path: root/src/gun_http.erl
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-04-28 11:28:41 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2017-04-28 11:28:41 +0200
commit8b9d9937dc4c2a0f8c849b965efed560fa469904 (patch)
tree21d28f198a48b265666cd7c6d809d3a78ffc1311 /src/gun_http.erl
parent32db544782f2528ed0916eecb200f75924dcc407 (diff)
Add Gun Websocket handlers and protocol support
This functionality can be used to implement custom protocols on top of Websocket, but may also be used to decode frame contents on the fly if necessary. The default_protocol option defines what module should be used when no protocol was selected. The protocols option is a list of key/value pairs used to select the handler depending on the protocol that the server accepted. The feature is currently experimental.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gun_http.erl')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun_http.erl b/src/gun_http.erl
index f5eef71..8ebd42e 100644
--- a/src/gun_http.erl
+++ b/src/gun_http.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
-type io() :: head | {body, non_neg_integer()} | body_close | body_chunked.
--type websocket_info() :: {websocket, reference(), binary(), [binary()], [], gun:ws_opts()}. %% key, extensions, protocols, options
+%% @todo Make that a record.
+-type websocket_info() :: {websocket, reference(), binary(), [binary()], gun:ws_opts()}. %% key, extensions, options
-record(stream, {
ref :: reference() | websocket_info(),
@@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ handle_head(Data, State=#http_state{owner=Owner, version=ClientVersion,
{Version, Status, _, Rest} = cow_http:parse_status_line(Data),
{Headers, Rest2} = cow_http:parse_headers(Rest),
case {Status, StreamRef} of
- {101, {websocket, _, WsKey, WsExtensions, WsProtocols, WsOpts}} ->
- ws_handshake(Rest2, State, Headers, WsKey, WsExtensions, WsProtocols, WsOpts);
+ {101, {websocket, _, WsKey, WsExtensions, WsOpts}} ->
+ ws_handshake(Rest2, State, Headers, WsKey, WsExtensions, WsOpts);
_ ->
In = response_io_from_headers(Method, Version, Status, Headers),
IsFin = case In of head -> fin; _ -> nofin end,
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ handle_head(Data, State=#http_state{owner=Owner, version=ClientVersion,
true ->
StreamRef2 = case StreamRef of
- {websocket, SR, _, _, _, _} -> SR;
+ {websocket, SR, _, _, _} -> SR;
_ -> StreamRef
Owner ! {gun_response, self(), StreamRef2,
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ cancel(State, StreamRef) ->
%% HTTP does not provide any way to figure out what streams are unprocessed.
down(#http_state{streams=Streams}) ->
KilledStreams = [case Ref of
- {websocket, Ref2, _, _, _, _} -> Ref2;
+ {websocket, Ref2, _, _, _} -> Ref2;
_ -> Ref
end || #stream{ref=Ref} <- Streams],
{KilledStreams, []}.
@@ -425,53 +426,59 @@ end_stream(State=#http_state{streams=[_|Tail]}) ->
ws_upgrade(#http_state{version='HTTP/1.0'}, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
error; %% @todo
ws_upgrade(State=#http_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, out=head},
- StreamRef, Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts) ->
+ StreamRef, Host, Port, Path, Headers0, WsOpts) ->
{Headers1, GunExtensions} = case maps:get(compress, WsOpts, false) of
true -> {[{<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
<<"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits; server_max_window_bits=15">>}
- |Headers],
+ |Headers0],
- false -> {Headers, []}
+ false -> {Headers0, []}
+ end,
+ Headers2 = case maps:get(protocols, WsOpts, []) of
+ [] -> Headers1;
+ ProtoOpt ->
+ << _, _, Proto/bits >> = iolist_to_binary([[<<", ">>, P] || {P, _} <- ProtoOpt]),
+ [{<<"sec-websocket-protocol">>, Proto}|Headers1]
Key = cow_ws:key(),
- Headers2 = [
+ Headers3 = [
{<<"connection">>, <<"upgrade">>},
{<<"upgrade">>, <<"websocket">>},
{<<"sec-websocket-version">>, <<"13">>},
{<<"sec-websocket-key">>, Key}
- |Headers1
+ |Headers2
IsSecure = Transport:secure(),
- Headers3 = case lists:keymember(<<"host">>, 1, Headers) of
- true -> Headers2;
- false when Port =:= 80, not IsSecure -> [{<<"host">>, Host}|Headers2];
- false when Port =:= 443, IsSecure -> [{<<"host">>, Host}|Headers2];
- false -> [{<<"host">>, [Host, $:, integer_to_binary(Port)]}|Headers2]
+ Headers = case lists:keymember(<<"host">>, 1, Headers0) of
+ true -> Headers3;
+ false when Port =:= 80, not IsSecure -> [{<<"host">>, Host}|Headers3];
+ false when Port =:= 443, IsSecure -> [{<<"host">>, Host}|Headers3];
+ false -> [{<<"host">>, [Host, $:, integer_to_binary(Port)]}|Headers3]
- Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:request(<<"GET">>, Path, 'HTTP/1.1', Headers3)),
+ Transport:send(Socket, cow_http:request(<<"GET">>, Path, 'HTTP/1.1', Headers)),
new_stream(State#http_state{connection=keepalive, out=head},
- {websocket, StreamRef, Key, GunExtensions, [], WsOpts}, <<"GET">>).
