path: root/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/static_handler_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl b/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
index 71a9619..9620f66 100644
--- a/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/static_handler_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+%% Copyright (c) 2016-2024, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
%% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@
-import(ct_helper, [doc/1]).
-import(cowboy_test, [gun_open/1]).
+%% Import useful functions from req_SUITE.
+%% @todo Maybe move these functions to cowboy_test.
+-import(req_SUITE, [do_get/2]).
+-import(req_SUITE, [do_get/3]).
+-import(req_SUITE, [do_maybe_h3_error3/1]).
%% ct.
all() ->
@@ -39,16 +45,22 @@ groups() ->
{dir, [parallel], DirTests},
{priv_dir, [parallel], DirTests}
+ GroupTestsNoParallel = OtherTests ++ [
+ {dir, [], DirTests},
+ {priv_dir, [], DirTests}
+ ],
{http, [parallel], GroupTests},
{https, [parallel], GroupTests},
{h2, [parallel], GroupTests},
{h2c, [parallel], GroupTests},
+ {h3, [], GroupTestsNoParallel}, %% @todo Enable parallel when it works better.
{http_compress, [parallel], GroupTests},
{https_compress, [parallel], GroupTests},
{h2_compress, [parallel], GroupTests},
{h2c_compress, [parallel], GroupTests},
- %% No real need to test sendfile disabled against https or h2.
+ {h3_compress, [], GroupTestsNoParallel}, %% @todo Enable parallel when it works better.
+ %% No real need to test sendfile disabled against https, h2 or h3.
{http_no_sendfile, [parallel], GroupTests},
{h2c_no_sendfile, [parallel], GroupTests}
@@ -65,7 +77,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
%% Add a simple Erlang application archive containing one file
%% in its priv directory.
true = code:add_pathz(filename:join(
- [config(data_dir, Config), "static_files_app", "ebin"])),
+ [config(data_dir, Config), "static_files_app.ez", "static_files_app", "ebin"])),
ok = application:load(static_files_app),
%% A special folder contains files of 1 character from 1 to 127
%% excluding / and \ as they are always rejected.
@@ -116,6 +128,17 @@ init_per_group(Name=h2c_no_sendfile, Config) ->
sendfile => false
}, [{flavor, vanilla}|Config]),
lists:keyreplace(protocol, 1, Config1, {protocol, http2});
+init_per_group(Name=h3, Config) ->
+ cowboy_test:init_http3(Name, #{
+ env => #{dispatch => init_dispatch(Config)},
+ middlewares => [?MODULE, cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]
+ }, [{flavor, vanilla}|Config]);
+init_per_group(Name=h3_compress, Config) ->
+ cowboy_test:init_http3(Name, #{
+ env => #{dispatch => init_dispatch(Config)},
+ middlewares => [?MODULE, cowboy_router, cowboy_handler],
+ stream_handlers => [cowboy_compress_h, cowboy_stream_h]
+ }, [{flavor, vanilla}|Config]);
init_per_group(Name, Config) ->
Config1 = cowboy_test:init_common_groups(Name, Config, ?MODULE),
Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Name),
@@ -129,7 +152,7 @@ end_per_group(dir, _) ->
end_per_group(priv_dir, _) ->
end_per_group(Name, _) ->
- cowboy:stop_listener(Name).
+ cowboy_test:stop_group(Name).
%% Large file.
@@ -248,25 +271,11 @@ do_mime_custom(Path) ->
_ -> {<<"application">>, <<"octet-stream">>, []}
-do_get(Path, Config) ->
- do_get(Path, [], Config).
-do_get(Path, ReqHeaders, Config) ->
- ConnPid = gun_open(Config),
- Ref = gun:get(ConnPid, Path, [{<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}|ReqHeaders]),
- {response, IsFin, Status, RespHeaders} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref),
- {ok, Body} = case IsFin of
- nofin -> gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref);
- fin -> {ok, <<>>}
- end,
- gun:close(ConnPid),
- {Status, RespHeaders, Body}.
%% Tests.
bad(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static options: not a tuple."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad", Config)),
bad_dir_path(Config) ->
@@ -276,7 +285,7 @@ bad_dir_path(Config) ->
bad_dir_route(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static options: missing [...] in route."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/dir/route", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/dir/route", Config)),
bad_file_in_priv_dir_in_ez_archive(Config) ->
@@ -291,27 +300,27 @@ bad_file_path(Config) ->
bad_options(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static extra options: not a list."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/options", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/options", Config)),
bad_options_charset(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static extra options: invalid charset option."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/options/charset", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/options/charset", Config)),
bad_options_etag(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static extra options: invalid etag option."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/options/etag", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/options/etag", Config)),
bad_options_mime(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static extra options: invalid mimetypes option."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/options/mime", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/options/mime", Config)),
bad_priv_dir_app(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static options: wrong application name."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/priv_dir/app/style.css", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/priv_dir/app/style.css", Config)),
bad_priv_dir_in_ez_archive(Config) ->
@@ -331,12 +340,12 @@ bad_priv_dir_path(Config) ->
bad_priv_dir_route(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static options: missing [...] in route."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/priv_dir/route", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/priv_dir/route", Config)),
bad_priv_file_app(Config) ->
doc("Bad cowboy_static options: wrong application name."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/bad/priv_file/app", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/bad/priv_file/app", Config)),
bad_priv_file_in_ez_archive(Config) ->
@@ -535,7 +544,7 @@ dir_unknown(Config) ->
etag_crash(Config) ->
doc("Get a file with a crashing etag function."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/etag/crash", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/etag/crash", Config)),
etag_custom(Config) ->
@@ -813,7 +822,7 @@ mime_all_uppercase(Config) ->
mime_crash(Config) ->
doc("Get a file with a crashing mimetype function."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/mime/crash/style.css", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/mime/crash/style.css", Config)),
mime_custom_cowboy(Config) ->
@@ -848,7 +857,7 @@ mime_hardcode_tuple(Config) ->
charset_crash(Config) ->
doc("Get a file with a crashing charset function."),
- {500, _, _} = do_get("/charset/crash/style.css", Config),
+ {500, _, _} = do_maybe_h3_error3(do_get("/charset/crash/style.css", Config)),
charset_custom_cowboy(Config) ->
@@ -933,7 +942,8 @@ unicode_basic_error(Config) ->
%% # and ? indicate fragment and query components
%% and are therefore not part of the path.
http -> "\r\s#?";
- http2 -> "#?"
+ http2 -> "#?";
+ http3 -> "#?"
_ = [case do_get("/char/" ++ [C], Config) of
{400, _, _} -> ok;