path: root/src/cow_qpack.erl
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authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2020-12-23 17:50:12 +0100
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2024-03-26 09:30:42 +0100
commit941d408ea40022da3148b5b96483d5e8f95caaa4 (patch)
treeae0f029257f288342676ec736fb3ca1f0ba042c5 /src/cow_qpack.erl
parent1eb7f4293a652adcfe43b1835d22c58d8def839f (diff)
Initial HTTP/3 and QPACK implementationHEADqpackmaster
Cowlib now uses GitHub Actions for CI. As a result of this change, Cowlib is tested against OTP-24+. This commit adds initial implementations of cow_http3, cow_http3_machine and cow_qpack. Because QPACK is similar to HPACK, some encoding and decoding functions were moved to a common include file, particularly the huffman functions. The cow_http module now contains the types and functions common to all or most versions of HTTP. The types and functions specific to HTTP/1 were moved to the new cow_http1 module. Because HTTP/3 is similar to HTTP/2, part of the code processing headers is common and can be found in cow_http. Other functions common to both versions were moved out of cow_http2_machine. This commit updates comments indicating that the HTTP/2 PRIORITY mechanism will no longer be implemented.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cow_qpack.erl')
1 files changed, 1581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cow_qpack.erl b/src/cow_qpack.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027e29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cow_qpack.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1581 @@
+%% Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Loïc Hoguin <[email protected]>
+%% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+%% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+%% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+-export([decoder_cancel_stream/1]). %% @todo Use it.
+-record(state, {
+ %% Configuration.
+ %%
+ %% For the encoder these values will be set to
+ %% the lowest value between configuration and SETTINGS.
+ %% Whether the configured values can be used. The
+ %% decoder can always use the configured values.
+ %% The encoder must wait for the SETTINGS frame.
+ settings_received :: boolean(),
+ %% Maximum size of the table.
+ max_table_capacity = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% Maximum number of potentially blocked streams.
+ max_blocked_streams = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% Dynamic table.
+ %% The current max table capacity after the encoder
+ %% sent an instruction to change the capacity.
+ capacity = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% The size of each entry is len(Name) + len(Value) + 32.
+ size = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% The number of entries ever inserted in the dynamic table.
+ %% This value is used on the decoder's size to know whether
+ %% it can decode a field section; and on both sides to find
+ %% entries in the dynamic table.
+ insert_count = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% The dynamic table. The first value is the size of the entry
+ %% and the second value the entry (Name, Value tuple). The
+ %% order of the entries is from newest to oldest.
+ %%
+ %% If 4 entries were inserted, the index of each entry would
+ %% be [3, 2, 1, 0]. If 4 entries were inserted and 1 of them
+ %% was later dropped, the index of each entry remaining would
+ %% be [3, 2, 1] and the insert_count value would be 3, allowing
+ %% us to know what index the newest entry is using.
+ dyn_table = [] :: [{pos_integer(), {binary(), binary()}}],
+ %% Decoder-specific state.
+ %% We keep track of streams that are currently blocked
+ %% in a map for easy counting and removal. A stream may
+ %% be blocked at the beginning of the decoding process.
+ %% A stream may be unblocked after encoder instructions
+ %% have been processed.
+ blocked_streams = #{} :: #{cow_http3:stream_id() => true},
+ %% Encoder-specific state.
+ %% We keep track of the known received count of the
+ %% decoder (the insert_count it has that we know of)
+ %% so that we know when we can evict an entry we
+ %% inserted. We cannot evict an entry before it has
+ %% been acknowledged. The known received count can
+ %% also be used to avoid blocking.
+ known_received_count = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% We keep track of the streams that have used the
+ %% dynamic table in order to increase the known
+ %% received count when the decoder acks a stream.
+ %% We only keep the insert_count value for a stream's
+ %% field section.
+ %%
+ %% Because a stream can send multiple field sections
+ %% (informational response, final response, trailers),
+ %% we use a list to keep track of the different sections.
+ %% A FIFO structure would be more adequate but we do
+ %% not expect a lot of field sections per stream.
+ references = #{} :: #{cow_http3:stream_id() => [non_neg_integer()]},
+ %% Smallest absolute index the encoder will reference.
+ %% Indexes below may exist in the dynamic table but are
+ %% in the process of being phased out and will eventually
+ %% be evicted. Only duplicating these indexes is allowed.
+ draining_index = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ %% Size of the dynamic table that is available for
+ %% eviction during encoding. Both this value and the
+ %% draining_index are computed at the start of encoding.
+ %% Note that for the encoder this cannot reach negatives,
+ %% but might for the decoder.
+ draining_size = 0 :: integer()
+-opaque state() :: #state{}.
+-type error() :: qpack_decompression_failed
+ | qpack_encoder_stream_error
+ | qpack_decoder_stream_error.
+-type encoder_opts() :: #{
+ huffman => boolean()
+%% State initialization.
+-spec init(decoder | encoder) -> state().
+init(Role) ->
+ init(Role, 4096, 0).
+-spec init(decoder | encoder, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> state().
+init(Role, MaxTableCapacity, MaxBlockedStreams) ->
+ #state{
+ settings_received=Role =:= decoder,
+ max_table_capacity=MaxTableCapacity,
+ max_blocked_streams=MaxBlockedStreams
+ }.
+%% Decoding.
+-spec decode_field_section(binary(), cow_http3:stream_id(), State)
+ -> {ok, cow_http:headers(), binary(), State}
+ | {blocked, State}
+ | {connection_error, error(), atom()}
+ when State::state().
+decode_field_section(Data, StreamID, State=#state{max_blocked_streams=MaxBlockedStreams,
+ insert_count=InsertCount, blocked_streams=BlockedStreams}) ->
+ {EncInsertCount, Rest} = dec_big_int(Data, 0, 0),
+ ReqInsertCount = decode_req_insert_count(EncInsertCount, State),
+ if
+ ReqInsertCount =< InsertCount ->
+ decode_field_section(Rest, StreamID, State, ReqInsertCount);
+ %% The stream is blocked and we do not allow that;
+ %% or there are already too many blocked streams.
+ map_size(BlockedStreams) > MaxBlockedStreams ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_decompression_failed,
+ 'More blocked streams than configuration allows. (RFC9204 2.1.2)'};
+ %% The stream is blocked and we allow that.
+ %% The caller must keep the data and retry after
+ %% calling the execute_encoder_instructions function.
+ true ->
+ {blocked, State#state{blocked_streams=BlockedStreams#{StreamID => true}}}
+ end.
+decode_field_section(<<S:1,Rest0/bits>>, StreamID,
+ State0=#state{blocked_streams=BlockedStreams}, ReqInsertCount) ->
+ State1 = State0#state{
+ %% The stream may have been blocked. Unblock it.
+ blocked_streams=maps:remove(StreamID, BlockedStreams),
+ %% Reset the draining_size. We don't use it, but don't
+ %% want the value to unnecessarily become a big int.
+ draining_size=0
+ },
+ {DeltaBase, Rest} = dec_int7(Rest0),
+ Base = case S of
+ 0 -> ReqInsertCount + DeltaBase;
+ 1 -> ReqInsertCount - DeltaBase - 1
+ end,
+ case decode(Rest, State1, Base, []) of
+ {ok, Headers, State} when ReqInsertCount =:= 0 ->
+ {ok, Headers, <<>>, State};
+ {ok, Headers, State} ->
+ {ok, Headers, enc_int7(StreamID, 2#1), State}
+ end.
+decode_req_insert_count(0, _) ->
+ 0;
+decode_req_insert_count(EncInsertCount, #state{
+ max_table_capacity=MaxTableCapacity, insert_count=InsertCount}) ->
+ MaxEntries = MaxTableCapacity div 32,
+ FullRange = 2 * MaxEntries,
+ if
+ EncInsertCount > FullRange ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_decompression_failed,
+ 'EncInsertCount larger than maximum possible value. (RFC9204'};
+ true ->
+ MaxValue = InsertCount + MaxEntries,
+ MaxWrapped = (MaxValue div FullRange) * FullRange,
+ ReqInsertCount = MaxWrapped + EncInsertCount - 1,
+ if
+ ReqInsertCount > MaxValue ->
+ if
+ ReqInsertCount =< FullRange ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_decompression_failed,
+ 'ReqInsertCount value larger than current maximum value. (RFC9204'};
+ true ->
+ ReqInsertCount - FullRange
+ end;
+ ReqInsertCount =:= 0 ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_decompression_failed,
+ 'ReqInsertCount value of 0 must be encoded as 0. (RFC9204'};
+ true ->
+ ReqInsertCount
+ end
+ end.
