path: root/src/cowboy_http2.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cowboy_http2.erl')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_http2.erl b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
index 8dc8c3b..2e73d5f 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_http2.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_http2.erl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+%% Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
%% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
connection_window_update_threshold => 0..16#7fffffff,
enable_connect_protocol => boolean(),
env => cowboy_middleware:env(),
+ goaway_initial_timeout => timeout(),
+ goaway_complete_timeout => timeout(),
idle_timeout => timeout(),
inactivity_timeout => timeout(),
initial_connection_window_size => 65535..16#7fffffff,
@@ -42,10 +44,12 @@
max_connection_window_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
max_decode_table_size => non_neg_integer(),
max_encode_table_size => non_neg_integer(),
+ max_fragmented_header_block_size => 16384..16#7fffffff,
max_frame_size_received => 16384..16777215,
max_frame_size_sent => 16384..16777215 | infinity,
max_received_frame_rate => {pos_integer(), timeout()},
max_reset_stream_rate => {pos_integer(), timeout()},
+ max_cancel_stream_rate => {pos_integer(), timeout()},
max_stream_buffer_size => non_neg_integer(),
max_stream_window_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
metrics_callback => cowboy_metrics_h:metrics_callback(),
@@ -54,6 +58,7 @@
middlewares => [module()],
preface_timeout => timeout(),
proxy_header => boolean(),
+ reset_idle_timeout_on_send => boolean(),
sendfile => boolean(),
settings_timeout => timeout(),
shutdown_timeout => timeout(),
@@ -88,7 +93,7 @@
proxy_header :: undefined | ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info(),
opts = #{} :: opts(),
- %% Timer for idle_timeout.
+ %% Timer for idle_timeout; also used for goaway timers.
timer = undefined :: undefined | reference(),
%% Remote address and port for the connection.
@@ -101,7 +106,7 @@
cert :: undefined | binary(),
%% HTTP/2 state machine.
- http2_status :: sequence | settings | upgrade | connected | closing,
+ http2_status :: sequence | settings | upgrade | connected | closing_initiated | closing,
http2_machine :: cow_http2_machine:http2_machine(),
%% HTTP/2 frame rate flood protection.
@@ -112,6 +117,10 @@
reset_rate_num :: undefined | pos_integer(),
reset_rate_time :: undefined | integer(),
+ %% HTTP/2 rapid reset attack protection.
+ cancel_rate_num :: undefined | pos_integer(),
+ cancel_rate_time :: undefined | integer(),
%% Flow requested for all streams.
flow = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -127,9 +136,11 @@
-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(),
ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info() | undefined, cowboy:opts()) -> ok.
init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts) ->
- Peer0 = Transport:peername(Socket),
- Sock0 = Transport:sockname(Socket),
- Cert1 = case Transport:name() of
+ {ok, Peer} = maybe_socket_error(undefined, Transport:peername(Socket),
+ 'A socket error occurred when retrieving the peer name.'),
+ {ok, Sock} = maybe_socket_error(undefined, Transport:sockname(Socket),
+ 'A socket error occurred when retrieving the sock name.'),
+ CertResult = case Transport:name() of
ssl ->
case ssl:peercert(Socket) of
{error, no_peercert} ->
@@ -140,19 +151,9 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts) ->
_ ->
{ok, undefined}
- case {Peer0, Sock0, Cert1} of
- {{ok, Peer}, {ok, Sock}, {ok, Cert}} ->
- init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, <<>>);
- {{error, Reason}, _, _} ->
- terminate(undefined, {socket_error, Reason,
- 'A socket error occurred when retrieving the peer name.'});
- {_, {error, Reason}, _} ->
- terminate(undefined, {socket_error, Reason,
- 'A socket error occurred when retrieving the sock name.'});
- {_, _, {error, Reason}} ->
- terminate(undefined, {socket_error, Reason,
- 'A socket error occurred when retrieving the client TLS certificate.'})
- end.
+ {ok, Cert} = maybe_socket_error(undefined, CertResult,
+ 'A socket error occurred when retrieving the client TLS certificate.'),
+ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, <<>>).
-spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(),
ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info() | undefined, cowboy:opts(),
@@ -160,26 +161,42 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts) ->
binary() | undefined, binary()) -> ok.
init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer) ->
{ok, Preface, HTTP2Machine} = cow_http2_machine:init(server, Opts),
- State = set_timeout(init_rate_limiting(#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
+ %% Send the preface before doing all the init in case we get a socket error.
