the License at
+%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%%% under the License.
+%%% @author Eric Merritt <[email protected]>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC.
+%%% @doc This module represents useful, relevant information about an
+%%% application. The relevant information is.
+%%% <ul>
+%%% <li> Name - The application name as an atom </li>
+%%% <li> Vsn - The application version as a list </li>
+%%% <li> The root directory of the application. The directory that contains the
+%%% ebin/src/priv etc </li>
+%%% <li> Active Deps - The Active or 'application' dependencies of the OTP
+%%% App. That is the things in the 'applications' property of the application
+%%% metadata </li>
+%%% <li> Library Deps - The Inactive or Library dependencies of the ATP
+%%% app. That is the things in the 'included_applications property of the
+%%% application metadata.
+%%% </ul>
+ new/5,
+ name/1,
+ name/2,
+ vsn/1,
+ vsn/2,
+ dir/1,
+ dir/2,
+ active_deps/1,
+ active_deps/2,
+ library_deps/1,
+ library_deps/2]).
+-record(app_info_t, {name :: atom(),
+ vsn :: string(),
+ dir :: file:name(),
+ active_deps :: [atom()],
+ library_deps :: [atom()]}).
+%% types
+-opaque t() :: record(app_info_t).
+%% API
+%% ============================================================================
+%% @doc Build a new, empty, app info value. This is not of a lot of use and you
+%% probably wont be doing this much.
+-spec new() -> t().
+new() ->
+ #app_info_t{}.
+%% @doc build a complete version of the app info with all fields set.
+-spec new(atom(), string(), file:name(), [atom()], [atom()]) -> t().
+new(AppName, Vsn, Dir, ActiveDeps, LibraryDeps)
+ when erlang:is_atom(AppName),
+ erlang:is_list(Vsn),
+ erlang:is_list(Dir),
+ erlang:is_list(ActiveDeps),
+ erlang:is_list(LibraryDeps) ->
+ #app_info_t{name=AppName, vsn=Vsn, dir=Dir,
+ active_deps=ActiveDeps,
+ library_deps=LibraryDeps}.
+-spec name(t()) -> atom().
+name(#app_info_t{name=Name}) ->
+ Name.
+-spec name(t(), atom()) -> t().
+name(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, AppName)
+ when erlang:is_atom(AppName) ->
+ AppInfo#app_info_t{name=AppName}.
+-spec vsn(t()) -> string().
+vsn(#app_info_t{vsn=Vsn}) ->
+ Vsn.
+-spec vsn(t(), string()) -> t().
+vsn(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, AppVsn)
+ when erlang:is_list(AppVsn) ->
+ AppInfo#app_info_t{vsn=AppVsn}.
+-spec dir(t()) -> file:name().
+dir(#app_info_t{dir=Dir}) ->
+ Dir.
+-spec dir(t(), file:name()) -> t().
+dir(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, Dir) ->
+ AppInfo#app_info_t{dir=Dir}.
+-spec active_deps(t()) -> [atom()].
+active_deps(#app_info_t{active_deps=Deps}) ->
+ Deps.
+-spec active_deps(t(), [atom()]) -> t().
+active_deps(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, ActiveDeps)
+ when erlang:is_list(ActiveDeps) ->
+ AppInfo#app_info_t{active_deps=ActiveDeps}.
+-spec library_deps(t()) -> [atom()].
+library_deps(#app_info_t{library_deps=Deps}) ->
+ Deps.
+-spec library_deps(t(), [atom()]) -> t().
+library_deps(AppInfo=#app_info_t{}, LibraryDeps)
+ when erlang:is_list(LibraryDeps) ->
+ AppInfo#app_info_t{library_deps=LibraryDeps}.
+%%% Test Functions