path: root/src
diff options
authorTristan Sloughter <[email protected]>2016-11-26 11:07:50 -0800
committerGitHub <[email protected]>2016-11-26 11:07:50 -0800
commit1014374d82f783c9da82eecf424c34bceb9fc293 (patch)
treeccfbd1bef3f2e3e2fc0b21bc2652b5a9132d1ff9 /src
parentc305c89713abf48570e2db152b367f00ac641893 (diff)
parent3905d39d180efe125b9ef5351d1c3b27a3f825b0 (diff)
Merge pull request #445 from lrascao/feature/extended_script_hooks
Add support for new relx directive that provides start/stop script hooks
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl b/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
index 7ff1d61..6074a1b 100644
--- a/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
+++ b/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
@@ -352,7 +352,12 @@ write_bin_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) ->
%% extended start script needs nodetool so it's
%% always included
- extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, rlx_release:erts(Release), ErlOpts)
+ Hooks = expand_hooks(BinDir,
+ rlx_state:get(State,
+ extended_start_script_hooks, [])),
+ extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn,
+ rlx_release:erts(Release), ErlOpts,
+ Hooks)
%% We generate the start script by default, unless the user
%% tells us not too
@@ -383,6 +388,86 @@ write_bin_file(State, Release, OutputDir, RelDir) ->
+expand_hooks(_Bindir, []) -> [];
+expand_hooks(BinDir, Hooks) ->
+ expand_hooks(BinDir, Hooks, []).
+expand_hooks(_BinDir, [], Acc) -> Acc;
+expand_hooks(BinDir, [{Phase, Hooks0} | Rest], Acc) ->
+ %% filter and expand hooks to their respective shell scripts
+ Hooks =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(Hook, Acc0) ->
+ case validate_hook(Phase, Hook) of
+ true ->
+ %% all hooks are relative to the bin dir
+ HookScriptFilename = filename:join([BinDir,
+ hook_filename(Hook)]),
+ %% write the hook script file to it's proper location
+ ok = render_hook(hook_template(Hook), HookScriptFilename),
+ %% and return the invocation that's to be templated in the
+ %% extended script
+ Acc0 ++ [hook_invocation(Hook)];
+ false ->
+ rebar_api:info("~p hook is not allowed in the ~p phase, ignoring it",
+ [Hook, Phase]),
+ Acc0
+ end
+ end, [], Hooks0),
+ expand_hooks(BinDir, Rest, Acc ++ [{Phase, Hooks}]).
+%% the pid script hook is only allowed in the
+%% post_start phase
+%% with args
+validate_hook(post_start, {pid, _}) -> true;
+%% and without args
+validate_hook(post_start, pid) -> true;
+%% same for wait_for_vm_start, wait_for_process script
+validate_hook(post_start, wait_for_vm_start) -> true;
+validate_hook(post_start, {wait_for_process, _}) -> true;
+%% custom hooks are allowed in all phases
+validate_hook(_Phase, {custom, _}) -> true;
+%% deny all others
+validate_hook(_, _) -> false.
+hook_filename({custom, CustomScript}) -> CustomScript;
+hook_filename(pid) -> "hooks/builtin/pid";
+hook_filename({pid, _}) -> "hooks/builtin/pid";
+hook_filename(wait_for_vm_start) -> "hooks/builtin/wait_for_vm_start";
+hook_filename({wait_for_process, _}) -> "hooks/builtin/wait_for_process".
+hook_invocation({custom, CustomScript}) -> CustomScript;
+%% the pid builtin hook with no arguments writes to pid file
+%% at /var/run/{{ rel_name }}.pid
+hook_invocation(pid) -> string:join(["hooks/builtin/pid",
+ "/var/run/$REL_NAME.pid"], "|");
+hook_invocation({pid, PidFile}) -> string:join(["hooks/builtin/pid",
+ PidFile], "|");
+hook_invocation(wait_for_vm_start) -> "hooks/builtin/wait_for_vm_start";
+hook_invocation({wait_for_process, Name}) ->
+ %% wait_for_process takes an atom as argument
+ %% which is the process name to wait for
+ string:join(["hooks/builtin/wait_for_process",
+ atom_to_list(Name)], "|").
+hook_template({custom, _}) -> custom;
+hook_template(pid) -> builtin_hook_pid;
+hook_template({pid, _}) -> builtin_hook_pid;
+hook_template(wait_for_vm_start) -> builtin_hook_wait_for_vm_start;
+hook_template({wait_for_process, _}) -> builtin_hook_wait_for_process.
+%% custom hooks are not rendered, they should
+%% be copied by the release overlays
+render_hook(custom, _) -> ok;
+render_hook(TemplateName, Script) ->
+ rebar_api:debug("rendering ~p hook to ~p",
+ [TemplateName, Script]),
+ Template = render(TemplateName),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Script),
+ _ = ec_file:remove(Script),
+ ok = file:write_file(Script, Template),
+ ok = file:change_mode(Script, 8#755).
include_nodetool(BinDir) ->
NodeToolFile = nodetool_contents(),
InstallUpgradeFile = install_upgrade_escript_contents(),
@@ -644,13 +729,28 @@ bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts) ->
render(Template, [{rel_name, RelName}, {rel_vsn, RelVsn},
{erts_vsn, ErtsVsn}, {erl_opts, ErlOpts}]).
-extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts) ->
+extended_bin_file_contents(OsFamily, RelName, RelVsn, ErtsVsn, ErlOpts, Hooks) ->
Template = case OsFamily of
unix -> extended_bin;
win32 -> extended_bin_windows
+ %% turn all the hook lists into space separated strings
+ PreStartHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(pre_start, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PostStartHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(post_start, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PreStopHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(pre_stop, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PostStopHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(post_stop, Hooks, []), " "),
+ PreInstallUpgradeHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(pre_install_upgrade,
+ Hooks, []), " "),
+ PostInstallUpgradeHooks = string:join(proplists:get_value(post_install_upgrade,
+ Hooks, []), " "),
render(Template, [{rel_name, RelName}, {rel_vsn, RelVsn},
- {erts_vsn, ErtsVsn}, {erl_opts, ErlOpts}]).
+ {erts_vsn, ErtsVsn}, {erl_opts, ErlOpts},
+ {pre_start_hooks, PreStartHooks},
+ {post_start_hooks, PostStartHooks},
+ {pre_stop_hooks, PreStopHooks},
+ {post_stop_hooks, PostStopHooks},
+ {pre_install_upgrade_hooks, PreInstallUpgradeHooks},
+ {post_install_upgrade_hooks, PostInstallUpgradeHooks}]).
erl_ini(OutputDir, ErtsVsn) ->
ErtsDirName = string:concat("erts-", ErtsVsn),