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(undefined, Transport:send(Socket, Preface)),
+ State = set_idle_timeout(init_rate_limiting(#state{parent=Parent, ref=Ref, socket=Socket,
transport=Transport, proxy_header=ProxyHeader,
opts=Opts, peer=Peer, sock=Sock, cert=Cert,
http2_status=sequence, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine})),
- Transport:send(Socket, Preface),
- setopts_active(State),
+ safe_setopts_active(State),
case Buffer of
<<>> -> loop(State, Buffer);
_ -> parse(State, Buffer)
-init_rate_limiting(State=#state{opts=Opts}) ->
+init_rate_limiting(State0) ->
+ CurrentTime = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ State1 = init_frame_rate_limiting(State0, CurrentTime),
+ State2 = init_reset_rate_limiting(State1, CurrentTime),
+ init_cancel_rate_limiting(State2, CurrentTime).
+init_frame_rate_limiting(State=#state{opts=Opts}, CurrentTime) ->
{FrameRateNum, FrameRatePeriod} = maps:get(max_received_frame_rate, Opts, {10000, 10000}),
+ State#state{
+ frame_rate_num=FrameRateNum, frame_rate_time=add_period(CurrentTime, FrameRatePeriod)
+ }.
+init_reset_rate_limiting(State=#state{opts=Opts}, CurrentTime) ->
{ResetRateNum, ResetRatePeriod} = maps:get(max_reset_stream_rate, Opts, {10, 10000}),
- CurrentTime = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
- frame_rate_num=FrameRateNum, frame_rate_time=add_period(CurrentTime, FrameRatePeriod),
reset_rate_num=ResetRateNum, reset_rate_time=add_period(CurrentTime, ResetRatePeriod)
+init_cancel_rate_limiting(State=#state{opts=Opts}, CurrentTime) ->
+ {CancelRateNum, CancelRatePeriod} = maps:get(max_cancel_stream_rate, Opts, {500, 10000}),
+ State#state{
+ cancel_rate_num=CancelRateNum, cancel_rate_time=add_period(CurrentTime, CancelRatePeriod)
+ }.
add_period(_, infinity) -> infinity;
add_period(Time, Period) -> Time + Period.
@@ -205,9 +222,11 @@ init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, ProxyHeader, Opts, Peer, Sock, Cert, Buffer
<<"connection">> => <<"Upgrade">>,
<<"upgrade">> => <<"h2c">>
}, ?MODULE, undefined}), %% @todo undefined or #{}?
- State = set_timeout(init_rate_limiting(State2#state{http2_status=sequence})),
- Transport:send(Socket, Preface),
- setopts_active(State),
+ State = set_idle_timeout(init_rate_limiting(State2#state{http2_status=sequence})),
+ %% In the case of HTTP/1.1 Upgrade we cannot send the Preface
+ %% until we send the 101 response.
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket, Preface)),
+ safe_setopts_active(State),
case Buffer of
<<>> -> loop(State, Buffer);
_ -> parse(State, Buffer)
@@ -220,6 +239,9 @@ setopts_active(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts}) ->
N = maps:get(active_n, Opts, 100),
Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, N}]).
+safe_setopts_active(State) ->
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, setopts_active(State)).
loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
opts=Opts, timer=TimerRef, children=Children}, Buffer) ->
Messages = Transport:messages(),
@@ -227,19 +249,25 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
%% Socket messages.
{OK, Socket, Data} when OK =:= element(1, Messages) ->
- parse(set_timeout(State), << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>);
+ parse(set_idle_timeout(State), << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>);
{Closed, Socket} when Closed =:= element(2, Messages) ->
- terminate(State, {socket_error, closed, 'The socket has been closed.'});
+ Reason = case State#state.http2_status of
+ closing -> {stop, closed, 'The client is going away.'};
+ _ -> {socket_error, closed, 'The socket has been closed.'}
+ end,
+ terminate(State, Reason);
{Error, Socket, Reason} when Error =:= element(3, Messages) ->
terminate(State, {socket_error, Reason, 'An error has occurred on the socket.'});
{Passive, Socket} when Passive =:= element(4, Messages);
%% Hardcoded for compatibility with Ranch 1.x.
Passive =:= tcp_passive; Passive =:= ssl_passive ->
- setopts_active(State),
+ safe_setopts_active(State),
loop(State, Buffer);
%% System messages.
