path: root/doc/src/manual/gun.asciidoc
blob: d511fdc8c7ca46796d906b37cd6f80fa0e1abbf6 (plain) (tree)






















































































= gun(3)

== Name

gun - Asynchronous HTTP client

== Description

The `gun` module provides an asynchronous interface for
connecting and communicating with Web servers over HTTP,
HTTP/2 or Websocket.

== Exports


* link:man:gun:open(3)[gun:open(3)] - Open a connection to the given host and port
* link:man:gun:open_unix(3)[gun:open_unix(3)] - Open a connection to the given Unix domain socket
* link:man:gun:set_owner(3)[gun:set_owner(3)] - Set a new owner for the connection
* link:man:gun:shutdown(3)[gun:shutdown(3)] - Gracefully close the connection
* link:man:gun:close(3)[gun:close(3)] - Brutally close the connection
* link:man:gun:info(3)[gun:info(3)] - Obtain information about the connection


* link:man:gun:get(3)[gun:get(3)] - Get a resource representation
* link:man:gun:head(3)[gun:head(3)] - Get headers of a resource representation
* link:man:gun:options(3)[gun:options(3)] - Query the capabilities of the server or a resource
* link:man:gun:patch(3)[gun:patch(3)] - Apply a set of changes to a resource
* link:man:gun:post(3)[gun:post(3)] - Process the enclosed representation according to a resource's own semantics
* link:man:gun:put(3)[gun:put(3)] - Create or replace a resource
* link:man:gun:delete(3)[gun:delete(3)] - Delete a resource
* link:man:gun:headers(3)[gun:headers(3)] - Initiate the given request
* link:man:gun:request(3)[gun:request(3)] - Perform the given request
* link:man:gun:data(3)[gun:data(3)] - Stream the body of a request


* link:man:gun:connect(3)[gun:connect(3)] - Establish a tunnel to the origin server


* link:man:gun:await(3)[gun:await(3)] - Wait for a response
* link:man:gun:await_body(3)[gun:await_body(3)] - Wait for the complete response body
* link:man:gun:await_up(3)[gun:await_up(3)] - Wait for the connection to be up
* link:man:gun:flush(3)[gun:flush(3)] - Flush all messages related to a connection or a stream


* link:man:gun:update_flow(3)[gun:update_flow(3)] - Update a stream's flow control value
* link:man:gun:cancel(3)[gun:cancel(3)] - Cancel the given stream
* link:man:gun:stream_info(3)[gun:stream_info(3)] - Obtain information about a stream


* link:man:gun:ws_upgrade(3)[gun:ws_upgrade(3)] - Upgrade to Websocket
* link:man:gun:ws_send(3)[gun:ws_send(3)] - Send Websocket frames

== Messages

Gun will inform the calling process of events asynchronously
by sending any of the following messages:


* link:man:gun_up(3)[gun_up(3)] - The connection is up
* link:man:gun_tunnel_up(3)[gun_tunnel_up(3)] - The tunnel is up
* link:man:gun_down(3)[gun_down(3)] - The connection is down
* link:man:gun_upgrade(3)[gun_upgrade(3)] - Successful protocol upgrade
* link:man:gun_error(3)[gun_error(3)] - Stream or connection-wide error


* link:man:gun_push(3)[gun_push(3)] - Server-initiated push
* link:man:gun_inform(3)[gun_inform(3)] - Informational response
* link:man:gun_response(3)[gun_response(3)] - Response
* link:man:gun_data(3)[gun_data(3)] - Response body
* link:man:gun_trailers(3)[gun_trailers(3)] - Response trailers


* link:man:gun_ws(3)[gun_ws(3)] - Websocket frame

The response messages will be sent to the process that opened
the connection by default. The `reply_to` request option can
be used to redirect request-specific messages to a different

== Types

=== connect_destination()

connect_destination() :: #{
    host      := inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(),
    port      := inet:port_number(),

    username  => iodata(),
    password  => iodata(),
    protocols => protocols(),
    transport => tcp | tls,

    tls_opts              => [ssl:tls_client_option()],
    tls_handshake_timeout => timeout()

Destination of a CONNECT request.

