path: root/src
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2020-10-19 18:01:40 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2020-10-19 18:01:40 +0200
commit3047f0a5ef1872a1d8533c90bccb434d575d98f0 (patch)
treef8d592acfc2eef6e7b86abeee7c675db882f8e99 /src
parent91c1820b9ad8812b2a8c9960da0a460b0522b6e0 (diff)
Fix cookies for tunnels
There are still small issues left to fix. In particular the set_cookie command should be replaced with doing the same in the protocol itself so that the scheme is correct. So CookieStore must be propagated to all callbacks.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 211 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun.erl b/src/gun.erl
index 2af6b94..73779c2 100644
--- a/src/gun.erl
+++ b/src/gun.erl
@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@
messages :: {atom(), atom(), atom()},
protocol :: module(),
protocol_state :: any(),
+ cookie_store :: undefined | {module(), any()},
event_handler :: module(),
- event_handler_state :: any(),
- cookie_store :: undefined | {module(), any()}
+ event_handler_state :: any()
%% Connection.
@@ -1251,26 +1251,26 @@ connected(internal, {connected, Socket, NewProtocol},
%% @todo It might be better, internally, to pass around a URIMap
%% containing the target URI, instead of separate Host/Port/PathWithQs.
-connected(cast, {headers, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers0, InitialFlow},
- State0=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
+connected(cast, {headers, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, InitialFlow},
+ State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
+ protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, cookie_store=CookieStore0,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
- {Headers, State} = add_cookie_header(Path, Headers0, State0),
- {ProtoState2, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:headers(ProtoState,
+ {ProtoState2, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:headers(ProtoState,
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
-connected(cast, {request, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers0, Body, InitialFlow},
- State0=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, cookie_store=CookieStore,
+ event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
+connected(cast, {request, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, Body, InitialFlow},
+ State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
+ protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, cookie_store=CookieStore0,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
- {Headers, State} = add_cookie_header(Path, Headers0, State0),
- {ProtoState2, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:request(ProtoState,
+ {ProtoState2, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:request(ProtoState,
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, Body,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, cookie_store=CookieStore,
+ event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
connected(cast, {connect, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Destination, Headers, InitialFlow},
State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
@@ -1279,16 +1279,17 @@ connected(cast, {connect, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Destination, Headers, InitialFlow}
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
Destination, #{host => Host, port => Port},
Headers, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2,
+ event_handler_state=EvHandlerState}};
%% Public Websocket interface.
%% @todo Maybe make an interface in the protocol module instead of checking on protocol name.
%% An interface would also make sure that HTTP/1.0 can't upgrade.
connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers}, State=#state{opts=Opts}) ->
WsOpts = maps:get(ws_opts, Opts, #{}),
connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers, WsOpts}, State);
-connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers0, WsOpts},
- State0=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
- protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState,
+connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers, WsOpts},
+ State=#state{origin_host=Host, origin_port=Port,
+ protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState, cookie_store=CookieStore0,
event_handler=EvHandler, event_handler_state=EvHandlerState0}) ->
EvHandlerState1 = EvHandler:ws_upgrade(#{
stream_ref => StreamRef,
@@ -1296,11 +1297,10 @@ connected(cast, {ws_upgrade, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Path, Headers0, WsOpts},
opts => WsOpts
}, EvHandlerState0),
%% @todo Can fail if HTTP/1.0.
- {Headers, State} = add_cookie_header(Path, Headers0, State0),
- {ProtoState2, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:ws_upgrade(ProtoState,
+ {ProtoState2, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Protocol:ws_upgrade(ProtoState,
dereference_stream_ref(StreamRef, State), ReplyTo,
- Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2,
+ Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
+ {keep_state, State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2, cookie_store=CookieStore,
%% @todo Maybe better standardize the protocol callbacks argument orders.
connected(cast, {ws_send, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Frames}, State=#state{
@@ -1319,35 +1319,6 @@ connected(cast, {ws_send, ReplyTo, _}, _) ->
connected(Type, Event, State) ->
handle_common_connected(Type, Event, ?FUNCTION_NAME, State).
