diff options
2 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build.config b/build.config
index cdd4115..7440d0d 100644
--- a/build.config
+++ b/build.config
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ core/erlc
# Plugins.
# Comment to disable, uncomment to enable.
diff --git a/plugins/bootstrap.mk b/plugins/bootstrap.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..214ccd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/bootstrap.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Bootstrap templates.
+bs_appsrc = "{application, $(PROJECT), [" \
+ " {description, \"\"}," \
+ " {vsn, \"0.1.0\"}," \
+ " {modules, []}," \
+ " {registered, []}," \
+ " {applications, [" \
+ " kernel," \
+ " stdlib" \
+ " ]}," \
+ " {mod, {$(PROJECT)_app, []}}," \
+ " {env, []}" \
+ "]}."
+bs_appsrc_lib = "{application, $(PROJECT), [" \
+ " {description, \"\"}," \
+ " {vsn, \"0.1.0\"}," \
+ " {modules, []}," \
+ " {registered, []}," \
+ " {applications, [" \
+ " kernel," \
+ " stdlib" \
+ " ]}" \
+ "]}."
+bs_Makefile = "PROJECT = $(PROJECT)" \
+ "include erlang.mk"
+bs_app = "-module($(PROJECT)_app)." \
+ "-behaviour(application)." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([start/2])." \
+ "-export([stop/1])." \
+ "" \
+ "start(_Type, _Args) ->" \
+ " $(PROJECT)_sup:start_link()." \
+ "" \
+ "stop(_State) ->" \
+ " ok."
+bs_relx_config = "{release, {$(PROJECT)_release, \"1\"}, [$(PROJECT)]}." \
+ "{extended_start_script, true}." \
+ "{sys_config, \"rel/sys.config\"}." \
+ "{vm_args, \"rel/vm.args\"}."
+bs_sys_config = "[" \
+ "]."
+bs_vm_args = "-name $(PROJECT)@" \
+ "-setcookie $(PROJECT)" \
+ "-heart"
+# Normal templates.
+tpl_supervisor = "-module($(n))." \
+ "-behaviour(supervisor)." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([start_link/0])." \
+ "-export([init/1])." \
+ "" \
+ "start_link() ->" \
+ " supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [])." \
+ "" \
+ "init([]) ->" \
+ " Procs = []," \
+ " {ok, {{one_for_one, 1, 5}, Procs}}."
+tpl_gen_server = "-module($(n))." \
+ "-behaviour(gen_server)." \
+ "" \
+ "%% API." \
+ "-export([start_link/0])." \
+ "" \
+ "%% gen_server." \
+ "-export([init/1])." \
+ "-export([handle_call/3])." \
+ "-export([handle_cast/2])." \
+ "-export([handle_info/2])." \
+ "-export([terminate/2])." \
+ "-export([code_change/3])." \
+ "" \
+ "-record(state, {" \
+ "})." \
+ "" \
+ "%% API." \
+ "" \
+ "-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}." \
+ "start_link() ->" \
+ " gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], [])." \
+ "" \
+ "%% gen_server." \
+ "" \
+ "init([]) ->" \
+ " {ok, \#state{}}." \
+ "" \
+ "handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->" \
+ " {reply, ignored, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->" \
+ " {noreply, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "handle_info(_Info, State) ->" \
+ " {noreply, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "terminate(_Reason, _State) ->" \
+ " ok." \
+ "" \
+ "code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->" \
+ " {ok, State}."
+tpl_cowboy_http = "-module($(n))." \
+ "-behaviour(cowboy_http_handler)." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([init/3])." \
+ "-export([handle/2])." \
+ "-export([terminate/3])." \
+ "" \
+ "-record(state, {" \
+ "})." \
+ "" \
+ "init(_, Req, _Opts) ->" \
+ " {ok, Req, \#state{}}." \
+ "" \
+ "handle(Req, State=\#state{}) ->" \
+ " {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req)," \
+ " {ok, Req2, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->" \
+ " ok."