+ {'EXIT', Parent, shutdown} ->
+ Reason = {stop, {exit, shutdown}, 'Parent process requested shutdown.'},
+ loop(initiate_closing(State, Reason), Buffer);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- %% @todo Graceful shutdown here as well?
terminate(State, {stop, {exit, Reason}, 'Parent process terminated.'});
{system, From, Request} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {State, Buffer});
@@ -252,6 +280,11 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
loop(State, Buffer);
{timeout, TRef, {cow_http2_machine, Name}} ->
loop(timeout(State, Name, TRef), Buffer);
+ {timeout, TimerRef, {goaway_initial_timeout, Reason}} ->
+ loop(closing(State, Reason), Buffer);
+ {timeout, TimerRef, {goaway_complete_timeout, Reason}} ->
+ terminate(State, {stop, stop_reason(Reason),
+ 'Graceful shutdown timed out.'});
%% Messages pertaining to a stream.
{{Pid, StreamID}, Msg} when Pid =:= self() ->
loop(info(State, StreamID, Msg), Buffer);
@@ -269,17 +302,32 @@ loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
terminate(State, {internal_error, timeout, 'No message or data received before timeout.'})
-set_timeout(State=#state{opts=Opts, timer=TimerRef0}) ->
+set_idle_timeout(State=#state{http2_status=Status, timer=TimerRef})
+ when Status =:= closing_initiated orelse Status =:= closing,
+ TimerRef =/= undefined ->
+ State;
+set_idle_timeout(State=#state{opts=Opts}) ->
+ set_timeout(State, maps:get(idle_timeout, Opts, 60000), idle_timeout).
+set_timeout(State=#state{timer=TimerRef0}, Timeout, Message) ->
ok = case TimerRef0 of
undefined -> ok;
_ -> erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef0, [{async, true}, {info, false}])
- TimerRef = case maps:get(idle_timeout, Opts, 60000) of
+ TimerRef = case Timeout of
infinity -> undefined;
- Timeout -> erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), idle_timeout)
+ Timeout -> erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), Message)
+maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State=#state{opts=Opts}) ->
+ case maps:get(reset_idle_timeout_on_send, Opts, false) of
+ true ->
+ set_idle_timeout(State);
+ false ->
+ State
+ end.
%% HTTP/2 protocol parsing.
parse(State=#state{http2_status=sequence}, Data) ->
@@ -311,7 +359,7 @@ parse(State=#state{http2_status=Status, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine, streams=Stre
%% Frame rate flood protection.
-frame_rate(State0=#state{opts=Opts, frame_rate_num=Num0, frame_rate_time=Time}, Frame) ->
+frame_rate(State0=#state{frame_rate_num=Num0, frame_rate_time=Time}, Frame) ->
{Result, State} = case Num0 - 1 of
0 ->
CurrentTime = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
@@ -320,8 +368,7 @@ frame_rate(State0=#state{opts=Opts, frame_rate_num=Num0, frame_rate_time=Time},
{error, State0};
true ->
%% When the option has a period of infinity we cannot reach this clause.
- {Num, Period} = maps:get(max_received_frame_rate, Opts, {1000, 10000}),
- {ok, State0#state{frame_rate_num=Num, frame_rate_time=CurrentTime + Period}}
+ {ok, init_frame_rate_limiting(State0, CurrentTime)}
Num ->
{ok, State0#state{frame_rate_num=Num}}
@@ -357,10 +404,11 @@ frame(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, Frame) ->
goaway(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, GoAway);
{send, SendData, HTTP2Machine} ->
%% We may need to send an alarm for each of the streams sending data.
- lists:foldl(
+ State1 = lists:foldl(
fun({StreamID, _, _}, S) -> maybe_send_data_alarm(S, HTTP2Machine0, StreamID) end,
send_data(maybe_ack(State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Frame), SendData, []),
- SendData);
+ SendData),
+ maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1);
{error, {stream_error, StreamID, Reason, Human}, HTTP2Machine} ->
StreamID, {stream_error, Reason, Human});
@@ -372,15 +420,20 @@ frame(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, Frame) ->
%% if we were still waiting for a SETTINGS frame.
maybe_ack(State=#state{http2_status=settings}, Frame) ->
maybe_ack(State#state{http2_status=connected}, Frame);
+%% We do not reset the idle timeout on send here because we are
+%% sending data as a consequence of receiving data, which means
+%% we already resetted the idle timeout.
maybe_ack(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Frame) ->
case Frame of
- {settings, _} -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack());
- {ping, Opaque} -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:ping_ack(Opaque));
+ {settings, _} ->
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack()));
+ {ping, Opaque} ->
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:ping_ack(Opaque)));
_ -> ok
-data_frame(State0=#state{opts=Opts, flow=Flow, streams=Streams}, StreamID, IsFin, Data) ->
+data_frame(State0=#state{opts=Opts, flow=Flow0, streams=Streams}, StreamID, IsFin, Data) ->
case Streams of
#{StreamID := Stream=#stream{status=running, flow=StreamFlow, state=StreamState0}} ->
try cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0) of
@@ -389,11 +442,26 @@ data_frame(State0=#state{opts=Opts, flow=Flow, streams=Streams}, StreamID, IsFin
%% We may receive more data than we requested. We ensure
%% that the flow value doesn't go lower than 0.
