diff options
2 files changed, 120 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/relx.mk b/plugins/relx.mk
index d9515a4..b957bae 100644
--- a/plugins/relx.mk
+++ b/plugins/relx.mk
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ifeq ($(filter relx,$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS) $(REL_DEPS)),relx)
# Configuration.
RELX_CONFIG ?= $(CURDIR)/relx.config
+RELX_CONFIG_SCRIPT ?= $(CURDIR)/relx.config.script
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ endif
# Core targets.
ifeq ($(IS_DEP),)
-ifneq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG))$(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG_SCRIPT)),)
rel:: relx-rel
relup:: relx-relup
@@ -30,8 +31,28 @@ distclean:: distclean-relx-rel
# Plugin-specific targets.
+define relx_get_config.erl
+ (fun() ->
+ Config0 =
+ case file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG))") of
+ {ok, Terms} ->
+ Terms;
+ {error, _} ->
+ []
+ end,
+ case filelib:is_file("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG_SCRIPT))") of
+ true ->
+ Bindings = erl_eval:add_binding('CONFIG', Config0, erl_eval:new_bindings()),
+ {ok, Config1} = file:script("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG_SCRIPT))", Bindings),
+ Config1;
+ false ->
+ Config0
+ end
+ end)()
define relx_release.erl
- {ok, Config} = file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG))"),
+ Config = $(call relx_get_config.erl),
{release, {Name, Vsn0}, _} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, Config),
Vsn = case Vsn0 of
{cmd, Cmd} -> os:cmd(Cmd);
@@ -46,7 +67,7 @@ define relx_release.erl
define relx_tar.erl
- {ok, Config} = file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG))"),
+ Config = $(call relx_get_config.erl),
{release, {Name, Vsn0}, _} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, Config),
Vsn = case Vsn0 of
{cmd, Cmd} -> os:cmd(Cmd);
@@ -61,7 +82,7 @@ define relx_tar.erl
define relx_relup.erl
- {ok, Config} = file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG))"),
+ Config = $(call relx_get_config.erl),
{release, {Name, Vsn0}, _} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, Config),
Vsn = case Vsn0 of
{cmd, Cmd} -> os:cmd(Cmd);
@@ -99,12 +120,12 @@ relx-post-rel::
# Run target.
-ifeq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),)
+ifeq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG))$(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG_SCRIPT)),)
define get_relx_release.erl
- {ok, Config} = file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG))"),
+ Config = $(call relx_get_config.erl),
{release, {Name, Vsn0}, _} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, Config),
Vsn = case Vsn0 of
{cmd, Cmd} -> os:cmd(Cmd);
diff --git a/test/plugin_relx.mk b/test/plugin_relx.mk
index 15a54b8..313e043 100644
--- a/test/plugin_relx.mk
+++ b/test/plugin_relx.mk
@@ -145,6 +145,99 @@ relx-post-rel: init
$i "Check that the output directory was removed entirely"
$t test ! -d $(APP)/_rel/
+relx-rel-with-script: init
+ $i "Bootstrap a new release named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap bootstrap-rel $v
+ $i "Create a relx.config.script file"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "{release, {App, _Ver}, Apps} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, CONFIG)," \
+ "lists:keyreplace(release, 1, CONFIG, {release, {App, \"ONE\"}, Apps})." \
+ > $(APP)/relx.config.script
+ $i "Build the release"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
+ $i "Check that the release was built"
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/lib
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases/ONE
+ $i "Clean the application"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
+ $i "Check that the release still exists"
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/lib
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases/ONE
+ $i "Distclean the application"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) distclean $v
+ $i "Check that the output directory was removed entirely"
+ $t test ! -d $(APP)/_rel/
+define relx-rel-with-only-script-relx.config.script.erl
+relx-rel-with-script-only: init
+ $i "Bootstrap a new release named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap bootstrap-rel $v
+ $i "Delete relx.config and create a relx.config.script file"
+ $t rm -f $(APP)/relx.config
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "CONFIG = [], %% Assert that config is empty." \
+ "[" \
+ " {release, {$(APP)_release, \"ONE\"}, [$(APP), sasl, runtime_tools]}," \
+ " {dev_mode, false}," \
+ " {include_erts, true}," \
+ " {extended_start_script, true}," \
+ " {sys_config, \"config/sys.config\"}," \
+ " {vm_args, \"config/vm.args\"}" \
+ "| CONFIG]." \
+ > $(APP)/relx.config.script
+ $i "Build the release"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
+ $i "Check that the release was built"
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/lib
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases/ONE
+ $i "Clean the application"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
+ $i "Check that the release still exists"
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/bin
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/lib
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases
+ $t test -d $(APP)/_rel/$(APP)_release/releases/ONE
+ $i "Distclean the application"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) distclean $v
+ $i "Check that the output directory was removed entirely"
+ $t test ! -d $(APP)/_rel/
ifneq ($(PLATFORM),msys2)
# This test is currently disabled on Windows because we are
# running into too many issues preventing the test from