The default value, if any, is given next to the option name:

host, port::

Destination hostname and port number. Mandatory.
Upon successful completion of the CONNECT request, Gun will
begin using these as the host and port of the origin server
for subsequent requests.

username, password::

Proxy authorization credentials. They are only sent when
both options are provided.

protocols - see below::

Ordered list of preferred protocols. Please refer to the
`protocols()` type documentation for details.
Defaults to `[http]` when the transport is `tcp`,
and `[http2, http]` when the transport is `tls`.

transport (tcp)::

Transport that will be used for tunneled requests.

tls_opts ([])::

Options to use for tunneled TLS connections.

tls_handshake_timeout (infinity)::

Handshake timeout for tunneled TLS connections.

=== http_opts()

http_opts() :: #{
    closing_timeout             => timeout(),
    cookie_ignore_informational => boolean(),
    flow                        => pos_integer(),
    keepalive                   => timeout(),
    transform_header_name       => fun((binary()) -> binary()),
    version                     => 'HTTP/1.1' | 'HTTP/1.0'

Configuration for the HTTP protocol.

The default value is given next to the option name:

// @todo Document content_handlers and gun_sse_h.

closing_timeout (15000)::

Time to wait before brutally closing the connection when a
graceful shutdown was requested via a call to

cookie_ignore_informational (false)::

Whether cookies received inside informational responses
(1xx status code) must be ignored.

flow - see below::

The initial flow control value for all HTTP/1.1 streams.
By default flow control is disabled.

keepalive (infinity)::

Time between pings in milliseconds. Since the HTTP protocol has
no standardized way to ping the server, Gun will simply send an
empty line when the connection is idle. Gun only makes a best
effort here as servers usually have configurable limits to drop
idle connections. Disabled by default due to potential

transform_header_name - see below::

A function that will be applied to all header names before they
are sent to the server. Gun assumes that all header names are in
lower case. This function is useful if you, for example, need to
re-case header names in the event that the server incorrectly
considers the case of header names to be significant.

version (`'HTTP/1.1'`)::

HTTP version to use.

=== http2_opts()

http2_opts() :: #{
    closing_timeout             => timeout(),
    cookie_ignore_informational => boolean(),
    flow                        => pos_integer(),
    keepalive                   => timeout(),
    keepalive_tolerance         => non_neg_integer(),

    %% HTTP/2 state machine configuration.
    connection_window_margin_size  => 0..16#7fffffff,
    connection_window_update_threshold => 0..16#7fffffff,
    enable_connect_protocol        => boolean(),
    initial_connection_window_size => 65535..16#7fffffff,
    initial_stream_window_size     => 0..16#7fffffff,
    max_concurrent_streams         => non_neg_integer() | infinity,
    max_connection_window_size     => 0..16#7fffffff,
    max_decode_table_size          => non_neg_integer(),
    max_encode_table_size          => non_neg_integer(),
    max_frame_size_received        => 16384..16777215,
    max_frame_size_sent            => 16384..16777215 | infinity,
    max_stream_buffer_size         => non_neg_integer(),
    max_stream_window_size         => 0..16#7fffffff,
    preface_timeout                => timeout(),
    settings_timeout               => timeout(),
    stream_window_margin_size      => 0..16#7fffffff,
    stream_window_update_threshold => 0..16#7fffffff

Configuration for the HTTP/2 protocol.

The default value is given next to the option name:

// @todo Document content_handlers and gun_sse_h.

closing_timeout (15000)::

Time to wait before brutally closing the connection when a
graceful shutdown was requested either via a call to
link:man:gun:shutdown(3)[gun:shutdown(3)] or by the server.

cookie_ignore_informational (false)::

Whether cookies received inside informational responses
(1xx status code) must be ignored.

flow - see below::

The initial flow control value for all HTTP/2 streams.
By default flow control is disabled.

keepalive (infinity)::

Time between pings in milliseconds.

keepalive_tolerance - see below::

The number of unacknowledged pings in flight that are
tolerated before the connection is closed. By default
this mechanism is disabled even if `keepalive` is

=== opts()

opts() :: #{
    connect_timeout       => timeout(),
    cookie_store          => gun_cookies:store(),
    domain_lookup_timeout => timeout(),
    http_opts             => http_opts(),
    http2_opts            => http2_opts(),
    protocols             => protocols(),
    retry                 => non_neg_integer(),
    retry_fun             => fun(),
    retry_timeout         => pos_integer(),
    supervise             => boolean(),
    tcp_opts              => [gen_tcp:connect_option()],
    tls_handshake_timeout => timeout(),
    tls_opts              => [ssl:tls_client_option()],
    trace                 => boolean(),
    transport             => tcp | tls,
    ws_opts               => ws_opts()

Configuration for the connection.