Size = byte_size(Data),
- State = update_window(State0#state{flow=max(0, Flow - Size),
+ Flow = max(0, Flow0 - Size),
+ %% We would normally update the window when changing the flow
+ %% value. But because we are running commands, which themselves
+ %% may update the window, and we want to avoid updating the
+ %% window twice in a row, we first run the commands and then
+ %% only update the window a flow command was executed. We know
+ %% that it was because the flow value changed in the state.
+ State1 = State0#state{flow=Flow,
streams=Streams#{StreamID => Stream#stream{
flow=max(0, StreamFlow - Size), state=StreamState}}},
- StreamID),
- commands(State, StreamID, Commands)
+ State = commands(State1, StreamID, Commands),
+ case State of
+ %% No flow command was executed. We must update the window
+ %% because we changed the flow value earlier.
+ #state{flow=Flow} ->
+ update_window(State, StreamID);
+ %% Otherwise the window was updated already.
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end
catch Class:Exception:Stacktrace ->
[StreamID, IsFin, Data, StreamState0],
@@ -542,11 +610,27 @@ rst_stream_frame(State=#state{streams=Streams0, children=Children0}, StreamID, R
{#stream{state=StreamState}, Streams} ->
terminate_stream_handler(State, StreamID, Reason, StreamState),
Children = cowboy_children:shutdown(Children0, StreamID),
- State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children};
+ cancel_rate_limit(State#state{streams=Streams, children=Children});
error ->
+cancel_rate_limit(State0=#state{cancel_rate_num=Num0, cancel_rate_time=Time}) ->
+ case Num0 - 1 of
+ 0 ->
+ CurrentTime = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
+ if
+ CurrentTime < Time ->
+ terminate(State0, {connection_error, enhance_your_calm,
+ 'Stream cancel rate larger than configuration allows. Flood? (CVE-2023-44487)'});
+ true ->
+ %% When the option has a period of infinity we cannot reach this clause.
+ init_cancel_rate_limiting(State0, CurrentTime)
+ end;
+ Num ->
+ State0#state{cancel_rate_num=Num}
+ end.
ignored_frame(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}) ->
case cow_http2_machine:ignored_frame(HTTP2Machine0) of
{ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
@@ -567,18 +651,24 @@ timeout(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, Name, TRef) ->
%% Erlang messages.
-down(State=#state{opts=Opts, children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
- case cowboy_children:down(Children0, Pid) of
+down(State0=#state{opts=Opts, children=Children0}, Pid, Msg) ->
+ State = case cowboy_children:down(Children0, Pid) of
%% The stream was terminated already.
{ok, undefined, Children} ->
- State#state{children=Children};
+ State0#state{children=Children};
%% The stream is still running.
{ok, StreamID, Children} ->
- info(State#state{children=Children}, StreamID, Msg);
+ info(State0#state{children=Children}, StreamID, Msg);
%% The process was unknown.
error ->
cowboy:log(warning, "Received EXIT signal ~p for unknown process ~p.~n",
[Msg, Pid], Opts),
+ State0
+ end,
+ if
+ State#state.http2_status =:= closing, State#state.streams =:= #{} ->
+ terminate(State, {stop, normal, 'The connection is going away.'});
+ true ->
@@ -625,23 +715,37 @@ commands(State=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID,
%% Send an informational response.
commands(State0, StreamID, [{inform, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
- State = send_headers(State0, StreamID, idle, StatusCode, Headers),
+ State1 = send_headers(State0, StreamID, idle, StatusCode, Headers),
+ State = maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1),
commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send response headers.
commands(State0, StreamID, [{response, StatusCode, Headers, Body}|Tail]) ->
- State = send_response(State0, StreamID, StatusCode, Headers, Body),
+ State1 = send_response(State0, StreamID, StatusCode, Headers, Body),
+ State = maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1),
commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send response headers.