+tpl_cowboy_loop = "-module($(n))." \
+ "-behaviour(cowboy_loop_handler)." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([init/3])." \
+ "-export([info/3])." \
+ "-export([terminate/3])." \
+ "" \
+ "-record(state, {" \
+ "})." \
+ "" \
+ "init(_, Req, _Opts) ->" \
+ " {loop, Req, \#state{}, 5000, hibernate}." \
+ "" \
+ "info(_Info, Req, State) ->" \
+ " {loop, Req, State, hibernate}." \
+ "" \
+ "terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->" \
+ " ok."
+tpl_cowboy_rest = "-module($(n))." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([init/3])." \
+ "-export([content_types_provided/2])." \
+ "-export([get_html/2])." \
+ "" \
+ "init(_, _Req, _Opts) ->" \
+ " {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_rest}." \
+ "" \
+ "content_types_provided(Req, State) ->" \
+ " {[{{<<\"text\">>, <<\"html\">>, '_'}, get_html}], Req, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "get_html(Req, State) ->" \
+ " {<<\"<html><body>This is REST!</body></html>\">>, Req, State}."
+tpl_cowboy_ws = "-module($(n))." \
+ "-behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler)." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([init/3])." \
+ "-export([websocket_init/3])." \
+ "-export([websocket_handle/3])." \
+ "-export([websocket_info/3])." \
+ "-export([websocket_terminate/3])." \
+ "" \
+ "-record(state, {" \
+ "})." \
+ "" \
+ "init(_, _, _) ->" \
+ " {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}." \
+ "" \
+ "websocket_init(_, Req, _Opts) ->" \
+ " Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req)," \
+ " {ok, Req2, \#state{}}." \
+ "" \
+ "websocket_handle({text, Data}, Req, State) ->" \
+ " {reply, {text, Data}, Req, State};" \
+ "websocket_handle({binary, Data}, Req, State) ->" \
+ " {reply, {binary, Data}, Req, State};" \
+ "websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) ->" \
+ " {ok, Req, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) ->" \
+ " {ok, Req, State}." \
+ "" \
+ "websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->" \
+ " ok."
+tpl_ranch_protocol = "-module($(n))." \
+ "-behaviour(ranch_protocol)." \
+ "" \
+ "-export([start_link/4])." \
+ "-export([init/4])." \
+ "" \
+ "-type opts() :: []." \
+ "-export_type([opts/0])." \
+ "" \
+ "-record(state, {" \
+ " socket :: inet:socket()," \
+ " transport :: module()" \
+ "})." \
+ "" \
+ "start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->" \
+ " Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts])," \
+ " {ok, Pid}." \
+ "" \
+ "-spec init(ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), opts()) -> ok." \
+ "init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts) ->" \
+ " ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref)," \
+ " loop(\#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport})." \
+ "" \
+ "loop(State) ->" \
+ " loop(State)."
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/),)
+ $(error Error: src/ directory already exists)
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_Makefile) > Makefile
+ @mkdir src/
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_appsrc) > src/$(PROJECT).app.src
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_app) > src/$(PROJECT)_app.erl
+ $(eval n := $(PROJECT)_sup)
+ @printf "%s\n" $(tpl_supervisor) > src/$(PROJECT)_sup.erl
+ifneq ($(wildcard src/),)
+ $(error Error: src/ directory already exists)
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_Makefile) > Makefile
+ @mkdir src/
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_appsrc_lib) > src/$(PROJECT).app.src
+ifneq ($(wildcard relx.config),)
+ $(error Error: relx.config already exists)
+ifneq ($(wildcard rel/),)
+ $(error Error: rel/ directory already exists)
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_relx_config) > relx.config
+ @mkdir rel/
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_sys_config) > rel/sys.config
+ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_vm_args) > rel/vm.args
+ifeq ($(wildcard src/),)
+ $(error Error: src/ directory does not exist)
+ifndef t
+ $(error Usage: make new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME)
+ifndef tpl_$(t)
+ $(error Unknown template)
+ifndef n
+ $(error Usage: make new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME)
+ @printf "%s\n" $(tpl_$(t)) > src/$(n).erl
+ @echo Available templates: $(sort $(patsubst tpl_%,%,$(filter tpl_%,$(.VARIABLES))))