-add_cookie_header(_, Headers, State=#state{cookie_store=undefined}) ->
- {Headers, State};
-add_cookie_header(PathWithQs, Headers0, State=#state{
- origin_host=OriginHost, transport=Transport, cookie_store=Store0}) ->
- Scheme = case Transport of
- gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
- gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;
- gun_tcp -> <<"http">>
- end,
- #{path := Path} = uri_string:parse(PathWithQs),
- URIMap = uri_string:normalize(#{
- scheme => Scheme,
- host => case lists:keyfind(<<"host">>, 1, Headers0) of
- false -> iolist_to_binary(OriginHost); %% @todo Probably not enough for atoms and such.
- {_, HeaderHost} -> iolist_to_binary(HeaderHost)
- end,
- path => iolist_to_binary(Path)
- }, [return_map]),
- {ok, Cookies0, Store} = gun_cookies:query(Store0, URIMap),
- Headers = case Cookies0 of
- [] ->
- Headers0;
- _ ->
- Cookies = [{Name, Value} || #{name := Name, value := Value} <- Cookies0],
- %% We put cookies at the end of the headers list as it's the least important header.
- Headers0 ++ [{<<"cookie">>, cow_cookie:cookie(Cookies)}]
- end,
- {Headers, State#state{cookie_store=Store}}.
%% When the origin is using raw we do not dereference the stream_ref
%% because it expects the full stream_ref to function (there's no
%% other stream involved for this connection).
@@ -1655,6 +1626,8 @@ commands([{set_cookie, _, _, Status, _}|Tail], State=#state{opts=#{cookie_ignore
%% @todo Make sure this works for proxied requests too.
commands([{set_cookie, Authority, PathWithQs, _, Headers}|Tail], State=#state{
transport=Transport, cookie_store=Store0}) ->
+ %% @todo This is wrong. Also we should probably not do a command for this.
+ %% We should instead give the CookieStore to all callbacks.
Scheme = case Transport of
gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;
diff --git a/src/gun_cookies.erl b/src/gun_cookies.erl
index ce33b49..965c3a5 100644
--- a/src/gun_cookies.erl
+++ b/src/gun_cookies.erl
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@@ -79,6 +80,31 @@
-> {ok, State}
when State::store_state().
+-spec add_cookie_header(binary(), iodata(), iodata(), Headers, Store)
+ -> {Headers, Store} when Headers :: [{binary(), iodata()}], Store :: undefined | store().
+add_cookie_header(_, _, _, Headers, Store=undefined) ->
+ {Headers, Store};
+add_cookie_header(Scheme, Authority, PathWithQs, Headers0, Store0) ->
+ #{
+ host := Host,
+ path := Path
+ } = uri_string:parse([Scheme, <<"://">>, Authority, PathWithQs]),
+ URIMap = uri_string:normalize(#{
+ scheme => Scheme,
+ host => iolist_to_binary(Host),
+ path => iolist_to_binary(Path)
+ }, [return_map]),
+ {ok, Cookies0, Store} = query(Store0, URIMap),
+ Headers = case Cookies0 of
+ [] ->
+ Headers0;
+ _ ->
+ Cookies = [{Name, Value} || #{name := Name, value := Value} <- Cookies0],
+ %% We put cookies at the end of the headers list as it's the least important header.
+ Headers0 ++ [{<<"cookie">>, cow_cookie:cookie(Cookies)}]
+ end,
+ {Headers, Store}.
-spec domain_match(binary(), binary()) -> boolean().
domain_match(String, String) ->
diff --git a/src/gun_http.erl b/src/gun_http.erl
index d877068..62d9490 100644
--- a/src/gun_http.erl
+++ b/src/gun_http.erl
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
%% Functions shared with gun_http2.
@@ -541,42 +541,44 @@ keepalive(State=#http_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, out=head}, _, Ev
keepalive(State, _, EvHandlerState) ->
{State, EvHandlerState}.