commands(State0, StreamID, [{headers, StatusCode, Headers}|Tail]) ->
- State = send_headers(State0, StreamID, nofin, StatusCode, Headers),
+ State1 = send_headers(State0, StreamID, nofin, StatusCode, Headers),
+ State = maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1),
commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send a response body chunk.
commands(State0, StreamID, [{data, IsFin, Data}|Tail]) ->
- State = maybe_send_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, Data, []),
+ State = case maybe_send_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, Data, []) of
+ {data_sent, State1} ->
+ maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1);
+ {no_data_sent, State1} ->
+ State1
+ end,
commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send trailers.
commands(State0, StreamID, [{trailers, Trailers}|Tail]) ->
- State = maybe_send_data(State0, StreamID, fin, {trailers, maps:to_list(Trailers)}, []),
+ State = case maybe_send_data(State0, StreamID, fin,
+ {trailers, maps:to_list(Trailers)}, []) of
+ {data_sent, State1} ->
+ maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1);
+ {no_data_sent, State1} ->
+ State1
+ end,
commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Send a push promise.
@@ -673,10 +777,11 @@ commands(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_machine=HTTP2Ma
State = case cow_http2_machine:prepare_push_promise(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0,
PseudoHeaders, Headers) of
{ok, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock, HTTP2Machine} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:push_promise(
- StreamID, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock)),
- headers_frame(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
- PromisedStreamID, fin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 0);
+ State1 = State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State1, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:push_promise(StreamID, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock))),
+ State2 = maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State1),
+ headers_frame(State2, PromisedStreamID, fin, Headers, PseudoHeaders, 0);
{error, no_push} ->
@@ -699,10 +804,14 @@ commands(State, StreamID, [Error = {internal_error, _, _}|_Tail]) ->
%% @todo Only reset when the stream still exists.
reset_stream(State, StreamID, Error);
%% Upgrade to HTTP/2. This is triggered by cowboy_http2 itself.
+%% We do not need to reset the idle timeout on send because it
+%% hasn't been set yet. This is called from init/12.
commands(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_status=upgrade},
StreamID, [{switch_protocol, Headers, ?MODULE, _}|Tail]) ->
%% @todo This 101 response needs to be passed through stream handlers.
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:response(101, 'HTTP/1.1', maps:to_list(Headers))),
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http:response(101, 'HTTP/1.1', maps:to_list(Headers)))),
commands(State, StreamID, Tail);
%% Use a different protocol within the stream (CONNECT :protocol).
%% @todo Make sure we error out when the feature is disabled.
@@ -723,22 +832,32 @@ commands(State=#state{opts=Opts}, StreamID, [Log={log, _, _, _}|Tail]) ->
%% Tentatively update the window after the flow was updated.
-update_window(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+update_window(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0, flow=Flow, streams=Streams}, StreamID) ->
- #{StreamID := #stream{flow=StreamFlow}} = Streams,
{Data1, HTTP2Machine2} = case cow_http2_machine:ensure_window(Flow, HTTP2Machine0) of
ok -> {<<>>, HTTP2Machine0};
{ok, Increment1, HTTP2Machine1} -> {cow_http2:window_update(Increment1), HTTP2Machine1}
- {Data2, HTTP2Machine} = case cow_http2_machine:ensure_window(StreamID, StreamFlow, HTTP2Machine2) of
- ok -> {<<>>, HTTP2Machine2};
- {ok, Increment2, HTTP2Machine3} -> {cow_http2:window_update(StreamID, Increment2), HTTP2Machine3}
+ {Data2, HTTP2Machine} = case Streams of
+ #{StreamID := #stream{flow=StreamFlow}} ->
+ case cow_http2_machine:ensure_window(StreamID, StreamFlow, HTTP2Machine2) of
+ ok ->
+ {<<>>, HTTP2Machine2};
+ {ok, Increment2, HTTP2Machine3} ->
+ {cow_http2:window_update(StreamID, Increment2), HTTP2Machine3}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ %% Don't update the stream's window if it stopped.
+ {<<>>, HTTP2Machine2}
+ State = State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
case {Data1, Data2} of
- {<<>>, <<>>} -> ok;
- _ -> Transport:send(Socket, [Data1, Data2])
- end,
- State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}.
+ {<<>>, <<>>} ->
+ State;
+ _ ->
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket, [Data1, Data2])),
+ maybe_reset_idle_timeout(State)
+ end.
%% Send the response, trailers or data.
