diff options
authorNelson Vides <[email protected]>2021-04-20 14:58:58 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2023-12-21 15:01:33 +0100
commit5ef64557b5b4c92224d68d1445cdb7846a76a0be (patch)
parentf74b69c3edd6e8c8891a3a8e18d14c8ae93bf5c4 (diff)
Exit gracefully on {error,closed} when reading the PROXY header
LH: Simplified the test a little.
3 files changed, 42 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_clear.erl b/src/cowboy_clear.erl
index 4f3a234..e4ca9da 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_clear.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_clear.erl
@@ -33,13 +33,7 @@ start_link(Ref, Transport, Opts) ->
-spec connection_process(pid(), ranch:ref(), module(), cowboy:opts()) -> ok.
connection_process(Parent, Ref, Transport, Opts) ->
- ProxyInfo = case maps:get(proxy_header, Opts, false) of
- true ->
- {ok, ProxyInfo0} = ranch:recv_proxy_header(Ref, 1000),
- ProxyInfo0;
- false ->
- undefined
- end,
+ ProxyInfo = get_proxy_info(Ref, Opts),
{ok, Socket} = ranch:handshake(Ref),
%% Use cowboy_http2 directly only when 'http' is missing.
%% Otherwise switch to cowboy_http2 from cowboy_http.
@@ -58,3 +52,11 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyInfo, Opts, Protocol) ->
supervisor -> process_flag(trap_exit, true)
Protocol:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyInfo, Opts).
+get_proxy_info(Ref, #{proxy_header := true}) ->
+ case ranch:recv_proxy_header(Ref, 1000) of
+ {ok, ProxyInfo} -> ProxyInfo;
+ {error, closed} -> exit({shutdown, closed})
+ end;
+get_proxy_info(_, _) ->
+ undefined.
diff --git a/src/cowboy_tls.erl b/src/cowboy_tls.erl
index c049ecb..4385cbc 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_tls.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_tls.erl
@@ -33,13 +33,7 @@ start_link(Ref, Transport, Opts) ->
-spec connection_process(pid(), ranch:ref(), module(), cowboy:opts()) -> ok.
connection_process(Parent, Ref, Transport, Opts) ->
- ProxyInfo = case maps:get(proxy_header, Opts, false) of
- true ->
- {ok, ProxyInfo0} = ranch:recv_proxy_header(Ref, 1000),
- ProxyInfo0;
- false ->
- undefined
- end,
+ ProxyInfo = get_proxy_info(Ref, Opts),
{ok, Socket} = ranch:handshake(Ref),
case ssl:negotiated_protocol(Socket) of
{ok, <<"h2">>} ->
@@ -54,3 +48,11 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyInfo, Opts, Protocol) ->
supervisor -> process_flag(trap_exit, true)
Protocol:init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyInfo, Opts).
+get_proxy_info(Ref, #{proxy_header := true}) ->
+ case ranch:recv_proxy_header(Ref, 1000) of
+ {ok, ProxyInfo} -> ProxyInfo;
+ {error, closed} -> exit({shutdown, closed})
+ end;
+get_proxy_info(_, _) ->
+ undefined.
diff --git a/test/proxy_header_SUITE.erl b/test/proxy_header_SUITE.erl
index ce8b6cb..9d1ca2f 100644
--- a/test/proxy_header_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/proxy_header_SUITE.erl
@@ -71,6 +71,30 @@ init_dispatch() ->
%% Tests.
+fail_gracefully_on_disconnect(Config) ->
+ doc("Probing a port must not generate a crash"),
+ {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", config(port, Config),
+ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]),
+ timer:sleep(50),
+ Pid = case config(type, Config) of
+ tcp -> ct_helper:get_remote_pid_tcp(Socket);
+ %% We connect to a TLS port using a TCP socket so we need
+ %% to first obtain the remote pid of the TCP socket, which
+ %% is a TLS socket on the server, and then get the real
+ %% remote pid from its state.
+ ssl -> ct_helper:get_remote_pid_tls_state(ct_helper:get_remote_pid_tcp(Socket))
+ end,
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {shutdown, closed}} ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ error(Reason)
+ after 500 ->
+ error(timeout)
+ end.
v1_proxy_header(Config) ->
doc("Confirm we can read the proxy header at the start of the connection."),
ProxyInfo = #{