+decode(<<>>, State, _, Acc) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Acc), State};
+%% Indexed field line.
+decode(<<2#1:1,T:1,Rest0/bits>>, State, Base, Acc) ->
+ {Index, Rest} = dec_int6(Rest0),
+ Entry = case T of
+ 0 -> table_get_dyn_pre_base(Index, Base, State);
+ 1 -> table_get_static(Index)
+ end,
+ decode(Rest, State, Base, [Entry|Acc]);
+%% Indexed field line with post-base index.
+decode(<<2#0001:4,Rest0/bits>>, State, Base, Acc) ->
+ {Index, Rest} = dec_int4(Rest0),
+ Entry = table_get_dyn_post_base(Index, Base, State),
+ decode(Rest, State, Base, [Entry|Acc]);
+%% Literal field line with name reference.
+decode(<<2#01:2,_N:1,T:1,Rest0/bits>>, State, Base, Acc) ->
+ %% @todo N=1 the encoded field line MUST be encoded as literal, need to return metadata about this?
+ {NameIndex, <<H:1,Rest1/bits>>} = dec_int4(Rest0),
+ Name = case T of
+ 0 -> table_get_name_dyn_rel(NameIndex, State);
+ 1 -> table_get_name_static(NameIndex)
+ end,
+ {ValueLen, Rest2} = dec_int7(Rest1),
+ {Value, Rest} = maybe_dec_huffman(Rest2, ValueLen, H),
+ decode(Rest, State, Base, [{Name, Value}|Acc]);
+%% Literal field line with post-base name reference.
+decode(<<2#0000:4,_N:1,Rest0/bits>>, State, Base, Acc) ->
+ %% @todo N=1 the encoded field line MUST be encoded as literal, need to return metadata about this?
+ {NameIndex, <<H:1,Rest1/bits>>} = dec_int3(Rest0),
+ Name = table_get_name_dyn_post_base(NameIndex, Base, State),
+ {ValueLen, Rest2} = dec_int7(Rest1),
+ {Value, Rest} = maybe_dec_huffman(Rest2, ValueLen, H),
+ decode(Rest, State, Base, [{Name, Value}|Acc]);
+%% Literal field line with literal name.
+decode(<<2#001:3,_N:1,NameH:1,Rest0/bits>>, State, Base, Acc) ->
+ %% @todo N=1 the encoded field line MUST be encoded as literal, need to return metadata about this?
+ {NameLen, Rest1} = dec_int3(Rest0),
+ <<NameStr:NameLen/binary,ValueH:1,Rest2/bits>> = Rest1,
+ {Name, <<>>} = maybe_dec_huffman(NameStr, NameLen, NameH),
+ {ValueLen, Rest3} = dec_int7(Rest2),
+ {Value, Rest} = maybe_dec_huffman(Rest3, ValueLen, ValueH),
+ decode(Rest, State, Base, [{Name, Value}|Acc]).
+-spec execute_encoder_instructions(binary(), State)
+ -> {ok, binary(), State}
+ | {connection_error, qpack_encoder_stream_error, atom()}
+ when State::state().
+execute_encoder_instructions(Data, State) ->
+ execute_encoder_instructions(Data, State, 0).
+execute_encoder_instructions(<<>>, State, 0) ->
+ {ok, <<>>, State};
+execute_encoder_instructions(<<>>, State, Increment) ->
+ {ok, enc_int6(Increment, 2#00), State};
+%% Set dynamic table capacity.
+execute_encoder_instructions(<<2#001:3,Rest0/bits>>, State=#state{
+ max_table_capacity=MaxTableCapacity, capacity=Capacity0,
+ dyn_table=DynamicTable0}, Increment) ->
+ {Capacity, Rest} = dec_int5(Rest0),
+ if
+ %% Capacity larger than configured, or dynamic table
+ %% disabled when max_table_capacity=0.
+ Capacity > MaxTableCapacity ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_encoder_stream_error,
+ 'New table capacity higher than SETTINGS_QPACK_MAX_TABLE_CAPACITY. (RFC9204 3.2.3, RFC9204 4.3.1)'};
+ %% Table capacity was reduced. We must evict entries.
+ Capacity < Capacity0 ->
+ {DynamicTable, Size} = table_evict(DynamicTable0, Capacity, 0, []),
+ execute_encoder_instructions(Rest, State#state{capacity=Capacity,
+ size=Size, dyn_table=DynamicTable}, Increment);
+ %% Table capacity equal or higher than previous.
+ true ->
+ execute_encoder_instructions(Rest,
+ State#state{capacity=Capacity}, Increment)
+ end;
+%% Insert with name reference.
+execute_encoder_instructions(<<2#1:1,T:1,Rest0/bits>>, State, Increment) ->
+ {NameIndex, <<H:1,Rest1/bits>>} = dec_int6(Rest0),
+ Name = case T of
+ 0 -> table_get_name_dyn_rel(NameIndex, State);
+ 1 -> table_get_name_static(NameIndex)
+ end,
+ {ValueLen, Rest2} = dec_int7(Rest1),
+ {Value, Rest} = maybe_dec_huffman(Rest2, ValueLen, H),
+ execute_insert_instruction(Rest, State, Increment, {Name, Value});
+%% Insert with literal name.
+execute_encoder_instructions(<<2#01:2,NameH:1,Rest0/bits>>, State, Increment) ->
+ {NameLen, Rest1} = dec_int5(Rest0),
+ {Name, <<ValueH:1,Rest2/bits>>} = maybe_dec_huffman(Rest1, NameLen, NameH),
+ {ValueLen, Rest3} = dec_int7(Rest2),
+ {Value, Rest} = maybe_dec_huffman(Rest3, ValueLen, ValueH),
+ execute_insert_instruction(Rest, State, Increment, {Name, Value});
+%% Duplicate.
+execute_encoder_instructions(<<2#000:3,Rest0/bits>>, State, Increment) ->
+ {Index, Rest} = dec_int5(Rest0),
+ Entry = table_get_dyn_rel(Index, State),
+ execute_insert_instruction(Rest, State, Increment, Entry).
+execute_insert_instruction(Rest, State0, Increment, Entry) ->
+ case table_insert(Entry, State0) of
+ {ok, State} ->
+ execute_encoder_instructions(Rest, State, Increment + 1);
+ Error = {connection_error, _, _} ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% @todo Export / spec.
+decoder_cancel_stream(StreamID) ->
+ enc_int6(StreamID, 2#01).
+dec_int3(<<2#111:3,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ dec_big_int(Rest, 7, 0);
+dec_int3(<<Int:3,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ {Int, Rest}.
+dec_int4(<<2#1111:4,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ dec_big_int(Rest, 15, 0);
+dec_int4(<<Int:4,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ {Int, Rest}.
+dec_int6(<<2#111111:6,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ dec_big_int(Rest, 63, 0);
+dec_int6(<<Int:6,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ {Int, Rest}.
+dec_int7(<<2#1111111:7,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ dec_big_int(Rest, 127, 0);
+dec_int7(<<Int:7,Rest/bits>>) ->
+ {Int, Rest}.
+maybe_dec_huffman(Data, ValueLen, 0) ->
+ <<Value:ValueLen/binary,Rest/bits>> = Data,
+ {Value, Rest};
+maybe_dec_huffman(Data, ValueLen, 1) ->
+ dec_huffman(Data, ValueLen, 0, <<>>).