@@ -758,18 +877,21 @@ send_response(State0=#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, StatusCode,
= cow_http2_machine:prepare_headers(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0, nofin,
#{status => cow_http:status_to_integer(StatusCode)},
- maybe_send_data(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, fin, Body,
- [cow_http2:headers(StreamID, nofin, HeaderBlock)])
+ {_, State} = maybe_send_data(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ StreamID, fin, Body, [cow_http2:headers(StreamID, nofin, HeaderBlock)]),
+ State
-send_headers(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
+send_headers(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, IsFin0, StatusCode, Headers) ->
{ok, IsFin, HeaderBlock, HTTP2Machine}
= cow_http2_machine:prepare_headers(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0, IsFin0,
#{status => cow_http:status_to_integer(StatusCode)},
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)),
- State#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}.
+ State = State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock))),
+ State.
%% The set-cookie header is special; we can only send one cookie per header.
headers_to_list(Headers0=#{<<"set-cookie">> := SetCookies}) ->
@@ -786,13 +908,18 @@ maybe_send_data(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
case cow_http2_machine:send_or_queue_data(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0, IsFin, Data) of
{ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
+ State1 = State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
%% If we have prefix data (like a HEADERS frame) we need to send it
%% even if we do not send any DATA frames.
- case Prefix of
- [] -> ok;
- _ -> Transport:send(Socket, Prefix)
+ WasDataSent = case Prefix of
+ [] ->
+ no_data_sent;
+ _ ->
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State1, Transport:send(Socket, Prefix)),
+ data_sent
- maybe_send_data_alarm(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, HTTP2Machine0, StreamID);
+ State = maybe_send_data_alarm(State1, HTTP2Machine0, StreamID),
+ {WasDataSent, State};
{send, SendData, HTTP2Machine} ->
State = #state{http2_status=Status, streams=Streams}
= send_data(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, SendData, Prefix),
@@ -801,7 +928,7 @@ maybe_send_data(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
Status =:= closing, Streams =:= #{} ->
terminate(State, {stop, normal, 'The connection is going away.'});
true ->
- maybe_send_data_alarm(State, HTTP2Machine0, StreamID)
+ {data_sent, maybe_send_data_alarm(State, HTTP2Machine0, StreamID)}
@@ -810,14 +937,23 @@ send_data(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts}, SendData
_ = [case Data of
{sendfile, Offset, Bytes, Path} ->
%% When sendfile is disabled we explicitly use the fallback.
- _ = case maps:get(sendfile, Opts, true) of
- true -> Transport:sendfile(Socket, Path, Offset, Bytes);
- false -> ranch_transport:sendfile(Transport, Socket, Path, Offset, Bytes, [])
- end;
+ {ok, _} = maybe_socket_error(State,
+ case maps:get(sendfile, Opts, true) of
+ true -> Transport:sendfile(Socket, Path, Offset, Bytes);
+ false -> ranch_transport:sendfile(Transport, Socket, Path, Offset, Bytes, [])
+ end
+ ),
+ ok;
_ ->
- Transport:send(Socket, Data)
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket, Data))
end || Data <- Acc],
- State.
+ send_data_terminate(State, SendData).
+send_data_terminate(State, []) ->
+ State;
+send_data_terminate(State0, [{StreamID, IsFin, _}|Tail]) ->
+ State = maybe_terminate_stream(State0, StreamID, IsFin),
+ send_data_terminate(State, Tail).
prepare_data(State, [], Acc, []) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), State};
@@ -827,8 +963,7 @@ prepare_data(State0, [{StreamID, IsFin, SendData}|Tail], Acc0, Buffer0) ->
{Acc, Buffer, State} = prepare_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, SendData, Acc0, Buffer0),
prepare_data(State, Tail, Acc, Buffer).
-prepare_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, [], Acc, Buffer) ->
- State = maybe_terminate_stream(State0, StreamID, IsFin),
+prepare_data(State, _, _, [], Acc, Buffer) ->
{Acc, Buffer, State};
prepare_data(State0, StreamID, IsFin, [FrameData|Tail], Acc, Buffer) ->
FrameIsFin = case Tail of
@@ -909,20 +1044,26 @@ stream_alarm(State, StreamID, Name, Value) ->
%% We may have to cancel streams even if we receive multiple
%% GOAWAY frames as the LastStreamID value may be lower than
%% the one previously received.
-goaway(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine,
+%% We do not reset the idle timeout on send here. We already
+%% disabled it if we initiated shutdown; and we already reset
+%% it if the client sent a GOAWAY frame.
