path: root/erlang.mk
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-10-17 19:09:01 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2016-10-17 19:28:40 +0200
commitdf08a3f430bf7727921873ab262294a054e2ae7b (patch)
treeb7fe92d581b186b3c932e91d210c2aba14b2c3b5 /erlang.mk
Initial commit
This is still very much in a proof of concept state, though the project should be in a good enough state that future additions are relatively painless. Text formatting nodes are not using the proper form in the AST at the moment. They should not be relied upon just yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'erlang.mk')
1 files changed, 6613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erlang.mk b/erlang.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a79fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erlang.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,6613 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+.PHONY: all app apps deps search rel docs install-docs check tests clean distclean help erlang-mk
+ERLANG_MK_FILENAME := $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+ERLANG_MK_VERSION = 2.0.0-pre.2-147-gc849da3
+# Core configuration.
+PROJECT ?= $(notdir $(CURDIR))
+PROJECT := $(strip $(PROJECT))
+# Verbosity.
+V ?= 0
+verbose_0 = @
+verbose_2 = set -x;
+verbose = $(verbose_$(V))
+gen_verbose_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+gen_verbose_2 = set -x;
+gen_verbose = $(gen_verbose_$(V))
+# Temporary files directory.
+ERLANG_MK_TMP ?= $(CURDIR)/.erlang.mk
+# "erl" command.
+ERL = erl +A0 -noinput -boot start_clean
+# Platform detection.
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),)
+UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
+PLATFORM = linux
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
+PLATFORM = darwin
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),SunOS)
+PLATFORM = solaris
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),GNU)
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),FreeBSD)
+PLATFORM = freebsd
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),NetBSD)
+PLATFORM = netbsd
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD)
+PLATFORM = openbsd
+else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),DragonFly)
+PLATFORM = dragonfly
+else ifeq ($(shell uname -o),Msys)
+PLATFORM = msys2
+$(error Unable to detect platform. Please open a ticket with the output of uname -a.)
+export PLATFORM
+# Core targets.
+all:: deps app rel
+# Noop to avoid a Make warning when there's nothing to do.
+ $(verbose) :
+check:: tests
+clean:: clean-crashdump
+ifneq ($(wildcard erl_crash.dump),)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f erl_crash.dump
+distclean:: clean distclean-tmp
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" \
+ "erlang.mk (version $(ERLANG_MK_VERSION)) is distributed under the terms of the ISC License." \
+ "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>" \
+ "" \
+ "Usage: [V=1] $(MAKE) [target]..." \
+ "" \
+ "Core targets:" \
+ " all Run deps, app and rel targets in that order" \
+ " app Compile the project" \
+ " deps Fetch dependencies (if needed) and compile them" \
+ " search q=... Search for a package in the built-in index" \
+ " rel Build a release for this project, if applicable" \
+ " docs Build the documentation for this project" \
+ " install-docs Install the man pages for this project" \
+ " check Compile and run all tests and analysis for this project" \
+ " tests Run the tests for this project" \
+ " clean Delete temporary and output files from most targets" \
+ " distclean Delete all temporary and output files" \
+ " help Display this help and exit" \
+ " erlang-mk Update erlang.mk to the latest version"
+# Core functions.
+empty :=
+space := $(empty) $(empty)
+tab := $(empty) $(empty)
+comma := ,
+define newline
+define comma_list
+$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(1)))
+# Adding erlang.mk to make Erlang scripts who call init:get_plain_arguments() happy.
+define erlang
+$(ERL) $(2) -pz $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar/ebin -eval "$(subst $(newline),,$(subst ",\",$(1)))" -- erlang.mk
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
+core_native_path = $(subst \,\\\\,$(shell cygpath -w $1))
+core_native_path = $1
+ifeq ($(shell which wget 2>/dev/null | wc -l), 1)
+define core_http_get
+ wget --no-check-certificate -O $(1) $(2)|| rm $(1)
+define core_http_get.erl
+ ssl:start(),
+ inets:start(),
+ case httpc:request(get, {"$(2)", []}, [{autoredirect, true}], []) of
+ {ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, Body}} ->
+ case file:write_file("$(1)", Body) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, R1} -> halt(R1)
+ end;
+ {error, R2} ->
+ halt(R2)
+ end,
+ halt(0).
+define core_http_get
+ $(call erlang,$(call core_http_get.erl,$(call core_native_path,$1),$2))
+core_eq = $(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1)))
+core_find = $(if $(wildcard $1),$(shell find $(1:%/=%) -type f -name $(subst *,\*,$2)))
+core_lc = $(subst A,a,$(subst B,b,$(subst C,c,$(subst D,d,$(subst E,e,$(subst F,f,$(subst G,g,$(subst H,h,$(subst I,i,$(subst J,j,$(subst K,k,$(subst L,l,$(subst M,m,$(subst N,n,$(subst O,o,$(subst P,p,$(subst Q,q,$(subst R,r,$(subst S,s,$(subst T,t,$(subst U,u,$(subst V,v,$(subst W,w,$(subst X,x,$(subst Y,y,$(subst Z,z,$(1)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
+core_ls = $(filter-out $(1),$(shell echo $(1)))
+# @todo Use a solution that does not require using perl.
+core_relpath = $(shell perl -e 'use File::Spec; print File::Spec->abs2rel(@ARGV) . "\n"' $1 $2)
+# Automated update.
+ERLANG_MK_REPO ?= https://github.com/ninenines/erlang.mk
+ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG ?= build.config
+ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR ?= .erlang.mk.build
+ cd $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR) && git checkout $(ERLANG_MK_COMMIT)
+ if [ -f $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG) ]; then cp $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG) $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR)/build.config; fi
+ cp $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR)/erlang.mk ./erlang.mk
+# The erlang.mk package index is bundled in the default erlang.mk build.
+# Search for the string "copyright" to skip to the rest of the code.
+PACKAGES += aberth
+pkg_aberth_name = aberth
+pkg_aberth_description = Generic BERT-RPC server in Erlang
+pkg_aberth_homepage = https://github.com/a13x/aberth
+pkg_aberth_fetch = git
+pkg_aberth_repo = https://github.com/a13x/aberth
+pkg_aberth_commit = master
+PACKAGES += active
+pkg_active_name = active
+pkg_active_description = Active development for Erlang: rebuild and reload source/binary files while the VM is running
+pkg_active_homepage = https://github.com/proger/active
+pkg_active_fetch = git
+pkg_active_repo = https://github.com/proger/active
+pkg_active_commit = master
+PACKAGES += actordb_core
+pkg_actordb_core_name = actordb_core
+pkg_actordb_core_description = ActorDB main source
+pkg_actordb_core_homepage = http://www.actordb.com/
+pkg_actordb_core_fetch = git
+pkg_actordb_core_repo = https://github.com/biokoda/actordb_core
+pkg_actordb_core_commit = master
+PACKAGES += actordb_thrift
+pkg_actordb_thrift_name = actordb_thrift
+pkg_actordb_thrift_description = Thrift API for ActorDB
+pkg_actordb_thrift_homepage = http://www.actordb.com/
+pkg_actordb_thrift_fetch = git
+pkg_actordb_thrift_repo = https://github.com/biokoda/actordb_thrift
+pkg_actordb_thrift_commit = master
+PACKAGES += aleppo
+pkg_aleppo_name = aleppo
+pkg_aleppo_description = Alternative Erlang Pre-Processor
+pkg_aleppo_homepage = https://github.com/ErlyORM/aleppo
+pkg_aleppo_fetch = git
+pkg_aleppo_repo = https://github.com/ErlyORM/aleppo
+pkg_aleppo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += alog
+pkg_alog_name = alog
+pkg_alog_description = Simply the best logging framework for Erlang
+pkg_alog_homepage = https://github.com/siberian-fast-food/alogger
+pkg_alog_fetch = git
+pkg_alog_repo = https://github.com/siberian-fast-food/alogger
+pkg_alog_commit = master
+PACKAGES += amqp_client
+pkg_amqp_client_name = amqp_client
+pkg_amqp_client_description = RabbitMQ Erlang AMQP client
+pkg_amqp_client_homepage = https://www.rabbitmq.com/erlang-client-user-guide.html
+pkg_amqp_client_fetch = git
+pkg_amqp_client_repo = https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang-client.git
+pkg_amqp_client_commit = master
+PACKAGES += annotations
+pkg_annotations_name = annotations
+pkg_annotations_description = Simple code instrumentation utilities
+pkg_annotations_homepage = https://github.com/hyperthunk/annotations
+pkg_annotations_fetch = git
+pkg_annotations_repo = https://github.com/hyperthunk/annotations
+pkg_annotations_commit = master
+PACKAGES += antidote
+pkg_antidote_name = antidote
+pkg_antidote_description = Large-scale computation without synchronisation
+pkg_antidote_homepage = https://syncfree.lip6.fr/
+pkg_antidote_fetch = git
+pkg_antidote_repo = https://github.com/SyncFree/antidote
+pkg_antidote_commit = master
+PACKAGES += apns
+pkg_apns_name = apns
+pkg_apns_description = Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang
+pkg_apns_homepage = http://inaka.github.com/apns4erl
+pkg_apns_fetch = git
+pkg_apns_repo = https://github.com/inaka/apns4erl
+pkg_apns_commit = master
+PACKAGES += azdht
+pkg_azdht_name = azdht
+pkg_azdht_description = Azureus Distributed Hash Table (DHT) in Erlang
+pkg_azdht_homepage = https://github.com/arcusfelis/azdht
+pkg_azdht_fetch = git
+pkg_azdht_repo = https://github.com/arcusfelis/azdht
+pkg_azdht_commit = master
+PACKAGES += backoff
+pkg_backoff_name = backoff
+pkg_backoff_description = Simple exponential backoffs in Erlang
+pkg_backoff_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/backoff
+pkg_backoff_fetch = git
+pkg_backoff_repo = https://github.com/ferd/backoff
+pkg_backoff_commit = master
+PACKAGES += barrel_tcp
+pkg_barrel_tcp_name = barrel_tcp
+pkg_barrel_tcp_description = barrel is a generic TCP acceptor pool with low latency in Erlang.
+pkg_barrel_tcp_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc-attic/barrel_tcp
+pkg_barrel_tcp_fetch = git
+pkg_barrel_tcp_repo = https://github.com/benoitc-attic/barrel_tcp
+pkg_barrel_tcp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += basho_bench
+pkg_basho_bench_name = basho_bench
+pkg_basho_bench_description = A load-generation and testing tool for basically whatever you can write a returning Erlang function for.
+pkg_basho_bench_homepage = https://github.com/basho/basho_bench
+pkg_basho_bench_fetch = git
+pkg_basho_bench_repo = https://github.com/basho/basho_bench
+pkg_basho_bench_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bcrypt
+pkg_bcrypt_name = bcrypt
+pkg_bcrypt_description = Bcrypt Erlang / C library
+pkg_bcrypt_homepage = https://github.com/riverrun/branglecrypt
+pkg_bcrypt_fetch = git
+pkg_bcrypt_repo = https://github.com/riverrun/branglecrypt
+pkg_bcrypt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += beam
+pkg_beam_name = beam
+pkg_beam_description = BEAM emulator written in Erlang
+pkg_beam_homepage = https://github.com/tonyrog/beam
+pkg_beam_fetch = git
+pkg_beam_repo = https://github.com/tonyrog/beam
+pkg_beam_commit = master
+PACKAGES += beanstalk
+pkg_beanstalk_name = beanstalk
+pkg_beanstalk_description = An Erlang client for beanstalkd
+pkg_beanstalk_homepage = https://github.com/tim/erlang-beanstalk
+pkg_beanstalk_fetch = git
+pkg_beanstalk_repo = https://github.com/tim/erlang-beanstalk
+pkg_beanstalk_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bear
+pkg_bear_name = bear
+pkg_bear_description = a set of statistics functions for erlang
+pkg_bear_homepage = https://github.com/boundary/bear
+pkg_bear_fetch = git
+pkg_bear_repo = https://github.com/boundary/bear
+pkg_bear_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bertconf
+pkg_bertconf_name = bertconf
+pkg_bertconf_description = Make ETS tables out of statc BERT files that are auto-reloaded
+pkg_bertconf_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/bertconf
+pkg_bertconf_fetch = git
+pkg_bertconf_repo = https://github.com/ferd/bertconf
+pkg_bertconf_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bifrost
+pkg_bifrost_name = bifrost
+pkg_bifrost_description = Erlang FTP Server Framework
+pkg_bifrost_homepage = https://github.com/thorstadt/bifrost
+pkg_bifrost_fetch = git
+pkg_bifrost_repo = https://github.com/thorstadt/bifrost
+pkg_bifrost_commit = master
+PACKAGES += binpp
+pkg_binpp_name = binpp
+pkg_binpp_description = Erlang Binary Pretty Printer
+pkg_binpp_homepage = https://github.com/jtendo/binpp
+pkg_binpp_fetch = git
+pkg_binpp_repo = https://github.com/jtendo/binpp
+pkg_binpp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bisect
+pkg_bisect_name = bisect
+pkg_bisect_description = Ordered fixed-size binary dictionary in Erlang
+pkg_bisect_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/bisect
+pkg_bisect_fetch = git
+pkg_bisect_repo = https://github.com/knutin/bisect
+pkg_bisect_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bitcask
+pkg_bitcask_name = bitcask
+pkg_bitcask_description = because you need another a key/value storage engine
+pkg_bitcask_homepage = https://github.com/basho/bitcask
+pkg_bitcask_fetch = git
+pkg_bitcask_repo = https://github.com/basho/bitcask
+pkg_bitcask_commit = develop
+PACKAGES += bitstore
+pkg_bitstore_name = bitstore
+pkg_bitstore_description = A document based ontology development environment
+pkg_bitstore_homepage = https://github.com/bdionne/bitstore
+pkg_bitstore_fetch = git
+pkg_bitstore_repo = https://github.com/bdionne/bitstore
+pkg_bitstore_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bootstrap
+pkg_bootstrap_name = bootstrap
+pkg_bootstrap_description = A simple, yet powerful Erlang cluster bootstrapping application.
+pkg_bootstrap_homepage = https://github.com/schlagert/bootstrap
+pkg_bootstrap_fetch = git
+pkg_bootstrap_repo = https://github.com/schlagert/bootstrap
+pkg_bootstrap_commit = master
+PACKAGES += boss_db
+pkg_boss_db_name = boss_db
+pkg_boss_db_description = BossDB: a sharded, caching, pooling, evented ORM for Erlang
+pkg_boss_db_homepage = https://github.com/ErlyORM/boss_db
+pkg_boss_db_fetch = git
+pkg_boss_db_repo = https://github.com/ErlyORM/boss_db
+pkg_boss_db_commit = master
+PACKAGES += boss
+pkg_boss_name = boss
+pkg_boss_description = Erlang web MVC, now featuring Comet
+pkg_boss_homepage = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss
+pkg_boss_fetch = git
+pkg_boss_repo = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss
+pkg_boss_commit = master
+PACKAGES += brod
+pkg_brod_name = brod
+pkg_brod_description = Kafka client in Erlang
+pkg_brod_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/brod
+pkg_brod_fetch = git
+pkg_brod_repo = https://github.com/klarna/brod.git
+pkg_brod_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bson
+pkg_bson_name = bson
+pkg_bson_description = BSON documents in Erlang, see bsonspec.org
+pkg_bson_homepage = https://github.com/comtihon/bson-erlang
+pkg_bson_fetch = git
+pkg_bson_repo = https://github.com/comtihon/bson-erlang
+pkg_bson_commit = master
+PACKAGES += bullet
+pkg_bullet_name = bullet
+pkg_bullet_description = Simple, reliable, efficient streaming for Cowboy.
+pkg_bullet_homepage = http://ninenines.eu
+pkg_bullet_fetch = git
+pkg_bullet_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/bullet
+pkg_bullet_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cache
+pkg_cache_name = cache
+pkg_cache_description = Erlang in-memory cache
+pkg_cache_homepage = https://github.com/fogfish/cache
+pkg_cache_fetch = git
+pkg_cache_repo = https://github.com/fogfish/cache
+pkg_cache_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cake
+pkg_cake_name = cake
+pkg_cake_description = Really simple terminal colorization
+pkg_cake_homepage = https://github.com/darach/cake-erl
+pkg_cake_fetch = git
+pkg_cake_repo = https://github.com/darach/cake-erl
+pkg_cake_commit = master
+PACKAGES += carotene
+pkg_carotene_name = carotene
+pkg_carotene_description = Real-time server
+pkg_carotene_homepage = https://github.com/carotene/carotene
+pkg_carotene_fetch = git
+pkg_carotene_repo = https://github.com/carotene/carotene
+pkg_carotene_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cberl
+pkg_cberl_name = cberl
+pkg_cberl_description = NIF based Erlang bindings for Couchbase
+pkg_cberl_homepage = https://github.com/chitika/cberl
+pkg_cberl_fetch = git
+pkg_cberl_repo = https://github.com/chitika/cberl
+pkg_cberl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cecho
+pkg_cecho_name = cecho
+pkg_cecho_description = An ncurses library for Erlang
+pkg_cecho_homepage = https://github.com/mazenharake/cecho
+pkg_cecho_fetch = git
+pkg_cecho_repo = https://github.com/mazenharake/cecho
+pkg_cecho_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cferl
+pkg_cferl_name = cferl
+pkg_cferl_description = Rackspace / Open Stack Cloud Files Erlang Client
+pkg_cferl_homepage = https://github.com/ddossot/cferl
+pkg_cferl_fetch = git
+pkg_cferl_repo = https://github.com/ddossot/cferl
+pkg_cferl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += chaos_monkey
+pkg_chaos_monkey_name = chaos_monkey
+pkg_chaos_monkey_description = This is The CHAOS MONKEY. It will kill your processes.
+pkg_chaos_monkey_homepage = https://github.com/dLuna/chaos_monkey
+pkg_chaos_monkey_fetch = git
+pkg_chaos_monkey_repo = https://github.com/dLuna/chaos_monkey
+pkg_chaos_monkey_commit = master
+PACKAGES += check_node
+pkg_check_node_name = check_node
+pkg_check_node_description = Nagios Scripts for monitoring Riak
+pkg_check_node_homepage = https://github.com/basho-labs/riak_nagios
+pkg_check_node_fetch = git
+pkg_check_node_repo = https://github.com/basho-labs/riak_nagios
+pkg_check_node_commit = master
+PACKAGES += chronos
+pkg_chronos_name = chronos
+pkg_chronos_description = Timer module for Erlang that makes it easy to abstact time out of the tests.
+pkg_chronos_homepage = https://github.com/lehoff/chronos
+pkg_chronos_fetch = git
+pkg_chronos_repo = https://github.com/lehoff/chronos
+pkg_chronos_commit = master
+PACKAGES += chumak
+pkg_chumak_name = chumak
+pkg_chumak_description = Pure Erlang implementation of ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol.
+pkg_chumak_homepage = http://choven.ca
+pkg_chumak_fetch = git
+pkg_chumak_repo = https://github.com/chovencorp/chumak
+pkg_chumak_commit = master
+PACKAGES += classifier
+pkg_classifier_name = classifier
+pkg_classifier_description = An Erlang Bayesian Filter and Text Classifier
+pkg_classifier_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/classifier
+pkg_classifier_fetch = git
+pkg_classifier_repo = https://github.com/inaka/classifier
+pkg_classifier_commit = master
+PACKAGES += clique
+pkg_clique_name = clique
+pkg_clique_description = CLI Framework for Erlang
+pkg_clique_homepage = https://github.com/basho/clique
+pkg_clique_fetch = git
+pkg_clique_repo = https://github.com/basho/clique
+pkg_clique_commit = develop
+pkg_cl_name = cl
+pkg_cl_description = OpenCL binding for Erlang
+pkg_cl_homepage = https://github.com/tonyrog/cl
+pkg_cl_fetch = git
+pkg_cl_repo = https://github.com/tonyrog/cl
+pkg_cl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_core
+pkg_cloudi_core_name = cloudi_core
+pkg_cloudi_core_description = CloudI internal service runtime
+pkg_cloudi_core_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_core_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_core_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_core
+pkg_cloudi_core_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_api_requests
+pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_name = cloudi_service_api_requests
+pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_description = CloudI Service API requests (JSON-RPC/Erlang-term support)
+pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_api_requests
+pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_name = cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_description = Cassandra CQL CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_cassandra
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_name = cloudi_service_db_cassandra
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_description = Cassandra CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_cassandra
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_couchdb
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_name = cloudi_service_db_couchdb
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_description = CouchDB CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_couchdb
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_name = cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_description = elasticsearch CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_memcached
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_name = cloudi_service_db_memcached
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_description = memcached CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_memcached
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_name = cloudi_service_db
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_description = CloudI Database (in-memory/testing/generic)
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_mysql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_name = cloudi_service_db_mysql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_description = MySQL CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_mysql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_pgsql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_name = cloudi_service_db_pgsql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_description = PostgreSQL CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_pgsql
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_riak
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_name = cloudi_service_db_riak
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_description = Riak CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_riak
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_name = cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_description = Tokyo Tyrant CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant
+pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_filesystem
+pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_name = cloudi_service_filesystem
+pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_description = Filesystem CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_filesystem
+pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_http_client
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_name = cloudi_service_http_client
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_description = HTTP client CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_http_client
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_http_cowboy
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_name = cloudi_service_http_cowboy
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_description = cowboy HTTP/HTTPS CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_http_cowboy
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_http_elli
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_name = cloudi_service_http_elli
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_description = elli HTTP CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_http_elli
+pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_map_reduce
+pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_name = cloudi_service_map_reduce
+pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_description = Map/Reduce CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_map_reduce
+pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_oauth1
+pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_name = cloudi_service_oauth1
+pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_description = OAuth v1.0 CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_oauth1
+pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_queue
+pkg_cloudi_service_queue_name = cloudi_service_queue
+pkg_cloudi_service_queue_description = Persistent Queue Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_queue_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_queue_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_queue_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_queue
+pkg_cloudi_service_queue_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_quorum
+pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_name = cloudi_service_quorum
+pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_description = CloudI Quorum Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_quorum
+pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_router
+pkg_cloudi_service_router_name = cloudi_service_router
+pkg_cloudi_service_router_description = CloudI Router Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_router_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_router_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_router_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_router
+pkg_cloudi_service_router_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_tcp
+pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_name = cloudi_service_tcp
+pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_description = TCP CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_tcp
+pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_timers
+pkg_cloudi_service_timers_name = cloudi_service_timers
+pkg_cloudi_service_timers_description = Timers CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_timers_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_timers_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_timers_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_timers
+pkg_cloudi_service_timers_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_udp
+pkg_cloudi_service_udp_name = cloudi_service_udp
+pkg_cloudi_service_udp_description = UDP CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_udp_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_udp_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_udp_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_udp
+pkg_cloudi_service_udp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_validate
+pkg_cloudi_service_validate_name = cloudi_service_validate
+pkg_cloudi_service_validate_description = CloudI Validate Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_validate_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_validate_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_validate_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_validate
+pkg_cloudi_service_validate_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cloudi_service_zeromq
+pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_name = cloudi_service_zeromq
+pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_description = ZeroMQ CloudI Service
+pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_fetch = git
+pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_zeromq
+pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cluster_info
+pkg_cluster_info_name = cluster_info
+pkg_cluster_info_description = Fork of Hibari's nifty cluster_info OTP app
+pkg_cluster_info_homepage = https://github.com/basho/cluster_info
+pkg_cluster_info_fetch = git
+pkg_cluster_info_repo = https://github.com/basho/cluster_info
+pkg_cluster_info_commit = master
+PACKAGES += color
+pkg_color_name = color
+pkg_color_description = ANSI colors for your Erlang
+pkg_color_homepage = https://github.com/julianduque/erlang-color
+pkg_color_fetch = git
+pkg_color_repo = https://github.com/julianduque/erlang-color
+pkg_color_commit = master
+PACKAGES += confetti
+pkg_confetti_name = confetti
+pkg_confetti_description = Erlang configuration provider / application:get_env/2 on steroids
+pkg_confetti_homepage = https://github.com/jtendo/confetti
+pkg_confetti_fetch = git
+pkg_confetti_repo = https://github.com/jtendo/confetti
+pkg_confetti_commit = master
+PACKAGES += couchbeam
+pkg_couchbeam_name = couchbeam
+pkg_couchbeam_description = Apache CouchDB client in Erlang
+pkg_couchbeam_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/couchbeam
+pkg_couchbeam_fetch = git
+pkg_couchbeam_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/couchbeam
+pkg_couchbeam_commit = master
+PACKAGES += covertool
+pkg_covertool_name = covertool
+pkg_covertool_description = Tool to convert Erlang cover data files into Cobertura XML reports
+pkg_covertool_homepage = https://github.com/idubrov/covertool
+pkg_covertool_fetch = git
+pkg_covertool_repo = https://github.com/idubrov/covertool
+pkg_covertool_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cowboy
+pkg_cowboy_name = cowboy
+pkg_cowboy_description = Small, fast and modular HTTP server.
+pkg_cowboy_homepage = http://ninenines.eu
+pkg_cowboy_fetch = git
+pkg_cowboy_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy
+pkg_cowboy_commit = 1.0.4
+PACKAGES += cowdb
+pkg_cowdb_name = cowdb
+pkg_cowdb_description = Pure Key/Value database library for Erlang Applications
+pkg_cowdb_homepage = https://github.com/refuge/cowdb
+pkg_cowdb_fetch = git
+pkg_cowdb_repo = https://github.com/refuge/cowdb
+pkg_cowdb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cowlib
+pkg_cowlib_name = cowlib
+pkg_cowlib_description = Support library for manipulating Web protocols.
+pkg_cowlib_homepage = http://ninenines.eu
+pkg_cowlib_fetch = git
+pkg_cowlib_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/cowlib
+pkg_cowlib_commit = 1.0.2
+PACKAGES += cpg
+pkg_cpg_name = cpg
+pkg_cpg_description = CloudI Process Groups
+pkg_cpg_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/cpg
+pkg_cpg_fetch = git
+pkg_cpg_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/cpg
+pkg_cpg_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cqerl
+pkg_cqerl_name = cqerl
+pkg_cqerl_description = Native Erlang CQL client for Cassandra
+pkg_cqerl_homepage = https://matehat.github.io/cqerl/
+pkg_cqerl_fetch = git
+pkg_cqerl_repo = https://github.com/matehat/cqerl
+pkg_cqerl_commit = master
+pkg_cr_name = cr
+pkg_cr_description = Chain Replication
+pkg_cr_homepage = https://synrc.com/apps/cr/doc/cr.htm
+pkg_cr_fetch = git
+pkg_cr_repo = https://github.com/spawnproc/cr
+pkg_cr_commit = master
+PACKAGES += cuttlefish
+pkg_cuttlefish_name = cuttlefish
+pkg_cuttlefish_description = never lose your childlike sense of wonder baby cuttlefish, promise me?
+pkg_cuttlefish_homepage = https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish
+pkg_cuttlefish_fetch = git
+pkg_cuttlefish_repo = https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish
+pkg_cuttlefish_commit = master
+PACKAGES += damocles
+pkg_damocles_name = damocles
+pkg_damocles_description = Erlang library for generating adversarial network conditions for QAing distributed applications/systems on a single Linux box.