+appendix_b_decoder_test() ->
+ %% Stream: 0
+ {ok, [
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}
+ ], <<>>, DecState0} = decode_field_section(<<
+ 16#0000:16,
+ 16#510b:16, 16#2f69:16, 16#6e64:16, 16#6578:16,
+ 16#2e68:16, 16#746d:16, 16#6c
+ >>, 0, init(decoder, 4096, 0)),
+ #state{
+ capacity=0,
+ size=0,
+ insert_count=0,
+ dyn_table=[]
+ } = DecState0,
+ %% Stream: Encoder
+ {ok, EncData1, DecState1} = execute_encoder_instructions(<<
+ 16#3fbd01:24,
+ 16#c00f:16, 16#7777:16, 16#772e:16, 16#6578:16,
+ 16#616d:16, 16#706c:16, 16#652e:16, 16#636f:16,
+ 16#6d,
+ 16#c10c:16, 16#2f73:16, 16#616d:16, 16#706c:16,
+ 16#652f:16, 16#7061:16, 16#7468:16
+ >>, DecState0),
+ <<2#00:2,2:6>> = EncData1,
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=106,
+ insert_count=2,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = DecState1,
+ %% Stream: 4
+ {ok, [
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}
+ ], <<16#84>>, DecState2} = decode_field_section(<<
+ 16#0381:16,
+ 16#10,
+ 16#11
+ >>, 4, DecState1),
+ DecState1 = DecState2,
+ %% Stream: Encoder
+ {ok, EncData3, DecState3} = execute_encoder_instructions(<<
+ 16#4a63:16, 16#7573:16, 16#746f:16, 16#6d2d:16,
+ 16#6b65:16, 16#790c:16, 16#6375:16, 16#7374:16,
+ 16#6f6d:16, 16#2d76:16, 16#616c:16, 16#7565:16
+ >>, DecState2),
+ <<2#00:2,1:6>> = EncData3,
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=160,
+ insert_count=3,
+ dyn_table=[
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = DecState3,
+ %% Stream: Encoder
+ {ok, EncData4, DecState4} = execute_encoder_instructions(<<
+ 16#02
+ >>, DecState3),
+ <<2#00:2,1:6>> = EncData4,
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=217,
+ insert_count=4,
+ dyn_table=[
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}},
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = DecState4,
+ %% Stream: 8
+ %%
+ %% Note that this one is not really received by the decoder
+ %% so we will ignore the decoder state before we continue.
+ {ok, [
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/">>},
+ {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}
+ ], <<16#88>>, IgnoredDecState} = decode_field_section(<<
+ 16#0500:16,
+ 16#80,
+ 16#c1,
+ 16#81
+ >>, 8, DecState4),
+ %% Note that the state did not change anyway.
+ DecState4 = IgnoredDecState,
+ %% Stream: Decoder - Stream Cancellation (Stream=8)
+ <<16#48>> = decoder_cancel_stream(8),
+ {ok, EncData5, DecState5} = execute_encoder_instructions(<<
+ 16#810d:16, 16#6375:16, 16#7374:16, 16#6f6d:16,
+ 16#2d76:16, 16#616c:16, 16#7565:16, 16#32
+ >>, DecState4),
+ <<2#00:2,1:6>> = EncData5,
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=215,
+ insert_count=5,
+ dyn_table=[
+ {55, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value2">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}},
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}}
+ ]
+ } = DecState5,
+ ok.
+%% Encoding.
+-spec encode_field_section(cow_http:headers(), cow_http3:stream_id(), State)
+ -> {ok, iolist(), iolist(), State} when State::state().
+%% @todo Would be good to know encoder stream flow control to avoid writing there. Opts?
+encode_field_section(Headers, StreamID, State0) ->
+ encode_field_section(Headers, StreamID, State0, #{}).
+-spec encode_field_section(cow_http:headers(), cow_http3:stream_id(), State, encoder_opts())
+ -> {ok, iolist(), iolist(), State} when State::state().
+encode_field_section(Headers, StreamID, State0=#state{
+ max_table_capacity=MaxTableCapacity, insert_count=InsertCount,
+ references=Refs0}, Opts) ->
+ State1 = encode_update_drain_info(State0),
+ Base = InsertCount + 1,
+ {ReqInsertCount, EncData, Data, State} = encode(
+ Headers, StreamID, State1,
+ huffman_opt(Opts), 0, Base, [], []),
+ case ReqInsertCount of
+ 0 ->
+ {ok, [<<0:16>>|Data], EncData, State};
+ _ ->
+ MaxEntries = MaxTableCapacity div 32,
+ EncInsertCount = (ReqInsertCount rem (2 * MaxEntries)) + 1,
+ {S, DeltaBase} = if
+ %% We inserted new entries.
+ ReqInsertCount > Base ->
+ {2#1, ReqInsertCount - Base};
+ %% We only used existing entries.
+ ReqInsertCount =< Base ->
+ {2#0, ReqInsertCount - Base}
+ end,
+ %% Save the reference to avoid draining entries too quickly.
+ Refs = case Refs0 of
+ #{StreamID := ICs} ->
+ Refs0#{StreamID => [ReqInsertCount|ICs]};
+ _ ->
+ Refs0#{StreamID => [ReqInsertCount]}
+ end,
+ {ok, [enc_big_int(EncInsertCount, <<>>), enc_int7(DeltaBase, S)|Data], EncData,
+ State#state{references=Refs}}
+ end.
+%% We check how many entries we can evict. The result
+%% will take the form of a draining_index (the oldest
+%% entry the encoder can reference) as well as a
+%% draining_size (how much data can be gained by evicting).
+%% We first look at streams that have not been acknowledged
+%% and find the smallest insert_count value from them. We
+%% cannot evict any value that is newer than or equal to
+%% that value.
+%% Then we also need to make sure we don't evict too much
+%% from the table.
+%% Finally we go over the dynamic table to count how much
+%% we can actually drain and what the draining index really is.
+ insert_count=InsertCount, dyn_table=DynTable, references=Refs}) ->
+ PendingInsertCount = if
+ %% When we don't use the dynamic table, or we didn't insert
+ %% anything yet, there are no references. We can drain
+ %% everything but are still constrained by the max draining size.
+ Refs =:= #{} ->
+ InsertCount;
+ true ->
+ maps:fold(fun(_, ICs, V) ->
+ IC = hd(lists:reverse(ICs)),
+ case V of
+ undefined -> IC;
+ _ -> min(IC, V)
+ end
+ end, undefined, Refs)
+ end,
+ %% We use a simple formula for calculating the maximum
+ %% draining size, found in nginx: we allow evicting
+ %% between 1/8th of the current table capacity and
+ %% 512 bytes, whichever is smaller. When the maximum
+ %% table capacity is small this formula may get us
+ %% a value that's too small to drain anything, so
+ %% we use 64 bytes as a minimum.
+ MaxDrainingSize0 = min(512, MaxCapacity div 8),
+ MaxDrainingSize = if
+ MaxDrainingSize0 < 64 -> 64;
+ true -> MaxDrainingSize0
+ end,
+ {DrainingIndex, DrainingSize} =
+ encode_update_drain_loop(lists:reverse(DynTable),
+ InsertCount - length(DynTable), PendingInsertCount,
+ 0, MaxDrainingSize),
+ State#state{
+ draining_index=DrainingIndex,
+ draining_size=DrainingSize
+ }.
+%% We go over the dynamic table in reverse order. We stop
+%% when we either reach the PendingInsertCount value or get
+%% above MaxDrainingSize. It's not possible to go over the
+%% entire dynamic table because we have references.
+encode_update_drain_loop(_, Index, PendingIndex, Size, _)
+ when Index =:= PendingIndex ->
+ {Index, Size};
+encode_update_drain_loop([{EntrySize, _}|_], Index, _, Size, MaxSize)
+ when Size + EntrySize > MaxSize ->
+ {Index, Size};
+encode_update_drain_loop([{EntrySize, _}|Tail], Index, PendingIndex, Size, MaxSize) ->
+ encode_update_drain_loop(Tail, Index + 1, PendingIndex, Size + EntrySize, MaxSize).
+encode([], _StreamID, State, _HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount, _Base, EncAcc, Acc) ->
+ {ReqInsertCount, lists:reverse(EncAcc), lists:reverse(Acc), State};
+encode([{Name, Value0}|Tail], StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount, Base, EncAcc, Acc) ->
+ %% We conditionally call iolist_to_binary/1 because a small
+ %% but noticeable speed improvement happens when we do this.
+ %% (Or at least it did for cow_hpack.)
+ Value = if
+ is_binary(Value0) -> Value0;
+ true -> iolist_to_binary(Value0)
+ end,
+ Entry = {Name, Value},
+ encode_static([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount, Base, EncAcc, Acc).
+encode_static([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount, Base, EncAcc, Acc) ->
+ case table_find_static(Entry) of
+ not_found ->
+ encode_dyn([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount, Base, EncAcc, Acc);
+ StaticIndex ->
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount, Base, EncAcc,
+ %% Indexed Field Line. T=1 (static).
+ [enc_int6(StaticIndex, 2#11)|Acc])
+ end.
+encode_dyn([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State0=#state{draining_index=DrainingIndex},
+ HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc, Acc) ->
+ case table_find_dyn(Entry, State0) of
+ not_found ->
+ encode_static_name([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc, Acc);
+ %% When the index is below the drain index and there is enough
+ %% space in the table for duplicating the value, we do that
+ %% and use the duplicated index. If we can't then we must not
+ %% use the dynamic index for the field.