+goaway(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0,
http2_status=Status, streams=Streams0}, {goaway, LastStreamID, Reason, _})
- when Status =:= connected; Status =:= closing ->
+ when Status =:= connected; Status =:= closing_initiated; Status =:= closing ->
Streams = goaway_streams(State0, maps:to_list(Streams0), LastStreamID,
{stop, {goaway, Reason}, 'The connection is going away.'}, []),
- State = State0#state{streams=maps:from_list(Streams)},
- case Status of
- connected ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:goaway(
- cow_http2_machine:get_last_streamid(HTTP2Machine),
- no_error, <<>>)),
- State#state{http2_status=closing};
- _ ->
- State
+ State1 = State0#state{streams=maps:from_list(Streams)},
+ if
+ Status =:= connected; Status =:= closing_initiated ->
+ {OurLastStreamID, HTTP2Machine} =
+ cow_http2_machine:set_last_streamid(HTTP2Machine0),
+ State = State1#state{http2_status=closing, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:goaway(OurLastStreamID, no_error, <<>>))),
+ State;
+ true ->
+ State1
%% We terminate the connection immediately if it hasn't fully been initialized.
goaway(State, {goaway, _, Reason, _}) ->
@@ -938,29 +1079,91 @@ goaway_streams(State, [{StreamID, #stream{state=StreamState}}|Tail], LastStreamI
goaway_streams(State, [Stream|Tail], LastStreamID, Reason, Acc) ->
goaway_streams(State, Tail, LastStreamID, Reason, [Stream|Acc]).
--spec terminate(#state{}, _) -> no_return().
+%% A server that is attempting to gracefully shut down a connection SHOULD send
+%% an initial GOAWAY frame with the last stream identifier set to 2^31-1 and a
+%% NO_ERROR code. This signals to the client that a shutdown is imminent and
+%% that initiating further requests is prohibited. After allowing time for any
+%% in-flight stream creation (at least one round-trip time), the server can send
+%% another GOAWAY frame with an updated last stream identifier. This ensures
+%% that a connection can be cleanly shut down without losing requests.
+-spec initiate_closing(#state{}, _) -> #state{}.
+initiate_closing(State=#state{http2_status=connected, socket=Socket,
+ transport=Transport, opts=Opts}, Reason) ->
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:goaway(16#7fffffff, no_error, <<>>))),
+ Timeout = maps:get(goaway_initial_timeout, Opts, 1000),
+ Message = {goaway_initial_timeout, Reason},
+ set_timeout(State#state{http2_status=closing_initiated}, Timeout, Message);
+initiate_closing(State=#state{http2_status=Status}, _Reason)
+ when Status =:= closing_initiated; Status =:= closing ->
+ %% This happens if sys:terminate/2,3 is called twice or if the supervisor
+ %% tells us to shutdown after sys:terminate/2,3 is called or vice versa.
+ State;
+initiate_closing(State, Reason) ->
+ terminate(State, {stop, stop_reason(Reason), 'The connection is going away.'}).
+%% Switch to 'closing' state and stop accepting new streams.
+-spec closing(#state{}, Reason :: term()) -> #state{}.
+closing(State=#state{streams=Streams}, Reason) when Streams =:= #{} ->
+ terminate(State, Reason);
+ http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0, socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
+ Reason) ->
+ %% Stop accepting new streams.
+ {LastStreamID, HTTP2Machine} =
+ cow_http2_machine:set_last_streamid(HTTP2Machine0),
+ State = State0#state{http2_status=closing, http2_machine=HTTP2Machine},
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:goaway(LastStreamID, no_error, <<>>))),
+ closing(State, Reason);
+closing(State=#state{http2_status=closing, opts=Opts}, Reason) ->
+ %% If client sent GOAWAY, we may already be in 'closing' but without the
+ %% goaway complete timeout set.
+ Timeout = maps:get(goaway_complete_timeout, Opts, 3000),
+ Message = {goaway_complete_timeout, Reason},
+ set_timeout(State, Timeout, Message).
+stop_reason({stop, Reason, _}) -> Reason;
+stop_reason(Reason) -> Reason.
+%% Function copied from cowboy_http.
+maybe_socket_error(State, {error, closed}) ->
+ terminate(State, {socket_error, closed, 'The socket has been closed.'});
+maybe_socket_error(State, Reason) ->
+ maybe_socket_error(State, Reason, 'An error has occurred on the socket.').
+maybe_socket_error(_, Result = ok, _) ->
+ Result;
+maybe_socket_error(_, Result = {ok, _}, _) ->
+ Result;
+maybe_socket_error(State, {error, Reason}, Human) ->
+ terminate(State, {socket_error, Reason, Human}).