-headers(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, EvHandlerState)
+headers(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, _, CookieStore, _, EvHandlerState)
when is_list(StreamRef) ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), stream_ref(State, StreamRef),
{badstate, "The stream is not a tunnel."}},
- {State, EvHandlerState};
+ {State, CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
headers(State=#http_state{opts=Opts, out=head},
StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers,
- InitialFlow0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
- {Authority, Conn, Out, EvHandlerState} = send_request(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, undefined,
- EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, ?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ InitialFlow0, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ {Authority, Conn, Out, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = send_request(State,
+ StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, undefined,
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, ?FUNCTION_NAME),
InitialFlow = initial_flow(InitialFlow0, Opts),
{new_stream(State#http_state{connection=Conn, out=Out}, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Method, Authority, Path, InitialFlow), EvHandlerState}.
+ Method, Authority, Path, InitialFlow),
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
-request(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, EvHandlerState)
+request(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, CookieStore, _, EvHandlerState)
when is_list(StreamRef) ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), stream_ref(State, StreamRef),
{badstate, "The stream is not a tunnel."}},
- {State, EvHandlerState};
+ {State, CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
request(State=#http_state{opts=Opts, out=head}, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, Body,
- InitialFlow0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
- {Authority, Conn, Out, EvHandlerState} = send_request(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, Body,
- EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, ?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ InitialFlow0, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ {Authority, Conn, Out, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = send_request(State,
+ StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, Body,
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, ?FUNCTION_NAME),
InitialFlow = initial_flow(InitialFlow0, Opts),
{new_stream(State#http_state{connection=Conn, out=Out}, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Method, Authority, Path, InitialFlow), EvHandlerState}.
+ Method, Authority, Path, InitialFlow),
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
initial_flow(infinity, #{flow := InitialFlow}) -> InitialFlow;
initial_flow(InitialFlow, _) -> InitialFlow.
send_request(State=#http_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, version=Version},
StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers0, Body,
- EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, Function) ->
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, Function) ->
Headers1 = lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Headers0),
Headers2 = case Body of
undefined -> Headers1;
@@ -596,12 +598,14 @@ send_request(State=#http_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, version=Versi
{_, Authority1} -> {Authority1, Headers2}
Headers4 = transform_header_names(State, Headers3),
- Headers = case {Body, Out} of
+ Headers5 = case {Body, Out} of
{undefined, body_chunked} when Version =:= 'HTTP/1.0' -> Headers4;
{undefined, body_chunked} -> [{<<"transfer-encoding">>, <<"chunked">>}|Headers4];
{undefined, _} -> Headers4;
_ -> [{<<"content-length">>, integer_to_binary(iolist_size(Body))}|Headers4]
+ {Headers, CookieStore} = gun_cookies:add_cookie_header(
+ scheme(State), Authority, Path, Headers5, CookieStore0),
RealStreamRef = stream_ref(State, StreamRef),
RequestEvent = #{
stream_ref => RealStreamRef,
@@ -627,7 +631,7 @@ send_request(State=#http_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, version=Versi
_ ->
- {Authority, Conn, Out, EvHandlerState}.
+ {Authority, Conn, Out, CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
host_header(Transport, Host0, Port) ->
Host = case Host0 of
@@ -649,6 +653,13 @@ transform_header_names(#http_state{opts=Opts}, Headers) ->
Fun -> lists:keymap(Fun, 1, Headers)
+scheme(#http_state{transport=Transport}) ->
+ case Transport of
+ gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
+ gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;
+ _ -> <<"http">>
+ end.
%% We are expecting a new stream.
data(State=#http_state{out=head}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, EvHandlerState) ->
{error_stream_closed(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo), EvHandlerState};
@@ -897,18 +908,18 @@ end_stream(State=#http_state{streams=[_|Tail]}) ->
%% Websocket upgrade.
