path: root/src/rlx_provider.erl
diff options
authorTristan Sloughter <[email protected]>2014-06-15 19:18:14 -0500
committerTristan Sloughter <[email protected]>2014-10-11 11:13:04 -0500
commit0516b405ccb98febcf94a8e94000f4a633569f59 (patch)
tree08eb3c09943ac68a4493ff7e2fc5925842bc4627 /src/rlx_provider.erl
parent5096c28c17ea256f48ce049a43d11b172532e03e (diff)
provider task dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rlx_provider.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_provider.erl b/src/rlx_provider.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index b3e6310..0000000
--- a/src/rlx_provider.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*-
-%%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-%%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
-%%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-%%% a copy of the License at
-%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-%%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-%%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-%%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
-%%% under the License.
-%%% @author Eric Merritt <[email protected]>
-%%% @copyright 2011 Erlware, LLC.
-%%% @doc
-%%% A module that supports providing state manipulation services to the system.
-%%% @end
-%% API
- do/2,
- impl/1,
- format_error/1,
- format_error/2,
- format/1]).
-%%% Types
--opaque t() :: {?MODULE, module()}.
--callback init(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error().
--callback do(rlx_state:t()) -> {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error().
--callback format_error(Reason::term()) -> iolist().
-%% In the case where R14 or lower is being used to compile the system
-%% we need to export a behaviour info
--spec behaviour_info(atom()) -> [{atom(), arity()}] | undefined.
-behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
- [{init, 1},
- {do, 1},
- {format_error, 1}];
-behaviour_info(_) ->
- undefined.
-%%% API
-%% @doc create a new provider object from the specified module. The
-%% module should implement the provider behaviour.
-%% @param ModuleName The module name.
-%% @param State0 The current state of the system
--spec new(module(), rlx_state:t()) ->
- {t(), {ok, rlx_state:t()}} | relx:error().
-new(ModuleName, State0) when is_atom(ModuleName) ->
- State1 = ModuleName:init(State0),
- case code:which(ModuleName) of
- non_existing ->
- ?RLX_ERROR({non_existing, ModuleName});
- _ ->
- {{?MODULE, ModuleName}, State1}
- end.
-%% @doc Manipulate the state of the system, that new state
-%% @param Provider the provider object
-%% @param State the current state of the system
--spec do(Provider::t(), rlx_state:t()) ->
- {ok, rlx_state:t()} | relx:error().
-do({?MODULE, Mod}, State) ->
- Mod:do(State).
-%%% @doc get the name of the module that implements the provider
-%%% @param Provider the provider object
--spec impl(Provider::t()) -> module().
-impl({?MODULE, Mod}) ->
- Mod.
-%% @doc format an error produced from a provider.
--spec format_error(Reason::term()) -> iolist().
-format_error({non_existing, ModuleName}) ->
- io_lib:format("~p does not exist in the system", [ModuleName]).
-%% @doc format an error produced from a provider.
--spec format_error(t(), Reason::term()) -> iolist().
-format_error({?MODULE, Mod}, Error) ->
- Mod:format_error(Error).
-%% @doc print the provider module name
-%% @param T - The provider
-%% @return An iolist describing the provider
--spec format(t()) -> iolist().
-format({?MODULE, Mod}) ->
- erlang:atom_to_list(Mod).