path: root/src/rcl_state.erl
diff options
authorEric <[email protected]>2013-05-09 17:04:18 -0700
committerEric <[email protected]>2013-05-09 17:04:18 -0700
commitefbdfbe117939cd50d0252a210b9b7634de42bb4 (patch)
tree74b0bad39d3a5b25bd4199728c16c0b1a4ade703 /src/rcl_state.erl
parent0d5a803a28010cc956948b614408b9d38997e9a1 (diff)
Basic file rename from rcl to rlx
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rcl_state.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/src/rcl_state.erl b/src/rcl_state.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index ca6ec8c..0000000
--- a/src/rcl_state.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*-
-%%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-%%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
-%%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-%%% a copy of the License at
-%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-%%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-%%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-%%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
-%%% under the License.
-%%% @author Eric Merritt <[email protected]>
-%%% @copyright (C) 2012 Erlware, LLC.
-%%% @doc Provides state management services for the relcool tool. Generally,
-%%% those things that are fixed have a direct api. Those things that are mutable
-%%% have a more mutable api.
- log/1,
- action/1,
- output_dir/1,
- lib_dirs/1,
- overrides/1,
- overrides/2,
- skip_apps/1,
- skip_apps/2,
- goals/1,
- config_file/1,
- config_file/2,
- providers/1,
- providers/2,
- sys_config/1,
- sys_config/2,
- root_dir/1,
- root_dir/2,
- add_configured_release/2,
- get_configured_release/3,
- configured_releases/1,
- realized_releases/1,
- realized_releases/2,
- add_realized_release/2,
- get_realized_release/3,
- update_realized_release/2,
- default_configured_release/1,
- default_configured_release/3,
- available_apps/1,
- available_apps/2,
- get/2,
- get/3,
- put/3,
- caller/1,
- caller/2,
- upfrom/1,
- format/1,
- format/2]).
- releases/0,
- cmd_args/0]).
--record(state_t, {log :: rcl_log:t(),
- root_dir :: file:name(),
- caller :: caller(),
- action :: atom(),
- output_dir :: file:name(),
- lib_dirs=[] :: [file:name()],
- config_file=[] :: file:filename() | undefined,
- goals=[] :: [rcl_depsolver:constraint()],
- providers = [] :: [rcl_provider:t()],
- available_apps = [] :: [rcl_app_info:t()],
- default_configured_release :: {rcl_release:name(), rcl_release:vsn()},
- sys_config :: file:filename() | undefined,
- overrides :: [{AppName::atom(), Directory::file:filename()}],
- skip_apps = [] :: [AppName::atom()],
- configured_releases :: releases(),
- realized_releases :: releases(),
- upfrom :: string() | binary() | undefined,
- config_values :: ec_dictionary:dictionary(Key::atom(),
- Value::term())}).
-%% types
--type releases() :: ec_dictionary:dictionary({rcl_release:name(),
- rcl_release:vsn()},
- rcl_release:t()).
--type cmd_args() :: proplists:proplist().
--type caller() :: command_line | api.
--opaque t() :: record(state_t).
-%% API
-%% @doc Create a new 'log level' for the system
--spec new(proplists:proplist(), atom()) -> t().
-new(PropList, Target)
- when erlang:is_list(PropList),
- erlang:is_atom(Target) ->
- {ok, Root} = file:get_cwd(),
- State0 =
- #state_t{log = proplists:get_value(log, PropList, rcl_log:new(error)),
- output_dir=proplists:get_value(output_dir, PropList, ""),
- lib_dirs=[to_binary(Dir) || Dir <- proplists:get_value(lib_dirs, PropList, [])],
- config_file=proplists:get_value(config, PropList, undefined),
- action = Target,
- caller = proplists:get_value(caller, PropList, api),
- goals=proplists:get_value(goals, PropList, []),
- providers = [],
- configured_releases=ec_dictionary:new(ec_dict),
- realized_releases=ec_dictionary:new(ec_dict),
- config_values=ec_dictionary:new(ec_dict),
- overrides = proplists:get_value(overrides, PropList, []),
- root_dir = proplists:get_value(root_dir, PropList, Root),
- upfrom = proplists:get_value(upfrom, PropList, undefined),
- default_configured_release={proplists:get_value(relname, PropList, undefined),
- proplists:get_value(relvsn, PropList, undefined)}},
- rcl_state:put(create_logic_providers(State0),
- disable_default_libs,
- proplists:get_value(disable_default_libs, PropList, false)).