+ DynIndex when DynIndex < DrainingIndex ->
+ case encode_can_insert(Entry, State0) of
+ {true, EncInstr, State1} ->
+ {ok, State} = table_insert(Entry, State1),
+ #state{insert_count=ReqInsertCount} = State,
+ %% We must reference the relative index of the entry we duplicated
+ %% before we duplicated it. The newest entry starts at 0. If we
+ %% have 3 entries in the table, the oldest one will have a relative
+ %% index of 2. Because we already inserted the duplicate, our
+ %% ReqInsertCount has 1 added, so for our previously 3 entries
+ %% table, we end up with a ReqInsertCount of 4. This means we
+ %% have to remove 2 from the difference to find the relative index.
+ DynIndexRel = ReqInsertCount - DynIndex - 2,
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount, Base,
+ %% Duplicate.
+ [[EncInstr|enc_int5(DynIndexRel, 2#000)]|EncAcc],
+ %% Indexed Field Line. T=0 (dynamic).
+ [enc_int6(Base - ReqInsertCount, 2#10)|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ encode_static_name([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc, Acc)
+ end;
+ DynIndex ->
+ ReqInsertCount = max(ReqInsertCount0, DynIndex),
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount, Base, EncAcc,
+ %% Indexed Field Line. T=0 (dynamic).
+ [enc_int6(Base - DynIndex - 1, 2#10)|Acc])
+ end.
+encode_static_name([Entry = {Name, Value}|Tail], StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc, Acc) ->
+ case table_find_name_static(Name) of
+ not_found ->
+ encode_dyn_name([Entry|Tail], StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt,
+ ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc, Acc);
+ StaticNameIndex ->
+ case encode_can_insert(Entry, State0) of
+ {true, EncInstr, State1} ->
+ {ok, State} = table_insert(Entry, State1),
+ #state{insert_count=ReqInsertCount} = State,
+ PostBaseIndex = length(EncAcc),
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount, Base,
+ %% Insert with Name Reference. T=1 (static).
+ [[EncInstr, enc_int6(StaticNameIndex, 2#11)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)]
+ |EncAcc],
+ %% Indexed Field Line with Post-Base Index.
+ [enc_int4(PostBaseIndex, 2#0001)|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc,
+ %% Literal Field Line with Name Reference. N=0. T=1 (static).
+ [[enc_int4(StaticNameIndex, 2#0101)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)]|Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+encode_dyn_name([Entry = {Name, Value}|Tail], StreamID,
+ State0=#state{draining_index=DrainingIndex},
+ HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc, Acc) ->
+ case table_find_name_dyn(Name, State0) of
+ %% We can reference the dynamic name.
+ DynIndex when is_integer(DynIndex), DynIndex >= DrainingIndex ->
+ case encode_can_insert(Entry, State0) of
+ {true, EncInstr, State1} ->
+ {ok, State} = table_insert(Entry, State1),
+ #state{insert_count=ReqInsertCount} = State,
+ %% See comment in encode_dyn for why we remove 2.
+ DynIndexRel = ReqInsertCount - DynIndex - 2,
+ PostBaseIndex = length(EncAcc),
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount, Base,
+ %% Insert with Name Reference. T=0 (dynamic).
+ [[EncInstr, enc_int6(DynIndexRel, 2#10)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)]
+ |EncAcc],
+ %% Indexed Field Line with Post-Base Index.
+ [enc_int4(PostBaseIndex, 2#0001)|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc,
+ %% Literal Field Line with Name Reference. N=0. T=0 (dynamic).
+ [[enc_int4(DynIndex, 2#0100)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)]|Acc])
+ end;
+ %% When there are no name to reference, or the name
+ %% is found below the drain index, we do not attempt
+ %% to refer to it.
+ _ ->
+ case encode_can_insert(Entry, State0) of
+ {true, EncInstr, State1} ->
+ {ok, State} = table_insert(Entry, State1),
+ #state{insert_count=ReqInsertCount} = State,
+ PostBaseIndex = length(EncAcc),
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount, Base,
+ %% Insert with Literal Name.
+ [[EncInstr, enc_str6(Name, HuffmanOpt, 2#01)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)]
+ |EncAcc],
+ %% Indexed Field Line with Post-Base Index.
+ [enc_int4(PostBaseIndex, 2#0001)|Acc]);
+ false ->
+ encode(Tail, StreamID, State0, HuffmanOpt, ReqInsertCount0, Base, EncAcc,
+ %% Literal Field Line with Literal Name. N=0.
+ [[enc_str4(Name, HuffmanOpt, 2#0010)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)]|Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+%% @todo We should make sure we have a large enough flow control window.
+%% We can never insert before receiving the SETTINGS frame.
+encode_can_insert(_, #state{settings_received=false}) ->
+ false;
+encode_can_insert({Name, Value}, State=#state{
+ max_table_capacity=MaxCapacity, capacity=Capacity,
+ size=Size, draining_size=DrainingSize}) ->
+ EntrySize = byte_size(Name) + byte_size(Value) + 32,
+ if
+ %% We have enough space in the current capacity,
+ %% without having to drain entries.
+ EntrySize + Size =< Capacity ->
+ {true, <<>>, State};
+ %% We have enough space if we increase the capacity.
+ %% We prefer to first increase the capacity to the
+ %% maximum before we start draining entries.
+ EntrySize + Size =< MaxCapacity ->
+ {true, enc_int5(MaxCapacity, 2#001),
+ State#state{capacity=MaxCapacity}};
+ %% We are already at max capacity and have enough
+ %% space if we drain entries.
+ EntrySize + Size =< Capacity + DrainingSize, Capacity =:= MaxCapacity ->
+ {true, <<>>, State};
+ %% We are not at max capacity. We have enough space
+ %% if we both increase the capacity and drain entries.
+ EntrySize + Size =< MaxCapacity + DrainingSize ->
+ {true, enc_int5(MaxCapacity, 2#001),
+ State#state{capacity=MaxCapacity}};
+ true ->
+ false
+ end.
+-spec execute_decoder_instructions(binary(), State)
+ -> {ok, State} | {connection_error, qpack_decoder_stream_error, atom()}
+ when State::state().
+execute_decoder_instructions(<<>>, State) ->
+ {ok, State};
+%% Section acknowledgement.
+%% We remove one reference and if needed increase the known received count.
+execute_decoder_instructions(<<2#1:1,Rest0/bits>>, State=#state{
+ known_received_count=KnownReceivedCount0, references=Refs}) ->
+ {StreamID, Rest} = dec_int7(Rest0),
+ case Refs of
+ #{StreamID := [InsertCount]} ->
+ KnownReceivedCount = max(KnownReceivedCount0, InsertCount),
+ execute_decoder_instructions(Rest, State#state{
+ known_received_count=KnownReceivedCount,
+ references=maps:remove(StreamID, Refs)});
+ #{StreamID := InsertCounts} ->
+ [InsertCount|InsertCountsTail] = lists:reverse(InsertCounts),
+ KnownReceivedCount = max(KnownReceivedCount0, InsertCount),
+ execute_decoder_instructions(Rest, State#state{
+ known_received_count=KnownReceivedCount,
+ references=Refs#{StreamID => lists:reverse(InsertCountsTail)}});
+ _ ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_decoder_stream_error,
+ 'Acknowledgement received for stream with no pending sections. (RFC9204 4.4.1)'}
+ end;
+%% Stream cancellation.
+%% We drop all references for the given stream.
+execute_decoder_instructions(<<2#01:2,Rest0/bits>>, State=#state{references=Refs}) ->
+ {StreamID, Rest} = dec_int6(Rest0),
+ case Refs of
+ #{StreamID := _} ->
+ execute_decoder_instructions(Rest, State#state{
+ references=maps:remove(StreamID, Refs)});
+ %% It is not an error for the reference to not exist.
+ %% The dynamic table may not have been used for this
+ %% stream.
+ _ ->
+ execute_decoder_instructions(Rest, State)
+ end;
+%% Insert count increment.
+%% We increase the known received count.
+execute_decoder_instructions(<<2#00:2,Rest0/bits>>, State=#state{
+ known_received_count=KnownReceivedCount}) ->
+ {Increment, Rest} = dec_int6(Rest0),
+ execute_decoder_instructions(Rest, State#state{
+ known_received_count=KnownReceivedCount + Increment}).
+%% Inform the encoder of the relevant SETTINGS from the decoder.
+%% The encoder will choose the smallest value between what it
+%% has configured and what it received through SETTINGS. Should
+%% there be no value in the SETTINGS then 0 must be given.