The default value is given next to the option name:

connect_timeout (infinity)::

Connection timeout.

cookie_store - see below::

The cookie store that Gun will use for this connection.
When configured, Gun will query the store for cookies
and include them in the request headers; and add cookies
found in response headers to the store.
By default no cookie store will be used.

domain_lookup_timeout (infinity)::

Domain lookup timeout.

http_opts (#{})::

Options specific to the HTTP protocol.

http2_opts (#{})::

Options specific to the HTTP/2 protocol.

protocols - see below::

Ordered list of preferred protocols. Please refer to the
`protocols()` type documentation for details.
Defaults to `[http]` when the transport is `tcp`,
and `[http2, http]` when the transport is `tls`.

retry (5)::

Number of times Gun will try to reconnect on failure before giving up.

retry_fun - see below::

A fun that will be called before every reconnect attempt. It receives
the current number of retries left and the Gun options. It returns the
next number of retries left and the timeout to apply before reconnecting.

The default fun will remove one to the number of retries and set the
timeout to the `retry_timeout` value.

The fun must be defined as follow:

fun ((non_neg_integer(), opts()) -> #{
    retries => non_neg_integer(),
    timeout => pos_integer()

The fun will never be called when the `retry` option is set to 0. When
this function returns 0 in the `retries` value, Gun will do one last
reconnect attempt before giving up.

retry_timeout (5000)::

Time between retries in milliseconds.

supervise (true)::

Whether the Gun process should be started under the `gun_sup`
supervisor. Set to `false` to use your own supervisor.

tcp_opts (DefaultOpts)::

TCP options used when establishing the connection.
By default Gun enables send timeouts with the options
`[{send_timeout, 15000}, {send_timeout_close, true}]`.

tls_handshake_timeout (infinity)::

TLS handshake timeout.

tls_opts ([])::

TLS options used for the TLS handshake after the connection
has been established, when the transport is set to `tls`.

trace (false)::

Whether to enable `dbg` tracing of the connection process. Should
only be used during debugging.

transport - see below::

Whether to use TLS or plain TCP. The default varies depending on the
port used. Port 443 defaults to `tls`. All other ports default to `tcp`.

ws_opts (#{})::

Options specific to the Websocket protocol.

=== protocols()

Protocol :: http | {http, http_opts()}
          | http2 | {http2, http2_opts()}
          | raw | {raw, raw_opts()}
          | socks | {socks, socks_opts()}

protocols() :: [Protocol]

Ordered list of preferred protocols. When the transport is `tcp`,
this list must contain exactly one protocol. When the transport
is `tls`, this list must contain at least one protocol and will be
used to negotiate a protocol via ALPN. When the server does not
support ALPN then `http` will be used, except when the list of
preferred protocols is set to only accept `socks`.

Defaults to `[http]` when the transport is `tcp`,
and `[http2, http]` when the transport is `tls`.

=== raw_opts()

raw_opts() :: #{

Configuration for the "raw" protocol.

// The default value is given next to the option name:

=== req_headers()

req_headers() :: [{binary() | string() | atom(),   iodata()}]
               | #{binary() | string() | atom() => iodata()}

Request headers.

=== req_opts()

req_opts() :: #{
    flow     => pos_integer(),
    reply_to => pid()

Configuration for a particular request.

The default value is given next to the option name:

flow - see below::

The initial flow control value for the stream. By default
flow control is disabled.

reply_to (`self()`)::

The pid of the process that will receive the response messages.

=== socks_opts()

socks_opts() :: #{
    host := inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(),
    port := inet:port_number(),

    auth      => [{username_password, binary(), binary()} | none],
    protocols => protocols(),
    transport => tcp | tls,
    version   => 5,

    tls_opts              => [ssl:tls_client_option()],
    tls_handshake_timeout => timeout()

Configuration for the Socks protocol.

