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3 files changed, 36 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/guide/routing.ezdoc b/doc/src/guide/routing.ezdoc
index e7b43f2..2482c12 100644
--- a/doc/src/guide/routing.ezdoc
+++ b/doc/src/guide/routing.ezdoc
@@ -191,26 +191,16 @@ HostMatch = "*".
After the matching has completed, the resulting bindings can be tested
against a set of constraints. Constraints are only tested when the
binding is defined. They run in the order you defined them. The match
-will succeed only if they all succeed.
+will succeed only if they all succeed. If the match fails, then Cowboy
+tries the next route in the list.
-They are always given as a two or three elements tuple, where the first
-element is the name of the binding, the second element is the constraint's
-name, and the optional third element is the constraint's arguments.
+The format used for constraints is the same as match functions in
+`cowboy_req`: they are provided as a list of fields which may have
+one or more constraints. While the router accepts the same format,
+it will skip fields with no constraints and will also ignore default
+values, if any.
-The following constraints are currently defined:
-* {Name, int}
-* {Name, function, fun ((Value) -> true | {true, NewValue} | false)}
-The `int` constraint will check if the binding is a binary string
-representing an integer, and if it is, will convert the value to integer.
-The `function` constraint will pass the binding value to a user specified
-function that receives the binary value as its only argument and must
-return whether it fulfills the constraint, optionally modifying the value.
-The value thus returned can be of any type.
-Note that constraint functions SHOULD be pure and MUST NOT crash.
+Read more about ^constraints^.
:: Compilation
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_router.ezdoc b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_router.ezdoc
index f76acf6..8d45e67 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/cowboy_router.ezdoc
+++ b/doc/src/manual/cowboy_router.ezdoc
@@ -22,31 +22,16 @@ Environment output:
List of bindings found during routing.
-: constraints() = [IntConstraint | FunConstraint]
-* IntConstraint = {atom(), int}
-* FunConstraint = {atom(), function, Fun}
-* Fun = fun((binary()) -> true | {true, any()} | false)
-List of constraints to apply to the bindings.
-The int constraint will convert the binding to an integer.
-The fun constraint allows writing custom code for checking
-the bindings. Returning a new value from that fun allows
-replacing the current binding with a new value.
: dispatch_rules() - opaque to the user
Rules for dispatching request used by Cowboy.
-: routes() = [{Host, Paths} | {Host, constraints(), Paths}]
+: routes() = [{Host, Paths} | {Host, cowboy:fields(), Paths}]
* Host = Path = '_' | iodata()
-* Paths = [{Path, Handler, Opts} | {Path, constraints(), Handler, Opts}]
+* Paths = [{Path, Handler, Opts} | {Path, cowboy:fields(), Handler, Opts}]
* Handler = module()
* Opts = any()
diff --git a/src/cowboy_router.erl b/src/cowboy_router.erl
index f5b2f26..3b71205 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_router.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_router.erl
@@ -33,21 +33,17 @@
--type constraints() :: [{atom(), int}
- | {atom(), function, fun ((binary()) -> true | {true, any()} | false)}].
-type route_match() :: '_' | iodata().
-type route_path() :: {Path::route_match(), Handler::module(), Opts::any()}
- | {Path::route_match(), constraints(), Handler::module(), Opts::any()}.
+ | {Path::route_match(), cowboy:fields(), Handler::module(), Opts::any()}.
-type route_rule() :: {Host::route_match(), Paths::[route_path()]}
- | {Host::route_match(), constraints(), Paths::[route_path()]}.
+ | {Host::route_match(), cowboy:fields(), Paths::[route_path()]}.
-type routes() :: [route_rule()].
-type dispatch_match() :: '_' | <<_:8>> | [binary() | '_' | '...' | atom()].
--type dispatch_path() :: {dispatch_match(), module(), any()}.
--type dispatch_rule() :: {Host::dispatch_match(), Paths::[dispatch_path()]}.
+-type dispatch_path() :: {dispatch_match(), cowboy:fields(), module(), any()}.
+-type dispatch_rule() :: {Host::dispatch_match(), cowboy:fields(), Paths::[dispatch_path()]}.
-opaque dispatch_rules() :: [dispatch_rule()].
@@ -59,15 +55,15 @@ compile([], Acc) ->
compile([{Host, Paths}|Tail], Acc) ->
compile([{Host, [], Paths}|Tail], Acc);
-compile([{HostMatch, Constraints, Paths}|Tail], Acc) ->
+compile([{HostMatch, Fields, Paths}|Tail], Acc) ->
HostRules = case HostMatch of
'_' -> '_';
_ -> compile_host(HostMatch)
PathRules = compile_paths(Paths, []),
Hosts = case HostRules of
- '_' -> [{'_', Constraints, PathRules}];
- _ -> [{R, Constraints, PathRules} || R <- HostRules]
+ '_' -> [{'_', Fields, PathRules}];
+ _ -> [{R, Fields, PathRules} || R <- HostRules]
compile(Tail, Hosts ++ Acc).