+-spec encoder_set_settings(non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), state()) -> state().
+encoder_set_settings(MaxTableCapacity, MaxBlockedStreams, State=#state{
+ max_table_capacity=MaxTableCapacityConfigured,
+ max_blocked_streams=MaxBlockedStreamsConfigured}) ->
+ State#state{
+ settings_received=true,
+ max_table_capacity=min(MaxTableCapacity, MaxTableCapacityConfigured),
+ max_blocked_streams=min(MaxBlockedStreams, MaxBlockedStreamsConfigured)
+ }.
+huffman_opt(#{huffman := false}) -> no_huffman;
+huffman_opt(_) -> huffman.
+enc_int3(Int, Prefix) when Int < 7 ->
+ <<Prefix:5, Int:3>>;
+enc_int3(Int, Prefix) ->
+ enc_big_int(Int - 7, <<Prefix:5, 2#111:3>>).
+enc_int4(Int, Prefix) when Int < 15 ->
+ <<Prefix:4, Int:4>>;
+enc_int4(Int, Prefix) ->
+ enc_big_int(Int - 15, <<Prefix:4, 2#1111:4>>).
+enc_str4(Str, huffman, Prefix) ->
+ Str2 = enc_huffman(Str, <<>>),
+ [enc_int3(byte_size(Str2), Prefix * 2 + 2#1)|Str2];
+enc_str4(Str, no_huffman, Prefix) ->
+ [enc_int3(byte_size(Str), Prefix * 2 + 2#0)|Str].
+enc_str6(Str, huffman, Prefix) ->
+ Str2 = enc_huffman(Str, <<>>),
+ [enc_int5(byte_size(Str2), Prefix * 2 + 2#1)|Str2];
+enc_str6(Str, no_huffman, Prefix) ->
+ [enc_int5(byte_size(Str), Prefix * 2 + 2#0)|Str].
+%% This function is a good starting point to let the calling
+%% process insert entries in the dynamic table outside of
+%% encoding a field section. To be usable more broadly
+%% it would need to handle the case where a static name
+%% is found, but also consider how it should be used:
+%% do we have capacity in the table? We don't have
+%% capacity before receiving the SETTINGS frame. Until
+%% then it will be restricted to testing.
+encoder_insert_entry(Entry={Name, Value}, State0, Opts) ->
+ {ok, State} = table_insert(Entry, State0),
+ HuffmanOpt = huffman_opt(Opts),
+ case table_find_name_static(Name) of
+ not_found ->
+ case table_find_name_dyn(Name, State0) of
+ not_found ->
+ %% Insert with Literal Name.
+ {ok, [enc_str6(Name, HuffmanOpt, 2#01)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)], State};
+ DynNameIndex ->
+ #state{insert_count=ReqInsertCount} = State,
+ %% See comment in encode_dyn for why we remove 2.
+ DynNameIndexRel = ReqInsertCount - DynNameIndex - 2,
+ %% Insert with Name Reference. T=0 (dynamic).
+ {ok, [enc_int6(DynNameIndexRel, 2#10)|enc_str(Value, HuffmanOpt)], State}
+ end
+ end.
+appendix_b_encoder_test() ->
+ %% We limit the encoder to 220 bytes for table capacity.
+ EncState0 = init(encoder, 220, 0),
+ %% Stream: 0
+ {ok, Data1, EncData1, EncState1} = encode_field_section([
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}
+ ], 0, EncState0, #{huffman => false}),
+ <<>> = iolist_to_binary(EncData1),
+ <<
+ 16#0000:16,
+ 16#510b:16, 16#2f69:16, 16#6e64:16, 16#6578:16,
+ 16#2e68:16, 16#746d:16, 16#6c
+ >> = iolist_to_binary(Data1),
+ #state{
+ capacity=0,
+ size=0,
+ insert_count=0,
+ dyn_table=[]
+ } = EncState1,
+ %% Simulate receiving of the SETTINGS frame enabling the dynamic table.
+ EncState2 = encoder_set_settings(4096, 0, EncState1),
+ #state{
+ settings_received=true,
+ max_table_capacity=220,
+ capacity=0
+ } = EncState2,
+ %% Stream: 4 (and Encoder)
+ {ok, Data3, EncData3, EncState3} = encode_field_section([
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}
+ ], 4, EncState2, #{huffman => false}),
+ <<
+ 16#3fbd01:24,
+ 16#c00f:16, 16#7777:16, 16#772e:16, 16#6578:16,
+ 16#616d:16, 16#706c:16, 16#652e:16, 16#636f:16,
+ 16#6d,
+ 16#c10c:16, 16#2f73:16, 16#616d:16, 16#706c:16,
+ 16#652f:16, 16#7061:16, 16#7468:16
+ >> = iolist_to_binary(EncData3),
+ <<
+ 16#0381:16,
+ 16#10,
+ 16#11
+ >> = iolist_to_binary(Data3),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=106,
+ insert_count=2,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState3,
+ %% Stream: Decoder
+ {ok, EncState4} = execute_decoder_instructions(<<16#84>>, EncState3),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=106,
+ insert_count=2,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState4,
+ %% Stream: Encoder
+ {ok, EncData5, EncState5} = encoder_insert_entry(
+ {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>},
+ EncState4, #{huffman => false}),
+ <<
+ 16#4a63:16, 16#7573:16, 16#746f:16, 16#6d2d:16,
+ 16#6b65:16, 16#790c:16, 16#6375:16, 16#7374:16,
+ 16#6f6d:16, 16#2d76:16, 16#616c:16, 16#7565:16
+ >> = iolist_to_binary(EncData5),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=160,
+ insert_count=3,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState5,
+ %% Stream: Decoder
+ {ok, EncState6} = execute_decoder_instructions(<<16#01>>, EncState5),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=160,
+ insert_count=3,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState6,
+ %% Stream: 8 (and Encoder)
+ {ok, Data7, EncData7, EncState7} = encode_field_section([
+ {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>},
+ {<<":path">>, <<"/">>},
+ {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}
+ ], 8, EncState6),
+ <<16#02>> = iolist_to_binary(EncData7),
+ <<
+ 16#0500:16,
+ 16#80,
+ 16#c1,
+ 16#81
+ >> = iolist_to_binary(Data7),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=217,
+ insert_count=4,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}},
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState7,
+ %% Stream: Decoder
+ {ok, EncState8} = execute_decoder_instructions(<<16#48>>, EncState7),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=217,
+ insert_count=4,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}},
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState8,
+ %% Stream: Encoder
+ {ok, EncData9, EncState9} = encoder_insert_entry(
+ {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value2">>},
+ EncState8, #{huffman => false}),
+ <<
+ 16#810d:16, 16#6375:16, 16#7374:16, 16#6f6d:16,
+ 16#2d76:16, 16#616c:16, 16#7565:16, 16#32
+ >> = iolist_to_binary(EncData9),
+ #state{
+ capacity=220,
+ size=215,
+ insert_count=5,
+ %% The dynamic table is in reverse order.
+ dyn_table=[
+ {55, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value2">>}},
+ {57, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}},
+ {54, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}},
+ {49, {<<":path">>, <<"/sample/path">>}}
+ ]
+ } = EncState9,
+ ok.
+%% Static and dynamic tables.
+table_find_static({<<":authority">>, <<>>}) -> 0;
+table_find_static({<<":path">>, <<"/">>}) -> 1;
+table_find_static({<<"age">>, <<"0">>}) -> 2;
+table_find_static({<<"content-disposition">>, <<>>}) -> 3;
+table_find_static({<<"content-length">>, <<"0">>}) -> 4;
+table_find_static({<<"cookie">>, <<>>}) -> 5;
+table_find_static({<<"date">>, <<>>}) -> 6;
+table_find_static({<<"etag">>, <<>>}) -> 7;
+table_find_static({<<"if-modified-since">>, <<>>}) -> 8;
+table_find_static({<<"if-none-match">>, <<>>}) -> 9;
+table_find_static({<<"last-modified">>, <<>>}) -> 10;
+table_find_static({<<"link">>, <<>>}) -> 11;
+table_find_static({<<"location">>, <<>>}) -> 12;
+table_find_static({<<"referer">>, <<>>}) -> 13;
+table_find_static({<<"set-cookie">>, <<>>}) -> 14;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>}) -> 15;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"DELETE">>}) -> 16;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}) -> 17;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"HEAD">>}) -> 18;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"OPTIONS">>}) -> 19;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"POST">>}) -> 20;
+table_find_static({<<":method">>, <<"PUT">>}) -> 21;
+table_find_static({<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}) -> 22;
+table_find_static({<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}) -> 23;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"103">>}) -> 24;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"200">>}) -> 25;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"304">>}) -> 26;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"404">>}) -> 27;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"503">>}) -> 28;
+table_find_static({<<"accept">>, <<"*/*">>}) -> 29;
+table_find_static({<<"accept">>, <<"application/dns-message">>}) -> 30;
+table_find_static({<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate, br">>}) -> 31;
+table_find_static({<<"accept-ranges">>, <<"bytes">>}) -> 32;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, <<"cache-control">>}) -> 33;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, <<"content-type">>}) -> 34;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, <<"*">>}) -> 35;
+table_find_static({<<"cache-control">>, <<"max-age=0">>}) -> 36;
+table_find_static({<<"cache-control">>, <<"max-age=2592000">>}) -> 37;
+table_find_static({<<"cache-control">>, <<"max-age=604800">>}) -> 38;
+table_find_static({<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>}) -> 39;
+table_find_static({<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-store">>}) -> 40;
+table_find_static({<<"cache-control">>, <<"public, max-age=31536000">>}) -> 41;
+table_find_static({<<"content-encoding">>, <<"br">>}) -> 42;
+table_find_static({<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}) -> 43;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"application/dns-message">>}) -> 44;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"application/javascript">>}) -> 45;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json">>}) -> 46;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"application/x-www-form-urlencoded">>}) -> 47;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"image/gif">>}) -> 48;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"image/jpeg">>}) -> 49;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"image/png">>}) -> 50;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"text/css">>}) -> 51;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"text/html; charset=utf-8">>}) -> 52;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain">>}) -> 53;
+table_find_static({<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain;charset=utf-8">>}) -> 54;
+table_find_static({<<"range">>, <<"bytes=0-">>}) -> 55;
+table_find_static({<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<"max-age=31536000">>}) -> 56;
+table_find_static({<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<"max-age=31536000; includesubdomains">>}) -> 57;
+table_find_static({<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<"max-age=31536000; includesubdomains; preload">>}) -> 58;
+table_find_static({<<"vary">>, <<"accept-encoding">>}) -> 59;
+table_find_static({<<"vary">>, <<"origin">>}) -> 60;
+table_find_static({<<"x-content-type-options">>, <<"nosniff">>}) -> 61;
+table_find_static({<<"x-xss-protection">>, <<"1; mode=block">>}) -> 62;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"100">>}) -> 63;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"204">>}) -> 64;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"206">>}) -> 65;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"302">>}) -> 66;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"400">>}) -> 67;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"403">>}) -> 68;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"421">>}) -> 69;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"425">>}) -> 70;
+table_find_static({<<":status">>, <<"500">>}) -> 71;
+table_find_static({<<"accept-language">>, <<>>}) -> 72;
+%% These two values are technically invalid. An errata has already
+%% been submitted to the RFC. We must however continue to include
+%% them in the table for compatibility.
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>, <<"FALSE">>}) -> 73;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>, <<"TRUE">>}) -> 74;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, <<"*">>}) -> 75;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, <<"get">>}) -> 76;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, <<"get, post, options">>}) -> 77;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, <<"options">>}) -> 78;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-expose-headers">>, <<"content-length">>}) -> 79;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-request-headers">>, <<"content-type">>}) -> 80;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-request-method">>, <<"get">>}) -> 81;
+table_find_static({<<"access-control-request-method">>, <<"post">>}) -> 82;
+table_find_static({<<"alt-svc">>, <<"clear">>}) -> 83;
+table_find_static({<<"authorization">>, <<>>}) -> 84;
+table_find_static({<<"content-security-policy">>, <<"script-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'">>}) -> 85;
+table_find_static({<<"early-data">>, <<"1">>}) -> 86;
+table_find_static({<<"expect-ct">>, <<>>}) -> 87;
+table_find_static({<<"forwarded">>, <<>>}) -> 88;
+table_find_static({<<"if-range">>, <<>>}) -> 89;
+table_find_static({<<"origin">>, <<>>}) -> 90;
+table_find_static({<<"purpose">>, <<"prefetch">>}) -> 91;
+table_find_static({<<"server">>, <<>>}) -> 92;
+table_find_static({<<"timing-allow-origin">>, <<"*">>}) -> 93;
+table_find_static({<<"upgrade-insecure-requests">>, <<"1">>}) -> 94;
+table_find_static({<<"user-agent">>, <<>>}) -> 95;
+table_find_static({<<"x-forwarded-for">>, <<>>}) -> 96;
+table_find_static({<<"x-frame-options">>, <<"deny">>}) -> 97;
+table_find_static({<<"x-frame-options">>, <<"sameorigin">>}) -> 98;
+table_find_static(_) -> not_found.
+table_find_name_static(<<":authority">>) -> 0;
+table_find_name_static(<<":path">>) -> 1;
+table_find_name_static(<<"age">>) -> 2;
+table_find_name_static(<<"content-disposition">>) -> 3;
+table_find_name_static(<<"content-length">>) -> 4;
+table_find_name_static(<<"cookie">>) -> 5;
+table_find_name_static(<<"date">>) -> 6;
+table_find_name_static(<<"etag">>) -> 7;
+table_find_name_static(<<"if-modified-since">>) -> 8;
+table_find_name_static(<<"if-none-match">>) -> 9;
+table_find_name_static(<<"last-modified">>) -> 10;
+table_find_name_static(<<"link">>) -> 11;
+table_find_name_static(<<"location">>) -> 12;
+table_find_name_static(<<"referer">>) -> 13;
+table_find_name_static(<<"set-cookie">>) -> 14;
+table_find_name_static(<<":method">>) -> 15;
+table_find_name_static(<<":scheme">>) -> 22;
+table_find_name_static(<<":status">>) -> 24;
+table_find_name_static(<<"accept">>) -> 29;
+table_find_name_static(<<"accept-encoding">>) -> 31;
+table_find_name_static(<<"accept-ranges">>) -> 32;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-allow-headers">>) -> 33;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-allow-origin">>) -> 35;
+table_find_name_static(<<"cache-control">>) -> 36;
+table_find_name_static(<<"content-encoding">>) -> 42;
+table_find_name_static(<<"content-type">>) -> 44;
+table_find_name_static(<<"range">>) -> 55;
+table_find_name_static(<<"strict-transport-security">>) -> 56;
+table_find_name_static(<<"vary">>) -> 59;
+table_find_name_static(<<"x-content-type-options">>) -> 61;
+table_find_name_static(<<"x-xss-protection">>) -> 62;
+table_find_name_static(<<"accept-language">>) -> 72;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>) -> 73;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-allow-methods">>) -> 76;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-expose-headers">>) -> 79;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-request-headers">>) -> 80;
+table_find_name_static(<<"access-control-request-method">>) -> 81;
+table_find_name_static(<<"alt-svc">>) -> 83;
+table_find_name_static(<<"authorization">>) -> 84;
+table_find_name_static(<<"content-security-policy">>) -> 85;
+table_find_name_static(<<"early-data">>) -> 86;
+table_find_name_static(<<"expect-ct">>) -> 87;
+table_find_name_static(<<"forwarded">>) -> 88;
+table_find_name_static(<<"if-range">>) -> 89;
+table_find_name_static(<<"origin">>) -> 90;
+table_find_name_static(<<"purpose">>) -> 91;
+table_find_name_static(<<"server">>) -> 92;
+table_find_name_static(<<"timing-allow-origin">>) -> 93;
+table_find_name_static(<<"upgrade-insecure-requests">>) -> 94;
+table_find_name_static(<<"user-agent">>) -> 95;
+table_find_name_static(<<"x-forwarded-for">>) -> 96;
+table_find_name_static(<<"x-frame-options">>) -> 97;
+table_find_name_static(_) -> not_found.
