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2 files changed, 65 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_static.erl b/src/cowboy_static.erl
index d6ef45c..b0cf146 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_static.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_static.erl
@@ -119,35 +119,51 @@ init_dir(Req, Path, HowToAccess, Extra) when is_list(Path) ->
init_dir(Req, list_to_binary(Path), HowToAccess, Extra);
init_dir(Req, Path, HowToAccess, Extra) ->
Dir = fullpath(filename:absname(Path)),
- PathInfo = cowboy_req:path_info(Req),
- Filepath = filename:join([Dir|escape_reserved(PathInfo)]),
- Len = byte_size(Dir),
- case fullpath(Filepath) of
- << Dir:Len/binary, $/, _/binary >> ->
- init_info(Req, Filepath, HowToAccess, Extra);
- << Dir:Len/binary >> ->
- init_info(Req, Filepath, HowToAccess, Extra);
- _ ->
- {cowboy_rest, Req, error}
+ case cowboy_req:path_info(Req) of
+ %% When dir/priv_dir are used and there is no path_info
+ %% this is a configuration error and we abort immediately.
+ undefined ->
+ {ok, cowboy_req:reply(500, Req), error};
+ PathInfo ->
+ case validate_reserved(PathInfo) of
+ error ->
+ {cowboy_rest, Req, error};
+ ok ->
+ Filepath = filename:join([Dir|PathInfo]),
+ Len = byte_size(Dir),
+ case fullpath(Filepath) of
+ << Dir:Len/binary, $/, _/binary >> ->
+ init_info(Req, Filepath, HowToAccess, Extra);
+ << Dir:Len/binary >> ->
+ init_info(Req, Filepath, HowToAccess, Extra);
+ _ ->
+ {cowboy_rest, Req, error}
+ end
+ end
-escape_reserved([]) -> [];
-escape_reserved([P|Tail]) -> [escape_reserved(P, <<>>)|escape_reserved(Tail)].
+validate_reserved([]) ->
+ ok;
+validate_reserved([P|Tail]) ->
+ case validate_reserved1(P) of
+ ok -> validate_reserved(Tail);
+ error -> error
+ end.
-%% We escape the slash found in path segments because
-%% a segment corresponds to a directory entry, and
-%% therefore those slashes are expected to be part of
-%% the directory name.
-%% Note that on most systems the slash is prohibited
-%% and cannot appear in filenames, which means the
-%% requested file will end up being not found.
-escape_reserved(<<>>, Acc) ->
- Acc;
-escape_reserved(<< $/, Rest/bits >>, Acc) ->
- escape_reserved(Rest, << Acc/binary, $\\, $/ >>);
-escape_reserved(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Acc) ->
- escape_reserved(Rest, << Acc/binary, C >>).
+%% We always reject forward slash, backward slash and NUL as
+%% those have special meanings across the supported platforms.
+%% We could support the backward slash on some platforms but
+%% for the sake of consistency and simplicity we don't.
+validate_reserved1(<<>>) ->
+ ok;
+validate_reserved1(<<$/, _/bits>>) ->
+ error;
+validate_reserved1(<<$\\, _/bits>>) ->
+ error;
+validate_reserved1(<<0, _/bits>>) ->
+ error;
+validate_reserved1(<<_, Rest/bits>>) ->
+ validate_reserved1(Rest).
fullpath(Path) ->
fullpath(filename:split(Path), []).
@@ -290,7 +306,7 @@ bad_path_win32_check_test_() ->
%% Reject requests that tried to access a file outside
-%% the target directory.
+%% the target directory, or used reserved characters.
-spec malformed_request(Req, State)
-> {boolean(), Req, State}.
diff --git a/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl b/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
index 7cee876..c06268e 100644
--- a/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
@@ -67,13 +67,14 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
true = code:add_pathz(filename:join(
[config(data_dir, Config), "static_files_app", "ebin"])),
ok = application:load(static_files_app),
- %% A special folder contains files of 1 character from 0 to 127.
+ %% A special folder contains files of 1 character from 1 to 127
+ %% excluding / and \ as they are always rejected.
CharDir = config(priv_dir, Config) ++ "/char",
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CharDir ++ "/file"),
Chars0 = lists:flatten([case file:write_file(CharDir ++ [$/, C], [C]) of
ok -> C;
{error, _} -> []
- end || C <- lists:seq(0, 127)]),
+ end || C <- (lists:seq(1, 127) -- "/\\")]),
%% Determine whether we are on a case insensitive filesystem and
%% remove uppercase characters in that case. On case insensitive
%% filesystems we end up overwriting the "A" file with the "a" contents.
@@ -134,7 +135,8 @@ init_large_file(Filename) ->
"" = os:cmd("truncate -s 32M " ++ Filename),
{win32, _} ->
- ok
+ Size = 32*1024*1024,
+ ok = file:write_file(Filename, <<0:Size/unit:8>>)
%% Routes.
@@ -458,21 +460,28 @@ dir_error_slash(Config) ->
{403, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "//", Config),
-dir_error_slash_urlencoded(Config) ->
- doc("Try to get a file named '/' percent encoded."),
- {404, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/%2f", Config),
+dir_error_reserved_urlencoded(Config) ->
+ doc("Try to get a file named '/' or '\\' or 'NUL' percent encoded."),
+ {400, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/%2f", Config),
+ {400, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/%5c", Config),
+ {400, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/%00", Config),
dir_error_slash_urlencoded_dotdot_file(Config) ->
doc("Try to use a percent encoded slash to access an existing file."),
{200, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/directory/../style.css", Config),
- {404, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/directory%2f../style.css", Config),
+ {400, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/directory%2f../style.css", Config),
dir_error_unreadable(Config) ->
- doc("Try to get a file that can't be read."),
- {403, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/unreadable", Config),
- ok.
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ {skip, "ACL not enabled by default under MSYS2."};
+ {unix, _} ->
+ doc("Try to get a file that can't be read."),
+ {403, _, _} = do_get(config(prefix, Config) ++ "/unreadable", Config),
+ ok
+ end.
dir_html(Config) ->
doc("Get a .html file."),
@@ -899,10 +908,12 @@ unicode_basic_latin(Config) ->
- Chars = case config(case_sensitive, Config) of
+ Chars1 = case config(case_sensitive, Config) of
true -> Chars0
+ %% Remove the characters for which we have no corresponding file.
+ Chars = Chars1 -- (Chars1 -- config(chars, Config)),
_ = [case do_get("/char/" ++ [C], Config) of
{200, _, << C >>} -> ok;
Error -> exit({error, C, Error})