path: root/src
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authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-06-12 18:30:45 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2018-06-12 18:35:54 +0200
commit3e29ee974ebbb8774ddf9ebba4582ff465e1a087 (patch)
treec712c000c71f4e6549642f4ad032f102fd116e21 /src
parent9224a497d79acbb8ce5690bf8dd9e19855e50586 (diff)
Parse table cols specs and add caption if any
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 139 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/asciideck_tables_pass.erl b/src/asciideck_tables_pass.erl
index c0740cc..1adcd1e 100644
--- a/src/asciideck_tables_pass.erl
+++ b/src/asciideck_tables_pass.erl
@@ -81,10 +81,139 @@ parse_table(Contents, _) ->
{Cells, length(Cells0)}
+%% @todo Don't discard Specs.
num_cols(Cols) ->
- %% @todo Handle column specifiers.
- Specs = binary:split(Cols, <<$,>>, [global]),
- length(Specs).
+ try binary_to_integer(Cols) of
+ Int -> Int
+ catch _:_ ->
+ Specs0 = binary:split(Cols, <<$,>>, [global]),
+ Specs = [parse_specs(Spec) || Spec <- Specs0],
+ lists:sum([M || #{multiplier := M} <- Specs])
+ end.
+num_cols_test_() ->
+ Tests = [
+ {<<"4">>, 4},
+ {<<">s,^m,e">>, 3},
+ {<<"3,^2,^2,10">>, 4},
+ {<<"^1,4*2">>, 5},
+ {<<"e,m,^,>s">>, 4},
+ {<<"2<d,2*,4d,>">>, 5},
+ {<<"4*<">>, 4},
+ {<<"3*.^">>, 3},
+ {<<"2*,.>">>, 3},
+ {<<".<,.^,.>">>, 3},
+ {<<".<,.^,^.>">>, 3}
+ ],
+ [{V, fun() -> R = num_cols(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests].
+%% Asciidoc User Guide 23.4
+%% [<multiplier>*][<horizontal>][.<vertical>][<width>][<style>]
+parse_specs(Bin0) ->
+ {ok, Bin1, Spec1} = parse_specs_multiplier(Bin0, #{}),
+ %% Width and alignment positions may be switched.
+ {ok, Bin4, Spec4} = case Bin1 of
+ <<C, _/bits>> when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
+ {ok, Bin2, Spec2} = parse_specs_width(Bin1, Spec1),
+ {ok, Bin3, Spec3} = parse_specs_horizontal(Bin2, Spec2),
+ parse_specs_vertical(Bin3, Spec3);
+ _ ->
+ {ok, Bin2, Spec2} = parse_specs_horizontal(Bin1, Spec1),
+ {ok, Bin3, Spec3} = parse_specs_vertical(Bin2, Spec2),
+ parse_specs_width(Bin3, Spec3)
+ end,
+ parse_specs_style(Bin4, Spec4).
+parse_specs_multiplier(Bin, Spec) ->
+ case binary:split(Bin, <<"*">>) of
+ [_] ->
+ {ok, Bin, Spec#{multiplier => 1}};
+ [Multiplier, Rest] ->
+ {ok, Rest, Spec#{multiplier => binary_to_integer(Multiplier)}}
+ end.
+parse_specs_horizontal(Bin, Spec) ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<"<", Rest/bits>> -> {ok, Rest, Spec#{horizontal => left}};
+ <<"^", Rest/bits>> -> {ok, Rest, Spec#{horizontal => center}};
+ <<">", Rest/bits>> -> {ok, Rest, Spec#{horizontal => right}};
+ _ -> {ok, Bin, Spec#{horizontal => left}}
+ end.
+parse_specs_vertical(Bin, Spec) ->
+ case Bin of
+ <<".<", Rest/bits>> -> {ok, Rest, Spec#{vertical => top}};
+ <<".^", Rest/bits>> -> {ok, Rest, Spec#{vertical => middle}};
+ <<".>", Rest/bits>> -> {ok, Rest, Spec#{vertical => bottom}};
+ _ -> {ok, Bin, Spec#{vertical => top}}
+ end.