The default value, if any, is given next to the option name:

host, port::

Destination hostname and port number. Mandatory.
Upon successful completion of the Socks connection, Gun will
begin using these as the host and port of the origin server
for subsequent requests.

auth ([none])::

Authentication methods Gun advertises to the Socks proxy.

protocols - see below::

Ordered list of preferred protocols. Please refer to the
`protocols()` type documentation for details.
Defaults to `[http]` when the transport is `tcp`,
and `[http2, http]` when the transport is `tls`.

transport (tcp)::

Transport that will be used for tunneled requests.

tls_opts ([])::

Options to use for tunneled TLS connections.

tls_handshake_timeout (infinity)::

Handshake timeout for tunneled TLS connections.

version (5)::

Version of the Socks protocol to use.

=== stream_ref()

stream_ref() - see below

Unique identifier for a stream.

The exact type is considered to be an implementation

=== ws_opts()

ws_opts() :: #{
    closing_timeout  => timeout(),
    compress         => boolean(),
    default_protocol => module(),
    flow             => pos_integer(),
    keepalive        => timeout(),
    protocols        => [{binary(), module()}],
    silence_pings    => boolean(),
    user_opts        => any()

Configuration for the Websocket protocol.

The default value is given next to the option name:

closing_timeout (15000)::

Time to wait before brutally closing the connection when a
graceful shutdown was requested either via a call to
link:man:gun:shutdown(3)[gun:shutdown(3)] or by the server.

compress (false)::

Whether to enable permessage-deflate compression. This does
not guarantee that compression will be used as it is the
server that ultimately decides. Defaults to false.

default_protocol (gun_ws_h)::

Default protocol module when no Websocket subprotocol is

flow - see below::

The initial flow control value for the Websocket connection.
By default flow control is disabled.

keepalive (infinity)::

Time between pings in milliseconds.

protocols ([])::

A non-empty list enables Websocket protocol negotiation. The
list of protocols will be sent in the sec-websocket-protocol
request header. The given module must follow the
link:man:gun_ws_protocol(3)[gun_ws_protocol(3)] interface.
Gun comes with a default interface in `gun_ws_h` that may
be reused for negotiated protocols.

silence_pings (true)::

Whether the ping and pong frames should be sent to the user.
In all cases Gun will automatically send a pong frame back
when receiving a ping.

user_opts - see below::

Additional options that are not in use by Gun unless a custom
Websocket subprotocol is configured and negotiated.
By default no user option is defined.

== Changelog

* *2.0*: The `default_protocol` and `user_opts` Websocket
         options were added.
* *2.0*: The `stream_ref()` type was added.
* *2.0*: The option `cookie_store` was added. It can be used
         to configure a cookie store that Gun will use
         automatically. A related option, `cookie_ignore_informational`,
         was added to both `http_opts()` and `http2_opts()`.
* *2.0*: The types `protocols()` and `socks_opts()` have been
         added. Support for the Socks protocol has been added
         in every places where protocol selection is available.
         In addition it is now possible to specify separate
         HTTP options for the CONNECT proxy and the origin server.
* *2.0*: The `connect_timeout` option has been split into
         three options: `domain_lookup_timeout`, `connect_timeout`
         and when applicable `tls_handshake_timeout`.
* *2.0*: The option `retry_fun` was added. It can be used to
         implement different reconnect strategies.
* *2.0*: The `transport_opts` option has been split into
         two options: `tcp_opts` and `tls_opts`.
* *2.0*: Function `gun:update_flow/3` introduced. The `flow`
         option was added to request options and HTTP/1.1,
         HTTP/2 and Websocket options as well.
* *2.0*: Introduce the type `req_headers()` and extend the
         types accepted for header names for greater
         interoperability. Header names are automatically
         lowercased as well.
* *2.0*: Function `gun:headers/4,5` introduced.
* *2.0*: The `keepalive` option is now set to `infinity` by
         default for all protocols. This means it is disabled.
* *2.0*: Websocket options `keepalive` and `silence_pings` introduced.
* *2.0*: Remove the `protocol` option from `connect_destination()`.
* *1.3*: Add the CONNECT destination's `protocols` option and
         deprecate the previously introduced `protocol` option.
* *1.2*: Introduce the type `connect_destination()`.

== See also