+pkg_damocles_homepage = https://github.com/lostcolony/damocles
+pkg_damocles_fetch = git
+pkg_damocles_repo = https://github.com/lostcolony/damocles
+pkg_damocles_commit = master
+PACKAGES += debbie
+pkg_debbie_name = debbie
+pkg_debbie_description = .DEB Built In Erlang
+pkg_debbie_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/debbie
+pkg_debbie_fetch = git
+pkg_debbie_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/debbie
+pkg_debbie_commit = master
+PACKAGES += decimal
+pkg_decimal_name = decimal
+pkg_decimal_description = An Erlang decimal arithmetic library
+pkg_decimal_homepage = https://github.com/tim/erlang-decimal
+pkg_decimal_fetch = git
+pkg_decimal_repo = https://github.com/tim/erlang-decimal
+pkg_decimal_commit = master
+PACKAGES += detergent
+pkg_detergent_name = detergent
+pkg_detergent_description = An emulsifying Erlang SOAP library
+pkg_detergent_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/detergent
+pkg_detergent_fetch = git
+pkg_detergent_repo = https://github.com/devinus/detergent
+pkg_detergent_commit = master
+PACKAGES += detest
+pkg_detest_name = detest
+pkg_detest_description = Tool for running tests on a cluster of erlang nodes
+pkg_detest_homepage = https://github.com/biokoda/detest
+pkg_detest_fetch = git
+pkg_detest_repo = https://github.com/biokoda/detest
+pkg_detest_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dh_date
+pkg_dh_date_name = dh_date
+pkg_dh_date_description = Date formatting / parsing library for erlang
+pkg_dh_date_homepage = https://github.com/daleharvey/dh_date
+pkg_dh_date_fetch = git
+pkg_dh_date_repo = https://github.com/daleharvey/dh_date
+pkg_dh_date_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dirbusterl
+pkg_dirbusterl_name = dirbusterl
+pkg_dirbusterl_description = DirBuster successor in Erlang
+pkg_dirbusterl_homepage = https://github.com/silentsignal/DirBustErl
+pkg_dirbusterl_fetch = git
+pkg_dirbusterl_repo = https://github.com/silentsignal/DirBustErl
+pkg_dirbusterl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dispcount
+pkg_dispcount_name = dispcount
+pkg_dispcount_description = Erlang task dispatcher based on ETS counters.
+pkg_dispcount_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/dispcount
+pkg_dispcount_fetch = git
+pkg_dispcount_repo = https://github.com/ferd/dispcount
+pkg_dispcount_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dlhttpc
+pkg_dlhttpc_name = dlhttpc
+pkg_dlhttpc_description = dispcount-based lhttpc fork for massive amounts of requests to limited endpoints
+pkg_dlhttpc_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/dlhttpc
+pkg_dlhttpc_fetch = git
+pkg_dlhttpc_repo = https://github.com/ferd/dlhttpc
+pkg_dlhttpc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dns
+pkg_dns_name = dns
+pkg_dns_description = Erlang DNS library
+pkg_dns_homepage = https://github.com/aetrion/dns_erlang
+pkg_dns_fetch = git
+pkg_dns_repo = https://github.com/aetrion/dns_erlang
+pkg_dns_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dnssd
+pkg_dnssd_name = dnssd
+pkg_dnssd_description = Erlang interface to Apple's Bonjour D NS Service Discovery implementation
+pkg_dnssd_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/dnssd_erlang
+pkg_dnssd_fetch = git
+pkg_dnssd_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/dnssd_erlang
+pkg_dnssd_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dtl
+pkg_dtl_name = dtl
+pkg_dtl_description = Django Template Language: A full-featured port of the Django template engine to Erlang.
+pkg_dtl_homepage = https://github.com/oinksoft/dtl
+pkg_dtl_fetch = git
+pkg_dtl_repo = https://github.com/oinksoft/dtl
+pkg_dtl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += dynamic_compile
+pkg_dynamic_compile_name = dynamic_compile
+pkg_dynamic_compile_description = compile and load erlang modules from string input
+pkg_dynamic_compile_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/dynamic_compile
+pkg_dynamic_compile_fetch = git
+pkg_dynamic_compile_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/dynamic_compile
+pkg_dynamic_compile_commit = master
+pkg_e2_name = e2
+pkg_e2_description = Library to simply writing correct OTP applications.
+pkg_e2_homepage = http://e2project.org
+pkg_e2_fetch = git
+pkg_e2_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/e2
+pkg_e2_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eamf
+pkg_eamf_name = eamf
+pkg_eamf_description = eAMF provides Action Message Format (AMF) support for Erlang
+pkg_eamf_homepage = https://github.com/mrinalwadhwa/eamf
+pkg_eamf_fetch = git
+pkg_eamf_repo = https://github.com/mrinalwadhwa/eamf
+pkg_eamf_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eavro
+pkg_eavro_name = eavro
+pkg_eavro_description = Apache Avro encoder/decoder
+pkg_eavro_homepage = https://github.com/SIfoxDevTeam/eavro
+pkg_eavro_fetch = git
+pkg_eavro_repo = https://github.com/SIfoxDevTeam/eavro
+pkg_eavro_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ecapnp
+pkg_ecapnp_name = ecapnp
+pkg_ecapnp_description = Cap'n Proto library for Erlang
+pkg_ecapnp_homepage = https://github.com/kaos/ecapnp
+pkg_ecapnp_fetch = git
+pkg_ecapnp_repo = https://github.com/kaos/ecapnp
+pkg_ecapnp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += econfig
+pkg_econfig_name = econfig
+pkg_econfig_description = simple Erlang config handler using INI files
+pkg_econfig_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/econfig
+pkg_econfig_fetch = git
+pkg_econfig_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/econfig
+pkg_econfig_commit = master
+PACKAGES += edate
+pkg_edate_name = edate
+pkg_edate_description = date manipulation library for erlang
+pkg_edate_homepage = https://github.com/dweldon/edate
+pkg_edate_fetch = git
+pkg_edate_repo = https://github.com/dweldon/edate
+pkg_edate_commit = master
+PACKAGES += edgar
+pkg_edgar_name = edgar
+pkg_edgar_description = Erlang Does GNU AR
+pkg_edgar_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/edgar
+pkg_edgar_fetch = git
+pkg_edgar_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/edgar
+pkg_edgar_commit = master
+PACKAGES += edis
+pkg_edis_name = edis
+pkg_edis_description = An Erlang implementation of Redis KV Store
+pkg_edis_homepage = http://inaka.github.com/edis/
+pkg_edis_fetch = git
+pkg_edis_repo = https://github.com/inaka/edis
+pkg_edis_commit = master
+PACKAGES += edns
+pkg_edns_name = edns
+pkg_edns_description = Erlang/OTP DNS server
+pkg_edns_homepage = https://github.com/hcvst/erlang-dns
+pkg_edns_fetch = git
+pkg_edns_repo = https://github.com/hcvst/erlang-dns
+pkg_edns_commit = master
+PACKAGES += edown
+pkg_edown_name = edown
+pkg_edown_description = EDoc extension for generating Github-flavored Markdown
+pkg_edown_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/edown
+pkg_edown_fetch = git
+pkg_edown_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/edown
+pkg_edown_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eep_app
+pkg_eep_app_name = eep_app
+pkg_eep_app_description = Embedded Event Processing
+pkg_eep_app_homepage = https://github.com/darach/eep-erl
+pkg_eep_app_fetch = git
+pkg_eep_app_repo = https://github.com/darach/eep-erl
+pkg_eep_app_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eep
+pkg_eep_name = eep
+pkg_eep_description = Erlang Easy Profiling (eep) application provides a way to analyze application performance and call hierarchy
+pkg_eep_homepage = https://github.com/virtan/eep
+pkg_eep_fetch = git
+pkg_eep_repo = https://github.com/virtan/eep
+pkg_eep_commit = master
+PACKAGES += efene
+pkg_efene_name = efene
+pkg_efene_description = Alternative syntax for the Erlang Programming Language focusing on simplicity, ease of use and programmer UX
+pkg_efene_homepage = https://github.com/efene/efene
+pkg_efene_fetch = git
+pkg_efene_repo = https://github.com/efene/efene
+pkg_efene_commit = master
+PACKAGES += egeoip
+pkg_egeoip_name = egeoip
+pkg_egeoip_description = Erlang IP Geolocation module, currently supporting the MaxMind GeoLite City Database.
+pkg_egeoip_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/egeoip
+pkg_egeoip_fetch = git
+pkg_egeoip_repo = https://github.com/mochi/egeoip
+pkg_egeoip_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ehsa
+pkg_ehsa_name = ehsa
+pkg_ehsa_description = Erlang HTTP server basic and digest authentication modules
+pkg_ehsa_homepage = https://bitbucket.org/a12n/ehsa
+pkg_ehsa_fetch = hg
+pkg_ehsa_repo = https://bitbucket.org/a12n/ehsa
+pkg_ehsa_commit = default
+PACKAGES += ejabberd
+pkg_ejabberd_name = ejabberd
+pkg_ejabberd_description = Robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform
+pkg_ejabberd_homepage = https://github.com/processone/ejabberd
+pkg_ejabberd_fetch = git
+pkg_ejabberd_repo = https://github.com/processone/ejabberd
+pkg_ejabberd_commit = master
+pkg_ej_name = ej
+pkg_ej_description = Helper module for working with Erlang terms representing JSON
+pkg_ej_homepage = https://github.com/seth/ej
+pkg_ej_fetch = git
+pkg_ej_repo = https://github.com/seth/ej
+pkg_ej_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ejwt
+pkg_ejwt_name = ejwt
+pkg_ejwt_description = erlang library for JSON Web Token
+pkg_ejwt_homepage = https://github.com/artefactop/ejwt
+pkg_ejwt_fetch = git
+pkg_ejwt_repo = https://github.com/artefactop/ejwt
+pkg_ejwt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ekaf
+pkg_ekaf_name = ekaf
+pkg_ekaf_description = A minimal, high-performance Kafka client in Erlang.
+pkg_ekaf_homepage = https://github.com/helpshift/ekaf
+pkg_ekaf_fetch = git
+pkg_ekaf_repo = https://github.com/helpshift/ekaf
+pkg_ekaf_commit = master
+PACKAGES += elarm
+pkg_elarm_name = elarm
+pkg_elarm_description = Alarm Manager for Erlang.
+pkg_elarm_homepage = https://github.com/esl/elarm
+pkg_elarm_fetch = git
+pkg_elarm_repo = https://github.com/esl/elarm
+pkg_elarm_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eleveldb
+pkg_eleveldb_name = eleveldb
+pkg_eleveldb_description = Erlang LevelDB API
+pkg_eleveldb_homepage = https://github.com/basho/eleveldb
+pkg_eleveldb_fetch = git
+pkg_eleveldb_repo = https://github.com/basho/eleveldb
+pkg_eleveldb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += elli
+pkg_elli_name = elli
+pkg_elli_description = Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
+pkg_elli_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/elli
+pkg_elli_fetch = git
+pkg_elli_repo = https://github.com/knutin/elli
+pkg_elli_commit = master
+PACKAGES += elvis
+pkg_elvis_name = elvis
+pkg_elvis_description = Erlang Style Reviewer
+pkg_elvis_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/elvis
+pkg_elvis_fetch = git
+pkg_elvis_repo = https://github.com/inaka/elvis
+pkg_elvis_commit = master
+PACKAGES += emagick
+pkg_emagick_name = emagick
+pkg_emagick_description = Wrapper for Graphics/ImageMagick command line tool.
+pkg_emagick_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/emagick
+pkg_emagick_fetch = git
+pkg_emagick_repo = https://github.com/kivra/emagick
+pkg_emagick_commit = master
+PACKAGES += emysql
+pkg_emysql_name = emysql
+pkg_emysql_description = Stable, pure Erlang MySQL driver.
+pkg_emysql_homepage = https://github.com/Eonblast/Emysql
+pkg_emysql_fetch = git
+pkg_emysql_repo = https://github.com/Eonblast/Emysql
+pkg_emysql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += enm
+pkg_enm_name = enm
+pkg_enm_description = Erlang driver for nanomsg
+pkg_enm_homepage = https://github.com/basho/enm
+pkg_enm_fetch = git
+pkg_enm_repo = https://github.com/basho/enm
+pkg_enm_commit = master
+PACKAGES += entop
+pkg_entop_name = entop
+pkg_entop_description = A top-like tool for monitoring an Erlang node
+pkg_entop_homepage = https://github.com/mazenharake/entop
+pkg_entop_fetch = git
+pkg_entop_repo = https://github.com/mazenharake/entop
+pkg_entop_commit = master
+PACKAGES += epcap
+pkg_epcap_name = epcap
+pkg_epcap_description = Erlang packet capture interface using pcap
+pkg_epcap_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/epcap
+pkg_epcap_fetch = git
+pkg_epcap_repo = https://github.com/msantos/epcap
+pkg_epcap_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eper
+pkg_eper_name = eper
+pkg_eper_description = Erlang performance and debugging tools.
+pkg_eper_homepage = https://github.com/massemanet/eper
+pkg_eper_fetch = git
+pkg_eper_repo = https://github.com/massemanet/eper
+pkg_eper_commit = master
+PACKAGES += epgsql
+pkg_epgsql_name = epgsql
+pkg_epgsql_description = Erlang PostgreSQL client library.
+pkg_epgsql_homepage = https://github.com/epgsql/epgsql
+pkg_epgsql_fetch = git
+pkg_epgsql_repo = https://github.com/epgsql/epgsql
+pkg_epgsql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += episcina
+pkg_episcina_name = episcina
+pkg_episcina_description = A simple non intrusive resource pool for connections
+pkg_episcina_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/episcina
+pkg_episcina_fetch = git
+pkg_episcina_repo = https://github.com/erlware/episcina
+pkg_episcina_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eplot
+pkg_eplot_name = eplot
+pkg_eplot_description = A plot engine written in erlang.
+pkg_eplot_homepage = https://github.com/psyeugenic/eplot
+pkg_eplot_fetch = git
+pkg_eplot_repo = https://github.com/psyeugenic/eplot
+pkg_eplot_commit = master
+PACKAGES += epocxy
+pkg_epocxy_name = epocxy
+pkg_epocxy_description = Erlang Patterns of Concurrency
+pkg_epocxy_homepage = https://github.com/duomark/epocxy
+pkg_epocxy_fetch = git
+pkg_epocxy_repo = https://github.com/duomark/epocxy
+pkg_epocxy_commit = master
+PACKAGES += epubnub
+pkg_epubnub_name = epubnub
+pkg_epubnub_description = Erlang PubNub API
+pkg_epubnub_homepage = https://github.com/tsloughter/epubnub
+pkg_epubnub_fetch = git
+pkg_epubnub_repo = https://github.com/tsloughter/epubnub
+pkg_epubnub_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eqm
+pkg_eqm_name = eqm
+pkg_eqm_description = Erlang pub sub with supply-demand channels
+pkg_eqm_homepage = https://github.com/loucash/eqm
+pkg_eqm_fetch = git
+pkg_eqm_repo = https://github.com/loucash/eqm
+pkg_eqm_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eredis
+pkg_eredis_name = eredis
+pkg_eredis_description = Erlang Redis client
+pkg_eredis_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/eredis
+pkg_eredis_fetch = git
+pkg_eredis_repo = https://github.com/wooga/eredis
+pkg_eredis_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eredis_pool
+pkg_eredis_pool_name = eredis_pool
+pkg_eredis_pool_description = eredis_pool is Pool of Redis clients, using eredis and poolboy.
+pkg_eredis_pool_homepage = https://github.com/hiroeorz/eredis_pool
+pkg_eredis_pool_fetch = git
+pkg_eredis_pool_repo = https://github.com/hiroeorz/eredis_pool
+pkg_eredis_pool_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlang_cep
+pkg_erlang_cep_name = erlang_cep
+pkg_erlang_cep_description = A basic CEP package written in erlang
+pkg_erlang_cep_homepage = https://github.com/danmacklin/erlang_cep
+pkg_erlang_cep_fetch = git
+pkg_erlang_cep_repo = https://github.com/danmacklin/erlang_cep
+pkg_erlang_cep_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlang_js
+pkg_erlang_js_name = erlang_js
+pkg_erlang_js_description = A linked-in driver for Erlang to Mozilla's Spidermonkey Javascript runtime.
+pkg_erlang_js_homepage = https://github.com/basho/erlang_js
+pkg_erlang_js_fetch = git
+pkg_erlang_js_repo = https://github.com/basho/erlang_js
+pkg_erlang_js_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlang_localtime
+pkg_erlang_localtime_name = erlang_localtime
+pkg_erlang_localtime_description = Erlang library for conversion from one local time to another
+pkg_erlang_localtime_homepage = https://github.com/dmitryme/erlang_localtime
+pkg_erlang_localtime_fetch = git
+pkg_erlang_localtime_repo = https://github.com/dmitryme/erlang_localtime
+pkg_erlang_localtime_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlang_smtp
+pkg_erlang_smtp_name = erlang_smtp
+pkg_erlang_smtp_description = Erlang SMTP and POP3 server code.
+pkg_erlang_smtp_homepage = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-smtp
+pkg_erlang_smtp_fetch = git
+pkg_erlang_smtp_repo = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-smtp
+pkg_erlang_smtp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlang_term
+pkg_erlang_term_name = erlang_term
+pkg_erlang_term_description = Erlang Term Info
+pkg_erlang_term_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/erlang_term
+pkg_erlang_term_fetch = git
+pkg_erlang_term_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/erlang_term
+pkg_erlang_term_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlastic_search
+pkg_erlastic_search_name = erlastic_search
+pkg_erlastic_search_description = An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.
+pkg_erlastic_search_homepage = https://github.com/tsloughter/erlastic_search
+pkg_erlastic_search_fetch = git
+pkg_erlastic_search_repo = https://github.com/tsloughter/erlastic_search
+pkg_erlastic_search_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlasticsearch
+pkg_erlasticsearch_name = erlasticsearch
+pkg_erlasticsearch_description = Erlang thrift interface to elastic_search
+pkg_erlasticsearch_homepage = https://github.com/dieswaytoofast/erlasticsearch
+pkg_erlasticsearch_fetch = git
+pkg_erlasticsearch_repo = https://github.com/dieswaytoofast/erlasticsearch
+pkg_erlasticsearch_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlbrake
+pkg_erlbrake_name = erlbrake
+pkg_erlbrake_description = Erlang Airbrake notification client
+pkg_erlbrake_homepage = https://github.com/kenpratt/erlbrake
+pkg_erlbrake_fetch = git
+pkg_erlbrake_repo = https://github.com/kenpratt/erlbrake
+pkg_erlbrake_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlcloud
+pkg_erlcloud_name = erlcloud
+pkg_erlcloud_description = Cloud Computing library for erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB, Mechanical Turk, ELB)
+pkg_erlcloud_homepage = https://github.com/gleber/erlcloud
+pkg_erlcloud_fetch = git
+pkg_erlcloud_repo = https://github.com/gleber/erlcloud
+pkg_erlcloud_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlcron
+pkg_erlcron_name = erlcron
+pkg_erlcron_description = Erlang cronish system
+pkg_erlcron_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/erlcron
+pkg_erlcron_fetch = git
+pkg_erlcron_repo = https://github.com/erlware/erlcron
+pkg_erlcron_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erldb
+pkg_erldb_name = erldb
+pkg_erldb_description = ORM (Object-relational mapping) application implemented in Erlang
+pkg_erldb_homepage = http://erldb.org
+pkg_erldb_fetch = git
+pkg_erldb_repo = https://github.com/erldb/erldb
+pkg_erldb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erldis
+pkg_erldis_name = erldis
+pkg_erldis_description = redis erlang client library
+pkg_erldis_homepage = https://github.com/cstar/erldis
+pkg_erldis_fetch = git
+pkg_erldis_repo = https://github.com/cstar/erldis
+pkg_erldis_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erldns
+pkg_erldns_name = erldns
+pkg_erldns_description = DNS server, in erlang.
+pkg_erldns_homepage = https://github.com/aetrion/erl-dns
+pkg_erldns_fetch = git
+pkg_erldns_repo = https://github.com/aetrion/erl-dns
+pkg_erldns_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erldocker
+pkg_erldocker_name = erldocker
+pkg_erldocker_description = Docker Remote API client for Erlang
+pkg_erldocker_homepage = https://github.com/proger/erldocker
+pkg_erldocker_fetch = git
+pkg_erldocker_repo = https://github.com/proger/erldocker
+pkg_erldocker_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlfsmon
+pkg_erlfsmon_name = erlfsmon
+pkg_erlfsmon_description = Erlang filesystem event watcher for Linux and OSX
+pkg_erlfsmon_homepage = https://github.com/proger/erlfsmon
+pkg_erlfsmon_fetch = git
+pkg_erlfsmon_repo = https://github.com/proger/erlfsmon
+pkg_erlfsmon_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlgit
+pkg_erlgit_name = erlgit
+pkg_erlgit_description = Erlang convenience wrapper around git executable
+pkg_erlgit_homepage = https://github.com/gleber/erlgit
+pkg_erlgit_fetch = git
+pkg_erlgit_repo = https://github.com/gleber/erlgit
+pkg_erlgit_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlguten
+pkg_erlguten_name = erlguten
+pkg_erlguten_description = ErlGuten is a system for high-quality typesetting, written purely in Erlang.
+pkg_erlguten_homepage = https://github.com/richcarl/erlguten
+pkg_erlguten_fetch = git
+pkg_erlguten_repo = https://github.com/richcarl/erlguten
+pkg_erlguten_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlmc
+pkg_erlmc_name = erlmc
+pkg_erlmc_description = Erlang memcached binary protocol client
+pkg_erlmc_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/erlmc
+pkg_erlmc_fetch = git
+pkg_erlmc_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/erlmc
+pkg_erlmc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlmongo
+pkg_erlmongo_name = erlmongo
+pkg_erlmongo_description = Record based Erlang driver for MongoDB with gridfs support
+pkg_erlmongo_homepage = https://github.com/SergejJurecko/erlmongo
+pkg_erlmongo_fetch = git
+pkg_erlmongo_repo = https://github.com/SergejJurecko/erlmongo
+pkg_erlmongo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlog
+pkg_erlog_name = erlog
+pkg_erlog_description = Prolog interpreter in and for Erlang
+pkg_erlog_homepage = https://github.com/rvirding/erlog
+pkg_erlog_fetch = git
+pkg_erlog_repo = https://github.com/rvirding/erlog
+pkg_erlog_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlpass
+pkg_erlpass_name = erlpass
+pkg_erlpass_description = A library to handle password hashing and changing in a safe manner, independent from any kind of storage whatsoever.
+pkg_erlpass_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/erlpass
+pkg_erlpass_fetch = git
+pkg_erlpass_repo = https://github.com/ferd/erlpass
+pkg_erlpass_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlport
+pkg_erlport_name = erlport
+pkg_erlport_description = ErlPort - connect Erlang to other languages
+pkg_erlport_homepage = https://github.com/hdima/erlport
+pkg_erlport_fetch = git
+pkg_erlport_repo = https://github.com/hdima/erlport
+pkg_erlport_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlsha2
+pkg_erlsha2_name = erlsha2
+pkg_erlsha2_description = SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 implemented in Erlang NIFs.
+pkg_erlsha2_homepage = https://github.com/vinoski/erlsha2
+pkg_erlsha2_fetch = git
+pkg_erlsha2_repo = https://github.com/vinoski/erlsha2
+pkg_erlsha2_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlsh
+pkg_erlsh_name = erlsh
+pkg_erlsh_description = Erlang shell tools
+pkg_erlsh_homepage = https://github.com/proger/erlsh
+pkg_erlsh_fetch = git
+pkg_erlsh_repo = https://github.com/proger/erlsh
+pkg_erlsh_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlsom
+pkg_erlsom_name = erlsom
+pkg_erlsom_description = XML parser for Erlang
+pkg_erlsom_homepage = https://github.com/willemdj/erlsom
+pkg_erlsom_fetch = git
+pkg_erlsom_repo = https://github.com/willemdj/erlsom
+pkg_erlsom_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erl_streams
+pkg_erl_streams_name = erl_streams
+pkg_erl_streams_description = Streams in Erlang
+pkg_erl_streams_homepage = https://github.com/epappas/erl_streams
+pkg_erl_streams_fetch = git
+pkg_erl_streams_repo = https://github.com/epappas/erl_streams
+pkg_erl_streams_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlubi
+pkg_erlubi_name = erlubi
+pkg_erlubi_description = Ubigraph Erlang Client (and Process Visualizer)
+pkg_erlubi_homepage = https://github.com/krestenkrab/erlubi
+pkg_erlubi_fetch = git
+pkg_erlubi_repo = https://github.com/krestenkrab/erlubi
+pkg_erlubi_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlvolt
+pkg_erlvolt_name = erlvolt
+pkg_erlvolt_description = VoltDB Erlang Client Driver
+pkg_erlvolt_homepage = https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb-client-erlang
+pkg_erlvolt_fetch = git
+pkg_erlvolt_repo = https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb-client-erlang
+pkg_erlvolt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlware_commons
+pkg_erlware_commons_name = erlware_commons
+pkg_erlware_commons_description = Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
+pkg_erlware_commons_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/erlware_commons
+pkg_erlware_commons_fetch = git
+pkg_erlware_commons_repo = https://github.com/erlware/erlware_commons
+pkg_erlware_commons_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erlydtl
+pkg_erlydtl_name = erlydtl
+pkg_erlydtl_description = Django Template Language for Erlang.
+pkg_erlydtl_homepage = https://github.com/erlydtl/erlydtl
+pkg_erlydtl_fetch = git
+pkg_erlydtl_repo = https://github.com/erlydtl/erlydtl
+pkg_erlydtl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += errd
+pkg_errd_name = errd
+pkg_errd_description = Erlang RRDTool library
+pkg_errd_homepage = https://github.com/archaelus/errd
+pkg_errd_fetch = git
+pkg_errd_repo = https://github.com/archaelus/errd
+pkg_errd_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erserve
+pkg_erserve_name = erserve
+pkg_erserve_description = Erlang/Rserve communication interface
+pkg_erserve_homepage = https://github.com/del/erserve
+pkg_erserve_fetch = git
+pkg_erserve_repo = https://github.com/del/erserve
+pkg_erserve_commit = master
+PACKAGES += erwa
+pkg_erwa_name = erwa
+pkg_erwa_description = A WAMP router and client written in Erlang.
+pkg_erwa_homepage = https://github.com/bwegh/erwa
+pkg_erwa_fetch = git
+pkg_erwa_repo = https://github.com/bwegh/erwa
+pkg_erwa_commit = master
+PACKAGES += espec
+pkg_espec_name = espec
+pkg_espec_description = ESpec: Behaviour driven development framework for Erlang
+pkg_espec_homepage = https://github.com/lucaspiller/espec
+pkg_espec_fetch = git
+pkg_espec_repo = https://github.com/lucaspiller/espec
+pkg_espec_commit = master
+PACKAGES += estatsd
+pkg_estatsd_name = estatsd
+pkg_estatsd_description = Erlang stats aggregation app that periodically flushes data to graphite
+pkg_estatsd_homepage = https://github.com/RJ/estatsd
+pkg_estatsd_fetch = git
+pkg_estatsd_repo = https://github.com/RJ/estatsd
+pkg_estatsd_commit = master
+PACKAGES += etap
+pkg_etap_name = etap
+pkg_etap_description = etap is a simple erlang testing library that provides TAP compliant output.
+pkg_etap_homepage = https://github.com/ngerakines/etap
+pkg_etap_fetch = git
+pkg_etap_repo = https://github.com/ngerakines/etap
+pkg_etap_commit = master
+PACKAGES += etest_http
+pkg_etest_http_name = etest_http
+pkg_etest_http_description = etest Assertions around HTTP (client-side)
+pkg_etest_http_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/etest_http
+pkg_etest_http_fetch = git
+pkg_etest_http_repo = https://github.com/wooga/etest_http
+pkg_etest_http_commit = master
+PACKAGES += etest
+pkg_etest_name = etest
+pkg_etest_description = A lightweight, convention over configuration test framework for Erlang
+pkg_etest_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/etest
+pkg_etest_fetch = git
+pkg_etest_repo = https://github.com/wooga/etest
+pkg_etest_commit = master
+PACKAGES += etoml
+pkg_etoml_name = etoml
+pkg_etoml_description = TOML language erlang parser
+pkg_etoml_homepage = https://github.com/kalta/etoml
+pkg_etoml_fetch = git
+pkg_etoml_repo = https://github.com/kalta/etoml
+pkg_etoml_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eunit_formatters
+pkg_eunit_formatters_name = eunit_formatters
+pkg_eunit_formatters_description = Because eunit's output sucks. Let's make it better.
+pkg_eunit_formatters_homepage = https://github.com/seancribbs/eunit_formatters
+pkg_eunit_formatters_fetch = git
+pkg_eunit_formatters_repo = https://github.com/seancribbs/eunit_formatters
+pkg_eunit_formatters_commit = master
+PACKAGES += eunit
+pkg_eunit_name = eunit
+pkg_eunit_description = The EUnit lightweight unit testing framework for Erlang - this is the canonical development repository.
