path: root/src/cow_http2_machine.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-09-02 14:34:17 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2019-09-02 14:34:17 +0200
commit533f3a8571f75394567198df8d599d4d88b159b0 (patch)
tree1f70ecca0ef4cd37b15a8045584a428c795a9e6c /src/cow_http2_machine.erl
parentaf0e4f4d0a1c180a70adc9fed7b985bd90b396e8 (diff)
Add cow_http2_machine:ensure_window/2,3
These functions apply heuristics to reduce the number of times we send WINDOW_UPDATE frames.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cow_http2_machine.erl')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/cow_http2_machine.erl b/src/cow_http2_machine.erl
index 4c30da3..0cf99fb 100644
--- a/src/cow_http2_machine.erl
+++ b/src/cow_http2_machine.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
@@ -33,16 +35,22 @@
-type opts() :: #{
+ connection_window_margin_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
+ connection_window_update_threshold => 0..16#7fffffff,
enable_connect_protocol => boolean(),
initial_connection_window_size => 65535..16#7fffffff,
initial_stream_window_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
+ max_connection_window_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
max_concurrent_streams => non_neg_integer() | infinity,
max_decode_table_size => non_neg_integer(),
max_encode_table_size => non_neg_integer(),
max_frame_size_received => 16384..16777215,
max_frame_size_sent => 16384..16777215 | infinity,
+ max_stream_window_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
preface_timeout => timeout(),
- settings_timeout => timeout()
+ settings_timeout => timeout(),
+ stream_window_margin_size => 0..16#7fffffff,
+ stream_window_update_threshold => 0..16#7fffffff
@@ -1279,6 +1287,86 @@ queue_data(Stream=#stream{local_buffer=Q0, local_buffer_size=Size0}, IsFin, Data
Stream#stream{local_buffer=Q, local_buffer_size=Size0 + DataSize}.
%% Public interface to update the flow control window.
+%% The ensure_window function applies heuristics to avoid updating the
+%% window when it is not necessary. The update_window function updates
+%% the window unconditionally.
+%% The ensure_window function should be called when requesting more
+%% data (for example when reading a request or response body) as well
+%% as when receiving new data. Failure to do so may result in the
+%% window being depleted.
+%% The heuristics dictating whether the window must be updated and
+%% what the window size is depends on three options (margin, max
+%% and threshold) along with the Size argument. The window increment
+%% returned by this function may therefore be smaller than the Size
+%% argument. On the other hand the total window allocated over many
+%% calls may end up being larger than the initial Size argument. As
+%% a result, it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that
+%% the Size argument is never lower than 0.
+ensure_window(Size, State=#http2_machine{opts=Opts, remote_window=RemoteWindow}) ->
+ case ensure_window(Size, RemoteWindow, connection, Opts) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, Increment} ->
+ {ok, Increment, State#http2_machine{remote_window=RemoteWindow + Increment}}
+ end.
+ensure_window(StreamID, Size, State=#http2_machine{opts=Opts}) ->
+ Stream = #stream{remote_window=RemoteWindow} = stream_get(StreamID, State),
+ case ensure_window(Size, RemoteWindow, stream, Opts) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, Increment} ->
+ {ok, Increment, stream_store(Stream#stream{remote_window=RemoteWindow + Increment}, State)}
+ end.
+%% No need to update the window when we are not expecting data.
+ensure_window(0, _, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+%% No need to update the window when it is already high enough.
+ensure_window(Size, Window, _, _) when Size =< Window ->
+ ok;
+ensure_window(Size0, Window, Type, Opts) ->
+ Threshold = ensure_window_threshold(Type, Opts),
+ if
+ %% We do not update the window when it is higher than the threshold.
+ Window > Threshold ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ Margin = ensure_window_margin(Type, Opts),
+ Size = Size0 + Margin,
+ MaxWindow = ensure_window_max(Type, Opts),
+ Increment = if
+ %% We cannot go above the maximum window size.
+ Size > MaxWindow -> MaxWindow - Window;
+ true -> Size - Window
+ end,
+ case Increment of
+ 0 -> ok;
+ _ -> {ok, Increment}
+ end
+ end.
+%% Margin defaults to the default initial window size.
+ensure_window_margin(connection, Opts) ->
+ maps:get(connection_window_margin_size, Opts, 65535);
+ensure_window_margin(stream, Opts) ->
+ maps:get(stream_window_margin_size, Opts, 65535).
+%% Max window defaults to the max value allowed by the protocol.
+ensure_window_max(connection, Opts) ->
+ maps:get(max_connection_window_size, Opts, 16#7fffffff);
+ensure_window_max(stream, Opts) ->
+ maps:get(max_stream_window_size, Opts, 16#7fffffff).
+%% Threshold defaults to 10 times the default frame size.
+ensure_window_threshold(connection, Opts) ->
+ maps:get(connection_window_update_threshold, Opts, 163840);
+ensure_window_threshold(stream, Opts) ->
+ maps:get(stream_window_update_threshold, Opts, 163840).
-spec update_window(1..16#7fffffff, State)
-> State when State::http2_machine().