diff options
5 files changed, 336 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/core/test.mk b/core/test.mk
index d7b0bfe..12ff208 100644
--- a/core/test.mk
+++ b/core/test.mk
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ test-dir:
$(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.erl) -pa ebin/
+ifeq ($(wildcard src),)
+test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)
+test-build:: clean deps test-deps
+ $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)"
ifeq ($(wildcard ebin/test),)
test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS)
test-build:: clean deps test-deps $(PROJECT).d
@@ -46,3 +51,4 @@ clean-test-dir:
ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam),)
$(gen_verbose) rm -f $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam
diff --git a/doc/src/guide/eunit.asciidoc b/doc/src/guide/eunit.asciidoc
index 1a16776..0295726 100644
--- a/doc/src/guide/eunit.asciidoc
+++ b/doc/src/guide/eunit.asciidoc
@@ -1,5 +1,114 @@
== EUnit
-// @todo Write it.
+EUnit is the tool of choice for unit testing. Erlang.mk
+automates a few things on top of EUnit, including the
+discovery and running of unit tests.
-Placeholder chapter.
+=== Writing tests
+The http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/eunit/chapter.html[EUnit user guide]
+is the best place to learn how to write tests. Of note is
+that all functions ending with `_test` or `_test_` will be
+picked up as EUnit test cases.
+Erlang.mk will automatically pick up tests found in any of
+the Erlang modules of your application. It will also pick up
+tests located in the '$(TEST_DIR)' directory, which defaults
+to 'test/'.
+It is generally a good practice to hide test code from
+the code you ship to production. With Erlang.mk, you can
+do this thanks to the `TEST` macro. It is only defined
+when running tests:
+%% Insert tests here.
+Be careful, however, if you include the EUnit header file,
+as it also defines the `TEST` macro. Make sure to only include
+it inside an `ifdef` block, otherwise tests will always be
+%% Insert tests here.
+Erlang.mk will automatically recompile your code when you
+perform a normal build after running tests, and vice versa.
+=== Configuration
+The `EUNIT_OPTS` variable allows you to specify additional
+EUnit options. Options are documented in the
+http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/eunit.html#test-2[EUnit manual].
+At the time of writing, the only available option is `verbose`:
+EUNIT_OPTS = verbose
+=== Usage
+To run all tests (including EUnit):
+$ make tests
+To run all tests and static checks (including EUnit):
+$ make check
+You can also run EUnit separately:
+$ make eunit
+EUnit will be quiet by default, only outputting errors.
+You can easily make it verbose for a single invocation:
+$ make eunit EUNIT_OPTS=verbose
+Erlang.mk allows you to run all tests from a specific
+module, or a specific test case from that module, using
+the variable `t`.
+For example, to run all tests from the `cow_http_hd`
+module (instead of all tests from the entire project),
+one could write:
+$ make eunit t=cow_http_hd
+Similarly, to run a specific test case:
+$ make eunit t=cow_http_hd:parse_accept_test_
+To do the same against a multi-application repository,
+you can use the `-C` option:
+$ make -C apps/my_app eunit t=my_module:hello_test
+Note that this also applies to dependencies. From Cowboy,
+you can run the following directly:
+$ make -C deps/cowlib eunit t=cow_http_hd
+Finally, link:coverage.asciidoc[code coverage] is available,
+but covered in its own chapter.
diff --git a/plugins/eunit.mk b/plugins/eunit.mk
index 2adf4a6..36de6e7 100644
--- a/plugins/eunit.mk
+++ b/plugins/eunit.mk
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 2015, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu>
# This file is contributed to erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License.
-.PHONY: eunit
+.PHONY: eunit apps-eunit
# Configuration
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ define eunit.erl
_ -> ok
- case eunit:test([$(call comma_list,$(1))], [$(EUNIT_OPTS)]) of
+ case eunit:test($1, [$(EUNIT_OPTS)]) of
ok -> ok;
error -> halt(2)
@@ -40,11 +40,27 @@ define eunit.erl
+EUNIT_PATHS = -pa $(TEST_DIR) $(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin $(APPS_DIR)/*/ebin ebin
+ifdef t
+ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t)))
+eunit: test-build
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,['$(t)']),$(EUNIT_PATHS))
+eunit: test-build
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,fun $(t)/0),$(EUNIT_PATHS))
EUNIT_EBIN_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(call core_find,ebin/,*.beam)))
EUNIT_TEST_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.beam)))
EUNIT_MODS = $(foreach mod,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS) $(filter-out \
- $(patsubst %,%_tests,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS)),$(EUNIT_TEST_MODS)),{module,'$(mod)'})
+ $(patsubst %,%_tests,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS)),$(EUNIT_TEST_MODS)),'$(mod)')
-eunit: test-build
- $(gen_verbose) $(ERL) -pa $(TEST_DIR) $(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin ebin \
- -eval "$(subst $(newline),,$(subst ",\",$(call eunit.erl,$(EUNIT_MODS))))"
+eunit: test-build $(if $(IS_APP),,apps-eunit)
+ $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,[$(call comma_list,$(EUNIT_MODS))]),$(EUNIT_PATHS))
+ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS),)
+ $(verbose) for app in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$app eunit IS_APP=1; done
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index d5a3a61..94dad9f 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ endef
# The following tests are slowly being converted.
# Do NOT use -j with legacy tests.
-.PHONY: legacy clean-legacy ct eunit tests-cover docs
+.PHONY: legacy clean-legacy ct tests-cover docs
-legacy: clean-legacy ct eunit tests-cover docs pkgs
+legacy: clean-legacy ct tests-cover docs pkgs
$t rm -rf app1
@@ -353,49 +353,6 @@ ct: app1
$t rm -rf app1/test
$i "Test 'ct' passed."