-%% @doc the action targeted for this system
--spec action(t()) -> atom().
-action(#state_t{action=Action}) ->
- Action.
-%% @doc the application overrides for the system
--spec overrides(t()) -> [{AppName::atom(), Directory::file:filename()}].
-overrides(#state_t{overrides=Overrides}) ->
- Overrides.
-%% @doc the application overrides for the system
--spec overrides(t(), [{AppName::atom(), Directory::file:filename()}]) -> t().
-overrides(State, Overrides) ->
- State#state_t{overrides=Overrides}.
--spec skip_apps(t()) -> [AppName::atom()].
-skip_apps(#state_t{skip_apps=Apps}) ->
- Apps.
-%% @doc the application overrides for the system
--spec skip_apps(t(), [AppName::atom()]) -> t().
-skip_apps(State, SkipApps) ->
- State#state_t{skip_apps=SkipApps}.
-%% @doc get the current log state for the system
--spec log(t()) -> rcl_log:t().
-log(#state_t{log=LogState}) ->
- LogState.
--spec output_dir(t()) -> file:name().
-output_dir(#state_t{output_dir=OutDir}) ->
- OutDir.
--spec lib_dirs(t()) -> [file:name()].
-lib_dirs(#state_t{lib_dirs=LibDir}) ->
- LibDir.
--spec goals(t()) -> [rcl_depsolver:constraint()].
-goals(#state_t{goals=TS}) ->
- TS.
--spec config_file(t()) -> file:filename() | undefined.
-config_file(#state_t{config_file=ConfigFiles}) ->
- ConfigFiles.
--spec config_file(t(), file:filename() | undefined) -> t().
-config_file(State, ConfigFiles) ->
- State#state_t{config_file=ConfigFiles}.
--spec providers(t()) -> [rcl_provider:t()].
-providers(#state_t{providers=Providers}) ->
- Providers.
--spec sys_config(t()) -> file:filename() | undefined.
-sys_config(#state_t{sys_config=SysConfig}) ->
- SysConfig.
--spec sys_config(t(), file:filename()) -> t().
-sys_config(State, SysConfig) ->
- State#state_t{sys_config=SysConfig}.
--spec root_dir(t()) -> file:filename() | undefined.
-root_dir(#state_t{root_dir=RootDir}) ->
- RootDir.
--spec root_dir(t(), file:filename()) -> t().
-root_dir(State, RootDir) ->
- State#state_t{root_dir=RootDir}.
--spec providers(t(), [rcl_provider:t()]) -> t().
-providers(M, NewProviders) ->
- M#state_t{providers=NewProviders}.
--spec add_configured_release(t(), rcl_release:t()) -> t().
-add_configured_release(M=#state_t{configured_releases=Releases}, Release) ->
- M#state_t{configured_releases=ec_dictionary:add({rcl_release:name(Release),
- rcl_release:vsn(Release)},
- Release,
- Releases)}.
--spec get_configured_release(t(), rcl_release:name(), rcl_release:vsn()) -> rcl_release:t().
-get_configured_release(#state_t{configured_releases=Releases}, Name, Vsn) ->
- ec_dictionary:get({Name, Vsn}, Releases).
--spec configured_releases(t()) -> releases().
-configured_releases(#state_t{configured_releases=Releases}) ->
- Releases.
--spec realized_releases(t()) -> releases().
-realized_releases(#state_t{realized_releases=Releases}) ->
- Releases.
--spec realized_releases(t(), releases()) -> t().
-realized_releases(State, Releases) ->
- State#state_t{realized_releases=Releases}.
--spec add_realized_release(t(), rcl_release:t()) -> t().
-add_realized_release(State = #state_t{realized_releases=Releases}, Release) ->
- NewReleases = ec_dictionary:add({rcl_release:name(Release), rcl_release:vsn(Release)},
- Release, Releases),
- State#state_t{realized_releases=NewReleases}.
--spec get_realized_release(t(), rcl_release:name(), rcl_release:vsn()) -> rcl_release:t().
-get_realized_release(#state_t{realized_releases=Releases}, Name, Vsn) ->
- ec_dictionary:get({Name, Vsn}, Releases).
--spec update_realized_release(t(), rcl_release:t()) ->
- t().
-update_realized_release(M=#state_t{realized_releases=Releases}, Release) ->
- M#state_t{realized_releases=ec_dictionary:add({rcl_release:name(Release),
- rcl_release:vsn(Release)},
- Release,
- Releases)}.
