path: root/src/rlx_config.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rlx_config.erl')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/rlx_config.erl b/src/rlx_config.erl
index f86f593..90cfe7c 100644
--- a/src/rlx_config.erl
+++ b/src/rlx_config.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ format_error({consult, ConfigFile, Reason}) ->
io_lib:format("Unable to read file ~s: ~s", [ConfigFile,
format_error({invalid_term, Term}) ->
- io_lib:format("Invalid term in config file: ~p", [Term]).
+ io_lib:format("Invalid term in config file: ~p", [Term]);
+format_error({failed_to_parse, Goal}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Unable to parse goal ~s", [Goal]);
+format_error({invalid_goal, Goal}) ->
+ io_lib:format("Invalid goal: ~p", [Goal]).
%%% Internal Functions
@@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ load_terms({overrides, Overrides0}, {ok, State0}) ->
load_terms({dev_mode, DevMode}, {ok, State0}) ->
{ok, rlx_state:dev_mode(State0, DevMode)};
load_terms({goals, Goals}, {ok, State0}) ->
- {ok, rlx_state:goals(State0, Goals)};
+ parse_goals(Goals, State0);
load_terms({upfrom, UpFrom}, {ok, State0}) ->
{ok, rlx_state:upfrom(State0, UpFrom)};
load_terms({include_src, IncludeSrc}, {ok, State0}) ->
@@ -193,8 +197,7 @@ load_terms({release, {RelName, Vsn, {extend, RelName2}}, Applications}, {ok, Sta
ExtendRelease = rlx_state:get_configured_release(State0, RelName2, NewVsn),
Applications1 = rlx_release:goals(ExtendRelease),
case rlx_release:goals(Release0,
- lists:umerge(lists:usort(Applications),
- lists:usort(Applications1))) of
+ rlx_release:merge_application_goals(Applications, Applications1)) of
E={error, _} ->
{ok, Release1} ->
@@ -206,8 +209,7 @@ load_terms({release, {RelName, Vsn, {extend, RelName2}}, Applications, Config},
ExtendRelease = rlx_state:get_configured_release(State0, RelName2, NewVsn),
Applications1 = rlx_release:goals(ExtendRelease),
case rlx_release:goals(Release0,
- lists:umerge(lists:usort(Applications),
- lists:usort(Applications1))) of
+ rlx_release:merge_application_goals(Applications, Applications1)) of
E={error, _} ->
{ok, Release1} ->
@@ -299,6 +301,34 @@ add_hooks(Hooks, State) ->
rlx_state:append_hook(StateAcc, Target, Hook)
end, State, Hooks)}.
+parse_goals(Goals0, State) ->
+ {Goals, Error} = lists:mapfoldl(fun
+ (Goal, ok) when is_list(Goal); is_binary(Goal) ->
+ case rlx_goal:parse(Goal) of
+ {ok, Constraint} ->
+ {Constraint, ok};
+ {fail, _} ->
+ {[], ?RLX_ERROR({failed_to_parse, Goal})}
+ end;
+ (Goal, ok) when is_tuple(Goal); is_atom(Goal) ->
+ case rlx_depsolver:is_valid_raw_constraint(Goal) of
+ true ->
+ {Goal, ok};
+ false ->
+ {[], ?RLX_ERROR({invalid_goal, Goal})}
+ end;
+ (_, Err = {error, _}) ->
+ {[], Err};
+ (Goal, _) ->
+ {[], ?RLX_ERROR({invalid_goal, Goal})}
+ end, ok, Goals0),
+ case Error of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, rlx_state:goals(State, Goals)};
+ _ ->
+ Error
+ end.
list_of_overlay_vars_files(undefined) ->
list_of_overlay_vars_files([]) ->