path: root/test/http_handler_set_resp.erl
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-04-24Reorganize the http test suiteLoïc Hoguin
2013-01-22Replace terminate/2 with terminate/3, adding a ReasonLoïc Hoguin
2012-09-21Don't use decode_packet/3 for parsing the headersLoïc Hoguin
2012-09-17Improve consistency of return types for cowboy_req APILoïc Hoguin
2012-08-27Rename cowboy_http_req to cowboy_reqLoïc Hoguin
2011-12-07Add cowboy_http_req:set_resp_cookie/4Loïc Hoguin
2011-11-28Add set_resp_header/3 and set_resp_body/2 to cowboy_http_reqLoïc Hoguin