+pkg_eunit_homepage = https://github.com/richcarl/eunit
+pkg_eunit_fetch = git
+pkg_eunit_repo = https://github.com/richcarl/eunit
+pkg_eunit_commit = master
+PACKAGES += euthanasia
+pkg_euthanasia_name = euthanasia
+pkg_euthanasia_description = Merciful killer for your Erlang processes
+pkg_euthanasia_homepage = https://github.com/doubleyou/euthanasia
+pkg_euthanasia_fetch = git
+pkg_euthanasia_repo = https://github.com/doubleyou/euthanasia
+pkg_euthanasia_commit = master
+PACKAGES += evum
+pkg_evum_name = evum
+pkg_evum_description = Spawn Linux VMs as Erlang processes in the Erlang VM
+pkg_evum_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/evum
+pkg_evum_fetch = git
+pkg_evum_repo = https://github.com/msantos/evum
+pkg_evum_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exec
+pkg_exec_name = exec
+pkg_exec_description = Execute and control OS processes from Erlang/OTP.
+pkg_exec_homepage = http://saleyn.github.com/erlexec
+pkg_exec_fetch = git
+pkg_exec_repo = https://github.com/saleyn/erlexec
+pkg_exec_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exml
+pkg_exml_name = exml
+pkg_exml_description = XML parsing library in Erlang
+pkg_exml_homepage = https://github.com/paulgray/exml
+pkg_exml_fetch = git
+pkg_exml_repo = https://github.com/paulgray/exml
+pkg_exml_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exometer
+pkg_exometer_name = exometer
+pkg_exometer_description = Basic measurement objects and probe behavior
+pkg_exometer_homepage = https://github.com/Feuerlabs/exometer
+pkg_exometer_fetch = git
+pkg_exometer_repo = https://github.com/Feuerlabs/exometer
+pkg_exometer_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exs1024
+pkg_exs1024_name = exs1024
+pkg_exs1024_description = Xorshift1024star pseudo random number generator for Erlang.
+pkg_exs1024_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs1024
+pkg_exs1024_fetch = git
+pkg_exs1024_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs1024
+pkg_exs1024_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exs64
+pkg_exs64_name = exs64
+pkg_exs64_description = Xorshift64star pseudo random number generator for Erlang.
+pkg_exs64_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs64
+pkg_exs64_fetch = git
+pkg_exs64_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs64
+pkg_exs64_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exsplus116
+pkg_exsplus116_name = exsplus116
+pkg_exsplus116_description = Xorshift116plus for Erlang
+pkg_exsplus116_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus116
+pkg_exsplus116_fetch = git
+pkg_exsplus116_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus116
+pkg_exsplus116_commit = master
+PACKAGES += exsplus128
+pkg_exsplus128_name = exsplus128
+pkg_exsplus128_description = Xorshift128plus pseudo random number generator for Erlang.
+pkg_exsplus128_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus128
+pkg_exsplus128_fetch = git
+pkg_exsplus128_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus128
+pkg_exsplus128_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ezmq
+pkg_ezmq_name = ezmq
+pkg_ezmq_description = zMQ implemented in Erlang
+pkg_ezmq_homepage = https://github.com/RoadRunnr/ezmq
+pkg_ezmq_fetch = git
+pkg_ezmq_repo = https://github.com/RoadRunnr/ezmq
+pkg_ezmq_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ezmtp
+pkg_ezmtp_name = ezmtp
+pkg_ezmtp_description = ZMTP protocol in pure Erlang.
+pkg_ezmtp_homepage = https://github.com/a13x/ezmtp
+pkg_ezmtp_fetch = git
+pkg_ezmtp_repo = https://github.com/a13x/ezmtp
+pkg_ezmtp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += fast_disk_log
+pkg_fast_disk_log_name = fast_disk_log
+pkg_fast_disk_log_description = Pool-based asynchronous Erlang disk logger
+pkg_fast_disk_log_homepage = https://github.com/lpgauth/fast_disk_log
+pkg_fast_disk_log_fetch = git
+pkg_fast_disk_log_repo = https://github.com/lpgauth/fast_disk_log
+pkg_fast_disk_log_commit = master
+PACKAGES += feeder
+pkg_feeder_name = feeder
+pkg_feeder_description = Stream parse RSS and Atom formatted XML feeds.
+pkg_feeder_homepage = https://github.com/michaelnisi/feeder
+pkg_feeder_fetch = git
+pkg_feeder_repo = https://github.com/michaelnisi/feeder
+pkg_feeder_commit = master
+PACKAGES += find_crate
+pkg_find_crate_name = find_crate
+pkg_find_crate_description = Find Rust libs and exes in Erlang application priv directory
+pkg_find_crate_homepage = https://github.com/goertzenator/find_crate
+pkg_find_crate_fetch = git
+pkg_find_crate_repo = https://github.com/goertzenator/find_crate
+pkg_find_crate_commit = master
+PACKAGES += fix
+pkg_fix_name = fix
+pkg_fix_description = http://fixprotocol.org/ implementation.
+pkg_fix_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/fix
+pkg_fix_fetch = git
+pkg_fix_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/fix
+pkg_fix_commit = master
+PACKAGES += flower
+pkg_flower_name = flower
+pkg_flower_description = FlowER - a Erlang OpenFlow development platform
+pkg_flower_homepage = https://github.com/travelping/flower
+pkg_flower_fetch = git
+pkg_flower_repo = https://github.com/travelping/flower
+pkg_flower_commit = master
+pkg_fn_name = fn
+pkg_fn_description = Function utilities for Erlang
+pkg_fn_homepage = https://github.com/reiddraper/fn
+pkg_fn_fetch = git
+pkg_fn_repo = https://github.com/reiddraper/fn
+pkg_fn_commit = master
+PACKAGES += folsom_cowboy
+pkg_folsom_cowboy_name = folsom_cowboy
+pkg_folsom_cowboy_description = A Cowboy based Folsom HTTP Wrapper.
+pkg_folsom_cowboy_homepage = https://github.com/boundary/folsom_cowboy
+pkg_folsom_cowboy_fetch = git
+pkg_folsom_cowboy_repo = https://github.com/boundary/folsom_cowboy
+pkg_folsom_cowboy_commit = master
+PACKAGES += folsomite
+pkg_folsomite_name = folsomite
+pkg_folsomite_description = blow up your graphite / riemann server with folsom metrics
+pkg_folsomite_homepage = https://github.com/campanja/folsomite
+pkg_folsomite_fetch = git
+pkg_folsomite_repo = https://github.com/campanja/folsomite
+pkg_folsomite_commit = master
+PACKAGES += folsom
+pkg_folsom_name = folsom
+pkg_folsom_description = Expose Erlang Events and Metrics
+pkg_folsom_homepage = https://github.com/boundary/folsom
+pkg_folsom_fetch = git
+pkg_folsom_repo = https://github.com/boundary/folsom
+pkg_folsom_commit = master
+pkg_fs_name = fs
+pkg_fs_description = Erlang FileSystem Listener
+pkg_fs_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/fs
+pkg_fs_fetch = git
+pkg_fs_repo = https://github.com/synrc/fs
+pkg_fs_commit = master
+PACKAGES += fuse
+pkg_fuse_name = fuse
+pkg_fuse_description = A Circuit Breaker for Erlang
+pkg_fuse_homepage = https://github.com/jlouis/fuse
+pkg_fuse_fetch = git
+pkg_fuse_repo = https://github.com/jlouis/fuse
+pkg_fuse_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gcm
+pkg_gcm_name = gcm
+pkg_gcm_description = An Erlang application for Google Cloud Messaging
+pkg_gcm_homepage = https://github.com/pdincau/gcm-erlang
+pkg_gcm_fetch = git
+pkg_gcm_repo = https://github.com/pdincau/gcm-erlang
+pkg_gcm_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gcprof
+pkg_gcprof_name = gcprof
+pkg_gcprof_description = Garbage Collection profiler for Erlang
+pkg_gcprof_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/gcprof
+pkg_gcprof_fetch = git
+pkg_gcprof_repo = https://github.com/knutin/gcprof
+pkg_gcprof_commit = master
+PACKAGES += geas
+pkg_geas_name = geas
+pkg_geas_description = Guess Erlang Application Scattering
+pkg_geas_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/geas
+pkg_geas_fetch = git
+pkg_geas_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/geas
+pkg_geas_commit = master
+PACKAGES += geef
+pkg_geef_name = geef
+pkg_geef_description = Git NEEEEF (Erlang NIF)
+pkg_geef_homepage = https://github.com/carlosmn/geef
+pkg_geef_fetch = git
+pkg_geef_repo = https://github.com/carlosmn/geef
+pkg_geef_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_coap
+pkg_gen_coap_name = gen_coap
+pkg_gen_coap_description = Generic Erlang CoAP Client/Server
+pkg_gen_coap_homepage = https://github.com/gotthardp/gen_coap
+pkg_gen_coap_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_coap_repo = https://github.com/gotthardp/gen_coap
+pkg_gen_coap_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_cycle
+pkg_gen_cycle_name = gen_cycle
+pkg_gen_cycle_description = Simple, generic OTP behaviour for recurring tasks
+pkg_gen_cycle_homepage = https://github.com/aerosol/gen_cycle
+pkg_gen_cycle_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_cycle_repo = https://github.com/aerosol/gen_cycle
+pkg_gen_cycle_commit = develop
+PACKAGES += gen_icmp
+pkg_gen_icmp_name = gen_icmp
+pkg_gen_icmp_description = Erlang interface to ICMP sockets
+pkg_gen_icmp_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/gen_icmp
+pkg_gen_icmp_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_icmp_repo = https://github.com/msantos/gen_icmp
+pkg_gen_icmp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_nb_server
+pkg_gen_nb_server_name = gen_nb_server
+pkg_gen_nb_server_description = OTP behavior for writing non-blocking servers
+pkg_gen_nb_server_homepage = https://github.com/kevsmith/gen_nb_server
+pkg_gen_nb_server_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_nb_server_repo = https://github.com/kevsmith/gen_nb_server
+pkg_gen_nb_server_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_paxos
+pkg_gen_paxos_name = gen_paxos
+pkg_gen_paxos_description = An Erlang/OTP-style implementation of the PAXOS distributed consensus protocol
+pkg_gen_paxos_homepage = https://github.com/gburd/gen_paxos
+pkg_gen_paxos_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_paxos_repo = https://github.com/gburd/gen_paxos
+pkg_gen_paxos_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_smtp
+pkg_gen_smtp_name = gen_smtp
+pkg_gen_smtp_description = A generic Erlang SMTP server and client that can be extended via callback modules
+pkg_gen_smtp_homepage = https://github.com/Vagabond/gen_smtp
+pkg_gen_smtp_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_smtp_repo = https://github.com/Vagabond/gen_smtp
+pkg_gen_smtp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_tracker
+pkg_gen_tracker_name = gen_tracker
+pkg_gen_tracker_description = supervisor with ets handling of children and their metadata
+pkg_gen_tracker_homepage = https://github.com/erlyvideo/gen_tracker
+pkg_gen_tracker_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_tracker_repo = https://github.com/erlyvideo/gen_tracker
+pkg_gen_tracker_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gen_unix
+pkg_gen_unix_name = gen_unix
+pkg_gen_unix_description = Erlang Unix socket interface
+pkg_gen_unix_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/gen_unix
+pkg_gen_unix_fetch = git
+pkg_gen_unix_repo = https://github.com/msantos/gen_unix
+pkg_gen_unix_commit = master
+PACKAGES += geode
+pkg_geode_name = geode
+pkg_geode_description = geohash/proximity lookup in pure, uncut erlang.
+pkg_geode_homepage = https://github.com/bradfordw/geode
+pkg_geode_fetch = git
+pkg_geode_repo = https://github.com/bradfordw/geode
+pkg_geode_commit = master
+PACKAGES += getopt
+pkg_getopt_name = getopt
+pkg_getopt_description = Module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax
+pkg_getopt_homepage = https://github.com/jcomellas/getopt
+pkg_getopt_fetch = git
+pkg_getopt_repo = https://github.com/jcomellas/getopt
+pkg_getopt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gettext
+pkg_gettext_name = gettext
+pkg_gettext_description = Erlang internationalization library.
+pkg_gettext_homepage = https://github.com/etnt/gettext
+pkg_gettext_fetch = git
+pkg_gettext_repo = https://github.com/etnt/gettext
+pkg_gettext_commit = master
+PACKAGES += giallo
+pkg_giallo_name = giallo
+pkg_giallo_description = Small and flexible web framework on top of Cowboy
+pkg_giallo_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/giallo
+pkg_giallo_fetch = git
+pkg_giallo_repo = https://github.com/kivra/giallo
+pkg_giallo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gin
+pkg_gin_name = gin
+pkg_gin_description = The guards and for Erlang parse_transform
+pkg_gin_homepage = https://github.com/mad-cocktail/gin
+pkg_gin_fetch = git
+pkg_gin_repo = https://github.com/mad-cocktail/gin
+pkg_gin_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gitty
+pkg_gitty_name = gitty
+pkg_gitty_description = Git access in erlang
+pkg_gitty_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/gitty
+pkg_gitty_fetch = git
+pkg_gitty_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/gitty
+pkg_gitty_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gold_fever
+pkg_gold_fever_name = gold_fever
+pkg_gold_fever_description = A Treasure Hunt for Erlangers
+pkg_gold_fever_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/gold_fever
+pkg_gold_fever_fetch = git
+pkg_gold_fever_repo = https://github.com/inaka/gold_fever
+pkg_gold_fever_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gossiperl
+pkg_gossiperl_name = gossiperl
+pkg_gossiperl_description = Gossip middleware in Erlang
+pkg_gossiperl_homepage = http://gossiperl.com/
+pkg_gossiperl_fetch = git
+pkg_gossiperl_repo = https://github.com/gossiperl/gossiperl
+pkg_gossiperl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gpb
+pkg_gpb_name = gpb
+pkg_gpb_description = A Google Protobuf implementation for Erlang
+pkg_gpb_homepage = https://github.com/tomas-abrahamsson/gpb
+pkg_gpb_fetch = git
+pkg_gpb_repo = https://github.com/tomas-abrahamsson/gpb
+pkg_gpb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gproc
+pkg_gproc_name = gproc
+pkg_gproc_description = Extended process registry for Erlang
+pkg_gproc_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/gproc
+pkg_gproc_fetch = git
+pkg_gproc_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/gproc
+pkg_gproc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += grapherl
+pkg_grapherl_name = grapherl
+pkg_grapherl_description = Create graphs of Erlang systems and programs
+pkg_grapherl_homepage = https://github.com/eproxus/grapherl
+pkg_grapherl_fetch = git
+pkg_grapherl_repo = https://github.com/eproxus/grapherl
+pkg_grapherl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gun
+pkg_gun_name = gun
+pkg_gun_description = Asynchronous SPDY, HTTP and Websocket client written in Erlang.
+pkg_gun_homepage = http//ninenines.eu
+pkg_gun_fetch = git
+pkg_gun_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/gun
+pkg_gun_commit = master
+PACKAGES += gut
+pkg_gut_name = gut
+pkg_gut_description = gut is a template printing, aka scaffolding, tool for Erlang. Like rails generate or yeoman
+pkg_gut_homepage = https://github.com/unbalancedparentheses/gut
+pkg_gut_fetch = git
+pkg_gut_repo = https://github.com/unbalancedparentheses/gut
+pkg_gut_commit = master
+PACKAGES += hackney
+pkg_hackney_name = hackney
+pkg_hackney_description = simple HTTP client in Erlang
+pkg_hackney_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/hackney
+pkg_hackney_fetch = git
+pkg_hackney_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/hackney
+pkg_hackney_commit = master
+PACKAGES += hamcrest
+pkg_hamcrest_name = hamcrest
+pkg_hamcrest_description = Erlang port of Hamcrest
+pkg_hamcrest_homepage = https://github.com/hyperthunk/hamcrest-erlang
+pkg_hamcrest_fetch = git
+pkg_hamcrest_repo = https://github.com/hyperthunk/hamcrest-erlang
+pkg_hamcrest_commit = master
+PACKAGES += hanoidb
+pkg_hanoidb_name = hanoidb
+pkg_hanoidb_description = Erlang LSM BTree Storage
+pkg_hanoidb_homepage = https://github.com/krestenkrab/hanoidb
+pkg_hanoidb_fetch = git
+pkg_hanoidb_repo = https://github.com/krestenkrab/hanoidb
+pkg_hanoidb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += hottub
+pkg_hottub_name = hottub
+pkg_hottub_description = Permanent Erlang Worker Pool
+pkg_hottub_homepage = https://github.com/bfrog/hottub
+pkg_hottub_fetch = git
+pkg_hottub_repo = https://github.com/bfrog/hottub
+pkg_hottub_commit = master
+PACKAGES += hpack
+pkg_hpack_name = hpack
+pkg_hpack_description = HPACK Implementation for Erlang
+pkg_hpack_homepage = https://github.com/joedevivo/hpack
+pkg_hpack_fetch = git
+pkg_hpack_repo = https://github.com/joedevivo/hpack
+pkg_hpack_commit = master
+PACKAGES += hyper
+pkg_hyper_name = hyper
+pkg_hyper_description = Erlang implementation of HyperLogLog
+pkg_hyper_homepage = https://github.com/GameAnalytics/hyper
+pkg_hyper_fetch = git
+pkg_hyper_repo = https://github.com/GameAnalytics/hyper
+pkg_hyper_commit = master
+PACKAGES += i18n
+pkg_i18n_name = i18n
+pkg_i18n_description = International components for unicode from Erlang (unicode, date, string, number, format, locale, localization, transliteration, icu4e)
+pkg_i18n_homepage = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/i18n
+pkg_i18n_fetch = git
+pkg_i18n_repo = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/i18n
+pkg_i18n_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ibrowse
+pkg_ibrowse_name = ibrowse
+pkg_ibrowse_description = Erlang HTTP client
+pkg_ibrowse_homepage = https://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse
+pkg_ibrowse_fetch = git
+pkg_ibrowse_repo = https://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse
+pkg_ibrowse_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ierlang
+pkg_ierlang_name = ierlang
+pkg_ierlang_description = An Erlang language kernel for IPython.
+pkg_ierlang_homepage = https://github.com/robbielynch/ierlang
+pkg_ierlang_fetch = git
+pkg_ierlang_repo = https://github.com/robbielynch/ierlang
+pkg_ierlang_commit = master
+PACKAGES += iota
+pkg_iota_name = iota
+pkg_iota_description = iota (Inter-dependency Objective Testing Apparatus) - a tool to enforce clean separation of responsibilities in Erlang code
+pkg_iota_homepage = https://github.com/jpgneves/iota
+pkg_iota_fetch = git
+pkg_iota_repo = https://github.com/jpgneves/iota
+pkg_iota_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ircd
+pkg_ircd_name = ircd
+pkg_ircd_description = A pluggable IRC daemon application/library for Erlang.
+pkg_ircd_homepage = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-ircd
+pkg_ircd_fetch = git
+pkg_ircd_repo = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-ircd
+pkg_ircd_commit = master
+PACKAGES += irc_lib
+pkg_irc_lib_name = irc_lib
+pkg_irc_lib_description = Erlang irc client library
+pkg_irc_lib_homepage = https://github.com/OtpChatBot/irc_lib
+pkg_irc_lib_fetch = git
+pkg_irc_lib_repo = https://github.com/OtpChatBot/irc_lib
+pkg_irc_lib_commit = master
+PACKAGES += iris
+pkg_iris_name = iris
+pkg_iris_description = Iris Erlang binding
+pkg_iris_homepage = https://github.com/project-iris/iris-erl
+pkg_iris_fetch = git
+pkg_iris_repo = https://github.com/project-iris/iris-erl
+pkg_iris_commit = master
+PACKAGES += iso8601
+pkg_iso8601_name = iso8601
+pkg_iso8601_description = Erlang ISO 8601 date formatter/parser
+pkg_iso8601_homepage = https://github.com/seansawyer/erlang_iso8601
+pkg_iso8601_fetch = git
+pkg_iso8601_repo = https://github.com/seansawyer/erlang_iso8601
+pkg_iso8601_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jamdb_sybase
+pkg_jamdb_sybase_name = jamdb_sybase
+pkg_jamdb_sybase_description = Erlang driver for SAP Sybase ASE
+pkg_jamdb_sybase_homepage = https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_sybase
+pkg_jamdb_sybase_fetch = git
+pkg_jamdb_sybase_repo = https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_sybase
+pkg_jamdb_sybase_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jerg
+pkg_jerg_name = jerg
+pkg_jerg_description = JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator
+pkg_jerg_homepage = https://github.com/ddossot/jerg
+pkg_jerg_fetch = git
+pkg_jerg_repo = https://github.com/ddossot/jerg
+pkg_jerg_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jesse
+pkg_jesse_name = jesse
+pkg_jesse_description = jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a json schema validator for Erlang.
+pkg_jesse_homepage = https://github.com/for-GET/jesse
+pkg_jesse_fetch = git
+pkg_jesse_repo = https://github.com/for-GET/jesse
+pkg_jesse_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jiffy
+pkg_jiffy_name = jiffy
+pkg_jiffy_description = JSON NIFs for Erlang.
+pkg_jiffy_homepage = https://github.com/davisp/jiffy
+pkg_jiffy_fetch = git
+pkg_jiffy_repo = https://github.com/davisp/jiffy
+pkg_jiffy_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jiffy_v
+pkg_jiffy_v_name = jiffy_v
+pkg_jiffy_v_description = JSON validation utility
+pkg_jiffy_v_homepage = https://github.com/shizzard/jiffy-v
+pkg_jiffy_v_fetch = git
+pkg_jiffy_v_repo = https://github.com/shizzard/jiffy-v
+pkg_jiffy_v_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jobs
+pkg_jobs_name = jobs
+pkg_jobs_description = a Job scheduler for load regulation
+pkg_jobs_homepage = https://github.com/esl/jobs
+pkg_jobs_fetch = git
+pkg_jobs_repo = https://github.com/esl/jobs
+pkg_jobs_commit = master
+PACKAGES += joxa
+pkg_joxa_name = joxa
+pkg_joxa_description = A Modern Lisp for the Erlang VM
+pkg_joxa_homepage = https://github.com/joxa/joxa
+pkg_joxa_fetch = git
+pkg_joxa_repo = https://github.com/joxa/joxa
+pkg_joxa_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jsone
+pkg_jsone_name = jsone
+pkg_jsone_description = An Erlang library for encoding, decoding JSON data.
+pkg_jsone_homepage = https://github.com/sile/jsone.git
+pkg_jsone_fetch = git
+pkg_jsone_repo = https://github.com/sile/jsone.git
+pkg_jsone_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jsonerl
+pkg_jsonerl_name = jsonerl
+pkg_jsonerl_description = yet another but slightly different erlang <-> json encoder/decoder
+pkg_jsonerl_homepage = https://github.com/lambder/jsonerl
+pkg_jsonerl_fetch = git
+pkg_jsonerl_repo = https://github.com/lambder/jsonerl
+pkg_jsonerl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += json
+pkg_json_name = json
+pkg_json_description = a high level json library for erlang (17.0+)
+pkg_json_homepage = https://github.com/talentdeficit/json
+pkg_json_fetch = git
+pkg_json_repo = https://github.com/talentdeficit/json
+pkg_json_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jsonpath
+pkg_jsonpath_name = jsonpath
+pkg_jsonpath_description = Fast Erlang JSON data retrieval and updates via javascript-like notation
+pkg_jsonpath_homepage = https://github.com/GeneStevens/jsonpath
+pkg_jsonpath_fetch = git
+pkg_jsonpath_repo = https://github.com/GeneStevens/jsonpath
+pkg_jsonpath_commit = master
+PACKAGES += json_rec
+pkg_json_rec_name = json_rec
+pkg_json_rec_description = JSON to erlang record
+pkg_json_rec_homepage = https://github.com/justinkirby/json_rec
+pkg_json_rec_fetch = git
+pkg_json_rec_repo = https://github.com/justinkirby/json_rec
+pkg_json_rec_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jsonx
+pkg_jsonx_name = jsonx
+pkg_jsonx_description = JSONX is an Erlang library for efficient decode and encode JSON, written in C.
+pkg_jsonx_homepage = https://github.com/iskra/jsonx
+pkg_jsonx_fetch = git
+pkg_jsonx_repo = https://github.com/iskra/jsonx
+pkg_jsonx_commit = master
+PACKAGES += jsx
+pkg_jsx_name = jsx
+pkg_jsx_description = An Erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating JSON.
+pkg_jsx_homepage = https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx
+pkg_jsx_fetch = git
+pkg_jsx_repo = https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx
+pkg_jsx_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kafka
+pkg_kafka_name = kafka
+pkg_kafka_description = Kafka consumer and producer in Erlang
+pkg_kafka_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/kafka-erlang
+pkg_kafka_fetch = git
+pkg_kafka_repo = https://github.com/wooga/kafka-erlang
+pkg_kafka_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kafka_protocol
+pkg_kafka_protocol_name = kafka_protocol
+pkg_kafka_protocol_description = Kafka protocol Erlang library
+pkg_kafka_protocol_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/kafka_protocol
+pkg_kafka_protocol_fetch = git
+pkg_kafka_protocol_repo = https://github.com/klarna/kafka_protocol.git
+pkg_kafka_protocol_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kai
+pkg_kai_name = kai
+pkg_kai_description = DHT storage by Takeshi Inoue
+pkg_kai_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/kai
+pkg_kai_fetch = git
+pkg_kai_repo = https://github.com/synrc/kai
+pkg_kai_commit = master
+PACKAGES += katja
+pkg_katja_name = katja
+pkg_katja_description = A simple Riemann client written in Erlang.
+pkg_katja_homepage = https://github.com/nifoc/katja
+pkg_katja_fetch = git
+pkg_katja_repo = https://github.com/nifoc/katja
+pkg_katja_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kdht
+pkg_kdht_name = kdht
+pkg_kdht_description = kdht is an erlang DHT implementation
+pkg_kdht_homepage = https://github.com/kevinlynx/kdht
+pkg_kdht_fetch = git
+pkg_kdht_repo = https://github.com/kevinlynx/kdht
+pkg_kdht_commit = master
+PACKAGES += key2value
+pkg_key2value_name = key2value
+pkg_key2value_description = Erlang 2-way map
+pkg_key2value_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/key2value
+pkg_key2value_fetch = git
+pkg_key2value_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/key2value
+pkg_key2value_commit = master
+PACKAGES += keys1value
+pkg_keys1value_name = keys1value
+pkg_keys1value_description = Erlang set associative map for key lists
+pkg_keys1value_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/keys1value
+pkg_keys1value_fetch = git
+pkg_keys1value_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/keys1value
+pkg_keys1value_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kinetic
+pkg_kinetic_name = kinetic
+pkg_kinetic_description = Erlang Kinesis Client
+pkg_kinetic_homepage = https://github.com/AdRoll/kinetic
+pkg_kinetic_fetch = git
+pkg_kinetic_repo = https://github.com/AdRoll/kinetic
+pkg_kinetic_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kjell
+pkg_kjell_name = kjell
+pkg_kjell_description = Erlang Shell
+pkg_kjell_homepage = https://github.com/karlll/kjell
+pkg_kjell_fetch = git
+pkg_kjell_repo = https://github.com/karlll/kjell
+pkg_kjell_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kraken
+pkg_kraken_name = kraken
+pkg_kraken_description = Distributed Pubsub Server for Realtime Apps
+pkg_kraken_homepage = https://github.com/Asana/kraken
+pkg_kraken_fetch = git
+pkg_kraken_repo = https://github.com/Asana/kraken
+pkg_kraken_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kucumberl
+pkg_kucumberl_name = kucumberl
+pkg_kucumberl_description = A pure-erlang, open-source, implementation of Cucumber
+pkg_kucumberl_homepage = https://github.com/openshine/kucumberl
+pkg_kucumberl_fetch = git
+pkg_kucumberl_repo = https://github.com/openshine/kucumberl
+pkg_kucumberl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kvc
+pkg_kvc_name = kvc
+pkg_kvc_description = KVC - Key Value Coding for Erlang data structures
+pkg_kvc_homepage = https://github.com/etrepum/kvc
+pkg_kvc_fetch = git
+pkg_kvc_repo = https://github.com/etrepum/kvc
+pkg_kvc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kvlists
+pkg_kvlists_name = kvlists
+pkg_kvlists_description = Lists of key-value pairs (decoded JSON) in Erlang
+pkg_kvlists_homepage = https://github.com/jcomellas/kvlists
+pkg_kvlists_fetch = git
+pkg_kvlists_repo = https://github.com/jcomellas/kvlists
+pkg_kvlists_commit = master
+PACKAGES += kvs
+pkg_kvs_name = kvs
+pkg_kvs_description = Container and Iterator
+pkg_kvs_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/kvs
+pkg_kvs_fetch = git
+pkg_kvs_repo = https://github.com/synrc/kvs
+pkg_kvs_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lager_amqp_backend
+pkg_lager_amqp_backend_name = lager_amqp_backend
+pkg_lager_amqp_backend_description = AMQP RabbitMQ Lager backend
+pkg_lager_amqp_backend_homepage = https://github.com/jbrisbin/lager_amqp_backend
+pkg_lager_amqp_backend_fetch = git
+pkg_lager_amqp_backend_repo = https://github.com/jbrisbin/lager_amqp_backend
+pkg_lager_amqp_backend_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lager
+pkg_lager_name = lager
+pkg_lager_description = A logging framework for Erlang/OTP.