-ws_upgrade(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, _, EvHandlerState)
+ws_upgrade(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, CookieStore, _, EvHandlerState)
when is_list(StreamRef) ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), stream_ref(State, StreamRef),
{badstate, "The stream is not a tunnel."}},
- {State, EvHandlerState};
+ {State, CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
- StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, _, EvHandlerState) ->
+ StreamRef, ReplyTo, _, _, _, _, _, CookieStore, _, EvHandlerState) ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), stream_ref(State, StreamRef), {badstate,
"Websocket cannot be used over an HTTP/1.0 connection."}},
- {[], EvHandlerState};
+ {State, CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
ws_upgrade(State=#http_state{out=head}, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Host, Port, Path, Headers0, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ Host, Port, Path, Headers0, WsOpts, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
{Headers1, GunExtensions} = case maps:get(compress, WsOpts, false) of
true -> {[{<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
<<"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits; server_max_window_bits=15">>}
@@ -930,13 +941,14 @@ ws_upgrade(State=#http_state{out=head}, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
{<<"sec-websocket-key">>, Key}
- {Authority, Conn, Out, EvHandlerState} = send_request(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- <<"GET">>, Host, Port, Path, Headers, undefined,
- EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, ?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ {Authority, Conn, Out, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = send_request(State,
+ StreamRef, ReplyTo, <<"GET">>, Host, Port, Path, Headers, undefined,
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0, ?FUNCTION_NAME),
InitialFlow = maps:get(flow, WsOpts, infinity),
{new_stream(State#http_state{connection=Conn, out=Out},
#websocket{ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo, key=Key, extensions=GunExtensions, opts=WsOpts},
- ReplyTo, <<"GET">>, Authority, Path, InitialFlow), EvHandlerState}.
+ ReplyTo, <<"GET">>, Authority, Path, InitialFlow),
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
ws_handshake(Buffer, State, Ws=#websocket{key=Key}, Headers) ->
%% @todo check upgrade, connection
diff --git a/src/gun_http2.erl b/src/gun_http2.erl
index c5521ce..e8eb3aa 100644
--- a/src/gun_http2.erl
+++ b/src/gun_http2.erl
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
-record(tunnel, {
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, Msg, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
{Commands, EvHandlerState1} = Proto:handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef,
Msg, ProtoState0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{State, EvHandlerState} = tunnel_commands(Commands, Stream, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState}
+ {handle_ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState}
%% The stream may have ended while TLS was being decoded. @todo What should we do?
% error ->
% {error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo), EvHandlerState0}
@@ -750,11 +750,12 @@ keepalive(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, _, EvHandlerSt
headers(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port,
- Path, Headers0, InitialFlow0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
+ Path, Headers0, InitialFlow0, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
when is_reference(StreamRef) ->
{ok, StreamID, HTTP2Machine1} = cow_http2_machine:init_stream(
iolist_to_binary(Method), HTTP2Machine0),
- {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers} = prepare_headers(State, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers0),
+ {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers, CookieStore} = prepare_headers(
+ State, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers0, CookieStore0),
Authority = maps:get(authority, PseudoHeaders),
RequestEvent = #{
stream_ref => stream_ref(State, StreamRef),
@@ -773,36 +774,39 @@ headers(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
InitialFlow = initial_flow(InitialFlow0, Opts),
Stream = #stream{id=StreamID, ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo, flow=InitialFlow,
authority=Authority, path=Path},
- {create_stream(State#http2_state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Stream), EvHandlerState};
+ {create_stream(State#http2_state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, Stream),
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
%% Tunneled request.
headers(State, RealStreamRef=[StreamRef|_], ReplyTo, Method, _Host, _Port,
- Path, Headers, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ Path, Headers, InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
case get_stream_by_ref(State, StreamRef) of
%% @todo We should send an error to the user if the stream isn't ready.
Stream=#stream{tunnel=Tunnel=#tunnel{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0, info=#{
origin_host := OriginHost, origin_port := OriginPort}}} ->
- {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:headers(ProtoState0, RealStreamRef,
+ {ProtoState, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Proto:headers(ProtoState0, RealStreamRef,
ReplyTo, Method, OriginHost, OriginPort, Path, Headers,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{store_stream(State, Stream#stream{tunnel=Tunnel#tunnel{protocol_state=ProtoState}}),
- EvHandlerState};
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
#stream{tunnel=undefined} ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), stream_ref(State, StreamRef), {badstate,
"The stream is not a tunnel."}},
- {State, EvHandlerState0};
+ {State, CookieStore0, EvHandlerState0};
error ->
- {error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo), EvHandlerState0}
+ {error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo),
+ CookieStore0, EvHandlerState0}
request(State0=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
http2_machine=HTTP2Machine0}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port,
- Path, Headers0, