path: root/doc/src/guide/history.asciidoc
blob: 9202743028b0461c5bead69fc30e6cdf31416120 (plain) (tree)


== Short history

This chapter aims to be a brief record of the life of the
Erlang.mk project.

=== Before Erlang.mk

Erlang.mk originates from the Cowboy project. Cowboy started
as a Rebar project and I, Loïc Hoguin, was very happy with it
for a couple years. Over time however I started getting annoyed
and frustrated by a number of things, including bad defaults,
changing defaults and overall slowness.

In particular, at the time I gave up on Rebar, the Cowboy
test suite was taking about five minutes to run. A quick experiment
showed I could get much lower times by simply invoking `ct_run`
directly. On January 4th, 2013, the Cowboy test suite took less
than a minute to complete.

Following this success I started removing a little more and,
on the fateful day of January 5th, 2013, removed the dependency
on Rebar entirely. Rebar, and in particular the concept of
dependencies, was, and still is, a pretty strong influence.

Erlang.mk was conceived.

A few months passed and, on May 1st, 2013, the Erlang.mk
repository was created. Erlang.mk was born.

Little did I know how much it would grow.

=== Lifetime of the project

Erlang.mk would eventually become a much larger file able to
deal with many more projects than just Cowboy. From the birth
of the project, the biggest force for growth was user contributions,
because Erlang.mk appealed to a variety of people with different
needs, needs that Erlang.mk was not fulfilling yet.

The project was split into smaller files focused on a different
feature each, and a build script was written to build the single
Erlang.mk file.

A test suite was contributed by a user, and later taken as a basis
for the current, much more complete test suite. Turns out testing
a Makefile is pretty straightforward.

A package index was added to solve the problem of discovering
Erlang projects.

After trying to see if Erlang build tools could cooperate, the
decision was made to improve compatibility with existing Rebar
projects by patching Rebar out, using Rebar. This feature, called
autopatch, proved very successful and made Erlang.mk compatible
with more than 90% of all Erlang projects.

Erlang.mk documentation was much improved and the Erlang.mk website
was created in the summer of 2015.

Over the year of 2015, Erlang.mk went from curiosity to a serious
alternative to other Erlang build tools. The user base increased
immensely and large projects started using it, including RabbitMQ
from the 3.6.0 release onward.

A bright future lies ahead.