+pkg_lager_homepage = https://github.com/basho/lager
+pkg_lager_fetch = git
+pkg_lager_repo = https://github.com/basho/lager
+pkg_lager_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lager_syslog
+pkg_lager_syslog_name = lager_syslog
+pkg_lager_syslog_description = Syslog backend for lager
+pkg_lager_syslog_homepage = https://github.com/basho/lager_syslog
+pkg_lager_syslog_fetch = git
+pkg_lager_syslog_repo = https://github.com/basho/lager_syslog
+pkg_lager_syslog_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lambdapad
+pkg_lambdapad_name = lambdapad
+pkg_lambdapad_description = Static site generator using Erlang. Yes, Erlang.
+pkg_lambdapad_homepage = https://github.com/gar1t/lambdapad
+pkg_lambdapad_fetch = git
+pkg_lambdapad_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/lambdapad
+pkg_lambdapad_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lasp
+pkg_lasp_name = lasp
+pkg_lasp_description = A Language for Distributed, Eventually Consistent Computations
+pkg_lasp_homepage = http://lasp-lang.org/
+pkg_lasp_fetch = git
+pkg_lasp_repo = https://github.com/lasp-lang/lasp
+pkg_lasp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lasse
+pkg_lasse_name = lasse
+pkg_lasse_description = SSE handler for Cowboy
+pkg_lasse_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/lasse
+pkg_lasse_fetch = git
+pkg_lasse_repo = https://github.com/inaka/lasse
+pkg_lasse_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ldap
+pkg_ldap_name = ldap
+pkg_ldap_description = LDAP server written in Erlang
+pkg_ldap_homepage = https://github.com/spawnproc/ldap
+pkg_ldap_fetch = git
+pkg_ldap_repo = https://github.com/spawnproc/ldap
+pkg_ldap_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lethink
+pkg_lethink_name = lethink
+pkg_lethink_description = erlang driver for rethinkdb
+pkg_lethink_homepage = https://github.com/taybin/lethink
+pkg_lethink_fetch = git
+pkg_lethink_repo = https://github.com/taybin/lethink
+pkg_lethink_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lfe
+pkg_lfe_name = lfe
+pkg_lfe_description = Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE)
+pkg_lfe_homepage = https://github.com/rvirding/lfe
+pkg_lfe_fetch = git
+pkg_lfe_repo = https://github.com/rvirding/lfe
+pkg_lfe_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ling
+pkg_ling_name = ling
+pkg_ling_description = Erlang on Xen
+pkg_ling_homepage = https://github.com/cloudozer/ling
+pkg_ling_fetch = git
+pkg_ling_repo = https://github.com/cloudozer/ling
+pkg_ling_commit = master
+PACKAGES += live
+pkg_live_name = live
+pkg_live_description = Automated module and configuration reloader.
+pkg_live_homepage = http://ninenines.eu
+pkg_live_fetch = git
+pkg_live_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/live
+pkg_live_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lmq
+pkg_lmq_name = lmq
+pkg_lmq_description = Lightweight Message Queue
+pkg_lmq_homepage = https://github.com/iij/lmq
+pkg_lmq_fetch = git
+pkg_lmq_repo = https://github.com/iij/lmq
+pkg_lmq_commit = master
+PACKAGES += locker
+pkg_locker_name = locker
+pkg_locker_description = Atomic distributed 'check and set' for short-lived keys
+pkg_locker_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/locker
+pkg_locker_fetch = git
+pkg_locker_repo = https://github.com/wooga/locker
+pkg_locker_commit = master
+PACKAGES += locks
+pkg_locks_name = locks
+pkg_locks_description = A scalable, deadlock-resolving resource locker
+pkg_locks_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/locks
+pkg_locks_fetch = git
+pkg_locks_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/locks
+pkg_locks_commit = master
+PACKAGES += log4erl
+pkg_log4erl_name = log4erl
+pkg_log4erl_description = A logger for erlang in the spirit of Log4J.
+pkg_log4erl_homepage = https://github.com/ahmednawras/log4erl
+pkg_log4erl_fetch = git
+pkg_log4erl_repo = https://github.com/ahmednawras/log4erl
+pkg_log4erl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lol
+pkg_lol_name = lol
+pkg_lol_description = Lisp on erLang, and programming is fun again
+pkg_lol_homepage = https://github.com/b0oh/lol
+pkg_lol_fetch = git
+pkg_lol_repo = https://github.com/b0oh/lol
+pkg_lol_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lucid
+pkg_lucid_name = lucid
+pkg_lucid_description = HTTP/2 server written in Erlang
+pkg_lucid_homepage = https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/lucid
+pkg_lucid_fetch = git
+pkg_lucid_repo = https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/lucid
+pkg_lucid_commit = master
+PACKAGES += luerl
+pkg_luerl_name = luerl
+pkg_luerl_description = Lua in Erlang
+pkg_luerl_homepage = https://github.com/rvirding/luerl
+pkg_luerl_fetch = git
+pkg_luerl_repo = https://github.com/rvirding/luerl
+pkg_luerl_commit = develop
+PACKAGES += luwak
+pkg_luwak_name = luwak
+pkg_luwak_description = Large-object storage interface for Riak
+pkg_luwak_homepage = https://github.com/basho/luwak
+pkg_luwak_fetch = git
+pkg_luwak_repo = https://github.com/basho/luwak
+pkg_luwak_commit = master
+PACKAGES += lux
+pkg_lux_name = lux
+pkg_lux_description = Lux (LUcid eXpect scripting) simplifies test automation and provides an Expect-style execution of commands
+pkg_lux_homepage = https://github.com/hawk/lux
+pkg_lux_fetch = git
+pkg_lux_repo = https://github.com/hawk/lux
+pkg_lux_commit = master
+PACKAGES += machi
+pkg_machi_name = machi
+pkg_machi_description = Machi file store
+pkg_machi_homepage = https://github.com/basho/machi
+pkg_machi_fetch = git
+pkg_machi_repo = https://github.com/basho/machi
+pkg_machi_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mad
+pkg_mad_name = mad
+pkg_mad_description = Small and Fast Rebar Replacement
+pkg_mad_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/mad
+pkg_mad_fetch = git
+pkg_mad_repo = https://github.com/synrc/mad
+pkg_mad_commit = master
+PACKAGES += marina
+pkg_marina_name = marina
+pkg_marina_description = Non-blocking Erlang Cassandra CQL3 client
+pkg_marina_homepage = https://github.com/lpgauth/marina
+pkg_marina_fetch = git
+pkg_marina_repo = https://github.com/lpgauth/marina
+pkg_marina_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mavg
+pkg_mavg_name = mavg
+pkg_mavg_description = Erlang :: Exponential moving average library
+pkg_mavg_homepage = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mavg
+pkg_mavg_fetch = git
+pkg_mavg_repo = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mavg
+pkg_mavg_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mcd
+pkg_mcd_name = mcd
+pkg_mcd_description = Fast memcached protocol client in pure Erlang
+pkg_mcd_homepage = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mcd
+pkg_mcd_fetch = git
+pkg_mcd_repo = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mcd
+pkg_mcd_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mcerlang
+pkg_mcerlang_name = mcerlang
+pkg_mcerlang_description = The McErlang model checker for Erlang
+pkg_mcerlang_homepage = https://github.com/fredlund/McErlang
+pkg_mcerlang_fetch = git
+pkg_mcerlang_repo = https://github.com/fredlund/McErlang
+pkg_mcerlang_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mc_erl
+pkg_mc_erl_name = mc_erl
+pkg_mc_erl_description = mc-erl is a server for Minecraft 1.4.7 written in Erlang.
+pkg_mc_erl_homepage = https://github.com/clonejo/mc-erl
+pkg_mc_erl_fetch = git
+pkg_mc_erl_repo = https://github.com/clonejo/mc-erl
+pkg_mc_erl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += meck
+pkg_meck_name = meck
+pkg_meck_description = A mocking library for Erlang
+pkg_meck_homepage = https://github.com/eproxus/meck
+pkg_meck_fetch = git
+pkg_meck_repo = https://github.com/eproxus/meck
+pkg_meck_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mekao
+pkg_mekao_name = mekao
+pkg_mekao_description = SQL constructor
+pkg_mekao_homepage = https://github.com/ddosia/mekao
+pkg_mekao_fetch = git
+pkg_mekao_repo = https://github.com/ddosia/mekao
+pkg_mekao_commit = master
+PACKAGES += memo
+pkg_memo_name = memo
+pkg_memo_description = Erlang memoization server
+pkg_memo_homepage = https://github.com/tuncer/memo
+pkg_memo_fetch = git
+pkg_memo_repo = https://github.com/tuncer/memo
+pkg_memo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += merge_index
+pkg_merge_index_name = merge_index
+pkg_merge_index_description = MergeIndex is an Erlang library for storing ordered sets on disk. It is very similar to an SSTable (in Google's Bigtable) or an HFile (in Hadoop).
+pkg_merge_index_homepage = https://github.com/basho/merge_index
+pkg_merge_index_fetch = git
+pkg_merge_index_repo = https://github.com/basho/merge_index
+pkg_merge_index_commit = master
+PACKAGES += merl
+pkg_merl_name = merl
+pkg_merl_description = Metaprogramming in Erlang
+pkg_merl_homepage = https://github.com/richcarl/merl
+pkg_merl_fetch = git
+pkg_merl_repo = https://github.com/richcarl/merl
+pkg_merl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mimerl
+pkg_mimerl_name = mimerl
+pkg_mimerl_description = library to handle mimetypes
+pkg_mimerl_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/mimerl
+pkg_mimerl_fetch = git
+pkg_mimerl_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/mimerl
+pkg_mimerl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mimetypes
+pkg_mimetypes_name = mimetypes
+pkg_mimetypes_description = Erlang MIME types library
+pkg_mimetypes_homepage = https://github.com/spawngrid/mimetypes
+pkg_mimetypes_fetch = git
+pkg_mimetypes_repo = https://github.com/spawngrid/mimetypes
+pkg_mimetypes_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mixer
+pkg_mixer_name = mixer
+pkg_mixer_description = Mix in functions from other modules
+pkg_mixer_homepage = https://github.com/chef/mixer
+pkg_mixer_fetch = git
+pkg_mixer_repo = https://github.com/chef/mixer
+pkg_mixer_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mochiweb
+pkg_mochiweb_name = mochiweb
+pkg_mochiweb_description = MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
+pkg_mochiweb_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/mochiweb
+pkg_mochiweb_fetch = git
+pkg_mochiweb_repo = https://github.com/mochi/mochiweb
+pkg_mochiweb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mochiweb_xpath
+pkg_mochiweb_xpath_name = mochiweb_xpath
+pkg_mochiweb_xpath_description = XPath support for mochiweb's html parser
+pkg_mochiweb_xpath_homepage = https://github.com/retnuh/mochiweb_xpath
+pkg_mochiweb_xpath_fetch = git
+pkg_mochiweb_xpath_repo = https://github.com/retnuh/mochiweb_xpath
+pkg_mochiweb_xpath_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mockgyver
+pkg_mockgyver_name = mockgyver
+pkg_mockgyver_description = A mocking library for Erlang
+pkg_mockgyver_homepage = https://github.com/klajo/mockgyver
+pkg_mockgyver_fetch = git
+pkg_mockgyver_repo = https://github.com/klajo/mockgyver
+pkg_mockgyver_commit = master
+PACKAGES += modlib
+pkg_modlib_name = modlib
+pkg_modlib_description = Web framework based on Erlang's inets httpd
+pkg_modlib_homepage = https://github.com/gar1t/modlib
+pkg_modlib_fetch = git
+pkg_modlib_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/modlib
+pkg_modlib_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mongodb
+pkg_mongodb_name = mongodb
+pkg_mongodb_description = MongoDB driver for Erlang
+pkg_mongodb_homepage = https://github.com/comtihon/mongodb-erlang
+pkg_mongodb_fetch = git
+pkg_mongodb_repo = https://github.com/comtihon/mongodb-erlang
+pkg_mongodb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mongooseim
+pkg_mongooseim_name = mongooseim
+pkg_mongooseim_description = Jabber / XMPP server with focus on performance and scalability, by Erlang Solutions
+pkg_mongooseim_homepage = https://www.erlang-solutions.com/products/mongooseim-massively-scalable-ejabberd-platform
+pkg_mongooseim_fetch = git
+pkg_mongooseim_repo = https://github.com/esl/MongooseIM
+pkg_mongooseim_commit = master
+PACKAGES += moyo
+pkg_moyo_name = moyo
+pkg_moyo_description = Erlang utility functions library
+pkg_moyo_homepage = https://github.com/dwango/moyo
+pkg_moyo_fetch = git
+pkg_moyo_repo = https://github.com/dwango/moyo
+pkg_moyo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += msgpack
+pkg_msgpack_name = msgpack
+pkg_msgpack_description = MessagePack (de)serializer implementation for Erlang
+pkg_msgpack_homepage = https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-erlang
+pkg_msgpack_fetch = git
+pkg_msgpack_repo = https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-erlang
+pkg_msgpack_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mu2
+pkg_mu2_name = mu2
+pkg_mu2_description = Erlang mutation testing tool
+pkg_mu2_homepage = https://github.com/ramsay-t/mu2
+pkg_mu2_fetch = git
+pkg_mu2_repo = https://github.com/ramsay-t/mu2
+pkg_mu2_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mustache
+pkg_mustache_name = mustache
+pkg_mustache_description = Mustache template engine for Erlang.
+pkg_mustache_homepage = https://github.com/mojombo/mustache.erl
+pkg_mustache_fetch = git
+pkg_mustache_repo = https://github.com/mojombo/mustache.erl
+pkg_mustache_commit = master
+PACKAGES += myproto
+pkg_myproto_name = myproto
+pkg_myproto_description = MySQL Server Protocol in Erlang
+pkg_myproto_homepage = https://github.com/altenwald/myproto
+pkg_myproto_fetch = git
+pkg_myproto_repo = https://github.com/altenwald/myproto
+pkg_myproto_commit = master
+PACKAGES += mysql
+pkg_mysql_name = mysql
+pkg_mysql_description = Erlang MySQL Driver (from code.google.com)
+pkg_mysql_homepage = https://github.com/dizzyd/erlang-mysql-driver
+pkg_mysql_fetch = git
+pkg_mysql_repo = https://github.com/dizzyd/erlang-mysql-driver
+pkg_mysql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += n2o
+pkg_n2o_name = n2o
+pkg_n2o_description = WebSocket Application Server
+pkg_n2o_homepage = https://github.com/5HT/n2o
+pkg_n2o_fetch = git
+pkg_n2o_repo = https://github.com/5HT/n2o
+pkg_n2o_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nat_upnp
+pkg_nat_upnp_name = nat_upnp
+pkg_nat_upnp_description = Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD
+pkg_nat_upnp_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/nat_upnp
+pkg_nat_upnp_fetch = git
+pkg_nat_upnp_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/nat_upnp
+pkg_nat_upnp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += neo4j
+pkg_neo4j_name = neo4j
+pkg_neo4j_description = Erlang client library for Neo4J.
+pkg_neo4j_homepage = https://github.com/dmitriid/neo4j-erlang
+pkg_neo4j_fetch = git
+pkg_neo4j_repo = https://github.com/dmitriid/neo4j-erlang
+pkg_neo4j_commit = master
+PACKAGES += neotoma
+pkg_neotoma_name = neotoma
+pkg_neotoma_description = Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.
+pkg_neotoma_homepage = https://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma
+pkg_neotoma_fetch = git
+pkg_neotoma_repo = https://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma
+pkg_neotoma_commit = master
+PACKAGES += newrelic
+pkg_newrelic_name = newrelic
+pkg_newrelic_description = Erlang library for sending metrics to New Relic
+pkg_newrelic_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/newrelic-erlang
+pkg_newrelic_fetch = git
+pkg_newrelic_repo = https://github.com/wooga/newrelic-erlang
+pkg_newrelic_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nifty
+pkg_nifty_name = nifty
+pkg_nifty_description = Erlang NIF wrapper generator
+pkg_nifty_homepage = https://github.com/parapluu/nifty
+pkg_nifty_fetch = git
+pkg_nifty_repo = https://github.com/parapluu/nifty
+pkg_nifty_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nitrogen_core
+pkg_nitrogen_core_name = nitrogen_core
+pkg_nitrogen_core_description = The core Nitrogen library.
+pkg_nitrogen_core_homepage = http://nitrogenproject.com/
+pkg_nitrogen_core_fetch = git
+pkg_nitrogen_core_repo = https://github.com/nitrogen/nitrogen_core
+pkg_nitrogen_core_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nkbase
+pkg_nkbase_name = nkbase
+pkg_nkbase_description = NkBASE distributed database
+pkg_nkbase_homepage = https://github.com/Nekso/nkbase
+pkg_nkbase_fetch = git
+pkg_nkbase_repo = https://github.com/Nekso/nkbase
+pkg_nkbase_commit = develop
+PACKAGES += nkdocker
+pkg_nkdocker_name = nkdocker
+pkg_nkdocker_description = Erlang Docker client
+pkg_nkdocker_homepage = https://github.com/Nekso/nkdocker
+pkg_nkdocker_fetch = git
+pkg_nkdocker_repo = https://github.com/Nekso/nkdocker
+pkg_nkdocker_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nkpacket
+pkg_nkpacket_name = nkpacket
+pkg_nkpacket_description = Generic Erlang transport layer
+pkg_nkpacket_homepage = https://github.com/Nekso/nkpacket
+pkg_nkpacket_fetch = git
+pkg_nkpacket_repo = https://github.com/Nekso/nkpacket
+pkg_nkpacket_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nksip
+pkg_nksip_name = nksip
+pkg_nksip_description = Erlang SIP application server
+pkg_nksip_homepage = https://github.com/kalta/nksip
+pkg_nksip_fetch = git
+pkg_nksip_repo = https://github.com/kalta/nksip
+pkg_nksip_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nodefinder
+pkg_nodefinder_name = nodefinder
+pkg_nodefinder_description = automatic node discovery via UDP multicast
+pkg_nodefinder_homepage = https://github.com/erlanger/nodefinder
+pkg_nodefinder_fetch = git
+pkg_nodefinder_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/nodefinder
+pkg_nodefinder_commit = master
+PACKAGES += nprocreg
+pkg_nprocreg_name = nprocreg
+pkg_nprocreg_description = Minimal Distributed Erlang Process Registry
+pkg_nprocreg_homepage = http://nitrogenproject.com/
+pkg_nprocreg_fetch = git
+pkg_nprocreg_repo = https://github.com/nitrogen/nprocreg
+pkg_nprocreg_commit = master
+PACKAGES += oauth2
+pkg_oauth2_name = oauth2
+pkg_oauth2_description = Erlang Oauth2 implementation
+pkg_oauth2_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/oauth2
+pkg_oauth2_fetch = git
+pkg_oauth2_repo = https://github.com/kivra/oauth2
+pkg_oauth2_commit = master
+PACKAGES += oauth
+pkg_oauth_name = oauth
+pkg_oauth_description = An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation
+pkg_oauth_homepage = https://github.com/tim/erlang-oauth
+pkg_oauth_fetch = git
+pkg_oauth_repo = https://github.com/tim/erlang-oauth
+pkg_oauth_commit = master
+PACKAGES += octopus
+pkg_octopus_name = octopus
+pkg_octopus_description = Small and flexible pool manager written in Erlang
+pkg_octopus_homepage = https://github.com/erlangbureau/octopus
+pkg_octopus_fetch = git
+pkg_octopus_repo = https://github.com/erlangbureau/octopus
+pkg_octopus_commit = master
+PACKAGES += of_protocol
+pkg_of_protocol_name = of_protocol
+pkg_of_protocol_description = OpenFlow Protocol Library for Erlang
+pkg_of_protocol_homepage = https://github.com/FlowForwarding/of_protocol
+pkg_of_protocol_fetch = git
+pkg_of_protocol_repo = https://github.com/FlowForwarding/of_protocol
+pkg_of_protocol_commit = master
+PACKAGES += opencouch
+pkg_opencouch_name = couch
+pkg_opencouch_description = A embeddable document oriented database compatible with Apache CouchDB
+pkg_opencouch_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/opencouch
+pkg_opencouch_fetch = git
+pkg_opencouch_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/opencouch
+pkg_opencouch_commit = master
+PACKAGES += openflow
+pkg_openflow_name = openflow
+pkg_openflow_description = An OpenFlow controller written in pure erlang
+pkg_openflow_homepage = https://github.com/renatoaguiar/erlang-openflow
+pkg_openflow_fetch = git
+pkg_openflow_repo = https://github.com/renatoaguiar/erlang-openflow
+pkg_openflow_commit = master
+PACKAGES += openid
+pkg_openid_name = openid
+pkg_openid_description = Erlang OpenID
+pkg_openid_homepage = https://github.com/brendonh/erl_openid
+pkg_openid_fetch = git
+pkg_openid_repo = https://github.com/brendonh/erl_openid
+pkg_openid_commit = master
+PACKAGES += openpoker
+pkg_openpoker_name = openpoker
+pkg_openpoker_description = Genesis Texas hold'em Game Server
+pkg_openpoker_homepage = https://github.com/hpyhacking/openpoker
+pkg_openpoker_fetch = git
+pkg_openpoker_repo = https://github.com/hpyhacking/openpoker
+pkg_openpoker_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pal
+pkg_pal_name = pal
+pkg_pal_description = Pragmatic Authentication Library
+pkg_pal_homepage = https://github.com/manifest/pal
+pkg_pal_fetch = git
+pkg_pal_repo = https://github.com/manifest/pal
+pkg_pal_commit = master
+PACKAGES += parse_trans
+pkg_parse_trans_name = parse_trans
+pkg_parse_trans_description = Parse transform utilities for Erlang
+pkg_parse_trans_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/parse_trans
+pkg_parse_trans_fetch = git
+pkg_parse_trans_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/parse_trans
+pkg_parse_trans_commit = master
+PACKAGES += parsexml
+pkg_parsexml_name = parsexml
+pkg_parsexml_description = Simple DOM XML parser with convenient and very simple API
+pkg_parsexml_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/parsexml
+pkg_parsexml_fetch = git
+pkg_parsexml_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/parsexml
+pkg_parsexml_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pegjs
+pkg_pegjs_name = pegjs
+pkg_pegjs_description = An implementation of PEG.js grammar for Erlang.
+pkg_pegjs_homepage = https://github.com/dmitriid/pegjs
+pkg_pegjs_fetch = git
+pkg_pegjs_repo = https://github.com/dmitriid/pegjs
+pkg_pegjs_commit = master
+PACKAGES += percept2
+pkg_percept2_name = percept2
+pkg_percept2_description = Concurrent profiling tool for Erlang
+pkg_percept2_homepage = https://github.com/huiqing/percept2
+pkg_percept2_fetch = git
+pkg_percept2_repo = https://github.com/huiqing/percept2
+pkg_percept2_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pgsql
+pkg_pgsql_name = pgsql
+pkg_pgsql_description = Erlang PostgreSQL driver
+pkg_pgsql_homepage = https://github.com/semiocast/pgsql
+pkg_pgsql_fetch = git
+pkg_pgsql_repo = https://github.com/semiocast/pgsql
+pkg_pgsql_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pkgx
+pkg_pkgx_name = pkgx
+pkg_pkgx_description = Build .deb packages from Erlang releases
+pkg_pkgx_homepage = https://github.com/arjan/pkgx
+pkg_pkgx_fetch = git
+pkg_pkgx_repo = https://github.com/arjan/pkgx
+pkg_pkgx_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pkt
+pkg_pkt_name = pkt
+pkg_pkt_description = Erlang network protocol library
+pkg_pkt_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/pkt
+pkg_pkt_fetch = git
+pkg_pkt_repo = https://github.com/msantos/pkt
+pkg_pkt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += plain_fsm
+pkg_plain_fsm_name = plain_fsm
+pkg_plain_fsm_description = A behaviour/support library for writing plain Erlang FSMs.
+pkg_plain_fsm_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/plain_fsm
+pkg_plain_fsm_fetch = git
+pkg_plain_fsm_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/plain_fsm
+pkg_plain_fsm_commit = master
+PACKAGES += plumtree
+pkg_plumtree_name = plumtree
+pkg_plumtree_description = Epidemic Broadcast Trees
+pkg_plumtree_homepage = https://github.com/helium/plumtree
+pkg_plumtree_fetch = git
+pkg_plumtree_repo = https://github.com/helium/plumtree
+pkg_plumtree_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pmod_transform
+pkg_pmod_transform_name = pmod_transform
+pkg_pmod_transform_description = Parse transform for parameterized modules
+pkg_pmod_transform_homepage = https://github.com/erlang/pmod_transform
+pkg_pmod_transform_fetch = git
+pkg_pmod_transform_repo = https://github.com/erlang/pmod_transform
+pkg_pmod_transform_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pobox
+pkg_pobox_name = pobox
+pkg_pobox_description = External buffer processes to protect against mailbox overflow in Erlang
+pkg_pobox_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/pobox
+pkg_pobox_fetch = git
+pkg_pobox_repo = https://github.com/ferd/pobox
+pkg_pobox_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ponos
+pkg_ponos_name = ponos
+pkg_ponos_description = ponos is a simple yet powerful load generator written in erlang
+pkg_ponos_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/ponos
+pkg_ponos_fetch = git
+pkg_ponos_repo = https://github.com/klarna/ponos
+pkg_ponos_commit = master
+PACKAGES += poolboy
+pkg_poolboy_name = poolboy
+pkg_poolboy_description = A hunky Erlang worker pool factory
+pkg_poolboy_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/poolboy
+pkg_poolboy_fetch = git
+pkg_poolboy_repo = https://github.com/devinus/poolboy
+pkg_poolboy_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pooler
+pkg_pooler_name = pooler
+pkg_pooler_description = An OTP Process Pool Application
+pkg_pooler_homepage = https://github.com/seth/pooler
+pkg_pooler_fetch = git
+pkg_pooler_repo = https://github.com/seth/pooler
+pkg_pooler_commit = master
+PACKAGES += pqueue
+pkg_pqueue_name = pqueue
+pkg_pqueue_description = Erlang Priority Queues
+pkg_pqueue_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/pqueue
+pkg_pqueue_fetch = git
+pkg_pqueue_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/pqueue
+pkg_pqueue_commit = master
+PACKAGES += procket
+pkg_procket_name = procket
+pkg_procket_description = Erlang interface to low level socket operations
+pkg_procket_homepage = http://blog.listincomprehension.com/search/label/procket
+pkg_procket_fetch = git
+pkg_procket_repo = https://github.com/msantos/procket
+pkg_procket_commit = master
+PACKAGES += proper
+pkg_proper_name = proper
+pkg_proper_description = PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang.
+pkg_proper_homepage = http://proper.softlab.ntua.gr
+pkg_proper_fetch = git
+pkg_proper_repo = https://github.com/manopapad/proper
+pkg_proper_commit = master
+PACKAGES += prop
+pkg_prop_name = prop
+pkg_prop_description = An Erlang code scaffolding and generator system.
+pkg_prop_homepage = https://github.com/nuex/prop
+pkg_prop_fetch = git
+pkg_prop_repo = https://github.com/nuex/prop
+pkg_prop_commit = master
+PACKAGES += props
+pkg_props_name = props
+pkg_props_description = Property structure library
+pkg_props_homepage = https://github.com/greyarea/props
+pkg_props_fetch = git
+pkg_props_repo = https://github.com/greyarea/props
+pkg_props_commit = master
+PACKAGES += protobuffs
+pkg_protobuffs_name = protobuffs
+pkg_protobuffs_description = An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang, based on ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs.