@@ -80,16 +76,16 @@ compile_paths([], Acc) ->
compile_paths([{PathMatch, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) ->
compile_paths([{PathMatch, [], Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc);
-compile_paths([{PathMatch, Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc)
+compile_paths([{PathMatch, Fields, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc)
when is_list(PathMatch) ->
- Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc);
-compile_paths([{'_', Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) ->
- compile_paths(Tail, [{'_', Constraints, Handler, Opts}] ++ Acc);
-compile_paths([{<< $/, PathMatch/binary >>, Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail],
+ Fields, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc);
+compile_paths([{'_', Fields, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ compile_paths(Tail, [{'_', Fields, Handler, Opts}] ++ Acc);
+compile_paths([{<< $/, PathMatch/binary >>, Fields, Handler, Opts}|Tail],
Acc) ->
PathRules = compile_rules(PathMatch, $/, [], [], <<>>),
- Paths = [{lists:reverse(R), Constraints, Handler, Opts} || R <- PathRules],
+ Paths = [{lists:reverse(R), Fields, Handler, Opts} || R <- PathRules],
compile_paths(Tail, Paths ++ Acc);
compile_paths([{PathMatch, _, _, _}|_], _) ->
error({badarg, "The following route MUST begin with a slash: "
@@ -220,7 +216,7 @@ match([], _, _) ->
%% If the host is '_' then there can be no constraints.
match([{'_', [], PathMatchs}|_Tail], _, Path) ->
match_path(PathMatchs, undefined, Path, []);
-match([{HostMatch, Constraints, PathMatchs}|Tail], Tokens, Path)
+match([{HostMatch, Fields, PathMatchs}|Tail], Tokens, Path)
when is_list(Tokens) ->
case list_match(Tokens, HostMatch, []) of
false ->
@@ -230,7 +226,7 @@ match([{HostMatch, Constraints, PathMatchs}|Tail], Tokens, Path)
undefined -> undefined;
_ -> lists:reverse(HostInfo)
- case check_constraints(Constraints, Bindings) of
+ case check_constraints(Fields, Bindings) of
{ok, Bindings2} ->
match_path(PathMatchs, HostInfo2, Path, Bindings2);
nomatch ->
@@ -251,15 +247,15 @@ match_path([], _, _, _) ->
%% If the path is '_' then there can be no constraints.
match_path([{'_', [], Handler, Opts}|_Tail], HostInfo, _, Bindings) ->
{ok, Handler, Opts, Bindings, HostInfo, undefined};
-match_path([{<<"*">>, _Constraints, Handler, Opts}|_Tail], HostInfo, <<"*">>, Bindings) ->
+match_path([{<<"*">>, _, Handler, Opts}|_Tail], HostInfo, <<"*">>, Bindings) ->
{ok, Handler, Opts, Bindings, HostInfo, undefined};
-match_path([{PathMatch, Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], HostInfo, Tokens,
+match_path([{PathMatch, Fields, Handler, Opts}|Tail], HostInfo, Tokens,
Bindings) when is_list(Tokens) ->
case list_match(Tokens, PathMatch, Bindings) of
false ->
match_path(Tail, HostInfo, Tokens, Bindings);
{true, PathBinds, PathInfo} ->
- case check_constraints(Constraints, PathBinds) of
+ case check_constraints(Fields, PathBinds) of
{ok, PathBinds2} ->
{ok, Handler, Opts, PathBinds2, HostInfo, PathInfo};
nomatch ->
@@ -273,13 +269,16 @@ match_path(Dispatch, HostInfo, Path, Bindings) ->
check_constraints([], Bindings) ->
{ok, Bindings};
-check_constraints([Constraint|Tail], Bindings) ->
- Name = element(1, Constraint),
+check_constraints([Field|Tail], Bindings) when is_atom(Field) ->
+ check_constraints(Tail, Bindings);
+check_constraints([Field|Tail], Bindings) ->
+ Name = element(1, Field),
case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Bindings) of
false ->
check_constraints(Tail, Bindings);
{_, Value} ->
- case check_constraint(Constraint, Value) of
+ Constraints = element(2, Field),
+ case cowboy_constraints:validate(Value, Constraints) of
true ->
check_constraints(Tail, Bindings);
{true, Value2} ->
@@ -291,13 +290,6 @@ check_constraints([Constraint|Tail], Bindings) ->
-check_constraint({_, int}, Value) ->
- try {true, list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Value))}
- catch _:_ -> false
- end;
-check_constraint({_, function, Fun}, Value) ->
- Fun(Value).
-spec split_host(binary()) -> tokens().
split_host(Host) ->
split_host(Host, []).
@@ -540,9 +532,8 @@ match_constraints_test() ->
<<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/123/">>),
{error, notfound, path} = match(Dispatch,
<<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/NaN/">>),
- Dispatch2 = [{'_', [],
- [{[<<"path">>, username], [{username, function,
- fun(Value) -> Value =:= cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Value) end}],
+ Dispatch2 = [{'_', [], [{[<<"path">>, username],
+ [{username, fun(Value) -> Value =:= cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Value) end}],
match, []}]}],
{ok, _, [], [{username, <<"essen">>}], _, _} = match(Dispatch2,
<<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/essen">>),