path: root/guide/getting_started.html
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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/guide/getting_started.html b/guide/getting_started.html
index 7369da2..8d4d0e9 100644
--- a/guide/getting_started.html
+++ b/guide/getting_started.html
@@ -142,7 +142,17 @@ boilerplate. It is rarely an issue of course, except when
creating new modules. That’s why Erlang.mk not only comes with
templates for generating projects, but also individual modules!</p><p>You can list all available templates with the <code class="literal">list-templates</code>
target:</p><pre class="programlisting">$ make list-templates
-Available templates: cowboy_http cowboy_loop cowboy_rest cowboy_ws gen_fsm gen_server gen_statem ranch_protocol supervisor</pre><p>To generate a module, let’s say a <code class="literal">gen_server</code>, all you need to
+Available templates:
+ cowboy_http_h
+ cowboy_loop_h
+ cowboy_rest_h
+ cowboy_websocket_h
+ gen_fsm
+ gen_server
+ gen_statem
+ module
+ ranch_protocol
+ supervisor</pre><p>To generate a module, let’s say a <code class="literal">gen_server</code>, all you need to
do is to call <code class="literal">make new</code> with the appropriate arguments:</p><pre class="programlisting">$ make new t=gen_server n=my_server</pre><p>This will create a module located in <span class="emphasis"><em>src/my_server.erl</em></span>
using the <code class="literal">gen_server</code> template.</p><p>This module is automatically compiled the next time you run
<code class="literal">make</code>:</p><pre class="programlisting">$ make