+table_get_static(0) -> {<<":authority">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(1) -> {<<":path">>, <<"/">>};
+table_get_static(2) -> {<<"age">>, <<"0">>};
+table_get_static(3) -> {<<"content-disposition">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(4) -> {<<"content-length">>, <<"0">>};
+table_get_static(5) -> {<<"cookie">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(6) -> {<<"date">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(7) -> {<<"etag">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(8) -> {<<"if-modified-since">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(9) -> {<<"if-none-match">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(10) -> {<<"last-modified">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(11) -> {<<"link">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(12) -> {<<"location">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(13) -> {<<"referer">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(14) -> {<<"set-cookie">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(15) -> {<<":method">>, <<"CONNECT">>};
+table_get_static(16) -> {<<":method">>, <<"DELETE">>};
+table_get_static(17) -> {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>};
+table_get_static(18) -> {<<":method">>, <<"HEAD">>};
+table_get_static(19) -> {<<":method">>, <<"OPTIONS">>};
+table_get_static(20) -> {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>};
+table_get_static(21) -> {<<":method">>, <<"PUT">>};
+table_get_static(22) -> {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>};
+table_get_static(23) -> {<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>};
+table_get_static(24) -> {<<":status">>, <<"103">>};
+table_get_static(25) -> {<<":status">>, <<"200">>};
+table_get_static(26) -> {<<":status">>, <<"304">>};
+table_get_static(27) -> {<<":status">>, <<"404">>};
+table_get_static(28) -> {<<":status">>, <<"503">>};
+table_get_static(29) -> {<<"accept">>, <<"*/*">>};
+table_get_static(30) -> {<<"accept">>, <<"application/dns-message">>};
+table_get_static(31) -> {<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate, br">>};
+table_get_static(32) -> {<<"accept-ranges">>, <<"bytes">>};
+table_get_static(33) -> {<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, <<"cache-control">>};
+table_get_static(34) -> {<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, <<"content-type">>};
+table_get_static(35) -> {<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, <<"*">>};
+table_get_static(36) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<"max-age=0">>};
+table_get_static(37) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<"max-age=2592000">>};
+table_get_static(38) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<"max-age=604800">>};
+table_get_static(39) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>};
+table_get_static(40) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-store">>};
+table_get_static(41) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<"public, max-age=31536000">>};
+table_get_static(42) -> {<<"content-encoding">>, <<"br">>};
+table_get_static(43) -> {<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>};
+table_get_static(44) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"application/dns-message">>};
+table_get_static(45) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"application/javascript">>};
+table_get_static(46) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json">>};
+table_get_static(47) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"application/x-www-form-urlencoded">>};
+table_get_static(48) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"image/gif">>};
+table_get_static(49) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"image/jpeg">>};
+table_get_static(50) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"image/png">>};
+table_get_static(51) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"text/css">>};
+table_get_static(52) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"text/html; charset=utf-8">>};
+table_get_static(53) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain">>};
+table_get_static(54) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain;charset=utf-8">>};
+table_get_static(55) -> {<<"range">>, <<"bytes=0-">>};
+table_get_static(56) -> {<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<"max-age=31536000">>};
+table_get_static(57) -> {<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<"max-age=31536000; includesubdomains">>};
+table_get_static(58) -> {<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<"max-age=31536000; includesubdomains; preload">>};
+table_get_static(59) -> {<<"vary">>, <<"accept-encoding">>};
+table_get_static(60) -> {<<"vary">>, <<"origin">>};
+table_get_static(61) -> {<<"x-content-type-options">>, <<"nosniff">>};
+table_get_static(62) -> {<<"x-xss-protection">>, <<"1; mode=block">>};
+table_get_static(63) -> {<<":status">>, <<"100">>};
+table_get_static(64) -> {<<":status">>, <<"204">>};
+table_get_static(65) -> {<<":status">>, <<"206">>};
+table_get_static(66) -> {<<":status">>, <<"302">>};
+table_get_static(67) -> {<<":status">>, <<"400">>};
+table_get_static(68) -> {<<":status">>, <<"403">>};
+table_get_static(69) -> {<<":status">>, <<"421">>};
+table_get_static(70) -> {<<":status">>, <<"425">>};
+table_get_static(71) -> {<<":status">>, <<"500">>};
+table_get_static(72) -> {<<"accept-language">>, <<>>};
+%% These two values are technically invalid. An errata has already
+%% been submitted to the RFC. We must however continue to include
+%% them in the table for compatibility.
+table_get_static(73) -> {<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>, <<"FALSE">>};
+table_get_static(74) -> {<<"access-control-allow-credentials">>, <<"TRUE">>};
+table_get_static(75) -> {<<"access-control-allow-headers">>, <<"*">>};
+table_get_static(76) -> {<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, <<"get">>};
+table_get_static(77) -> {<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, <<"get, post, options">>};
+table_get_static(78) -> {<<"access-control-allow-methods">>, <<"options">>};
+table_get_static(79) -> {<<"access-control-expose-headers">>, <<"content-length">>};
+table_get_static(80) -> {<<"access-control-request-headers">>, <<"content-type">>};
+table_get_static(81) -> {<<"access-control-request-method">>, <<"get">>};
+table_get_static(82) -> {<<"access-control-request-method">>, <<"post">>};
+table_get_static(83) -> {<<"alt-svc">>, <<"clear">>};
+table_get_static(84) -> {<<"authorization">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(85) -> {<<"content-security-policy">>, <<"script-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'">>};
+table_get_static(86) -> {<<"early-data">>, <<"1">>};
+table_get_static(87) -> {<<"expect-ct">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(88) -> {<<"forwarded">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(89) -> {<<"if-range">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(90) -> {<<"origin">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(91) -> {<<"purpose">>, <<"prefetch">>};
+table_get_static(92) -> {<<"server">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(93) -> {<<"timing-allow-origin">>, <<"*">>};
+table_get_static(94) -> {<<"upgrade-insecure-requests">>, <<"1">>};
+table_get_static(95) -> {<<"user-agent">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(96) -> {<<"x-forwarded-for">>, <<>>};
+table_get_static(97) -> {<<"x-frame-options">>, <<"deny">>};
+table_get_static(98) -> {<<"x-frame-options">>, <<"sameorigin">>}.
+table_get_name_static(0) -> <<":authority">>;
+table_get_name_static(1) -> <<":path">>;
+table_get_name_static(2) -> <<"age">>;
+table_get_name_static(3) -> <<"content-disposition">>;
+table_get_name_static(4) -> <<"content-length">>;
+table_get_name_static(5) -> <<"cookie">>;
+table_get_name_static(6) -> <<"date">>;
+table_get_name_static(7) -> <<"etag">>;
+table_get_name_static(8) -> <<"if-modified-since">>;
+table_get_name_static(9) -> <<"if-none-match">>;
+table_get_name_static(10) -> <<"last-modified">>;
+table_get_name_static(11) -> <<"link">>;
+table_get_name_static(12) -> <<"location">>;
+table_get_name_static(13) -> <<"referer">>;
+table_get_name_static(14) -> <<"set-cookie">>;
+table_get_name_static(15) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(16) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(17) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(18) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(19) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(20) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(21) -> <<":method">>;
+table_get_name_static(22) -> <<":scheme">>;
+table_get_name_static(23) -> <<":scheme">>;
+table_get_name_static(24) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(25) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(26) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(27) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(28) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(29) -> <<"accept">>;
+table_get_name_static(30) -> <<"accept">>;
+table_get_name_static(31) -> <<"accept-encoding">>;
+table_get_name_static(32) -> <<"accept-ranges">>;
+table_get_name_static(33) -> <<"access-control-allow-headers">>;
+table_get_name_static(34) -> <<"access-control-allow-headers">>;
+table_get_name_static(35) -> <<"access-control-allow-origin">>;
+table_get_name_static(36) -> <<"cache-control">>;
+table_get_name_static(37) -> <<"cache-control">>;
+table_get_name_static(38) -> <<"cache-control">>;
+table_get_name_static(39) -> <<"cache-control">>;
+table_get_name_static(40) -> <<"cache-control">>;
+table_get_name_static(41) -> <<"cache-control">>;
+table_get_name_static(42) -> <<"content-encoding">>;
+table_get_name_static(43) -> <<"content-encoding">>;
+table_get_name_static(44) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(45) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(46) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(47) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(48) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(49) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(50) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(51) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(52) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(53) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(54) -> <<"content-type">>;
+table_get_name_static(55) -> <<"range">>;
+table_get_name_static(56) -> <<"strict-transport-security">>;
+table_get_name_static(57) -> <<"strict-transport-security">>;
+table_get_name_static(58) -> <<"strict-transport-security">>;
+table_get_name_static(59) -> <<"vary">>;
+table_get_name_static(60) -> <<"vary">>;
+table_get_name_static(61) -> <<"x-content-type-options">>;
+table_get_name_static(62) -> <<"x-xss-protection">>;
+table_get_name_static(63) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(64) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(65) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(66) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(67) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(68) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(69) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(70) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(71) -> <<":status">>;
+table_get_name_static(72) -> <<"accept-language">>;
+table_get_name_static(73) -> <<"access-control-allow-credentials">>;
+table_get_name_static(74) -> <<"access-control-allow-credentials">>;
+table_get_name_static(75) -> <<"access-control-allow-headers">>;
+table_get_name_static(76) -> <<"access-control-allow-methods">>;
+table_get_name_static(77) -> <<"access-control-allow-methods">>;
+table_get_name_static(78) -> <<"access-control-allow-methods">>;
+table_get_name_static(79) -> <<"access-control-expose-headers">>;
+table_get_name_static(80) -> <<"access-control-request-headers">>;
+table_get_name_static(81) -> <<"access-control-request-method">>;
+table_get_name_static(82) -> <<"access-control-request-method">>;
+table_get_name_static(83) -> <<"alt-svc">>;
+table_get_name_static(84) -> <<"authorization">>;
+table_get_name_static(85) -> <<"content-security-policy">>;
+table_get_name_static(86) -> <<"early-data">>;
+table_get_name_static(87) -> <<"expect-ct">>;
+table_get_name_static(88) -> <<"forwarded">>;
+table_get_name_static(89) -> <<"if-range">>;
+table_get_name_static(90) -> <<"origin">>;
+table_get_name_static(91) -> <<"purpose">>;
+table_get_name_static(92) -> <<"server">>;
+table_get_name_static(93) -> <<"timing-allow-origin">>;
+table_get_name_static(94) -> <<"upgrade-insecure-requests">>;
+table_get_name_static(95) -> <<"user-agent">>;
+table_get_name_static(96) -> <<"x-forwarded-for">>;
+table_get_name_static(97) -> <<"x-frame-options">>;
+table_get_name_static(98) -> <<"x-frame-options">>.
