path: root/src
diff options
authorLuis Rascao <[email protected]>2016-11-05 22:22:19 +0000
committerLuis Rascao <[email protected]>2016-11-12 23:59:07 +0000
commit3905d39d180efe125b9ef5351d1c3b27a3f825b0 (patch)
treeccfbd1bef3f2e3e2fc0b21bc2652b5a9132d1ff9 /src
parentad6193884f09d29c7402de45214817dc195f5c6d (diff)
Add support for new relx directive that provides start/stop shell script hooks
New 'extended_start_script_hooks' directive that allows the developer to define six different hook shell scripts to be invoked at pre/post start/stop/install upgrade phases. Besides these custom defined scripts, other types of builtin scripts are also available, these offer pre-packaged functionality that can be used directly, they are: pid - writes the beam pid to a configurable file location (/var/run/<rel_name>.pid by default). wait_for_vm_start - waits for the vm to start (ie. when it responds to pings) wait_for_process - waits for a configurable name to appear in the erlang process registry The hook scripts are invoked with the 'source' command, therefore they have access to all the variables in the start script.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl b/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
index 7ff1d61..6074a1b 100644
--- a/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
+++ b/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
@@ -352,7 +352,12 @@ write_bin_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) ->
%% extended start script needs nodetool so it's
%% always included
- extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, rlx_release:erts(Release), ErlOpts)
+ Hooks = expand_hooks(BinDir,
+ rlx_state:get(State,
+ extended_start_script_hooks, [])),
+ extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn,
+ rlx_release:erts(Release), ErlOpts,
+ Hooks)
%% We generate the start script by default, unless the user
%% tells us not too
@@ -383,6 +388,86 @@ write_bin_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) ->
+expand_hooks(_Bindir, []) -> [];
+expand_hooks(BinDir, Hooks) ->
+ expand_hooks(BinDir, Hooks, []).
+expand_hooks(_BinDir, [], Acc) -> Acc;
+expand_hooks(BinDir, [{Phase, Hooks0} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ %% filter and expand hooks to their respective shell scripts
+ Hooks =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Hook, Acc0) ->
+ case validate_hook(Phase, Hook) of
+ true ->
+ %% all hooks are relative to the bin dir
+ HookScriptFilename = filename:join([BinDir,
+ hook_filename(Hook)]),
+ %% write the hook script file to it's proper location
+ ok = render_hook(hook_template(Hook), HookScriptFilename),
+ %% and return the invocation that's to be templated in the
+ %% extended script
+ Acc0 ++ [hook_invocation(Hook)];
+ false ->
+ rebar_api:info("~p hook is not allowed in the ~p phase, ignoring it",
+ [Hook, Phase]),
+ Acc0
+ end
+ end, [], Hooks0),
+ expand_hooks(BinDir, Rest, Acc ++ [{Phase, Hooks}]).
+%% the pid script hook is only allowed in the
+%% post_start phase
+%% with args
+validate_hook(post_start, {pid, _}) -> true;
+%% and without args
+validate_hook(post_start, pid) -> true;
+%% same for wait_for_vm_start, wait_for_process script
+validate_hook(post_start, wait_for_vm_start) -> true;
+validate_hook(post_start, {wait_for_process, _}) -> true;
+%% custom hooks are allowed in all phases
+validate_hook(_Phase, {custom, _}) -> true;
+%% deny all others
+validate_hook(_, _) -> false.
+hook_filename({custom, CustomScript}) -> CustomScript;
+hook_filename(pid) -> "hooks/builtin/pid";
+hook_filename({pid, _}) -> "hooks/builtin/pid";
+hook_filename(wait_for_vm_start) -> "hooks/builtin/wait_for_vm_start";
+hook_filename({wait_for_process, _}) -> "hooks/builtin/wait_for_process".
+hook_invocation({custom, CustomScript}) -> CustomScript;
+%% the pid builtin hook with no arguments writes to pid file
+%% at /var/run/{{ rel_name }}.pid
+hook_invocation(pid) -> string:join(["hooks/builtin/pid",
+ "/var/run/$REL_NAME.pid"], "|");
+hook_invocation({pid, PidFile}) -> string:join(["hooks/builtin/pid",
+ PidFile], "|");
+hook_invocation(wait_for_vm_start) -> "hooks/builtin/wait_for_vm_start";
+hook_invocation({wait_for_process, Name}) ->
+ %% wait_for_process takes an atom as argument
+ %% which is the process name to wait for
+ string:join(["hooks/builtin/wait_for_process",
+ atom_to_list(Name)], "|").
+hook_template({custom, _}) -> custom;
+hook_template(pid) -> builtin_hook_pid;
+hook_template({pid, _}) -> builtin_hook_pid;
+hook_template(wait_for_vm_start) -> builtin_hook_wait_for_vm_start;
+hook_template({wait_for_process, _}) -> builtin_hook_wait_for_process.
+%% custom hooks are not rendered, they should
+%% be copied by the release overlays
+render_hook(custom, _) -> ok;
+render_hook(TemplateName, Script) ->
+ rebar_api:debug("rendering ~p hook to ~p",
+ [TemplateName, Script]),
+ Template = render(TemplateName),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Script),
+ _ = ec_file:remove(Script),
+ ok = file:write_file(Script, Template),
+ ok = file:change_mode(Script, 8#755).
include_nodetool(BinDir) ->
NodeToolFile = nodetool_contents(),
InstallUpgradeFile = install_upgrade_escript_contents(),
@@ -644,13 +729,28 @@ bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts) ->
render(Template, [{rel_name, RelName}, {rel_vsn, RelVsn},
{erts_vsn, ErtsVsn}, {erl_opts, ErlOpts}]).
-extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts) ->
+extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts, Hooks) ->
Template = case OsFamily of
unix -> extended_bin;
win32 -> extended_bin_windows
+ %% turn all the hook lists into space separated strings
+ PreStartHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(pre_start, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PostStartHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(post_start, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PreStopHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(pre_stop, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PostStopHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(post_stop, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PreInstallUpgradeHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(pre_install_upgrade,
+ Hooks, []), " "),
+ PostInstallUpgradeHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(post_install_upgrade,
+ Hooks, []), " "),
render(Template, [{rel_name, RelName}, {rel_vsn, RelVsn},
- {erts_vsn, ErtsVsn}, {erl_opts, ErlOpts}]).
+ {erts_vsn, ErtsVsn}, {erl_opts, ErlOpts},
+ {pre_start_hooks, PreStartHooks},
+ {post_start_hooks, PostStartHooks},
+ {pre_stop_hooks, PreStopHooks},
+ {post_stop_hooks, PostStopHooks},
+ {pre_install_upgrade_hooks, PreInstallUpgradeHooks},
+ {post_install_upgrade_hooks, PostInstallUpgradeHooks}]).
erl_ini(OutputDir, ErtsVsn) ->
ErtsDirName = string:concat("erts-", ErtsVsn),