path: root/src
diff options
authorLuis Rascao <[email protected]>2017-01-04 19:22:32 +0000
committerLuis Rascao <[email protected]>2017-01-29 22:19:33 +0000
commita69bd621770a8fa8d5a7cf65a11c97732bfed829 (patch)
treec3a0d4052ab87082b3ee27d3276d12480a113765 /src
parent40f97435ac373242e084b6c042e103b8169799df (diff)
Don't rewrite app files if contents are the same
When comparing .app files to check if a rewrite is necessary do so by comparing erlang terms instead of bytes, the original .app might contain comments for example and cause unnecessary rewrites. This proves a problem when dealing with erts .app files that might be read-only at the origin and thus cause a failed release on relx that is uncalled for since there might have been no changes at all.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl b/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
index 450eec9..f40a0c2 100644
--- a/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
+++ b/src/rlx_prv_assembler.erl
@@ -121,7 +121,10 @@ format_error({start_clean_script_generation_error, Module, Errors}) ->
rlx_util:indent(2), Module:format_error(Errors)];
format_error({strip_release, Reason}) ->
io_lib:format("Stripping debug info from release beam files failed becuase ~s",
- [beam_lib:format_error(Reason)]).
+ [beam_lib:format_error(Reason)]);
+format_error({rewrite_app_file, AppFile, Error}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Unable to rewrite .app file ~s due to ~p",
+ [AppFile, Error]).
%%% Internal Functions
@@ -255,13 +258,16 @@ rewrite_app_file(State, App, TargetDir) ->
,{modules, OldModules -- ExcludedModules})
- Spec = io_lib:format("~p.\n", [{application, AppName, AppData3}]),
- write_file_if_contents_differ(AppFile, Spec).
+ Spec = [{application, AppName, AppData3}],
+ case write_file_if_contents_differ(AppFile, Spec) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ Error -> ?RLX_ERROR({rewrite_app_file, AppFile, Error})
+ end.
-write_file_if_contents_differ(Filename, Bytes) ->
- ToWrite = iolist_to_binary(Bytes),
- case file:read_file(Filename) of
- {ok, ToWrite} ->
+write_file_if_contents_differ(Filename, Spec) ->
+ ToWrite = io_lib:format("~p.\n", Spec),
+ case file:consult(Filename) of
+ {ok, Spec} ->
{ok, _} ->
file:write_file(Filename, ToWrite);