+table_insert(Entry={Name, Value}, State=#state{capacity=Capacity,
+ size=Size0, insert_count=InsertCount, dyn_table=DynamicTable0,
+ draining_size=DrainingSize}) ->
+ EntrySize = byte_size(Name) + byte_size(Value) + 32,
+ if
+ EntrySize + Size0 =< Capacity ->
+ {ok, State#state{size=Size0 + EntrySize, insert_count=InsertCount + 1,
+ dyn_table=[{EntrySize, Entry}|DynamicTable0]}};
+ EntrySize =< Capacity ->
+ {DynamicTable, Size} = table_evict(DynamicTable0,
+ Capacity - EntrySize, 0, []),
+ {ok, State#state{size=Size + EntrySize, insert_count=InsertCount + 1,
+ dyn_table=[{EntrySize, Entry}|DynamicTable],
+ %% We reduce the draining size by how much was gained from evicting.
+ draining_size=DrainingSize - (Size0 - Size)}};
+ true -> % EntrySize > Capacity ->
+ {connection_error, qpack_encoder_stream_error,
+ 'Entry size larger than table capacity. (RFC9204 3.2.2)'}
+ end.
+table_evict([], _, Size, Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), Size};
+table_evict([{EntrySize, _}|_], MaxSize, Size, Acc)
+ when Size + EntrySize > MaxSize ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), Size};
+table_evict([Entry = {EntrySize, _}|Tail], MaxSize, Size, Acc) ->
+ table_evict(Tail, MaxSize, Size + EntrySize, [Entry|Acc]).
+table_find_dyn(Entry, #state{insert_count=InsertCount, dyn_table=DynamicTable}) ->
+ table_find_dyn(Entry, DynamicTable, InsertCount - 1).
+table_find_dyn(_, [], _) ->
+ not_found;
+table_find_dyn(Entry, [{_, Entry}|_], Index) ->
+ Index;
+table_find_dyn(Entry, [_|Tail], Index) ->
+ table_find_dyn(Entry, Tail, Index - 1).
+table_find_name_dyn(Name, #state{insert_count=InsertCount, dyn_table=DynamicTable}) ->
+ table_find_name_dyn(Name, DynamicTable, InsertCount - 1).
+table_find_name_dyn(_, [], _) ->
+ not_found;
+table_find_name_dyn(Name, [{_, {Name, _}}|_], Index) ->
+ Index;
+table_find_name_dyn(Name, [_|Tail], Index) ->
+ table_find_name_dyn(Name, Tail, Index - 1).
+%% @todo These functions may error out if the encoder is invalid (2.2.3. Invalid References).
+table_get_dyn_abs(Index, #state{insert_count=InsertCount, dyn_table=DynamicTable}) ->
+ {_, Header} = lists:nth(InsertCount - Index, DynamicTable),
+ Header.
+table_get_dyn_rel(Index, #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable}) ->
+ {_, Header} = lists:nth(1 + Index, DynamicTable),
+ Header.
+table_get_name_dyn_rel(Index, State) ->
+ {Name, _} = table_get_dyn_rel(Index, State),
+ Name.
+table_get_dyn_pre_base(Index, Base, #state{insert_count=InsertCount, dyn_table=DynamicTable}) ->
+ BaseOffset = InsertCount - Base,
+ {_, Header} = lists:nth(1 + Index + BaseOffset, DynamicTable),
+ Header.
+table_get_dyn_post_base(Index, Base, State) ->
+ table_get_dyn_abs(Base + Index, State).
+table_get_name_dyn_post_base(Index, Base, State) ->
+ {Name, _} = table_get_dyn_abs(Base + Index, State),
+ Name.
+do_init() ->
+ #state{
+ settings_received=false,
+ max_table_capacity=1000,
+ capacity=1000
+ }.
+do_table_insert(Entry, State0) ->
+ {ok, State} = table_insert(Entry, State0),
+ State.
+table_get_dyn_abs_test() ->
+ State0 = do_init(),
+ State1 = do_table_insert({<<"g">>, <<"h">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"e">>, <<"f">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"c">>, <<"d">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"a">>, <<"b">>},
+ State0)))),
+ {<<"a">>, <<"b">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(0, State1),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(1, State1),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(2, State1),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(3, State1),
+ %% Evict one member from the table.
+ #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable} = State1,
+ State2 = State1#state{dyn_table=lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(DynamicTable)))},
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(1, State2),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(2, State2),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_abs(3, State2),
+ ok.
+table_get_dyn_rel_test() ->
+ State0 = do_init(),
+ State1 = do_table_insert({<<"g">>, <<"h">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"e">>, <<"f">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"c">>, <<"d">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"a">>, <<"b">>},
+ State0)))),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(0, State1),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(1, State1),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(2, State1),
+ {<<"a">>, <<"b">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(3, State1),
+ %% Evict one member from the table.
+ #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable} = State1,
+ State2 = State1#state{dyn_table=lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(DynamicTable)))},
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(0, State2),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(1, State2),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(2, State2),
+ %% Add a member to the table.
+ State3 = do_table_insert({<<"i">>, <<"j">>}, State2),
+ {<<"i">>, <<"j">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(0, State3),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(1, State3),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(2, State3),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_rel(3, State3),
+ ok.
+table_get_dyn_pre_base_test() ->
+ State0 = do_init(),
+ State1 = do_table_insert({<<"g">>, <<"h">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"e">>, <<"f">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"c">>, <<"d">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"a">>, <<"b">>},
+ State0)))),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(0, 3, State1),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(1, 3, State1),
+ {<<"a">>, <<"b">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(2, 3, State1),
+ %% Evict one member from the table.
+ #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable} = State1,
+ State2 = State1#state{dyn_table=lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(DynamicTable)))},
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(0, 3, State2),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(1, 3, State2),
+ %% Add a member to the table.
+ State3 = do_table_insert({<<"i">>, <<"j">>}, State2),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(0, 3, State3),
+ {<<"c">>, <<"d">>} = table_get_dyn_pre_base(1, 3, State3),
+ ok.
+table_get_dyn_post_base_test() ->
+ State0 = do_init(),
+ State1 = do_table_insert({<<"g">>, <<"h">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"e">>, <<"f">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"c">>, <<"d">>},
+ do_table_insert({<<"a">>, <<"b">>},
+ State0)))),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(0, 2, State1),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(1, 2, State1),
+ %% Evict one member from the table.
+ #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable} = State1,
+ State2 = State1#state{dyn_table=lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(DynamicTable)))},
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(0, 2, State2),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(1, 2, State2),
+ %% Add a member to the table.
+ State3 = do_table_insert({<<"i">>, <<"j">>}, State2),
+ {<<"e">>, <<"f">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(0, 2, State3),
+ {<<"g">>, <<"h">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(1, 2, State3),
+ {<<"i">>, <<"j">>} = table_get_dyn_post_base(2, 2, State3),
+ ok.