--spec default_configured_release(t()) ->
- {rcl_release:name() | undefined, rcl_release:vsn() | undefined}.
-default_configured_release(#state_t{default_configured_release=Def}) ->
- Def.
--spec default_configured_release(t(), rcl_release:name(), rcl_release:vsn()) -> t().
-default_configured_release(M, Name, Vsn) ->
- M#state_t{default_configured_release={Name, Vsn}}.
--spec available_apps(t()) -> [rcl_app_info:t()].
-available_apps(#state_t{available_apps=Apps}) ->
- Apps.
--spec available_apps(t(), [rcl_app_info:t()]) -> t().
-available_apps(M, NewApps) ->
- M#state_t{available_apps=NewApps}.
--spec get(t(), atom()) -> term().
-get(#state_t{config_values=Config}, Key)
- when erlang:is_atom(Key) ->
- ec_dictionary:get(Key, Config).
--spec get(t(), atom(), DefaultValue::term()) -> term().
-get(#state_t{config_values=Config}, Key, DefaultValue)
- when erlang:is_atom(Key) ->
- try
- ec_dictionary:get(Key, Config)
- catch
- throw:not_found ->
- DefaultValue
- end.
--spec put(t(), atom(), term()) ->t().
-put(M=#state_t{config_values=Config}, Key, Value)
- when erlang:is_atom(Key) ->
- M#state_t{config_values=ec_dictionary:add(Key, Value, Config)}.
--spec caller(t()) -> caller().
-caller(#state_t{caller=Caller}) ->
- Caller.
--spec caller(t(), caller()) -> t().
-caller(S, Caller) ->
- S#state_t{caller=Caller}.
--spec upfrom(t()) -> string() | binary() | undefined.
-upfrom(#state_t{upfrom=UpFrom}) ->
- UpFrom.
--spec format(t()) -> iolist().
-format(Mod) ->
- format(Mod, 0).
--spec format(t(), non_neg_integer()) -> iolist().
-format(#state_t{log=LogState, output_dir=OutDir, lib_dirs=LibDirs,
- caller=Caller, config_values=Values0,
- goals=Goals, config_file=ConfigFile,
- providers=Providers},
- Indent) ->
- Values1 = ec_dictionary:to_list(Values0),
- [rcl_util:indent(Indent),
- <<"state(">>, erlang:atom_to_list(Caller), <<"):\n">>,
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), <<"log: ">>, rcl_log:format(LogState), <<",\n">>,
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), "config file: ", rcl_util:optional_to_string(ConfigFile), "\n",
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), "goals: \n",
- [[rcl_util:indent(Indent + 2), rcl_depsolver:format_constraint(Goal), ",\n"] || Goal <- Goals],
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), "output_dir: ", OutDir, "\n",
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), "lib_dirs: \n",
- [[rcl_util:indent(Indent + 2), LibDir, ",\n"] || LibDir <- LibDirs],
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), "providers: \n",
- [[rcl_util:indent(Indent + 2), rcl_provider:format(Provider), ",\n"] || Provider <- Providers],
- rcl_util:indent(Indent + 1), "provider config values: \n",
- [[rcl_util:indent(Indent + 2), io_lib:format("~p", [Value]), ",\n"] || Value <- Values1]].
-%%% Internal Functions
--spec create_logic_providers(t()) -> t().
-create_logic_providers(State0) ->
- {ConfigProvider, {ok, State1}} = rcl_provider:new(rcl_prv_config, State0),
- {DiscoveryProvider, {ok, State2}} = rcl_provider:new(rcl_prv_discover, State1),
- {ReleaseProvider, {ok, State3}} = rcl_provider:new(rcl_prv_release, State2),
- {OverlayProvider, {ok, State4}} = rcl_provider:new(rcl_prv_overlay, State3),
- {AssemblerProvider, {ok, State5}} = rcl_provider:new(rcl_prv_assembler, State4),
- State5#state_t{providers=[ConfigProvider, DiscoveryProvider,
- ReleaseProvider, OverlayProvider, AssemblerProvider]}.
- when erlang:is_list(Dir) ->
- erlang:list_to_binary(Dir);
- when erlang:is_binary(Dir) ->
- Dir.
-%%% Test Functions
-new_test() ->
- LogState = rcl_log:new(error),
- RCLState = new([{log, LogState}], release),
- ?assertMatch(LogState, log(RCLState)).