-eunit: app1
- $i "eunit: Testing the 'eunit' target."
- $i "Running eunit test case inside module src/t.erl"
- $t $(call create-module-t)
- $t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean $v
- $t $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit $v
- $i "Checking that the eunit test in module t."
- $t echo t | cmp app1/test-eunit.log -
- $t rm app1/test-eunit.log
- $i "Running eunit tests in a separate directory."
- $t mkdir -p app1/eunit
- $t printf '%s\n' \
- '-module(t_tests).' \
- '-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
- 'succ_test() ->' \
- ' ?assertEqual(2, t:succ(1)),' \
- ' os:cmd("echo t_tests >> test-eunit.log").' \
- > app1/eunit/t_tests.erl
- $t printf '%s\n' \
- '-module(x_tests).' \
- '-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
- 'succ_test() ->' \
- ' ?assertEqual(2, t:succ(1)),' \
- ' os:cmd("echo x_tests >> test-eunit.log").' \
- > app1/eunit/x_tests.erl
- $t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean TEST_DIR=eunit $v
- $t $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit TEST_DIR=eunit $v
- $i "Checking that '$(MAKE) eunit' didn't run the tests in t_tests twice, etc."
- $t printf "%s\n" t t_tests x_tests | cmp app1/test-eunit.log -
- $t rm app1/test-eunit.log
- $i "Checking that '$(MAKE) eunit' returns non-zero for a failing test."
- $t rm -f app1/eunit/*
- $t printf "%s\n" \
- "-module(t_tests)." \
- '-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").' \
- "succ_test() ->" \
- " ?assertEqual(42, t:succ(1))." \
- > app1/eunit/t_tests.erl
- $t $(MAKE) -C app1 distclean TEST_DIR=eunit $v
- $t ! $(MAKE) -C app1 eunit TEST_DIR=eunit $v
- $t rm -rf app1/eunit app1/src/t.erl app1/test-eunit.log
- $i "Test 'eunit' passed."
# TODO: do coverage for 'tests' instead of 'eunit ct' when triq is fixed
tests-cover: app1
$i "tests-cover: Testing 'eunit' and 'ct' with COVER=1"
diff --git a/test/plugin_eunit.mk b/test/plugin_eunit.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26c0997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/plugin_eunit.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# EUnit plugin.
+EUNIT_CASES = all apps-only check fun mod test-dir tests
+EUNIT_TARGETS = $(addprefix eunit-,$(EUNIT_CASES))
+EUNIT_CLEAN_TARGETS = $(addprefix clean-,$(EUNIT_TARGETS))
+clean-eunit: $(EUNIT_CLEAN_TARGETS)
+ $t rm -rf $(APP_TO_CLEAN)
+eunit: $(EUNIT_TARGETS)
+eunit-all: build clean-eunit-all
+ $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
+ $i "Check that EUnit detects no tests"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit | grep -q "There were no tests to run."
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP))." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Build the project cleanly"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v
+ $i "Check that no EUnit test cases were exported"
+ $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin -eval 'code:load_file($(APP)), false = erlang:function_exported($(APP), ok_test, 0), halt()'
+ $i "Check that EUnit runs tests"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit | grep -q "Test passed."
+ $i "Add a failing test to the module"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "bad_test() -> throw(fail)." \
+ "-endif." >> $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Check that EUnit errors out"
+ $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit $v
+eunit-apps-only: build clean-eunit-apps-only
+ $i "Create a multi application repository with no root application"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t echo "include erlang.mk" > $(APP)/Makefile
+ $i "Create a new application named my_app"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-app in=my_app $v
+ $i "Create a new library named my_lib"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_lib $v
+ $i "Check that EUnit detects no tests"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit | grep -q "There were no tests to run."
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests in my_app"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module(my_app)." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/my_app.erl
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests in my_lib"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module(my_lib)." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/apps/my_lib/src/my_lib.erl
+ $i "Check that EUnit runs tests"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit | grep -q "Test passed."
+eunit-check: build clean-eunit-check
+ $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP))." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Check that EUnit runs on 'make check'"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) check | grep -q "Test passed."
+eunit-fun: build clean-eunit-fun
+ $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP))." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "bad_test() -> throw(fail)." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Check that we can run EUnit on a specific test"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit t=$(APP):ok_test $v
+eunit-mod: build clean-eunit-mod
+ $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP))." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Generate a module containing failing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP)_fail)." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "bad_test() -> throw(fail)." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP)_fail.erl
+ $i "Check that we can run EUnit on a specific module"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit t=$(APP) $v
+eunit-test-dir: build clean-eunit-test-dir
+ $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP))." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "log_test() -> os:cmd(\"echo $(APP) >> eunit.log\")." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests in TEST_DIR"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/test
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP)_tests)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "log_test() -> os:cmd(\"echo $(APP)_tests >> eunit.log\")." > $(APP)/test/$(APP)_tests.erl
+ $i "Check that EUnit runs both tests"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) eunit | grep -q "2 tests passed."
+ $i "Check that tests were both run only once"
+ $t printf "%s\n" $(APP) $(APP)_tests | cmp $(APP)/eunit.log -
+eunit-tests: build clean-eunit-tests
+ $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)"
+ $t mkdir $(APP)/
+ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v
+ $i "Generate a module containing EUnit tests"
+ $t printf "%s\n" \
+ "-module($(APP))." \
+ "-ifdef(TEST)." \
+ "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\")." \
+ "ok_test() -> ok." \
+ "-endif." > $(APP)/src/$(APP).erl
+ $i "Check that EUnit runs on 'make tests'"
+ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) tests | grep -q "Test passed."