+parse_specs_width(Bin, Spec) ->
+ case binary:split(Bin, <<"%">>) of
+ [_] ->
+ case binary_take_while_integer(Bin, <<>>) of
+ {<<>>, _} ->
+ {ok, Bin, Spec#{width => 1, width_unit => proportional}};
+ {Width, Rest} ->
+ {ok, Rest, Spec#{width => binary_to_integer(Width), width_unit => proportional}}
+ end;
+ [Percent, Rest] ->
+ {ok, Rest, Spec#{width => binary_to_integer(Percent), width_unit => percent}}
+ end.
+binary_take_while_integer(<<C, R/bits>>, Acc) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
+ binary_take_while_integer(R, <<Acc/binary, C>>);
+binary_take_while_integer(Rest, Acc) ->
+ {Acc, Rest}.
+parse_specs_style(<<>>, Spec) ->
+ Spec#{style => default};
+parse_specs_style(Bin, Spec) ->
+ Style = parse_specs_match_style(Bin, [
+ <<"default">>, <<"emphasis">>, <<"monospaced">>, <<"strong">>,
+ <<"header">>, <<"literal">>, <<"verse">>
+ ]),
+ Spec#{style => Style}.
+parse_specs_match_style(Prefix, [Style|Tail]) ->
+ case binary:longest_common_prefix([Prefix, Style]) of
+ 0 -> parse_specs_match_style(Prefix, Tail);
+ _ -> binary_to_atom(Style, latin1)
+ end.
+parse_specs_test_() ->
+ Res = fun(Override) ->
+ maps:merge(#{
+ multiplier => 1,
+ horizontal => left,
+ vertical => top,
+ width => 1,
+ width_unit => proportional,
+ style => default
+ }, Override)
+ end,
+ Tests = [
+ {<<"3">>, Res(#{width => 3})},
+ {<<"10">>, Res(#{width => 10})},
+ {<<">s">>, Res(#{horizontal => right, style => strong})},
+ {<<"^m">>, Res(#{horizontal => center, style => monospaced})},
+ {<<"e">>, Res(#{style => emphasis})},
+ {<<"^2">>, Res(#{horizontal => center, width => 2})},
+ {<<"4*2">>, Res(#{multiplier => 4, width => 2})},
+ {<<"^">>, Res(#{horizontal => center})},
+ {<<">">>, Res(#{horizontal => right})},
+ {<<"2<h">>, Res(#{width => 2, horizontal => left, style => header})},
+ {<<"2*">>, Res(#{multiplier => 2})},
+ {<<"4*<">>, Res(#{multiplier => 4, horizontal => left})},
+ {<<"3*.^">>, Res(#{multiplier => 3, vertical => middle})},
+ {<<".>">>, Res(#{vertical => bottom})}
+ ],
+ [{V, fun() -> R = parse_specs(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests].
parse_cells(Contents, Acc) ->
Cells = split_cells(Contents),%binary:split(Contents, [<<$|>>], [global]),
diff --git a/src/asciideck_to_html.erl b/src/asciideck_to_html.erl
index ab0aa98..70c90c0 100644
--- a/src/asciideck_to_html.erl
+++ b/src/asciideck_to_html.erl
@@ -160,9 +160,14 @@ labeled_list_item({list_item, #{label := Label}, AST, _}) ->
%% Tables.
-table({table, _, [{row, _, Head, _}|Rows], _}) ->
+table({table, Attrs, [{row, _, Head, _}|Rows], _}) ->
- "<table rules=\"all\" width=\"100%\" frame=\"border\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n"
+ "<table rules=\"all\" width=\"100%\" frame=\"border\"
+ cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n",
+ case Attrs of
+ #{<<"title">> := Caption} -> ["<caption>", inline(Caption), "</caption>"];
+ _ -> []
+ end,
"<thead><tr>", table_head(Head), "</tr></thead>"
"<tbody>", table_body(Rows), "</tbody>"