+ {websocket, StreamRef, Key, GunExtensions, WsOpts}, <<"GET">>).
-ws_handshake(Buffer, State, Headers, Key, GunExtensions, GunProtocols, Opts) ->
+ws_handshake(Buffer, State, Headers, Key, GunExtensions, Opts) ->
%% @todo check upgrade, connection
case lists:keyfind(<<"sec-websocket-accept">>, 1, Headers) of
false ->
{_, Accept} ->
case cow_ws:encode_key(Key) of
- Accept -> ws_handshake_extensions(Buffer, State, Headers, GunExtensions, GunProtocols, Opts);
+ Accept -> ws_handshake_extensions(Buffer, State, Headers, GunExtensions, Opts);
_ -> close
-ws_handshake_extensions(Buffer, State, Headers, GunExtensions, GunProtocols, Opts) ->
+ws_handshake_extensions(Buffer, State, Headers, GunExtensions, Opts) ->
case lists:keyfind(<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>, 1, Headers) of
false ->
- ws_handshake_protocols(Buffer, State, Headers, #{}, GunProtocols);
+ ws_handshake_protocols(Buffer, State, Headers, #{}, Opts);
{_, ExtHd} ->
case ws_validate_extensions(cow_http_hd:parse_sec_websocket_extensions(ExtHd), GunExtensions, #{}, Opts) of
close -> close;
- Extensions -> ws_handshake_protocols(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions, GunProtocols)
+ Extensions -> ws_handshake_protocols(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions, Opts)
@@ -493,11 +500,23 @@ ws_validate_extensions(_, _, _, _) ->
%% @todo Validate protocols.
-ws_handshake_protocols(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions, _GunProtocols = []) ->
- Protocols = [],
- ws_handshake_end(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions, Protocols).
+ws_handshake_protocols(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions, Opts) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(<<"sec-websocket-protocol">>, 1, Headers) of
+ false ->
+ ws_handshake_end(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions,
+ maps:get(default_protocol, Opts, gun_ws_handler), Opts);
+ {_, Proto} ->
+ ProtoOpt = maps:get(protocols, Opts, []),
+ case lists:keyfind(Proto, 1, ProtoOpt) of
+ {_, Handler} ->
+ ws_handshake_end(Buffer, State, Headers, Extensions, Handler, Opts);
+ false ->
+ close
+ end
+ end.
-ws_handshake_end(Buffer, #http_state{owner=Owner, socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Headers, Extensions, Protocols) ->
+ws_handshake_end(Buffer, #http_state{owner=Owner, socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
+ Headers, Extensions, Handler, Opts) ->
%% Send ourselves the remaining buffer, if any.
_ = case Buffer of
<<>> ->
@@ -506,4 +525,4 @@ ws_handshake_end(Buffer, #http_state{owner=Owner, socket=Socket, transport=Trans
{OK, _, _} = Transport:messages(),
self() ! {OK, Socket, Buffer}
- gun_ws:init(Owner, Socket, Transport, Headers, Extensions, Protocols).
+ gun_ws:init(Owner, Socket, Transport, Headers, Extensions, Handler, Opts).