+-spec terminate(#state{} | undefined, _) -> no_return().
terminate(undefined, Reason) ->
exit({shutdown, Reason});
terminate(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, http2_status=Status,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine, streams=Streams, children=Children}, Reason)
- when Status =:= connected; Status =:= closing ->
+ when Status =:= connected; Status =:= closing_initiated; Status =:= closing ->
%% @todo We might want to optionally send the Reason value
%% as debug data in the GOAWAY frame here. Perhaps more.
- case Status of
- connected ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:goaway(
+ if
+ Status =:= connected; Status =:= closing_initiated ->
+ %% We are terminating so it's OK if we can't send the GOAWAY anymore.
+ _ = Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:goaway(
terminate_reason(Reason), <<>>));
%% We already sent the GOAWAY frame.
- closing ->
+ Status =:= closing ->
terminate_all_streams(State, maps:to_list(Streams), Reason),
+ %% @todo Don't linger on connection errors.
exit({shutdown, Reason});
-terminate(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Reason) ->
- Transport:close(Socket),
+%% We are not fully connected so we can just terminate the connection.
+terminate(_State, Reason) ->
exit({shutdown, Reason}).
terminate_reason({connection_error, Reason, _}) -> Reason;
@@ -994,6 +1197,9 @@ terminate_linger(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts}) ->
terminate_linger_before_loop(State, TimerRef, Messages) ->
%% We may already be in active mode when we do this
%% but it's OK because we are shutting down anyway.
+ %%
+ %% We specially handle the socket error to terminate
+ %% when an error occurs.
case setopts_active(State) of
ok ->
terminate_linger_loop(State, TimerRef, Messages);
@@ -1018,13 +1224,18 @@ terminate_linger_loop(State=#state{socket=Socket}, TimerRef, Messages) ->
%% @todo Don't send an RST_STREAM if one was already sent.
+%% When resetting the stream we are technically sending data
+%% on the socket. However due to implementation complexities
+%% we do not attempt to reset the idle timeout on send.
reset_stream(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID, Error) ->
Reason = case Error of
{internal_error, _, _} -> internal_error;
{stream_error, Reason0, _} -> Reason0
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, Reason)),
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State0, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, Reason))),
State1 = case cow_http2_machine:reset_stream(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0) of
{ok, HTTP2Machine} ->
terminate_stream(State0#state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamID, Error);
@@ -1039,7 +1250,7 @@ reset_stream(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
'Stream reset rate larger than configuration allows. Flood? (CVE-2019-9514)'})
-reset_rate(State0=#state{opts=Opts, reset_rate_num=Num0, reset_rate_time=Time}) ->
+reset_rate(State0=#state{reset_rate_num=Num0, reset_rate_time=Time}) ->
case Num0 - 1 of
0 ->
CurrentTime = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
@@ -1048,8 +1259,7 @@ reset_rate(State0=#state{opts=Opts, reset_rate_num=Num0, reset_rate_time=Time})
true ->
%% When the option has a period of infinity we cannot reach this clause.
- {Num, Period} = maps:get(max_reset_stream_rate, Opts, {10, 10000}),
- {ok, State0#state{reset_rate_num=Num, reset_rate_time=CurrentTime + Period}}
+ {ok, init_reset_rate_limiting(State0, CurrentTime)}
Num ->
{ok, State0#state{reset_rate_num=Num}}
@@ -1097,7 +1307,8 @@ terminate_stream(State0=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamID) ->
State = case cow_http2_machine:get_stream_local_state(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0) of
{ok, fin, _} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, no_error)),
+ ok = maybe_socket_error(State0, Transport:send(Socket,
+ cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, no_error))),
{ok, HTTP2Machine} = cow_http2_machine:reset_stream(StreamID, HTTP2Machine0),
{error, closed} ->
@@ -1134,9 +1345,9 @@ system_continue(_, _, {State, Buffer}) ->
loop(State, Buffer).
-spec system_terminate(any(), _, _, {#state{}, binary()}) -> no_return().
-system_terminate(Reason, _, _, {State, _}) ->
- %% @todo Graceful shutdown here as well?
- terminate(State, {stop, {exit, Reason}, 'sys:terminate/2,3 was called.'}).
+system_terminate(Reason0, _, _, {State, Buffer}) ->
+ Reason = {stop, {exit, Reason0}, 'sys:terminate/2,3 was called.'},
+ loop(initiate_closing(State, Reason), Buffer).
-spec system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) -> {ok, Misc} when Misc::{#state{}, binary()}.
system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) ->