+pkg_protobuffs_homepage = https://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs
+pkg_protobuffs_fetch = git
+pkg_protobuffs_repo = https://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs
+pkg_protobuffs_commit = master
+PACKAGES += psycho
+pkg_psycho_name = psycho
+pkg_psycho_description = HTTP server that provides a WSGI-like interface for applications and middleware.
+pkg_psycho_homepage = https://github.com/gar1t/psycho
+pkg_psycho_fetch = git
+pkg_psycho_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/psycho
+pkg_psycho_commit = master
+PACKAGES += purity
+pkg_purity_name = purity
+pkg_purity_description = A side-effect analyzer for Erlang
+pkg_purity_homepage = https://github.com/mpitid/purity
+pkg_purity_fetch = git
+pkg_purity_repo = https://github.com/mpitid/purity
+pkg_purity_commit = master
+PACKAGES += push_service
+pkg_push_service_name = push_service
+pkg_push_service_description = Push service
+pkg_push_service_homepage = https://github.com/hairyhum/push_service
+pkg_push_service_fetch = git
+pkg_push_service_repo = https://github.com/hairyhum/push_service
+pkg_push_service_commit = master
+PACKAGES += qdate
+pkg_qdate_name = qdate
+pkg_qdate_description = Date, time, and timezone parsing, formatting, and conversion for Erlang.
+pkg_qdate_homepage = https://github.com/choptastic/qdate
+pkg_qdate_fetch = git
+pkg_qdate_repo = https://github.com/choptastic/qdate
+pkg_qdate_commit = master
+PACKAGES += qrcode
+pkg_qrcode_name = qrcode
+pkg_qrcode_description = QR Code encoder in Erlang
+pkg_qrcode_homepage = https://github.com/komone/qrcode
+pkg_qrcode_fetch = git
+pkg_qrcode_repo = https://github.com/komone/qrcode
+pkg_qrcode_commit = master
+PACKAGES += quest
+pkg_quest_name = quest
+pkg_quest_description = Learn Erlang through this set of challenges. An interactive system for getting to know Erlang.
+pkg_quest_homepage = https://github.com/eriksoe/ErlangQuest
+pkg_quest_fetch = git
+pkg_quest_repo = https://github.com/eriksoe/ErlangQuest
+pkg_quest_commit = master
+PACKAGES += quickrand
+pkg_quickrand_name = quickrand
+pkg_quickrand_description = Quick Erlang Random Number Generation
+pkg_quickrand_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/quickrand
+pkg_quickrand_fetch = git
+pkg_quickrand_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/quickrand
+pkg_quickrand_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rabbit_exchange_type_riak
+pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_name = rabbit_exchange_type_riak
+pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_description = Custom RabbitMQ exchange type for sticking messages in Riak
+pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_homepage = https://github.com/jbrisbin/riak-exchange
+pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_fetch = git
+pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_repo = https://github.com/jbrisbin/riak-exchange
+pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rabbit
+pkg_rabbit_name = rabbit
+pkg_rabbit_description = RabbitMQ Server
+pkg_rabbit_homepage = https://www.rabbitmq.com/
+pkg_rabbit_fetch = git
+pkg_rabbit_repo = https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.git
+pkg_rabbit_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rack
+pkg_rack_name = rack
+pkg_rack_description = Rack handler for erlang
+pkg_rack_homepage = https://github.com/erlyvideo/rack
+pkg_rack_fetch = git
+pkg_rack_repo = https://github.com/erlyvideo/rack
+pkg_rack_commit = master
+PACKAGES += radierl
+pkg_radierl_name = radierl
+pkg_radierl_description = RADIUS protocol stack implemented in Erlang.
+pkg_radierl_homepage = https://github.com/vances/radierl
+pkg_radierl_fetch = git
+pkg_radierl_repo = https://github.com/vances/radierl
+pkg_radierl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rafter
+pkg_rafter_name = rafter
+pkg_rafter_description = An Erlang library application which implements the Raft consensus protocol
+pkg_rafter_homepage = https://github.com/andrewjstone/rafter
+pkg_rafter_fetch = git
+pkg_rafter_repo = https://github.com/andrewjstone/rafter
+pkg_rafter_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ranch
+pkg_ranch_name = ranch
+pkg_ranch_description = Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.
+pkg_ranch_homepage = http://ninenines.eu
+pkg_ranch_fetch = git
+pkg_ranch_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/ranch
+pkg_ranch_commit = 1.2.1
+PACKAGES += rbeacon
+pkg_rbeacon_name = rbeacon
+pkg_rbeacon_description = LAN discovery and presence in Erlang.
+pkg_rbeacon_homepage = https://github.com/refuge/rbeacon
+pkg_rbeacon_fetch = git
+pkg_rbeacon_repo = https://github.com/refuge/rbeacon
+pkg_rbeacon_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rebar
+pkg_rebar_name = rebar
+pkg_rebar_description = Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases.
+pkg_rebar_homepage = http://www.rebar3.org
+pkg_rebar_fetch = git
+pkg_rebar_repo = https://github.com/rebar/rebar3
+pkg_rebar_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rebus
+pkg_rebus_name = rebus
+pkg_rebus_description = A stupid simple, internal, pub/sub event bus written in- and for Erlang.
+pkg_rebus_homepage = https://github.com/olle/rebus
+pkg_rebus_fetch = git
+pkg_rebus_repo = https://github.com/olle/rebus
+pkg_rebus_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rec2json
+pkg_rec2json_name = rec2json
+pkg_rec2json_description = Compile erlang record definitions into modules to convert them to/from json easily.
+pkg_rec2json_homepage = https://github.com/lordnull/rec2json
+pkg_rec2json_fetch = git
+pkg_rec2json_repo = https://github.com/lordnull/rec2json
+pkg_rec2json_commit = master
+PACKAGES += recon
+pkg_recon_name = recon
+pkg_recon_description = Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production.
+pkg_recon_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/recon
+pkg_recon_fetch = git
+pkg_recon_repo = https://github.com/ferd/recon
+pkg_recon_commit = master
+PACKAGES += record_info
+pkg_record_info_name = record_info
+pkg_record_info_description = Convert between record and proplist
+pkg_record_info_homepage = https://github.com/bipthelin/erlang-record_info
+pkg_record_info_fetch = git
+pkg_record_info_repo = https://github.com/bipthelin/erlang-record_info
+pkg_record_info_commit = master
+PACKAGES += redgrid
+pkg_redgrid_name = redgrid
+pkg_redgrid_description = automatic Erlang node discovery via redis
+pkg_redgrid_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/redgrid
+pkg_redgrid_fetch = git
+pkg_redgrid_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/redgrid
+pkg_redgrid_commit = master
+PACKAGES += redo
+pkg_redo_name = redo
+pkg_redo_description = pipelined erlang redis client
+pkg_redo_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/redo
+pkg_redo_fetch = git
+pkg_redo_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/redo
+pkg_redo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += reload_mk
+pkg_reload_mk_name = reload_mk
+pkg_reload_mk_description = Live reload plugin for erlang.mk.
+pkg_reload_mk_homepage = https://github.com/bullno1/reload.mk
+pkg_reload_mk_fetch = git
+pkg_reload_mk_repo = https://github.com/bullno1/reload.mk
+pkg_reload_mk_commit = master
+PACKAGES += reltool_util
+pkg_reltool_util_name = reltool_util
+pkg_reltool_util_description = Erlang reltool utility functionality application
+pkg_reltool_util_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/reltool_util
+pkg_reltool_util_fetch = git
+pkg_reltool_util_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/reltool_util
+pkg_reltool_util_commit = master
+PACKAGES += relx
+pkg_relx_name = relx
+pkg_relx_description = Sane, simple release creation for Erlang
+pkg_relx_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/relx
+pkg_relx_fetch = git
+pkg_relx_repo = https://github.com/erlware/relx
+pkg_relx_commit = master
+PACKAGES += resource_discovery
+pkg_resource_discovery_name = resource_discovery
+pkg_resource_discovery_description = An application used to dynamically discover resources present in an Erlang node cluster.
+pkg_resource_discovery_homepage = http://erlware.org/
+pkg_resource_discovery_fetch = git
+pkg_resource_discovery_repo = https://github.com/erlware/resource_discovery
+pkg_resource_discovery_commit = master
+PACKAGES += restc
+pkg_restc_name = restc
+pkg_restc_description = Erlang Rest Client
+pkg_restc_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/restclient
+pkg_restc_fetch = git
+pkg_restc_repo = https://github.com/kivra/restclient
+pkg_restc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rfc4627_jsonrpc
+pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_name = rfc4627_jsonrpc
+pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_description = Erlang RFC4627 (JSON) codec and JSON-RPC server implementation.
+pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_homepage = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-rfc4627
+pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_fetch = git
+pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_repo = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-rfc4627
+pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riakc
+pkg_riakc_name = riakc
+pkg_riakc_description = Erlang clients for Riak.
+pkg_riakc_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client
+pkg_riakc_fetch = git
+pkg_riakc_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client
+pkg_riakc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_control
+pkg_riak_control_name = riak_control
+pkg_riak_control_description = Webmachine-based administration interface for Riak.
+pkg_riak_control_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_control
+pkg_riak_control_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_control_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_control
+pkg_riak_control_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_core
+pkg_riak_core_name = riak_core
+pkg_riak_core_description = Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.
+pkg_riak_core_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_core
+pkg_riak_core_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_core_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_core
+pkg_riak_core_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_dt
+pkg_riak_dt_name = riak_dt
+pkg_riak_dt_description = Convergent replicated datatypes in Erlang
+pkg_riak_dt_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_dt
+pkg_riak_dt_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_dt_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_dt
+pkg_riak_dt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_ensemble
+pkg_riak_ensemble_name = riak_ensemble
+pkg_riak_ensemble_description = Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang
+pkg_riak_ensemble_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_ensemble
+pkg_riak_ensemble_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_ensemble_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_ensemble
+pkg_riak_ensemble_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riakhttpc
+pkg_riakhttpc_name = riakhttpc
+pkg_riakhttpc_description = Riak Erlang client using the HTTP interface
+pkg_riakhttpc_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-http-client
+pkg_riakhttpc_fetch = git
+pkg_riakhttpc_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-http-client
+pkg_riakhttpc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_kv
+pkg_riak_kv_name = riak_kv
+pkg_riak_kv_description = Riak Key/Value Store
+pkg_riak_kv_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_kv
+pkg_riak_kv_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_kv_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_kv
+pkg_riak_kv_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riaknostic
+pkg_riaknostic_name = riaknostic
+pkg_riaknostic_description = A diagnostic tool for Riak installations, to find common errors asap
+pkg_riaknostic_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riaknostic
+pkg_riaknostic_fetch = git
+pkg_riaknostic_repo = https://github.com/basho/riaknostic
+pkg_riaknostic_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_pg
+pkg_riak_pg_name = riak_pg
+pkg_riak_pg_description = Distributed process groups with riak_core.
+pkg_riak_pg_homepage = https://github.com/cmeiklejohn/riak_pg
+pkg_riak_pg_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_pg_repo = https://github.com/cmeiklejohn/riak_pg
+pkg_riak_pg_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_pipe
+pkg_riak_pipe_name = riak_pipe
+pkg_riak_pipe_description = Riak Pipelines
+pkg_riak_pipe_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_pipe
+pkg_riak_pipe_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_pipe_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_pipe
+pkg_riak_pipe_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riakpool
+pkg_riakpool_name = riakpool
+pkg_riakpool_description = erlang riak client pool
+pkg_riakpool_homepage = https://github.com/dweldon/riakpool
+pkg_riakpool_fetch = git
+pkg_riakpool_repo = https://github.com/dweldon/riakpool
+pkg_riakpool_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_sysmon
+pkg_riak_sysmon_name = riak_sysmon
+pkg_riak_sysmon_description = Simple OTP app for managing Erlang VM system_monitor event messages
+pkg_riak_sysmon_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_sysmon
+pkg_riak_sysmon_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_sysmon_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_sysmon
+pkg_riak_sysmon_commit = master
+PACKAGES += riak_test
+pkg_riak_test_name = riak_test
+pkg_riak_test_description = I'm in your cluster, testing your riaks
+pkg_riak_test_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_test
+pkg_riak_test_fetch = git
+pkg_riak_test_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_test
+pkg_riak_test_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rivus_cep
+pkg_rivus_cep_name = rivus_cep
+pkg_rivus_cep_description = Complex event processing in Erlang
+pkg_rivus_cep_homepage = https://github.com/vascokk/rivus_cep
+pkg_rivus_cep_fetch = git
+pkg_rivus_cep_repo = https://github.com/vascokk/rivus_cep
+pkg_rivus_cep_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rlimit
+pkg_rlimit_name = rlimit
+pkg_rlimit_description = Magnus Klaar's rate limiter code from etorrent
+pkg_rlimit_homepage = https://github.com/jlouis/rlimit
+pkg_rlimit_fetch = git
+pkg_rlimit_repo = https://github.com/jlouis/rlimit
+pkg_rlimit_commit = master
+PACKAGES += rust_mk
+pkg_rust_mk_name = rust_mk
+pkg_rust_mk_description = Build Rust crates in an Erlang application
+pkg_rust_mk_homepage = https://github.com/goertzenator/rust.mk
+pkg_rust_mk_fetch = git
+pkg_rust_mk_repo = https://github.com/goertzenator/rust.mk
+pkg_rust_mk_commit = master
+PACKAGES += safetyvalve
+pkg_safetyvalve_name = safetyvalve
+pkg_safetyvalve_description = A safety valve for your erlang node
+pkg_safetyvalve_homepage = https://github.com/jlouis/safetyvalve
+pkg_safetyvalve_fetch = git
+pkg_safetyvalve_repo = https://github.com/jlouis/safetyvalve
+pkg_safetyvalve_commit = master
+PACKAGES += seestar
+pkg_seestar_name = seestar
+pkg_seestar_description = The Erlang client for Cassandra 1.2+ binary protocol
+pkg_seestar_homepage = https://github.com/iamaleksey/seestar
+pkg_seestar_fetch = git
+pkg_seestar_repo = https://github.com/iamaleksey/seestar
+pkg_seestar_commit = master
+PACKAGES += service
+pkg_service_name = service
+pkg_service_description = A minimal Erlang behavior for creating CloudI internal services
+pkg_service_homepage = http://cloudi.org/
+pkg_service_fetch = git
+pkg_service_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/service
+pkg_service_commit = master
+PACKAGES += setup
+pkg_setup_name = setup
+pkg_setup_description = Generic setup utility for Erlang-based systems
+pkg_setup_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/setup
+pkg_setup_fetch = git
+pkg_setup_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/setup
+pkg_setup_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sext
+pkg_sext_name = sext
+pkg_sext_description = Sortable Erlang Term Serialization
+pkg_sext_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/sext
+pkg_sext_fetch = git
+pkg_sext_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/sext
+pkg_sext_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sfmt
+pkg_sfmt_name = sfmt
+pkg_sfmt_description = SFMT pseudo random number generator for Erlang.
+pkg_sfmt_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang
+pkg_sfmt_fetch = git
+pkg_sfmt_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang
+pkg_sfmt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sgte
+pkg_sgte_name = sgte
+pkg_sgte_description = A simple Erlang Template Engine
+pkg_sgte_homepage = https://github.com/filippo/sgte
+pkg_sgte_fetch = git
+pkg_sgte_repo = https://github.com/filippo/sgte
+pkg_sgte_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sheriff
+pkg_sheriff_name = sheriff
+pkg_sheriff_description = Parse transform for type based validation.
+pkg_sheriff_homepage = http://ninenines.eu
+pkg_sheriff_fetch = git
+pkg_sheriff_repo = https://github.com/extend/sheriff
+pkg_sheriff_commit = master
+PACKAGES += shotgun
+pkg_shotgun_name = shotgun
+pkg_shotgun_description = better than just a gun
+pkg_shotgun_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/shotgun
+pkg_shotgun_fetch = git
+pkg_shotgun_repo = https://github.com/inaka/shotgun
+pkg_shotgun_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sidejob
+pkg_sidejob_name = sidejob
+pkg_sidejob_description = Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang
+pkg_sidejob_homepage = https://github.com/basho/sidejob
+pkg_sidejob_fetch = git
+pkg_sidejob_repo = https://github.com/basho/sidejob
+pkg_sidejob_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sieve
+pkg_sieve_name = sieve
+pkg_sieve_description = sieve is a simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) in erlang
+pkg_sieve_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/sieve
+pkg_sieve_fetch = git
+pkg_sieve_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/sieve
+pkg_sieve_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sighandler
+pkg_sighandler_name = sighandler
+pkg_sighandler_description = Handle UNIX signals in Er lang
+pkg_sighandler_homepage = https://github.com/jkingsbery/sighandler
+pkg_sighandler_fetch = git
+pkg_sighandler_repo = https://github.com/jkingsbery/sighandler
+pkg_sighandler_commit = master
+PACKAGES += simhash
+pkg_simhash_name = simhash
+pkg_simhash_description = Simhashing for Erlang -- hashing algorithm to find near-duplicates in binary data.
+pkg_simhash_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/simhash
+pkg_simhash_fetch = git
+pkg_simhash_repo = https://github.com/ferd/simhash
+pkg_simhash_commit = master
+PACKAGES += simple_bridge
+pkg_simple_bridge_name = simple_bridge
+pkg_simple_bridge_description = A simple, standardized interface library to Erlang HTTP Servers.
+pkg_simple_bridge_homepage = https://github.com/nitrogen/simple_bridge
+pkg_simple_bridge_fetch = git
+pkg_simple_bridge_repo = https://github.com/nitrogen/simple_bridge
+pkg_simple_bridge_commit = master
+PACKAGES += simple_oauth2
+pkg_simple_oauth2_name = simple_oauth2
+pkg_simple_oauth2_description = Simple erlang OAuth2 client module for any http server framework (Google, Facebook, Yandex, Vkontakte are preconfigured)
+pkg_simple_oauth2_homepage = https://github.com/virtan/simple_oauth2
+pkg_simple_oauth2_fetch = git
+pkg_simple_oauth2_repo = https://github.com/virtan/simple_oauth2
+pkg_simple_oauth2_commit = master
+PACKAGES += skel
+pkg_skel_name = skel
+pkg_skel_description = A Streaming Process-based Skeleton Library for Erlang
+pkg_skel_homepage = https://github.com/ParaPhrase/skel
+pkg_skel_fetch = git
+pkg_skel_repo = https://github.com/ParaPhrase/skel
+pkg_skel_commit = master
+PACKAGES += slack
+pkg_slack_name = slack
+pkg_slack_description = Minimal slack notification OTP library.
+pkg_slack_homepage = https://github.com/DonBranson/slack
+pkg_slack_fetch = git
+pkg_slack_repo = https://github.com/DonBranson/slack.git
+pkg_slack_commit = master
+PACKAGES += smother
+pkg_smother_name = smother
+pkg_smother_description = Extended code coverage metrics for Erlang.
+pkg_smother_homepage = https://ramsay-t.github.io/Smother/
+pkg_smother_fetch = git
+pkg_smother_repo = https://github.com/ramsay-t/Smother
+pkg_smother_commit = master
+PACKAGES += snappyer
+pkg_snappyer_name = snappyer
+pkg_snappyer_description = Snappy as nif for Erlang
+pkg_snappyer_homepage = https://github.com/zmstone/snappyer
+pkg_snappyer_fetch = git
+pkg_snappyer_repo = https://github.com/zmstone/snappyer.git
+pkg_snappyer_commit = master
+PACKAGES += social
+pkg_social_name = social
+pkg_social_description = Cowboy handler for social login via OAuth2 providers
+pkg_social_homepage = https://github.com/dvv/social
+pkg_social_fetch = git
+pkg_social_repo = https://github.com/dvv/social
+pkg_social_commit = master
+PACKAGES += spapi_router
+pkg_spapi_router_name = spapi_router
+pkg_spapi_router_description = Partially-connected Erlang clustering
+pkg_spapi_router_homepage = https://github.com/spilgames/spapi-router
+pkg_spapi_router_fetch = git
+pkg_spapi_router_repo = https://github.com/spilgames/spapi-router
+pkg_spapi_router_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sqerl
+pkg_sqerl_name = sqerl
+pkg_sqerl_description = An Erlang-flavoured SQL DSL
+pkg_sqerl_homepage = https://github.com/hairyhum/sqerl
+pkg_sqerl_fetch = git
+pkg_sqerl_repo = https://github.com/hairyhum/sqerl
+pkg_sqerl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += srly
+pkg_srly_name = srly
+pkg_srly_description = Native Erlang Unix serial interface
+pkg_srly_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/srly
+pkg_srly_fetch = git
+pkg_srly_repo = https://github.com/msantos/srly
+pkg_srly_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sshrpc
+pkg_sshrpc_name = sshrpc
+pkg_sshrpc_description = Erlang SSH RPC module (experimental)
+pkg_sshrpc_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sshrpc
+pkg_sshrpc_fetch = git
+pkg_sshrpc_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sshrpc
+pkg_sshrpc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += stable
+pkg_stable_name = stable
+pkg_stable_description = Library of assorted helpers for Cowboy web server.
+pkg_stable_homepage = https://github.com/dvv/stable
+pkg_stable_fetch = git
+pkg_stable_repo = https://github.com/dvv/stable
+pkg_stable_commit = master
+PACKAGES += statebox
+pkg_statebox_name = statebox
+pkg_statebox_description = Erlang state monad with merge/conflict-resolution capabilities. Useful for Riak.
+pkg_statebox_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/statebox
+pkg_statebox_fetch = git
+pkg_statebox_repo = https://github.com/mochi/statebox
+pkg_statebox_commit = master
+PACKAGES += statebox_riak
+pkg_statebox_riak_name = statebox_riak
+pkg_statebox_riak_description = Convenience library that makes it easier to use statebox with riak, extracted from best practices in our production code at Mochi Media.
+pkg_statebox_riak_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/statebox_riak
+pkg_statebox_riak_fetch = git
+pkg_statebox_riak_repo = https://github.com/mochi/statebox_riak
+pkg_statebox_riak_commit = master
+PACKAGES += statman
+pkg_statman_name = statman
+pkg_statman_description = Efficiently collect massive volumes of metrics inside the Erlang VM
+pkg_statman_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/statman
+pkg_statman_fetch = git
+pkg_statman_repo = https://github.com/knutin/statman
+pkg_statman_commit = master
+PACKAGES += statsderl
+pkg_statsderl_name = statsderl
+pkg_statsderl_description = StatsD client (erlang)
+pkg_statsderl_homepage = https://github.com/lpgauth/statsderl
+pkg_statsderl_fetch = git
+pkg_statsderl_repo = https://github.com/lpgauth/statsderl
+pkg_statsderl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += stdinout_pool
+pkg_stdinout_pool_name = stdinout_pool
+pkg_stdinout_pool_description = stdinout_pool : stuff goes in, stuff goes out. there's never any miscommunication.
+pkg_stdinout_pool_homepage = https://github.com/mattsta/erlang-stdinout-pool
+pkg_stdinout_pool_fetch = git
+pkg_stdinout_pool_repo = https://github.com/mattsta/erlang-stdinout-pool
+pkg_stdinout_pool_commit = master
+PACKAGES += stockdb
+pkg_stockdb_name = stockdb
+pkg_stockdb_description = Database for storing Stock Exchange quotes in erlang
+pkg_stockdb_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/stockdb
+pkg_stockdb_fetch = git
+pkg_stockdb_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/stockdb
+pkg_stockdb_commit = master
+PACKAGES += stripe
+pkg_stripe_name = stripe
+pkg_stripe_description = Erlang interface to the stripe.com API
+pkg_stripe_homepage = https://github.com/mattsta/stripe-erlang
+pkg_stripe_fetch = git
+pkg_stripe_repo = https://github.com/mattsta/stripe-erlang
+pkg_stripe_commit = v1
+PACKAGES += supervisor3
+pkg_supervisor3_name = supervisor3
+pkg_supervisor3_description = OTP supervisor with additional strategies
+pkg_supervisor3_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/supervisor3
+pkg_supervisor3_fetch = git
+pkg_supervisor3_repo = https://github.com/klarna/supervisor3.git
+pkg_supervisor3_commit = master
+PACKAGES += surrogate
+pkg_surrogate_name = surrogate
+pkg_surrogate_description = Proxy server written in erlang. Supports reverse proxy load balancing and forward proxy with http (including CONNECT), socks4, socks5, and transparent proxy modes.
+pkg_surrogate_homepage = https://github.com/skruger/Surrogate
+pkg_surrogate_fetch = git
+pkg_surrogate_repo = https://github.com/skruger/Surrogate
+pkg_surrogate_commit = master
+PACKAGES += swab
+pkg_swab_name = swab
+pkg_swab_description = General purpose buffer handling module
+pkg_swab_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/swab
+pkg_swab_fetch = git
+pkg_swab_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/swab
+pkg_swab_commit = master
+PACKAGES += swarm
+pkg_swarm_name = swarm
+pkg_swarm_description = Fast and simple acceptor pool for Erlang
+pkg_swarm_homepage = https://github.com/jeremey/swarm
+pkg_swarm_fetch = git
+pkg_swarm_repo = https://github.com/jeremey/swarm
+pkg_swarm_commit = master
+PACKAGES += switchboard
+pkg_switchboard_name = switchboard
+pkg_switchboard_description = A framework for processing email using worker plugins.
+pkg_switchboard_homepage = https://github.com/thusfresh/switchboard
+pkg_switchboard_fetch = git
+pkg_switchboard_repo = https://github.com/thusfresh/switchboard
+pkg_switchboard_commit = master
+PACKAGES += sync
+pkg_sync_name = sync
+pkg_sync_description = On-the-fly recompiling and reloading in Erlang.
+pkg_sync_homepage = https://github.com/rustyio/sync
+pkg_sync_fetch = git
+pkg_sync_repo = https://github.com/rustyio/sync
+pkg_sync_commit = master
+PACKAGES += syn
+pkg_syn_name = syn
+pkg_syn_description = A global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang.
+pkg_syn_homepage = https://github.com/ostinelli/syn
+pkg_syn_fetch = git
+pkg_syn_repo = https://github.com/ostinelli/syn
+pkg_syn_commit = master
+PACKAGES += syntaxerl
+pkg_syntaxerl_name = syntaxerl
+pkg_syntaxerl_description = Syntax checker for Erlang
+pkg_syntaxerl_homepage = https://github.com/ten0s/syntaxerl
+pkg_syntaxerl_fetch = git
+pkg_syntaxerl_repo = https://github.com/ten0s/syntaxerl
+pkg_syntaxerl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += syslog
+pkg_syslog_name = syslog
+pkg_syslog_description = Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3)
+pkg_syslog_homepage = https://github.com/Vagabond/erlang-syslog
+pkg_syslog_fetch = git
+pkg_syslog_repo = https://github.com/Vagabond/erlang-syslog
+pkg_syslog_commit = master
+PACKAGES += taskforce
+pkg_taskforce_name = taskforce
+pkg_taskforce_description = Erlang worker pools for controlled parallelisation of arbitrary tasks.
+pkg_taskforce_homepage = https://github.com/g-andrade/taskforce
+pkg_taskforce_fetch = git
+pkg_taskforce_repo = https://github.com/g-andrade/taskforce
+pkg_taskforce_commit = master
+PACKAGES += tddreloader
+pkg_tddreloader_name = tddreloader
+pkg_tddreloader_description = Shell utility for recompiling, reloading, and testing code as it changes
+pkg_tddreloader_homepage = https://github.com/version2beta/tddreloader
+pkg_tddreloader_fetch = git
+pkg_tddreloader_repo = https://github.com/version2beta/tddreloader
+pkg_tddreloader_commit = master
+PACKAGES += tempo
+pkg_tempo_name = tempo
+pkg_tempo_description = NIF-based date and time parsing and formatting for Erlang.
+pkg_tempo_homepage = https://github.com/selectel/tempo
+pkg_tempo_fetch = git
+pkg_tempo_repo = https://github.com/selectel/tempo
+pkg_tempo_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ticktick
+pkg_ticktick_name = ticktick
+pkg_ticktick_description = Ticktick is an id generator for message service.
