path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/cowboy_rest.erl b/src/cowboy_rest.erl
index e254c1b..f0a9ff4 100644
--- a/src/cowboy_rest.erl
+++ b/src/cowboy_rest.erl
@@ -307,17 +307,17 @@ known_methods(Req, State=#state{method=Method}) ->
Method =:= <<"POST">>; Method =:= <<"PUT">>;
Method =:= <<"PATCH">>; Method =:= <<"DELETE">>;
Method =:= <<"OPTIONS">> ->
- next(Req, State, fun uri_too_long/2);
+ uri_too_long(Req, State);
no_call ->
- next(Req, State, 501);
+ respond(Req, State, 501);
{stop, Req2, State2} ->
terminate(Req2, State2);
{Switch, Req2, State2} when element(1, Switch) =:= switch_handler ->
switch_handler(Switch, Req2, State2);
{List, Req2, State2} ->
case lists:member(Method, List) of
- true -> next(Req2, State2, fun uri_too_long/2);
- false -> next(Req2, State2, 501)
+ true -> uri_too_long(Req2, State2);
+ false -> respond(Req2, State2, 501)
@@ -328,11 +328,10 @@ uri_too_long(Req, State) ->
allowed_methods(Req, State=#state{method=Method}) ->
case call(Req, State, allowed_methods) of
no_call when Method =:= <<"HEAD">>; Method =:= <<"GET">> ->
- next(Req, State, fun malformed_request/2);
+ malformed_request(Req, State);
no_call when Method =:= <<"OPTIONS">> ->
- next(Req, State#state{allowed_methods=
- [<<"HEAD">>, <<"GET">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]},
- fun malformed_request/2);
+ malformed_request(Req, State#state{allowed_methods=
+ [<<"HEAD">>, <<"GET">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]});
no_call ->
method_not_allowed(Req, State,
[<<"HEAD">>, <<"GET">>, <<"OPTIONS">>]);
@@ -343,10 +342,9 @@ allowed_methods(Req, State=#state{method=Method}) ->
{List, Req2, State2} ->
case lists:member(Method, List) of
true when Method =:= <<"OPTIONS">> ->
- next(Req2, State2#state{allowed_methods=List},
- fun malformed_request/2);
+ malformed_request(Req2, State2#state{allowed_methods=List});
true ->
- next(Req2, State2, fun malformed_request/2);
+ malformed_request(Req2, State2);
false ->
method_not_allowed(Req2, State2, List)
@@ -1103,9 +1101,9 @@ process_content_type(Req, State=#state{method=Method, exists=Exists}, Fun) ->
{Switch, Req2, State2} when element(1, Switch) =:= switch_handler ->
switch_handler(Switch, Req2, State2);
{true, Req2, State2} when Exists ->
- next(Req2, State2, fun has_resp_body/2);
+ has_resp_body(Req2, State2);
{true, Req2, State2} ->
- next(Req2, State2, fun maybe_created/2);
+ maybe_created(Req2, State2);
{false, Req2, State2} ->
respond(Req2, State2, 400);
{{created, ResURL}, Req2, State2} when Method =:= <<"POST">> ->