+pkg_ticktick_homepage = https://github.com/ericliang/ticktick
+pkg_ticktick_fetch = git
+pkg_ticktick_repo = https://github.com/ericliang/ticktick
+pkg_ticktick_commit = master
+PACKAGES += tinymq
+pkg_tinymq_name = tinymq
+pkg_tinymq_description = TinyMQ - a diminutive, in-memory message queue
+pkg_tinymq_homepage = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/tinymq
+pkg_tinymq_fetch = git
+pkg_tinymq_repo = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/tinymq
+pkg_tinymq_commit = master
+PACKAGES += tinymt
+pkg_tinymt_name = tinymt
+pkg_tinymt_description = TinyMT pseudo random number generator for Erlang.
+pkg_tinymt_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang
+pkg_tinymt_fetch = git
+pkg_tinymt_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang
+pkg_tinymt_commit = master
+PACKAGES += tirerl
+pkg_tirerl_name = tirerl
+pkg_tirerl_description = Erlang interface to Elastic Search
+pkg_tirerl_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/tirerl
+pkg_tirerl_fetch = git
+pkg_tirerl_repo = https://github.com/inaka/tirerl
+pkg_tirerl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += traffic_tools
+pkg_traffic_tools_name = traffic_tools
+pkg_traffic_tools_description = Simple traffic limiting library
+pkg_traffic_tools_homepage = https://github.com/systra/traffic_tools
+pkg_traffic_tools_fetch = git
+pkg_traffic_tools_repo = https://github.com/systra/traffic_tools
+pkg_traffic_tools_commit = master
+PACKAGES += trails
+pkg_trails_name = trails
+pkg_trails_description = A couple of improvements over Cowboy Routes
+pkg_trails_homepage = http://inaka.github.io/cowboy-trails/
+pkg_trails_fetch = git
+pkg_trails_repo = https://github.com/inaka/cowboy-trails
+pkg_trails_commit = master
+PACKAGES += trane
+pkg_trane_name = trane
+pkg_trane_description = SAX style broken HTML parser in Erlang
+pkg_trane_homepage = https://github.com/massemanet/trane
+pkg_trane_fetch = git
+pkg_trane_repo = https://github.com/massemanet/trane
+pkg_trane_commit = master
+PACKAGES += transit
+pkg_transit_name = transit
+pkg_transit_description = transit format for erlang
+pkg_transit_homepage = https://github.com/isaiah/transit-erlang
+pkg_transit_fetch = git
+pkg_transit_repo = https://github.com/isaiah/transit-erlang
+pkg_transit_commit = master
+PACKAGES += trie
+pkg_trie_name = trie
+pkg_trie_description = Erlang Trie Implementation
+pkg_trie_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/trie
+pkg_trie_fetch = git
+pkg_trie_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/trie
+pkg_trie_commit = master
+PACKAGES += triq
+pkg_triq_name = triq
+pkg_triq_description = Trifork QuickCheck
+pkg_triq_homepage = https://github.com/krestenkrab/triq
+pkg_triq_fetch = git
+pkg_triq_repo = https://github.com/krestenkrab/triq
+pkg_triq_commit = master
+PACKAGES += tunctl
+pkg_tunctl_name = tunctl
+pkg_tunctl_description = Erlang TUN/TAP interface
+pkg_tunctl_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/tunctl
+pkg_tunctl_fetch = git
+pkg_tunctl_repo = https://github.com/msantos/tunctl
+pkg_tunctl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += twerl
+pkg_twerl_name = twerl
+pkg_twerl_description = Erlang client for the Twitter Streaming API
+pkg_twerl_homepage = https://github.com/lucaspiller/twerl
+pkg_twerl_fetch = git
+pkg_twerl_repo = https://github.com/lucaspiller/twerl
+pkg_twerl_commit = oauth
+PACKAGES += twitter_erlang
+pkg_twitter_erlang_name = twitter_erlang
+pkg_twitter_erlang_description = An Erlang twitter client
+pkg_twitter_erlang_homepage = https://github.com/ngerakines/erlang_twitter
+pkg_twitter_erlang_fetch = git
+pkg_twitter_erlang_repo = https://github.com/ngerakines/erlang_twitter
+pkg_twitter_erlang_commit = master
+PACKAGES += ucol_nif
+pkg_ucol_nif_name = ucol_nif
+pkg_ucol_nif_description = ICU based collation Erlang module
+pkg_ucol_nif_homepage = https://github.com/refuge/ucol_nif
+pkg_ucol_nif_fetch = git
+pkg_ucol_nif_repo = https://github.com/refuge/ucol_nif
+pkg_ucol_nif_commit = master
+PACKAGES += unicorn
+pkg_unicorn_name = unicorn
+pkg_unicorn_description = Generic configuration server
+pkg_unicorn_homepage = https://github.com/shizzard/unicorn
+pkg_unicorn_fetch = git
+pkg_unicorn_repo = https://github.com/shizzard/unicorn
+pkg_unicorn_commit = master
+PACKAGES += unsplit
+pkg_unsplit_name = unsplit
+pkg_unsplit_description = Resolves conflicts in Mnesia after network splits
+pkg_unsplit_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/unsplit
+pkg_unsplit_fetch = git
+pkg_unsplit_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/unsplit
+pkg_unsplit_commit = master
+PACKAGES += uuid
+pkg_uuid_name = uuid
+pkg_uuid_description = Erlang UUID Implementation
+pkg_uuid_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/uuid
+pkg_uuid_fetch = git
+pkg_uuid_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/uuid
+pkg_uuid_commit = master
+pkg_ux_name = ux
+pkg_ux_description = Unicode eXtention for Erlang (Strings, Collation)
+pkg_ux_homepage = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/ux
+pkg_ux_fetch = git
+pkg_ux_repo = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/ux
+pkg_ux_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vert
+pkg_vert_name = vert
+pkg_vert_description = Erlang binding to libvirt virtualization API
+pkg_vert_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/erlang-libvirt
+pkg_vert_fetch = git
+pkg_vert_repo = https://github.com/msantos/erlang-libvirt
+pkg_vert_commit = master
+PACKAGES += verx
+pkg_verx_name = verx
+pkg_verx_description = Erlang implementation of the libvirtd remote protocol
+pkg_verx_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/verx
+pkg_verx_fetch = git
+pkg_verx_repo = https://github.com/msantos/verx
+pkg_verx_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_acl
+pkg_vmq_acl_name = vmq_acl
+pkg_vmq_acl_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_acl_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_acl_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_acl_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_acl
+pkg_vmq_acl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_bridge
+pkg_vmq_bridge_name = vmq_bridge
+pkg_vmq_bridge_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_bridge_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_bridge_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_bridge_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_bridge
+pkg_vmq_bridge_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_graphite
+pkg_vmq_graphite_name = vmq_graphite
+pkg_vmq_graphite_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_graphite_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_graphite_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_graphite_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_graphite
+pkg_vmq_graphite_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_passwd
+pkg_vmq_passwd_name = vmq_passwd
+pkg_vmq_passwd_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_passwd_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_passwd_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_passwd_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_passwd
+pkg_vmq_passwd_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_server
+pkg_vmq_server_name = vmq_server
+pkg_vmq_server_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_server_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_server_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_server_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_server
+pkg_vmq_server_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_snmp
+pkg_vmq_snmp_name = vmq_snmp
+pkg_vmq_snmp_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_snmp_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_snmp_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_snmp_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_snmp
+pkg_vmq_snmp_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmq_systree
+pkg_vmq_systree_name = vmq_systree
+pkg_vmq_systree_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker
+pkg_vmq_systree_homepage = https://verne.mq/
+pkg_vmq_systree_fetch = git
+pkg_vmq_systree_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_systree
+pkg_vmq_systree_commit = master
+PACKAGES += vmstats
+pkg_vmstats_name = vmstats
+pkg_vmstats_description = tiny Erlang app that works in conjunction with statsderl in order to generate information on the Erlang VM for graphite logs.
+pkg_vmstats_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/vmstats
+pkg_vmstats_fetch = git
+pkg_vmstats_repo = https://github.com/ferd/vmstats
+pkg_vmstats_commit = master
+PACKAGES += walrus
+pkg_walrus_name = walrus
+pkg_walrus_description = Walrus - Mustache-like Templating
+pkg_walrus_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/walrus
+pkg_walrus_fetch = git
+pkg_walrus_repo = https://github.com/devinus/walrus
+pkg_walrus_commit = master
+PACKAGES += webmachine
+pkg_webmachine_name = webmachine
+pkg_webmachine_description = A REST-based system for building web applications.
+pkg_webmachine_homepage = https://github.com/basho/webmachine
+pkg_webmachine_fetch = git
+pkg_webmachine_repo = https://github.com/basho/webmachine
+pkg_webmachine_commit = master
+PACKAGES += websocket_client
+pkg_websocket_client_name = websocket_client
+pkg_websocket_client_description = Erlang websocket client (ws and wss supported)
+pkg_websocket_client_homepage = https://github.com/jeremyong/websocket_client
+pkg_websocket_client_fetch = git
+pkg_websocket_client_repo = https://github.com/jeremyong/websocket_client
+pkg_websocket_client_commit = master
+PACKAGES += worker_pool
+pkg_worker_pool_name = worker_pool
+pkg_worker_pool_description = a simple erlang worker pool
+pkg_worker_pool_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/worker_pool
+pkg_worker_pool_fetch = git
+pkg_worker_pool_repo = https://github.com/inaka/worker_pool
+pkg_worker_pool_commit = master
+PACKAGES += wrangler
+pkg_wrangler_name = wrangler
+pkg_wrangler_description = Import of the Wrangler svn repository.
+pkg_wrangler_homepage = http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/wrangler/Home.html
+pkg_wrangler_fetch = git
+pkg_wrangler_repo = https://github.com/RefactoringTools/wrangler
+pkg_wrangler_commit = master
+PACKAGES += wsock
+pkg_wsock_name = wsock
+pkg_wsock_description = Erlang library to build WebSocket clients and servers
+pkg_wsock_homepage = https://github.com/madtrick/wsock
+pkg_wsock_fetch = git
+pkg_wsock_repo = https://github.com/madtrick/wsock
+pkg_wsock_commit = master
+PACKAGES += xhttpc
+pkg_xhttpc_name = xhttpc
+pkg_xhttpc_description = Extensible HTTP Client for Erlang
+pkg_xhttpc_homepage = https://github.com/seriyps/xhttpc
+pkg_xhttpc_fetch = git
+pkg_xhttpc_repo = https://github.com/seriyps/xhttpc
+pkg_xhttpc_commit = master
+PACKAGES += xref_runner
+pkg_xref_runner_name = xref_runner
+pkg_xref_runner_description = Erlang Xref Runner (inspired in rebar xref)
+pkg_xref_runner_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/xref_runner
+pkg_xref_runner_fetch = git
+pkg_xref_runner_repo = https://github.com/inaka/xref_runner
+pkg_xref_runner_commit = master
+PACKAGES += yamerl
+pkg_yamerl_name = yamerl
+pkg_yamerl_description = YAML 1.2 parser in pure Erlang
+pkg_yamerl_homepage = https://github.com/yakaz/yamerl
+pkg_yamerl_fetch = git
+pkg_yamerl_repo = https://github.com/yakaz/yamerl
+pkg_yamerl_commit = master
+PACKAGES += yamler
+pkg_yamler_name = yamler
+pkg_yamler_description = libyaml-based yaml loader for Erlang
+pkg_yamler_homepage = https://github.com/goertzenator/yamler
+pkg_yamler_fetch = git
+pkg_yamler_repo = https://github.com/goertzenator/yamler
+pkg_yamler_commit = master
+PACKAGES += yaws
+pkg_yaws_name = yaws
+pkg_yaws_description = Yaws webserver
+pkg_yaws_homepage = http://yaws.hyber.org
+pkg_yaws_fetch = git
+pkg_yaws_repo = https://github.com/klacke/yaws
+pkg_yaws_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zabbix_sender
+pkg_zabbix_sender_name = zabbix_sender
+pkg_zabbix_sender_description = Zabbix trapper for sending data to Zabbix in pure Erlang
+pkg_zabbix_sender_homepage = https://github.com/stalkermn/zabbix_sender
+pkg_zabbix_sender_fetch = git
+pkg_zabbix_sender_repo = https://github.com/stalkermn/zabbix_sender.git
+pkg_zabbix_sender_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zab_engine
+pkg_zab_engine_name = zab_engine
+pkg_zab_engine_description = zab propotocol implement by erlang
+pkg_zab_engine_homepage = https://github.com/xinmingyao/zab_engine
+pkg_zab_engine_fetch = git
+pkg_zab_engine_repo = https://github.com/xinmingyao/zab_engine
+pkg_zab_engine_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zeta
+pkg_zeta_name = zeta
+pkg_zeta_description = HTTP access log parser in Erlang
+pkg_zeta_homepage = https://github.com/s1n4/zeta
+pkg_zeta_fetch = git
+pkg_zeta_repo = https://github.com/s1n4/zeta
+pkg_zeta_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zippers
+pkg_zippers_name = zippers
+pkg_zippers_description = A library for functional zipper data structures in Erlang. Read more on zippers
+pkg_zippers_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/zippers
+pkg_zippers_fetch = git
+pkg_zippers_repo = https://github.com/ferd/zippers
+pkg_zippers_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zlists
+pkg_zlists_name = zlists
+pkg_zlists_description = Erlang lazy lists library.
+pkg_zlists_homepage = https://github.com/vjache/erlang-zlists
+pkg_zlists_fetch = git
+pkg_zlists_repo = https://github.com/vjache/erlang-zlists
+pkg_zlists_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zraft_lib
+pkg_zraft_lib_name = zraft_lib
+pkg_zraft_lib_description = Erlang raft consensus protocol implementation
+pkg_zraft_lib_homepage = https://github.com/dreyk/zraft_lib
+pkg_zraft_lib_fetch = git
+pkg_zraft_lib_repo = https://github.com/dreyk/zraft_lib
+pkg_zraft_lib_commit = master
+PACKAGES += zucchini
+pkg_zucchini_name = zucchini
+pkg_zucchini_description = An Erlang INI parser
+pkg_zucchini_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/zucchini
+pkg_zucchini_fetch = git
+pkg_zucchini_repo = https://github.com/devinus/zucchini
+pkg_zucchini_commit = master
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: search
+define pkg_print
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" \
+ $(if $(call core_eq,$(1),$(pkg_$(1)_name)),,"Pkg name: $(1)") \
+ "App name: $(pkg_$(1)_name)" \
+ "Description: $(pkg_$(1)_description)" \
+ "Home page: $(pkg_$(1)_homepage)" \
+ "Fetch with: $(pkg_$(1)_fetch)" \
+ "Repository: $(pkg_$(1)_repo)" \
+ "Commit: $(pkg_$(1)_commit)" \
+ ""
+ifdef q
+ $(foreach p,$(PACKAGES), \
+ $(if $(findstring $(call core_lc,$(q)),$(call core_lc,$(pkg_$(p)_name) $(pkg_$(p)_description))), \
+ $(call pkg_print,$(p))))
+ $(foreach p,$(PACKAGES),$(call pkg_print,$(p)))
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: distclean-deps
+# Configuration.
+ifdef OTP_DEPS
+$(warning The variable OTP_DEPS is deprecated in favor of LOCAL_DEPS.)
+APPS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/apps
+export APPS_DIR
+DEPS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/deps
+export DEPS_DIR
+dep_name = $(if $(dep_$(1)),$(1),$(if $(pkg_$(1)_name),$(pkg_$(1)_name),$(1)))
+dep_repo = $(patsubst git://github.com/%,https://github.com/%, \
+ $(if $(dep_$(1)),$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),$(pkg_$(1)_repo)))
+dep_commit = $(if $(dep_$(1)_commit),$(dep_$(1)_commit),$(if $(dep_$(1)),$(word 3,$(dep_$(1))),$(pkg_$(1)_commit)))
+ALL_APPS_DIRS = $(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/),$(filter-out $(APPS_DIR),$(shell find $(APPS_DIR) -maxdepth 1 -type d)))
+ALL_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(foreach dep,$(filter-out $(IGNORE_DEPS),$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS)),$(call dep_name,$(dep))))
+ifeq ($(filter $(APPS_DIR) $(DEPS_DIR),$(subst :, ,$(ERL_LIBS))),)
+ifeq ($(ERL_LIBS),)
+export ERL_LIBS
+# Verbosity.
+dep_verbose_0 = @echo " DEP " $(1);
+dep_verbose_2 = set -x;
+dep_verbose = $(dep_verbose_$(V))
+# Core targets.
+ifdef IS_APP
+apps:: $(ALL_APPS_DIRS)
+ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),)
+ $(verbose) rm -f $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)
+# Create ebin directory for all apps to make sure Erlang recognizes them
+# as proper OTP applications when using -include_lib. This is a temporary
+# fix, a proper fix would be to compile apps/* in the right order.
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \
+ mkdir -p $$dep/ebin || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \
+ if grep -qs ^$$dep$$ $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log; then \
+ :; \
+ else \
+ echo $$dep >> $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log; \
+ $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_APP=1 || exit $$?; \
+ fi \
+ done
+ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),)
+deps:: $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) apps
+ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),)
+ $(verbose) rm -f $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) ; do \
+ if grep -qs ^$$dep$$ $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log; then \
+ :; \
+ else \
+ echo $$dep >> $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log; \
+ if [ -f $$dep/GNUmakefile ] || [ -f $$dep/makefile ] || [ -f $$dep/Makefile ]; then \
+ $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1 || exit $$?; \
+ else \
+ echo "Error: No Makefile to build dependency $$dep."; \
+ exit 2; \
+ fi \
+ fi \
+ done
+# Deps related targets.
+# @todo rename GNUmakefile and makefile into Makefile first, if they exist
+# While Makefile file could be GNUmakefile or makefile,
+# in practice only Makefile is needed so far.
+define dep_autopatch
+ if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/erlang.mk ]; then \
+ $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_appsrc.erl,$(1))); \
+ $(call dep_autopatch_erlang_mk,$(1)); \
+ elif [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile ]; then \
+ if [ 0 != `grep -c "include ../\w*\.mk" $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile` ]; then \
+ $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \
+ elif [ 0 != `grep -ci rebar $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile` ]; then \
+ $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \
+ elif [ -n "`find $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/ -type f -name \*.mk -not -name erlang.mk -exec grep -i rebar '{}' \;`" ]; then \
+ $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \
+ else \
+ $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_app.erl,$(1))); \
+ fi \
+ else \
+ if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/src/ ]; then \
+ $(call dep_autopatch_noop,$(1)); \
+ else \
+ $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \
+ fi \
+ fi
+define dep_autopatch2
+ if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src.script ]; then \
+ $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_appsrc_script.erl,$(1))); \
+ fi; \
+ $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_appsrc.erl,$(1))); \
+ if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/rebar -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/rebar.config -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/rebar.config.script ]; then \
+ $(call dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar); \
+ $(call dep_autopatch_rebar,$(1)); \
+ else \
+ $(call dep_autopatch_gen,$(1)); \
+ fi
+define dep_autopatch_noop
+ printf "noop:\n" > $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile
+# Overwrite erlang.mk with the current file by default.
+define dep_autopatch_erlang_mk
+ echo "include $(call core_relpath,$(dir $(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME)),$(DEPS_DIR)/app)/erlang.mk" \
+ > $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/erlang.mk
+define dep_autopatch_erlang_mk
+ :
+define dep_autopatch_gen
+ printf "%s\n" \
+ "ERLC_OPTS = +debug_info" \
+ "include ../../erlang.mk" > $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile
+define dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar
+ mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP); \
+ if [ ! -d $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar ]; then \
+ git clone -q -n -- https://github.com/rebar/rebar $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar; \
+ cd $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar; \
+ git checkout -q 576e12171ab8d69b048b827b92aa65d067deea01; \
+ $(MAKE); \
+ cd -; \
+ fi
+define dep_autopatch_rebar
+ if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile ]; then \
+ mv $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile.orig.mk; \
+ fi; \
+ $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_rebar.erl,$(1))); \
+ rm -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/ebin/$(1).app
+define dep_autopatch_rebar.erl
+ application:load(rebar),
+ application:set_env(rebar, log_level, debug),
+ rmemo:start(),
+ Conf1 = case file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config)") of
+ {ok, Conf0} -> Conf0;
+ _ -> []
+ end,
+ {Conf, OsEnv} = fun() ->
+ case filelib:is_file("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config.script)") of
+ false -> {Conf1, []};
+ true ->
+ Bindings0 = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
+ Bindings1 = erl_eval:add_binding('CONFIG', Conf1, Bindings0),
+ Bindings = erl_eval:add_binding('SCRIPT', "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config.script)", Bindings1),
+ Before = os:getenv(),
+ {ok, Conf2} = file:script("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config.script)", Bindings),
+ {Conf2, lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> lists:delete(E, Acc) end, os:getenv(), Before)}
+ end
+ end(),
+ Write = fun (Text) ->
+ file:write_file("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/Makefile)", Text, [append])
+ end,
+ Escape = fun (Text) ->
+ re:replace(Text, "\\\\$$", "\$$$$", [global, {return, list}])
+ end,
+ Write("IGNORE_DEPS += edown eper eunit_formatters meck node_package "
+ "rebar_lock_deps_plugin rebar_vsn_plugin reltool_util\n"),
+ Write("C_SRC_DIR = /path/do/not/exist\n"),
+ Write("C_SRC_TYPE = rebar\n"),
+ Write("DRV_CFLAGS = -fPIC\nexport DRV_CFLAGS\n"),
+ Write(["ERLANG_ARCH = ", rebar_utils:wordsize(), "\nexport ERLANG_ARCH\n"]),
+ fun() ->
+ Write("ERLC_OPTS = +debug_info\nexport ERLC_OPTS\n"),
+ case lists:keyfind(erl_opts, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, ErlOpts} ->
+ lists:foreach(fun
+ ({d, D}) ->
+ Write("ERLC_OPTS += -D" ++ atom_to_list(D) ++ "=1\n");
+ ({i, I}) ->
+ Write(["ERLC_OPTS += -I ", I, "\n"]);
+ ({platform_define, Regex, D}) ->
+ case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of
+ true -> Write("ERLC_OPTS += -D" ++ atom_to_list(D) ++ "=1\n");
+ false -> ok
+ end;
+ ({parse_transform, PT}) ->
+ Write("ERLC_OPTS += +'{parse_transform, " ++ atom_to_list(PT) ++ "}'\n");
+ (_) -> ok
+ end, ErlOpts)
+ end,
+ Write("\n")
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ File = case lists:keyfind(deps, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> [];
+ {_, Deps} ->
+ [begin case case Dep of
+ {N, S} when is_atom(N), is_list(S) -> {N, {hex, S}};
+ {N, S} when is_tuple(S) -> {N, S};
+ {N, _, S} -> {N, S};
+ {N, _, S, _} -> {N, S};
+ _ -> false
+ end of
+ false -> ok;
+ {Name, Source} ->
+ {Method, Repo, Commit} = case Source of
+ {hex, V} -> {hex, V, undefined};
+ {git, R} -> {git, R, master};
+ {M, R, {branch, C}} -> {M, R, C};
+ {M, R, {ref, C}} -> {M, R, C};
+ {M, R, {tag, C}} -> {M, R, C};
+ {M, R, C} -> {M, R, C}
+ end,
+ Write(io_lib:format("DEPS += ~s\ndep_~s = ~s ~s ~s~n", [Name, Name, Method, Repo, Commit]))
+ end end || Dep <- Deps]
+ end
+ end(),
+ fun() ->
+ case lists:keyfind(erl_first_files, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, Files} ->
+ Names = [[" ", case lists:reverse(F) of
+ "lre." ++ Elif -> lists:reverse(Elif);
+ Elif -> lists:reverse(Elif)
+ end] || "src/" ++ F <- Files],
+ Write(io_lib:format("COMPILE_FIRST +=~s\n", [Names]))
+ end
+ end(),
+ Write("\n\nrebar_dep: preprocess pre-deps deps pre-app app\n"),
+ Write("\npreprocess::\n"),
+ Write("\npre-deps::\n"),
+ Write("\npre-app::\n"),
+ PatchHook = fun(Cmd) ->
+ case Cmd of
+ "make -C" ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -C" ++ Escape(Cmd1);
+ "gmake -C" ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -C" ++ Escape(Cmd1);
+ "make " ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -f Makefile.orig.mk " ++ Escape(Cmd1);
+ "gmake " ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -f Makefile.orig.mk " ++ Escape(Cmd1);
+ _ -> Escape(Cmd)
+ end
+ end,
+ fun() ->
+ case lists:keyfind(pre_hooks, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, Hooks} ->
+ [case H of
+ {'get-deps', Cmd} ->
+ Write("\npre-deps::\n\t" ++ PatchHook(Cmd) ++ "\n");
+ {compile, Cmd} ->
+ Write("\npre-app::\n\tCC=$$\(CC) " ++ PatchHook(Cmd) ++ "\n");
+ {Regex, compile, Cmd} ->
+ case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of
+ true -> Write("\npre-app::\n\tCC=$$\(CC) " ++ PatchHook(Cmd) ++ "\n");
+ false -> ok
+ end;
+ _ -> ok
+ end || H <- Hooks]
+ end
+ end(),
+ ShellToMk = fun(V) ->
+ re:replace(re:replace(V, "(\\\\$$)(\\\\w*)", "\\\\1(\\\\2)", [global]),
+ "-Werror\\\\b", "", [{return, list}, global])
+ end,
+ PortSpecs = fun() ->
+ case lists:keyfind(port_specs, 1, Conf) of
+ false ->
+ case filelib:is_dir("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/c_src)") of
+ false -> [];
+ true ->
+ [{"priv/" ++ proplists:get_value(so_name, Conf, "$(1)_drv.so"),
+ proplists:get_value(port_sources, Conf, ["c_src/*.c"]), []}]
+ end;
+ {_, Specs} ->
+ lists:flatten([case S of
+ {Output, Input} -> {ShellToMk(Output), Input, []};
+ {Regex, Output, Input} ->
+ case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of
+ true -> {ShellToMk(Output), Input, []};
+ false -> []
+ end;
+ {Regex, Output, Input, [{env, Env}]} ->
+ case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of
+ true -> {ShellToMk(Output), Input, Env};
+ false -> []
+ end
+ end || S <- Specs])
+ end
+ end(),
+ PortSpecWrite = fun (Text) ->
+ file:write_file("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/c_src/Makefile.erlang.mk)", Text, [append])
+ end,
+ case PortSpecs of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ Write("\npre-app::\n\t$$\(MAKE) -f c_src/Makefile.erlang.mk\n"),
+ PortSpecWrite(io_lib:format("ERL_CFLAGS ?= -finline-functions -Wall -fPIC -I \\"~s/erts-~s/include\\" -I \\"~s\\"\n",
+ [code:root_dir(), erlang:system_info(version), code:lib_dir(erl_interface, include)])),
+ PortSpecWrite(io_lib:format("ERL_LDFLAGS ?= -L \\"~s\\" -lerl_interface -lei\n",
+ [code:lib_dir(erl_interface, lib)])),
+ [PortSpecWrite(["\n", E, "\n"]) || E <- OsEnv],
+ FilterEnv = fun(Env) ->
+ lists:flatten([case E of
+ {_, _} -> E;
+ {Regex, K, V} ->
+ case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of
+ true -> {K, V};
+ false -> []
+ end
+ end || E <- Env])
+ end,
+ MergeEnv = fun(Env) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(K, 1, Acc) of
+ false -> [{K, rebar_utils:expand_env_variable(V, K, "")}|Acc];
+ {_, V0} -> [{K, rebar_utils:expand_env_variable(V, K, V0)}|Acc]
+ end
+ end, [], Env)
+ end,
+ PortEnv = case lists:keyfind(port_env, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> [];
+ {_, PortEnv0} -> FilterEnv(PortEnv0)
+ end,
+ PortSpec = fun ({Output, Input0, Env}) ->
+ filelib:ensure_dir("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/)" ++ Output),
+ Input = [[" ", I] || I <- Input0],
+ PortSpecWrite([
+ [["\n", K, " = ", ShellToMk(V)] || {K, V} <- lists:reverse(MergeEnv(PortEnv))],
+ case $(PLATFORM) of
+ darwin -> "\n\nLDFLAGS += -flat_namespace -undefined suppress";
+ _ -> ""
+ end,
+ "\n\nall:: ", Output, "\n\n",
+ "%.o: %.c\n\t$$\(CC) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n",
+ "%.o: %.C\n\t$$\(CXX) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CXXFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n",
+ "%.o: %.cc\n\t$$\(CXX) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CXXFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n",
+ "%.o: %.cpp\n\t$$\(CXX) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CXXFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n",
+ [[Output, ": ", K, " = ", ShellToMk(V), "\n"] || {K, V} <- lists:reverse(MergeEnv(FilterEnv(Env)))],
+ Output, ": $$\(foreach ext,.c .C .cc .cpp,",
+ "$$\(patsubst %$$\(ext),%.o,$$\(filter %$$\(ext),$$\(wildcard", Input, "))))\n",
+ "\t$$\(CC) -o $$\@ $$\? $$\(LDFLAGS) $$\(ERL_LDFLAGS) $$\(DRV_LDFLAGS) $$\(EXE_LDFLAGS)",
+ case {filename:extension(Output), $(PLATFORM)} of
+ {[], _} -> "\n";
+ {_, darwin} -> "\n";
+ _ -> " -shared\n"
+ end])
+ end,
+ [PortSpec(S) || S <- PortSpecs]
+ end,
+ Write("\ninclude $(call core_relpath,$(dir $(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME)),$(DEPS_DIR)/app)/erlang.mk"),
+ RunPlugin = fun(Plugin, Step) ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(Plugin, Step, 2) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true ->
+ c:cd("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/)"),
+ Ret = Plugin:Step({config, "", Conf, dict:new(), dict:new(), dict:new(),
+ dict:store(base_dir, "", dict:new())}, undefined),
+ io:format("rebar plugin ~p step ~p ret ~p~n", [Plugin, Step, Ret])
+ end
+ end,
+ fun() ->
+ case lists:keyfind(plugins, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, Plugins} ->
+ [begin
+ case lists:keyfind(deps, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, Deps} ->
+ case lists:keyfind(P, 1, Deps) of
+ false -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ Path = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/)" ++ atom_to_list(P),
+ io:format("~s", [os:cmd("$(MAKE) -C $(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1) " ++ Path)]),
+ io:format("~s", [os:cmd("$(MAKE) -C " ++ Path ++ " IS_DEP=1")]),
+ code:add_patha(Path ++ "/ebin")
+ end
+ end
+ end || P <- Plugins],
+ [case code:load_file(P) of
+ {module, P} -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ case lists:keyfind(plugin_dir, 1, Conf) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, PluginsDir} ->
+ ErlFile = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/)" ++ PluginsDir ++ "/" ++ atom_to_list(P) ++ ".erl",
+ {ok, P, Bin} = compile:file(ErlFile, [binary]),
+ {module, P} = code:load_binary(P, ErlFile, Bin)
+ end
+ end || P <- Plugins],
+ [RunPlugin(P, preprocess) || P <- Plugins],
+ [RunPlugin(P, pre_compile) || P <- Plugins],
+ [RunPlugin(P, compile) || P <- Plugins]
+ end
+ end(),
+ halt()
+define dep_autopatch_app.erl
+ UpdateModules = fun(App) ->
+ case filelib:is_regular(App) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true ->
+ {ok, [{application, '$(1)', L0}]} = file:consult(App),
+ Mods = filelib:fold_files("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src)", "\\\\.erl$$", true,
+ fun (F, Acc) -> [list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(F)))|Acc] end, []),
+ L = lists:keystore(modules, 1, L0, {modules, Mods}),
+ ok = file:write_file(App, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [{application, '$(1)', L}]))
+ end
+ end,
+ UpdateModules("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/$1.app)"),
+ halt()
+define dep_autopatch_appsrc_script.erl
+ AppSrc = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src)",
+ AppSrcScript = AppSrc ++ ".script",
+ Bindings = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
+ {ok, Conf} = file:script(AppSrcScript, Bindings),
+ ok = file:write_file(AppSrc, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Conf])),
+ halt()
+define dep_autopatch_appsrc.erl
+ AppSrcOut = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src)",
+ AppSrcIn = case filelib:is_regular(AppSrcOut) of false -> "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/$1.app)"; true -> AppSrcOut end,
+ case filelib:is_regular(AppSrcIn) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true ->
+ {ok, [{application, $(1), L0}]} = file:consult(AppSrcIn),
+ L1 = lists:keystore(modules, 1, L0, {modules, []}),
+ L2 = case lists:keyfind(vsn, 1, L1) of {_, git} -> lists:keyreplace(vsn, 1, L1, {vsn, "git"}); _ -> L1 end,
+ L3 = case lists:keyfind(registered, 1, L2) of false -> [{registered, []}|L2]; _ -> L2 end,
+ ok = file:write_file(AppSrcOut, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [{application, $(1), L3}])),
+ case AppSrcOut of AppSrcIn -> ok; _ -> ok = file:delete(AppSrcIn) end
+ end,
+ halt()
+define dep_fetch_git
+ git clone -q -n -- $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); \
+ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)) && git checkout -q $(call dep_commit,$(1));
+define dep_fetch_git-submodule
+ git submodule update --init -- $(DEPS_DIR)/$1;
+define dep_fetch_hg
+ hg clone -q -U $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); \
+ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)) && hg update -q $(call dep_commit,$(1));
+define dep_fetch_svn
+ svn checkout -q $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1));
+define dep_fetch_cp
+ cp -R $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1));
+define dep_fetch_hex.erl
+ ssl:start(),
+ inets:start(),
+ {ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, Body}} = httpc:request(get,
+ {"https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.hex.pm/tarballs/$(1)-$(2).tar", []},
+ [], [{body_format, binary}]),
+ {ok, Files} = erl_tar:extract({binary, Body}, [memory]),
+ {_, Source} = lists:keyfind("contents.tar.gz", 1, Files),
+ ok = erl_tar:extract({binary, Source}, [{cwd, "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1)"}, compressed]),
+ halt()
+# Hex only has a package version. No need to look in the Erlang.mk packages.
+define dep_fetch_hex
+ $(call erlang,$(call dep_fetch_hex.erl,$(1),$(strip $(word 2,$(dep_$(1))))));
+define dep_fetch_fail
+ echo "Error: Unknown or invalid dependency: $(1)." >&2; \
+ exit 78;
+# Kept for compatibility purposes with older Erlang.mk configuration.
+define dep_fetch_legacy
+ $(warning WARNING: '$(1)' dependency configuration uses deprecated format.) \
+ git clone -q -n -- $(word 1,$(dep_$(1))) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1); \
+ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) && git checkout -q $(if $(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),master);
+define dep_fetch
+ $(if $(dep_$(1)), \
+ $(if $(dep_fetch_$(word 1,$(dep_$(1)))), \
+ $(word 1,$(dep_$(1))), \
+ $(if $(IS_DEP),legacy,fail)), \
+ $(if $(filter $(1),$(PACKAGES)), \
+ $(pkg_$(1)_fetch), \
+ fail))
+define dep_target
+$(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$1):
+ $(eval DEP_NAME := $(call dep_name,$1))
+ $(eval DEP_STR := $(if $(filter-out $1,$(DEP_NAME)),$1,"$1 ($(DEP_NAME))"))
+ $(verbose) if test -d $(APPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME); then \
+ echo "Error: Dependency" $(DEP_STR) "conflicts with application found in $(APPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME)."; \
+ exit 17; \
+ fi
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DEPS_DIR)
+ $(dep_verbose) $(call dep_fetch_$(strip $(call dep_fetch,$(1))),$(1))
+ $(verbose) if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/configure.ac -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/configure.in ] \
+ && [ ! -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/configure ]; then \
+ echo " AUTO " $(1); \
+ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) && autoreconf -Wall -vif -I m4; \
+ fi
+ - $(verbose) if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME)/configure ]; then \
+ echo " CONF " $(DEP_STR); \
+ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME) && ./configure; \
+ fi
+ifeq ($(filter $(1),$(NO_AUTOPATCH)),)
+ $(verbose) if [ "$(1)" = "amqp_client" -a "$(RABBITMQ_CLIENT_PATCH)" ]; then \
+ if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen ]; then \
+ echo " PATCH Downloading rabbitmq-codegen"; \
+ git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-codegen.git $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen; \
+ fi; \
+ if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-server ]; then \
+ echo " PATCH Downloading rabbitmq-server"; \
+ git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.git $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-server; \
+ fi; \
+ ln -s $(DEPS_DIR)/amqp_client/deps/rabbit_common-0.0.0 $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit_common; \
+ elif [ "$(1)" = "rabbit" -a "$(RABBITMQ_SERVER_PATCH)" ]; then \
+ if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen ]; then \
+ echo " PATCH Downloading rabbitmq-codegen"; \
+ git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-codegen.git $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen; \
+ fi \
+ else \
+ $$(call dep_autopatch,$(DEP_NAME)) \
+ fi
+$(foreach dep,$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep))))
+ifndef IS_APP
+clean:: clean-apps
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \
+ $(MAKE) -C $$dep clean IS_APP=1 || exit $$?; \
+ done
+distclean:: distclean-apps
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \
+ $(MAKE) -C $$dep distclean IS_APP=1 || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ifndef SKIP_DEPS
+distclean:: distclean-deps
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(DEPS_DIR)
+# External plugins.
+define core_dep_plugin
+-include $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)
+$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1): $(DEPS_DIR)/$(2) ;
+$(foreach p,$(DEP_PLUGINS),\
+ $(eval $(if $(findstring /,$p),\
+ $(call core_dep_plugin,$p,$(firstword $(subst /, ,$p))),\
+ $(call core_dep_plugin,$p/plugins.mk,$p))))
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+# Configuration.
+DTL_PATH ?= templates/
+DTL_SUFFIX ?= _dtl
+# Verbosity.
+dtl_verbose_0 = @echo " DTL " $(filter %.dtl,$(?F));
+dtl_verbose = $(dtl_verbose_$(V))
+# Core targets.
+DTL_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,$(DTL_PATH),*.dtl))
+ifneq ($(DTL_FILES),)
+BEAM_FILES += $(addprefix ebin/,$(patsubst %.dtl,%_dtl.beam,$(subst /,_,$(DTL_FILES:$(DTL_PATH)%=%))))
+BEAM_FILES += $(addprefix ebin/,$(patsubst %.dtl,%_dtl.beam,$(notdir $(DTL_FILES))))
+# Rebuild templates when the Makefile changes.
+ @touch $@
+define erlydtl_compile.erl
+ [begin
+ Module0 = case "$(strip $(DTL_FULL_PATH))" of
+ "" ->
+ filename:basename(F, ".dtl");
+ _ ->
+ "$(DTL_PATH)" ++ F2 = filename:rootname(F, ".dtl"),
+ re:replace(F2, "/", "_", [{return, list}, global])
+ end,
+ Module = list_to_atom(string:to_lower(Module0) ++ "$(DTL_SUFFIX)"),
+ case erlydtl:compile(F, Module, [$(DTL_OPTS)] ++ [{out_dir, "ebin/"}, return_errors, {doc_root, "templates"}]) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {ok, _} -> ok
+ end
+ end || F <- string:tokens("$(1)", " ")],
+ halt().
+ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(DTL_FILES) | ebin/
+ $(if $(strip $?),\
+ $(dtl_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call erlydtl_compile.erl,$?),-pa ebin/ $(DEPS_DIR)/erlydtl/ebin/))
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+# Verbosity.
+proto_verbose_0 = @echo " PROTO " $(filter %.proto,$(?F));
+proto_verbose = $(proto_verbose_$(V))
+# Core targets.
+define compile_proto
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p ebin/ include/
+ $(proto_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call compile_proto.erl,$(1)))
+ $(proto_verbose) erlc +debug_info -o ebin/ ebin/*.erl
+ $(verbose) rm ebin/*.erl
+define compile_proto.erl
+ [begin
+ Dir = filename:dirname(filename:dirname(F)),
+ protobuffs_compile:generate_source(F,
+ [{output_include_dir, Dir ++ "/include"},
+ {output_src_dir, Dir ++ "/ebin"}])
+ end || F <- string:tokens("$(1)", " ")],
+ halt().
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/),)
+ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*.proto))
+ $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_proto,$?))
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: clean-app
+# Configuration.
+ERLC_OPTS ?= -Werror +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars \
+ +warn_obsolete_guard # +bin_opt_info +warn_export_all +warn_missing_spec
+COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(COMPILE_FIRST)))
+ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE)))
+COMPILE_MIB_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix mibs/,$(addsuffix .mib,$(COMPILE_MIB_FIRST)))
+# Verbosity.
+app_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT);
+app_verbose_2 = set -x;
+app_verbose = $(app_verbose_$(V))
+appsrc_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT).app.src;
+appsrc_verbose_2 = set -x;
+appsrc_verbose = $(appsrc_verbose_$(V))
+makedep_verbose_0 = @echo " DEPEND" $(PROJECT).d;
+makedep_verbose_2 = set -x;
+makedep_verbose = $(makedep_verbose_$(V))
+erlc_verbose_0 = @echo " ERLC " $(filter-out $(patsubst %,%.erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE)),\
+ $(filter %.erl %.core,$(?F)));
+erlc_verbose_2 = set -x;
+erlc_verbose = $(erlc_verbose_$(V))
+xyrl_verbose_0 = @echo " XYRL " $(filter %.xrl %.yrl,$(?F));
+xyrl_verbose_2 = set -x;
+xyrl_verbose = $(xyrl_verbose_$(V))
+asn1_verbose_0 = @echo " ASN1 " $(filter %.asn1,$(?F));
+asn1_verbose_2 = set -x;
+asn1_verbose = $(asn1_verbose_$(V))
+mib_verbose_0 = @echo " MIB " $(filter %.bin %.mib,$(?F));
+mib_verbose_2 = set -x;
+mib_verbose = $(mib_verbose_$(V))
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/),)
+# Targets.
+ifeq ($(wildcard ebin/test),)
+app:: deps $(PROJECT).d
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build
+app:: clean deps $(PROJECT).d
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build
+ifeq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT_MOD).erl),)
+define app_file
+{application, $(PROJECT), [
+ {description, "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)"},
+ {vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"},$(if $(IS_DEP),
+ {id$(comma)$(space)"$(1)"}$(comma))
+ {modules, [$(call comma_list,$(2))]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [$(call comma_list,kernel stdlib $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(DEPS))]}
+define app_file
+{application, $(PROJECT), [
+ {description, "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)"},
+ {vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"},$(if $(IS_DEP),
+ {id$(comma)$(space)"$(1)"}$(comma))
+ {modules, [$(call comma_list,$(2))]},
+ {registered, [$(call comma_list,$(PROJECT)_sup $(PROJECT_REGISTERED))]},
+ {applications, [$(call comma_list,kernel stdlib $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(DEPS))]},
+ {mod, {$(PROJECT_MOD), []}}
+app-build: ebin/$(PROJECT).app
+ $(verbose) :
+# Source files.
+ERL_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*.erl))
+CORE_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*.core))
+# ASN.1 files.
+ifneq ($(wildcard asn1/),)
+ASN1_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,asn1/,*.asn1))
+ERL_FILES += $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.erl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES))))
+define compile_asn1
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p include/
+ $(asn1_verbose) erlc -v -I include/ -o asn1/ +noobj $(1)
+ $(verbose) mv asn1/*.erl src/
+ $(verbose) mv asn1/*.hrl include/
+ $(verbose) mv asn1/*.asn1db include/
+ $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_asn1,$?))
+# SNMP MIB files.
+ifneq ($(wildcard mibs/),)
+MIB_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,mibs/,*.mib))
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p include/ priv/mibs/
+ $(mib_verbose) erlc -v $(ERLC_MIB_OPTS) -o priv/mibs/ -I priv/mibs/ $?
+ $(mib_verbose) erlc -o include/ -- $(addprefix priv/mibs/,$(patsubst %.mib,%.bin,$(notdir $?)))
+# Leex and Yecc files.
+XRL_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*.xrl))
+XRL_ERL_FILES = $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.xrl,%.erl,$(notdir $(XRL_FILES))))
+YRL_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*.yrl))
+YRL_ERL_FILES = $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.yrl,%.erl,$(notdir $(YRL_FILES))))
+ $(if $(strip $?),$(xyrl_verbose) erlc -v -o src/ $?)
+# Erlang and Core Erlang files.
+define makedep.erl
+ E = ets:new(makedep, [bag]),
+ G = digraph:new([acyclic]),
+ ErlFiles = lists:usort(string:tokens("$(ERL_FILES)", " ")),
+ Modules = [{list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")), F} || F <- ErlFiles],
+ Add = fun (Mod, Dep) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Dep, 1, Modules) of
+ false -> ok;
+ {_, DepFile} ->
+ {_, ModFile} = lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, Modules),
+ ets:insert(E, {ModFile, DepFile}),
+ digraph:add_vertex(G, Mod),
+ digraph:add_vertex(G, Dep),
+ digraph:add_edge(G, Mod, Dep)
+ end
+ end,
+ AddHd = fun (F, Mod, DepFile) ->
+ case file:open(DepFile, [read]) of
+ {error, enoent} -> ok;
+ {ok, Fd} ->
+ F(F, Fd, Mod),
+ {_, ModFile} = lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, Modules),
+ ets:insert(E, {ModFile, DepFile})
+ end
+ end,
+ Attr = fun
+ (F, Mod, behavior, Dep) -> Add(Mod, Dep);
+ (F, Mod, behaviour, Dep) -> Add(Mod, Dep);
+ (F, Mod, compile, {parse_transform, Dep}) -> Add(Mod, Dep);
+ (F, Mod, compile, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(parse_transform, Opts) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ Dep -> Add(Mod, Dep)
+ end;
+ (F, Mod, include, Hrl) ->
+ case filelib:is_file("include/" ++ Hrl) of
+ true -> AddHd(F, Mod, "include/" ++ Hrl);
+ false ->
+ case filelib:is_file("src/" ++ Hrl) of
+ true -> AddHd(F, Mod, "src/" ++ Hrl);
+ false -> false
+ end
+ end;
+ (F, Mod, include_lib, "$1/include/" ++ Hrl) -> AddHd(F, Mod, "include/" ++ Hrl);
+ (F, Mod, include_lib, Hrl) -> AddHd(F, Mod, "include/" ++ Hrl);
+ (F, Mod, import, {Imp, _}) ->
+ case filelib:is_file("src/" ++ atom_to_list(Imp) ++ ".erl") of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> Add(Mod, Imp)
+ end;
+ (_, _, _, _) -> ok
+ end,
+ MakeDepend = fun(F, Fd, Mod) ->
+ case io:parse_erl_form(Fd, undefined) of
+ {ok, {attribute, _, Key, Value}, _} ->
+ Attr(F, Mod, Key, Value),
+ F(F, Fd, Mod);
+ {eof, _} ->
+ file:close(Fd);
+ _ ->
+ F(F, Fd, Mod)
+ end
+ end,
+ [begin
+ Mod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")),
+ {ok, Fd} = file:open(F, [read]),
+ MakeDepend(MakeDepend, Fd, Mod)
+ end || F <- ErlFiles],
+ Depend = sofs:to_external(sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(ets:tab2list(E)))),
+ CompileFirst = [X || X <- lists:reverse(digraph_utils:topsort(G)), [] =/= digraph:in_neighbours(G, X)],
+ ok = file:write_file("$(1)", [
+ [[F, "::", [[" ", D] || D <- Deps], "; @touch \$$@\n"] || {F, Deps} <- Depend],
+ "\nCOMPILE_FIRST +=", [[" ", atom_to_list(CF)] || CF <- CompileFirst], "\n"
+ ]),
+ halt()
+ifeq ($(if $(NO_MAKEDEP),$(wildcard $(PROJECT).d),),)
+$(PROJECT).d:: $(ERL_FILES) $(call core_find,include/,*.hrl)
+ $(makedep_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call makedep.erl,$@))
+# Rebuild everything when the Makefile changes.
+ @touch $@
+-include $(PROJECT).d
+ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: ebin/
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p ebin/
+define compile_erl
+ $(erlc_verbose) erlc -v $(if $(IS_DEP),$(filter-out -Werror,$(ERLC_OPTS)),$(ERLC_OPTS)) -o ebin/ \
+ -pa ebin/ -I include/ $(filter-out $(ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS),$(COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS) $(1))
+ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).app.src)
+ $(eval FILES_TO_COMPILE := $(filter-out src/$(PROJECT).app.src,$?))
+ $(if $(strip $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)),$(call compile_erl,$(FILES_TO_COMPILE)))
+ $(eval GITDESCRIBE := $(shell git describe --dirty --abbrev=7 --tags --always --first-parent 2>/dev/null || true))
+ $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename \
+ifeq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).app.src),)
+ $(app_verbose) printf "$(subst $(newline),\n,$(subst ",\",$(call app_file,$(GITDESCRIBE),$(MODULES))))" \
+ > ebin/$(PROJECT).app
+ $(verbose) if [ -z "$$(grep -e '^[^%]*{\s*modules\s*,' src/$(PROJECT).app.src)" ]; then \
+ echo "Empty modules entry not found in $(PROJECT).app.src. Please consult the erlang.mk README for instructions." >&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ $(appsrc_verbose) cat src/$(PROJECT).app.src \
+ | sed "s/{[[:space:]]*modules[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*\[\]}/{modules, \[$(call comma_list,$(MODULES))\]}/" \
+ | sed "s/{id,[[:space:]]*\"git\"}/{id, \"$(subst /,\/,$(GITDESCRIBE))\"}/" \
+ > ebin/$(PROJECT).app
+clean:: clean-app
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(PROJECT).d ebin/ priv/mibs/ $(XRL_ERL_FILES) $(YRL_ERL_FILES) \
+ $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.mib,%.hrl,$(notdir $(MIB_FILES)))) \
+ $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.hrl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) \
+ $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.asn1db,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) \
+ $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.erl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES))))
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Viktor Söderqvist <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: docs-deps
+# Configuration.
+ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(DOC_DEPS))
+# Targets.
+$(foreach dep,$(DOC_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep))))
+ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),)
+doc-deps: $(ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS)
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep; done
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: rel-deps
+# Configuration.
+ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(REL_DEPS))
+# Targets.
+$(foreach dep,$(REL_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep))))
+ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),)
+rel-deps: $(ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS)
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep; done
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: test-deps test-dir test-build clean-test-dir
+# Configuration.
+TEST_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/test
+ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(TEST_DEPS))
+TEST_ERLC_OPTS ?= +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars +warn_obsolete_guard
+# Targets.
+$(foreach dep,$(TEST_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep))))
+ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),)
+test-deps: $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS)
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1; done
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),)
+ $(gen_verbose) erlc -v $(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) -I include/ -o $(TEST_DIR) \
+ $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.erl) -pa ebin/
+ifeq ($(wildcard src),)
+test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)
+test-build:: clean deps test-deps
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)"
+ifeq ($(wildcard ebin/test),)
+test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)
+test-build:: clean deps test-deps $(PROJECT).d
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)"
+ $(gen_verbose) touch ebin/test
+test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)
+test-build:: deps test-deps $(PROJECT).d
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)"
+clean:: clean-test-dir
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam),)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: rebar.config
+# We strip out -Werror because we don't want to fail due to
+# warnings when used as a dependency.
+compat_prepare_erlc_opts = $(shell echo "$1" | sed 's/, */,/g')
+define compat_convert_erlc_opts
+$(if $(filter-out -Werror,$1),\
+ $(if $(findstring +,$1),\
+ $(shell echo $1 | cut -b 2-)))
+define compat_erlc_opts_to_list
+[$(call comma_list,$(foreach o,$(call compat_prepare_erlc_opts,$1),$(call compat_convert_erlc_opts,$o)))]
+define compat_rebar_config
+{deps, [
+$(call comma_list,$(foreach d,$(DEPS),\
+ $(if $(filter hex,$(call dep_fetch,$d)),\
+ {$(call dep_name,$d)$(comma)"$(call dep_repo,$d)"},\
+ {$(call dep_name,$d)$(comma)".*"$(comma){git,"$(call dep_repo,$d)"$(comma)"$(call dep_commit,$d)"}})))
+{erl_opts, $(call compat_erlc_opts_to_list,$(ERLC_OPTS))}.
+$(eval _compat_rebar_config = $$(compat_rebar_config))
+$(eval export _compat_rebar_config)
+ $(gen_verbose) echo "$${_compat_rebar_config}" > rebar.config
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: asciidoc asciidoc-guide asciidoc-manual install-asciidoc distclean-asciidoc
+MAN_INSTALL_PATH ?= /usr/local/share/man
+docs:: asciidoc
+asciidoc: asciidoc-guide asciidoc-manual
+ifeq ($(wildcard doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc),)
+asciidoc-guide: distclean-asciidoc doc-deps
+ a2x -v -f pdf doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc && mv doc/src/guide/book.pdf doc/guide.pdf
+ a2x -v -f chunked doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc && mv doc/src/guide/book.chunked/ doc/html/
+ifeq ($(wildcard doc/src/manual/*.asciidoc),)
+asciidoc-manual: distclean-asciidoc doc-deps
+ for f in doc/src/manual/*.asciidoc ; do \
+ a2x -v -f manpage $$f ; \
+ done
+ for s in $(MAN_SECTIONS); do \
+ mkdir -p doc/man$$s/ ; \
+ mv doc/src/manual/*.$$s doc/man$$s/ ; \
+ gzip doc/man$$s/*.$$s ; \
+ done
+install-docs:: install-asciidoc
+install-asciidoc: asciidoc-manual
+ for s in $(MAN_SECTIONS); do \
+ mkdir -p $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man$$s/ ; \
+ install -g `id -u` -o `id -g` -m 0644 doc/man$$s/*.gz $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man$$s/ ; \
+ done
+distclean:: distclean-asciidoc
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf doc/html/ doc/guide.pdf doc/man3/ doc/man7/
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: bootstrap bootstrap-lib bootstrap-rel new list-templates
+# Core targets.
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Bootstrap targets:" \
+ " bootstrap Generate a skeleton of an OTP application" \
+ " bootstrap-lib Generate a skeleton of an OTP library" \
+ " bootstrap-rel Generate the files needed to build a release" \
+ " new-app in=NAME Create a new local OTP application NAME" \
+ " new-lib in=NAME Create a new local OTP library NAME" \
+ " new t=TPL n=NAME Generate a module NAME based on the template TPL" \
+ " new t=T n=N in=APP Generate a module NAME based on the template TPL in APP" \
+ " list-templates List available templates"
+# Bootstrap templates.
+define bs_appsrc
+{application, $p, [
+ {description, ""},
+ {vsn, "0.1.0"},
+ {id, "git"},
+ {modules, []},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [
+ kernel,
+ stdlib
+ ]},
+ {mod, {$p_app, []}},
+ {env, []}
+define bs_appsrc_lib
+{application, $p, [
+ {description, ""},
+ {vsn, "0.1.0"},
+ {id, "git"},
+ {modules, []},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [
+ kernel,
+ stdlib
+ ]}
+# To prevent autocompletion issues with ZSH, we add "include erlang.mk"
+# separately during the actual bootstrap.
+ifdef SP
+define bs_Makefile
+# Whitespace to be used when creating files from templates.
+SP = $(SP)
+define bs_Makefile
+define bs_apps_Makefile
+include $(call core_relpath,$(dir $(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME)),$(APPS_DIR)/app)/erlang.mk
+define bs_app
+start(_Type, _Args) ->
+ $p_sup:start_link().
+stop(_State) ->
+ ok.
+define bs_relx_config
+{release, {$p_release, "1"}, [$p]}.
+{extended_start_script, true}.
+{sys_config, "rel/sys.config"}.
+{vm_args, "rel/vm.args"}.
+define bs_sys_config
+define bs_vm_args
+-setcookie $p
+# Normal templates.
+define tpl_supervisor
+start_link() ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
+init([]) ->
+ Procs = [],
+ {ok, {{one_for_one, 1, 5}, Procs}}.
+define tpl_gen_server
+%% API.
+%% gen_server.
+-record(state, {
+%% API.
+-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}.
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
+%% gen_server.
+init([]) ->
+ {ok, #state{}}.
+handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, ignored, State}.
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+define tpl_module
+define tpl_cowboy_http
+-record(state, {
+init(_, Req, _Opts) ->
+ {ok, Req, #state{}}.
+handle(Req, State=#state{}) ->
+ {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req),
+ {ok, Req2, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->
+ ok.
+define tpl_gen_fsm
+%% API.
+%% gen_fsm.
+-record(state, {
+%% API.
+-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}.
+start_link() ->
+ gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
+%% gen_fsm.
+init([]) ->
+ {ok, state_name, #state{}}.
+state_name(_Event, StateData) ->
+ {next_state, state_name, StateData}.
+handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, StateData}.
+state_name(_Event, _From, StateData) ->
+ {reply, ignored, state_name, StateData}.
+handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) ->
+ {reply, ignored, StateName, StateData}.
+handle_info(_Info, StateName, StateData) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, StateData}.
+terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _StateData) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, StateName, StateData}.
+define tpl_cowboy_loop
+-record(state, {
+init(_, Req, _Opts) ->
+ {loop, Req, #state{}, 5000, hibernate}.
+info(_Info, Req, State) ->
+ {loop, Req, State, hibernate}.
+terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->
+ ok.
+define tpl_cowboy_rest
+init(_, _Req, _Opts) ->
+ {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_rest}.
+content_types_provided(Req, State) ->
+ {[{{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, '*'}, get_html}], Req, State}.
+get_html(Req, State) ->
+ {<<"<html><body>This is REST!</body></html>">>, Req, State}.
+define tpl_cowboy_ws
+-record(state, {
+init(_, _, _) ->
+ {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}.
+websocket_init(_, Req, _Opts) ->
+ Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req),
+ {ok, Req2, #state{}}.
+websocket_handle({text, Data}, Req, State) ->
+ {reply, {text, Data}, Req, State};
+websocket_handle({binary, Data}, Req, State) ->
+ {reply, {binary, Data}, Req, State};
+websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) ->
+ {ok, Req, State}.
+websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) ->
+ {ok, Req, State}.
+websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->
+ ok.
+define tpl_ranch_protocol
+-type opts() :: [].
+-record(state, {
+ socket :: inet:socket(),
+ transport :: module()
+start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
+ Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts]),
+ {ok, Pid}.
+-spec init(ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), opts()) -> ok.
+init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts) ->
+ ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
+ loop(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}).
+loop(State) ->
+ loop(State).
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+define render_template
+ $(verbose) printf -- '$(subst $(newline),\n,$(subst %,%%,$(subst ','\'',$(subst $(tab),$(WS),$(call $(1))))))\n' > $(2)
+ifndef WS
+ifdef SP
+WS = $(subst a,,a $(wordlist 1,$(SP),a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a))
+WS = $(tab)
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/),)
+ $(error Error: src/ directory already exists)
+ $(eval p := $(PROJECT))
+ $(eval n := $(PROJECT)_sup)
+ $(call render_template,bs_Makefile,Makefile)
+ $(verbose) echo "include erlang.mk" >> Makefile
+ $(verbose) mkdir src/
+ifdef LEGACY
+ $(call render_template,bs_appsrc,src/$(PROJECT).app.src)
+ $(call render_template,bs_app,src/$(PROJECT)_app.erl)
+ $(call render_template,tpl_supervisor,src/$(PROJECT)_sup.erl)
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/),)
+ $(error Error: src/ directory already exists)
+ $(eval p := $(PROJECT))
+ $(call render_template,bs_Makefile,Makefile)
+ $(verbose) echo "include erlang.mk" >> Makefile
+ $(verbose) mkdir src/
+ifdef LEGACY
+ $(call render_template,bs_appsrc_lib,src/$(PROJECT).app.src)
+ifneq ($(wildcard relx.config),)
+ $(error Error: relx.config already exists)
+ifneq ($(wildcard rel/),)
+ $(error Error: rel/ directory already exists)
+ $(eval p := $(PROJECT))
+ $(call render_template,bs_relx_config,relx.config)
+ $(verbose) mkdir rel/
+ $(call render_template,bs_sys_config,rel/sys.config)
+ $(call render_template,bs_vm_args,rel/vm.args)
+ifndef in
+ $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new-app in=APP)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/$in),)
+ $(error Error: Application $in already exists)
+ $(eval p := $(in))
+ $(eval n := $(in)_sup)
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/
+ $(call render_template,bs_apps_Makefile,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/Makefile)
+ifdef LEGACY
+ $(call render_template,bs_appsrc,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p.app.src)
+ $(call render_template,bs_app,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p_app.erl)
+ $(call render_template,tpl_supervisor,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p_sup.erl)
+ifndef in
+ $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new-lib in=APP)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/$in),)
+ $(error Error: Application $in already exists)
+ $(eval p := $(in))
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/
+ $(call render_template,bs_apps_Makefile,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/Makefile)
+ifdef LEGACY
+ $(call render_template,bs_appsrc_lib,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p.app.src)
+ifeq ($(wildcard src/)$(in),)
+ $(error Error: src/ directory does not exist)
+ifndef t
+ $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME [in=APP])
+ifndef tpl_$(t)
+ $(error Unknown template)
+ifndef n
+ $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME [in=APP])
+ifdef in
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(APPS_DIR)/$(in)/ new t=$t n=$n in=
+ $(call render_template,tpl_$(t),src/$(n).erl)
+ $(verbose) echo Available templates: $(sort $(patsubst tpl_%,%,$(filter tpl_%,$(.VARIABLES))))
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: clean-c_src distclean-c_src-env
+# Configuration.
+C_SRC_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/c_src
+C_SRC_ENV ?= $(C_SRC_DIR)/env.mk
+C_SRC_TYPE ?= shared
+# System type and C compiler/flags.
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
+ifeq ($(C_SRC_TYPE),shared)
+ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
+# We hardcode the compiler used on MSYS2. The default CC=cc does
+# not produce working code. The "gcc" MSYS2 package also doesn't.
+ CC = /mingw64/bin/gcc
+ export CC
+ CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
+ CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -finline-functions -Wall
+else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),darwin)
+ CC ?= cc
+ CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -arch x86_64 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
+ CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -arch x86_64 -finline-functions -Wall
+ LDFLAGS ?= -arch x86_64 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
+else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),freebsd)
+ CC ?= cc
+ CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
+ CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -finline-functions -Wall
+else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),linux)
+ CC ?= gcc
+ CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
+ CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -finline-functions -Wall
+ifneq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
+LDLIBS += -L"$(ERL_INTERFACE_LIB_DIR)" -lerl_interface -lei
+# Verbosity.
+c_verbose_0 = @echo " C " $(?F);
+c_verbose = $(c_verbose_$(V))
+cpp_verbose_0 = @echo " CPP " $(?F);
+cpp_verbose = $(cpp_verbose_$(V))
+link_verbose_0 = @echo " LD " $(@F);
+link_verbose = $(link_verbose_$(V))
+# Targets.
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)),)
+else ifneq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)/Makefile),)
+app:: app-c_src
+test-build:: app-c_src
+ $(MAKE) -C $(C_SRC_DIR)
+ $(MAKE) -C $(C_SRC_DIR) clean
+ifeq ($(SOURCES),)
+SOURCES := $(sort $(foreach pat,*.c *.C *.cc *.cpp,$(call core_find,$(C_SRC_DIR)/,$(pat))))
+OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOURCES)))
+COMPILE_C = $(c_verbose) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c
+COMPILE_CPP = $(cpp_verbose) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c
+test-build:: $(C_SRC_ENV) $(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE)
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p priv/
+ $(link_verbose) $(CC) $(OBJECTS) \
+ $(LDFLAGS) $(if $(filter $(C_SRC_TYPE),shared),-shared) $(LDLIBS) \
+%.o: %.c
+%.o: %.cc
+%.o: %.C
+%.o: %.cpp
+clean:: clean-c_src
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE) $(OBJECTS)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)),)
+ $(verbose) $(ERL) -eval "file:write_file(\"$(call core_native_path,$(C_SRC_ENV))\", \
+ io_lib:format( \
+ \"ERTS_INCLUDE_DIR ?= ~s/erts-~s/include/~n\" \
+ \"ERL_INTERFACE_LIB_DIR ?= ~s~n\", \
+ [code:root_dir(), erlang:system_info(version), \
+ code:lib_dir(erl_interface, include), \
+ code:lib_dir(erl_interface, lib)])), \
+ halt()."
+distclean:: distclean-c_src-env
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(C_SRC_ENV)
+-include $(C_SRC_ENV)
+# Templates.
+define bs_c_nif
+#include "erl_nif.h"
+static int loads = 0;
+static int load(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv_data, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info)
+ /* Initialize private data. */
+ *priv_data = NULL;
+ loads++;
+ return 0;
+static int upgrade(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv_data, void** old_priv_data, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info)
+ /* Convert the private data to the new version. */
+ *priv_data = *old_priv_data;
+ loads++;
+ return 0;
+static void unload(ErlNifEnv* env, void* priv_data)
+ if (loads == 1) {
+ /* Destroy the private data. */
+ }
+ loads--;
+static ERL_NIF_TERM hello(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])
+ if (enif_is_atom(env, argv[0])) {
+ return enif_make_tuple2(env,
+ enif_make_atom(env, "hello"),
+ argv[0]);
+ }
+ return enif_make_tuple2(env,
+ enif_make_atom(env, "error"),
+ enif_make_atom(env, "badarg"));
+static ErlNifFunc nif_funcs[] = {
+ {"hello", 1, hello}
+ERL_NIF_INIT($n, nif_funcs, load, NULL, upgrade, unload)
+define bs_erl_nif
+on_load() ->
+ PrivDir = case code:priv_dir(?MODULE) of
+ {error, _} ->
+ AppPath = filename:dirname(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE))),
+ filename:join(AppPath, "priv");
+ Path ->
+ Path
+ end,
+ erlang:load_nif(filename:join(PrivDir, atom_to_list(?MODULE)), 0).
+hello(_) ->
+ erlang:nif_error({not_loaded, ?MODULE}).
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)/$n.c),)
+ $(error Error: $(C_SRC_DIR)/$n.c already exists)
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/$n.erl),)
+ $(error Error: src/$n.erl already exists)
+ifdef in
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(APPS_DIR)/$(in)/ new-nif n=$n in=
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(C_SRC_DIR) src/
+ $(call render_template,bs_c_nif,$(C_SRC_DIR)/$n.c)
+ $(call render_template,bs_erl_nif,src/$n.erl)
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: ci ci-setup distclean-kerl
+KERL ?= $(CURDIR)/kerl
+export KERL
+KERL_URL ?= https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yrashk/kerl/master/kerl
+OTP_GIT ?= https://github.com/erlang/otp
+CI_INSTALL_DIR ?= $(HOME)/erlang
+CI_OTP ?=
+ifeq ($(strip $(CI_OTP)),)
+ci:: $(addprefix ci-,$(CI_OTP))
+ci-prepare: $(addprefix $(CI_INSTALL_DIR)/,$(CI_OTP))
+ci_verbose_0 = @echo " CI " $(1);
+ci_verbose = $(ci_verbose_$(V))
+define ci_target
+ci-$(1): $(CI_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1)
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory clean;
+ $(ci_verbose) \
+ PATH="$(CI_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1)/bin:$(PATH)" \
+ CI_OTP_RELEASE="$(1)" \
+ CT_OPTS="-label $(1)" \
+ $(MAKE) ci-setup tests
+$(foreach otp,$(CI_OTP),$(eval $(call ci_target,$(otp))))
+define ci_otp_target
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(CI_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1)),)
+$(CI_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1): $(KERL)
+ $(KERL) build git $(OTP_GIT) $(1) $(1)
+ $(KERL) install $(1) $(CI_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1)
+$(foreach otp,$(CI_OTP),$(eval $(call ci_otp_target,$(otp))))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call core_http_get,$(KERL),$(KERL_URL))
+ $(verbose) chmod +x $(KERL)
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Continuous Integration targets:" \
+ " ci Run '$(MAKE) tests' on all configured Erlang versions." \
+ "" \
+ "The CI_OTP variable must be defined with the Erlang versions" \
+ "that must be tested. For example: CI_OTP = OTP-17.3.4 OTP-17.5.3"
+distclean:: distclean-kerl
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(KERL)
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: ct apps-ct distclean-ct
+# Configuration.
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),)
+ CT_SUITES ?= $(sort $(subst _SUITE.erl,,$(notdir $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*_SUITE.erl))))
+# Core targets.
+tests:: ct
+distclean:: distclean-ct
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Common_test targets:" \
+ " ct Run all the common_test suites for this project" \
+ "" \
+ "All your common_test suites have their associated targets." \
+ "A suite named http_SUITE can be ran using the ct-http target."
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+CT_RUN = ct_run \
+ -no_auto_compile \
+ -noinput \
+ -pa $(CURDIR)/ebin $(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin $(APPS_DIR)/*/ebin $(TEST_DIR) \
+ -dir $(TEST_DIR) \
+ -logdir $(CURDIR)/logs
+ifeq ($(CT_SUITES),)
+ct: $(if $(IS_APP),,apps-ct)
+ct: test-build $(if $(IS_APP),,apps-ct)
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/logs/
+ $(gen_verbose) $(CT_RUN) -sname ct_$(PROJECT) -suite $(addsuffix _SUITE,$(CT_SUITES)) $(CT_OPTS)
+ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS),)
+define ct_app_target
+ $(MAKE) -C $1 ct IS_APP=1
+$(foreach app,$(ALL_APPS_DIRS),$(eval $(call ct_app_target,$(app))))
+apps-ct: test-build $(addprefix apps-ct-,$(ALL_APPS_DIRS))
+ifndef t
+ifeq (,$(findstring :,$t))
+CT_EXTRA = -group $t
+t_words = $(subst :, ,$t)
+CT_EXTRA = -group $(firstword $(t_words)) -case $(lastword $(t_words))
+define ct_suite_target
+ct-$(1): test-build
+ $(verbose) mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/logs/
+ $(gen_verbose) $(CT_RUN) -sname ct_$(PROJECT) -suite $(addsuffix _SUITE,$(1)) $(CT_EXTRA) $(CT_OPTS)
+$(foreach test,$(CT_SUITES),$(eval $(call ct_suite_target,$(test))))
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(CURDIR)/logs/
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: plt distclean-plt dialyze
+# Configuration.
+DIALYZER_DIRS ?= --src -r $(wildcard src) $(ALL_APPS_DIRS)
+DIALYZER_OPTS ?= -Werror_handling -Wrace_conditions -Wunmatched_returns # -Wunderspecs
+# Core targets.
+check:: dialyze
+distclean:: distclean-plt
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Dialyzer targets:" \
+ " plt Build a PLT file for this project" \
+ " dialyze Analyze the project using Dialyzer"
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+define filter_opts.erl
+ Opts = init:get_plain_arguments(),
+ {Filtered, _} = lists:foldl(fun
+ (O, {Os, true}) -> {[O|Os], false};
+ (O = "-D", {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], true};
+ (O = [\\$$-, \\$$D, _ | _], {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], false};
+ (O = "-I", {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], true};
+ (O = [\\$$-, \\$$I, _ | _], {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], false};
+ (O = "-pa", {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], true};
+ (_, Acc) -> Acc
+ end, {[], false}, Opts),
+ io:format("~s~n", [string:join(lists:reverse(Filtered), " ")]),
+ halt().
+$(DIALYZER_PLT): deps app
+ $(verbose) dialyzer --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib $(PLT_APPS) $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(DEPS)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(DIALYZER_PLT)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(DIALYZER_PLT)),)
+dialyze: $(DIALYZER_PLT)
+ $(verbose) dialyzer --no_native `$(ERL) -eval "$(subst $(newline),,$(subst ",\",$(call filter_opts.erl)))" -extra $(ERLC_OPTS)` $(DIALYZER_DIRS) $(DIALYZER_OPTS)
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: distclean-edoc edoc
+# Configuration.
+# Core targets.
+ifneq ($(wildcard doc/overview.edoc),)
+docs:: edoc
+distclean:: distclean-edoc
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+edoc: distclean-edoc doc-deps
+ $(gen_verbose) $(ERL) -eval 'edoc:application($(PROJECT), ".", [$(EDOC_OPTS)]), halt().'
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f doc/*.css doc/*.html doc/*.png doc/edoc-info
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Dave Cottlehuber <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: distclean-escript escript
+# Configuration.
+ESCRIPT_COMMENT ?= This is an -*- erlang -*- file
+ESCRIPT_BEAMS ?= "ebin/*", "deps/*/ebin/*"
+ESCRIPT_SYS_CONFIG ?= "rel/sys.config"
+ESCRIPT_EMU_ARGS ?= -pa . \
+ -sasl errlog_type error \
+ -escript main $(ESCRIPT_NAME)
+ESCRIPT_SHEBANG ?= /usr/bin/env escript
+ESCRIPT_STATIC ?= "deps/*/priv/**", "priv/**"
+# Core targets.
+distclean:: distclean-escript
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Escript targets:" \
+ " escript Build an executable escript archive" \
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+# Based on https://github.com/synrc/mad/blob/master/src/mad_bundle.erl
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Maxim Sokhatsky, Synrc Research Center
+# Modified MIT License, https://github.com/synrc/mad/blob/master/LICENSE :
+# Software may only be used for the great good and the true happiness of all
+# sentient beings.
+'Read = fun(F) -> {ok, B} = file:read_file(filename:absname(F)), B end,'\
+'Files = fun(L) -> A = lists:concat([filelib:wildcard(X)||X<- L ]),'\
+' [F || F <- A, not filelib:is_dir(F) ] end,'\
+'Squash = fun(L) -> [{filename:basename(F), Read(F) } || F <- L ] end,'\
+'Zip = fun(A, L) -> {ok,{_,Z}} = zip:create(A, L, [{compress,all},memory]), Z end,'\
+'Ez = fun(Escript) ->'\
+' Static = Files([$(ESCRIPT_STATIC)]),'\
+' Beams = Squash(Files([$(ESCRIPT_BEAMS), $(ESCRIPT_SYS_CONFIG)])),'\
+' Archive = Beams ++ [{ "static.gz", Zip("static.gz", Static)}],'\
+' escript:create(Escript, [ $(ESCRIPT_OPTIONS)'\
+' {archive, Archive, [memory]},'\
+' {shebang, "$(ESCRIPT_SHEBANG)"},'\
+' {comment, "$(ESCRIPT_COMMENT)"},'\
+' {emu_args, " $(ESCRIPT_EMU_ARGS)"}'\
+' ]),'\
+' file:change_mode(Escript, 8#755)'\
+escript:: distclean-escript deps app
+ $(gen_verbose) $(ERL) -eval $(ESCRIPT_COMMAND)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(ESCRIPT_NAME)
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Enrique Fernandez <[email protected]>
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is contributed to erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: eunit apps-eunit
+# Configuration
+# Core targets.
+tests:: eunit
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "EUnit targets:" \
+ " eunit Run all the EUnit tests for this project"
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+define eunit.erl
+ case "$(COVER)" of
+ "" -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ case cover:compile_beam_directory("ebin") of
+ {error, _} -> halt(1);
+ _ -> ok
+ end
+ end,
+ case eunit:test($1, [$(EUNIT_OPTS)]) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ error -> halt(2)
+ end,
+ case "$(COVER)" of
+ "" -> ok;
+ _ ->
+ cover:export("eunit.coverdata")
+ end,
+ halt()
+EUNIT_ERL_OPTS += -pa $(TEST_DIR) $(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin $(APPS_DIR)/*/ebin $(CURDIR)/ebin
+ifdef t
+ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t)))
+eunit: test-build
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,['$(t)']),$(EUNIT_ERL_OPTS))
+eunit: test-build
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,fun $(t)/0),$(EUNIT_ERL_OPTS))
+EUNIT_EBIN_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(ERL_FILES) $(BEAM_FILES)))
+EUNIT_TEST_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.erl)))
+EUNIT_MODS = $(foreach mod,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS) $(filter-out \
+ $(patsubst %,%_tests,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS)),$(EUNIT_TEST_MODS)),'$(mod)')
+eunit: test-build $(if $(IS_APP),,apps-eunit)
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,[$(call comma_list,$(EUNIT_MODS))]),$(EUNIT_ERL_OPTS))
+ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS),)
+ $(verbose) for app in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$app eunit IS_APP=1; done
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: relx-rel distclean-relx-rel distclean-relx run
+# Configuration.
+RELX ?= $(CURDIR)/relx
+RELX_CONFIG ?= $(CURDIR)/relx.config
+RELX_URL ?= https://github.com/erlware/relx/releases/download/v3.19.0/relx
+ifeq ($(firstword $(RELX_OPTS)),-o)
+ RELX_OUTPUT_DIR = $(word 2,$(RELX_OPTS))
+# Core targets.
+ifeq ($(IS_DEP),)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),)
+rel:: relx-rel
+distclean:: distclean-relx-rel distclean-relx
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call core_http_get,$(RELX),$(RELX_URL))
+ $(verbose) chmod +x $(RELX)
+relx-rel: $(RELX) rel-deps app
+ $(verbose) $(RELX) -c $(RELX_CONFIG) $(RELX_OPTS)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(RELX)
+# Run target.
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),)
+define get_relx_release.erl
+ {ok, Config} = file:consult("$(RELX_CONFIG)"),
+ {release, {Name, _}, _} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, Config),
+ io:format("~s", [Name]),
+ halt(0).
+RELX_RELEASE = `$(call erlang,$(get_relx_release.erl))`
+run: all
+ $(verbose) $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(RELX_RELEASE)/bin/$(RELX_RELEASE) console
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Relx targets:" \
+ " run Compile the project, build the release and run it"
+# Copyright (c) 2014, M Robert Martin <[email protected]>
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is contributed to erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: shell
+# Configuration.
+SHELL_ERL ?= erl
+SHELL_PATHS ?= $(CURDIR)/ebin $(APPS_DIR)/*/ebin $(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin
+# Core targets
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Shell targets:" \
+ " shell Run an erlang shell with SHELL_OPTS or reasonable default"
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+$(foreach dep,$(SHELL_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep))))
+build-shell-deps: $(ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS)
+ $(verbose) for dep in $(ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep ; done
+shell: build-shell-deps
+ $(gen_verbose) $(SHELL_ERL) -pa $(SHELL_PATHS) $(SHELL_OPTS)
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+ifeq ($(filter triq,$(DEPS) $(TEST_DEPS)),triq)
+.PHONY: triq
+# Targets.
+tests:: triq
+define triq_check.erl
+ code:add_pathsa(["$(call core_native_path,$(CURDIR)/ebin)", "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin)"]),
+ try
+ case $(1) of
+ all -> [true] =:= lists:usort([triq:check(M) || M <- [$(call comma_list,$(3))]]);
+ module -> triq:check($(2));
+ function -> triq:check($(2))
+ end
+ of
+ true -> halt(0);
+ _ -> halt(1)
+ catch error:undef ->
+ io:format("Undefined property or module~n"),
+ halt(0)
+ end.
+ifdef t
+ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t)))
+triq: test-build
+ $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call triq_check.erl,module,$(t)))
+triq: test-build
+ $(verbose) echo Testing $(t)/0
+ $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call triq_check.erl,function,$(t)()))
+triq: test-build
+ $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard ebin/*.beam))))))
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call triq_check.erl,all,undefined,$(MODULES)))
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Erlang Solutions Ltd.
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+.PHONY: xref distclean-xref
+# Configuration.
+ifeq ($(XREF_CONFIG),)
+XREFR ?= $(CURDIR)/xrefr
+export XREFR
+XREFR_URL ?= https://github.com/inaka/xref_runner/releases/download/0.2.2/xrefr
+# Core targets.
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Xref targets:" \
+ " xref Run Xrefr using $XREF_CONFIG as config file if defined"
+distclean:: distclean-xref
+# Plugin-specific targets.
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call core_http_get,$(XREFR),$(XREFR_URL))
+ $(verbose) chmod +x $(XREFR)
+xref: deps app $(XREFR)
+ $(gen_verbose) $(XREFR) $(XREFR_ARGS)
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(XREFR)
+# Copyright 2015, Viktor Söderqvist <[email protected]>
+# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
+# Hook in coverage to ct
+ifdef COVER
+ifdef CT_RUN
+# All modules in 'ebin'
+COVER_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(call core_ls,ebin/*.beam)))
+test-build:: $(TEST_DIR)/ct.cover.spec
+ $(verbose) echo Cover mods: $(COVER_MODS)
+ $(gen_verbose) printf "%s\n" \
+ '{incl_mods,[$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(COVER_MODS))]}.' \
+ '{export,"$(CURDIR)/ct.coverdata"}.' > $@
+CT_RUN += -cover $(TEST_DIR)/ct.cover.spec
+# Core targets
+ifdef COVER
+ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),)
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory cover-report
+clean:: coverdata-clean
+ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),)
+distclean:: cover-report-clean
+ $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \
+ "Cover targets:" \
+ " cover-report Generate a HTML coverage report from previously collected" \
+ " cover data." \
+ " all.coverdata Merge {eunit,ct}.coverdata into one coverdata file." \
+ "" \
+ "If COVER=1 is set, coverage data is generated by the targets eunit and ct. The" \
+ "target tests additionally generates a HTML coverage report from the combined" \
+ "coverdata files from each of these testing tools. HTML reports can be disabled" \
+ "by setting COVER_REPORT_DIR to empty."
+# Plugin specific targets
+COVERDATA = $(filter-out all.coverdata,$(wildcard *.coverdata))
+.PHONY: coverdata-clean
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -f *.coverdata ct.cover.spec
+# Merge all coverdata files into one.
+all.coverdata: $(COVERDATA)
+ $(gen_verbose) $(ERL) -eval ' \
+ $(foreach f,$(COVERDATA),cover:import("$(f)") == ok orelse halt(1),) \
+ cover:export("$@"), halt(0).'
+# These are only defined if COVER_REPORT_DIR is non-empty. Set COVER_REPORT_DIR to
+# empty if you want the coverdata files but not the HTML report.
+ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),)
+.PHONY: cover-report-clean cover-report
+ $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(COVER_REPORT_DIR)
+ifeq ($(COVERDATA),)
+# Modules which include eunit.hrl always contain one line without coverage
+# because eunit defines test/0 which is never called. We compensate for this.
+EUNIT_HRL_MODS = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(shell \
+ grep -e '^\s*-include.*include/eunit\.hrl"' src/*.erl \
+ | sed "s/^src\/\(.*\)\.erl:.*/'\1'/" | uniq))
+define cover_report.erl
+ $(foreach f,$(COVERDATA),cover:import("$(f)") == ok orelse halt(1),)
+ Ms = cover:imported_modules(),
+ [cover:analyse_to_file(M, "$(COVER_REPORT_DIR)/" ++ atom_to_list(M)
+ ++ ".COVER.html", [html]) || M <- Ms],
+ Report = [begin {ok, R} = cover:analyse(M, module), R end || M <- Ms],
+ EunitHrlMods = [$(EUNIT_HRL_MODS)],
+ Report1 = [{M, {Y, case lists:member(M, EunitHrlMods) of
+ true -> N - 1; false -> N end}} || {M, {Y, N}} <- Report],
+ TotalY = lists:sum([Y || {_, {Y, _}} <- Report1]),
+ TotalN = lists:sum([N || {_, {_, N}} <- Report1]),
+ Perc = fun(Y, N) -> case Y + N of 0 -> 100; S -> round(100 * Y / S) end end,
+ TotalPerc = Perc(TotalY, TotalN),
+ {ok, F} = file:open("$(COVER_REPORT_DIR)/index.html", [write]),
+ io:format(F, "<!DOCTYPE html><html>~n"
+ "<head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\">~n"
+ "<title>Coverage report</title></head>~n"
+ "<body>~n", []),
+ io:format(F, "<h1>Coverage</h1>~n<p>Total: ~p%</p>~n", [TotalPerc]),
+ io:format(F, "<table><tr><th>Module</th><th>Coverage</th></tr>~n", []),
+ [io:format(F, "<tr><td><a href=\"~p.COVER.html\">~p</a></td>"
+ "<td>~p%</td></tr>~n",
+ [M, M, Perc(Y, N)]) || {M, {Y, N}} <- Report1],
+ How = "$(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(basename $(COVERDATA)))",
+ Date = "$(shell date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")",
+ io:format(F, "</table>~n"
+ "<p>Generated using ~s and erlang.mk on ~s.</p>~n"
+ "</body></html>", [How, Date]),
+ halt().
+ $(gen_verbose) mkdir -p $(COVER_REPORT_DIR)
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(cover_report.erl))
+endif # ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),)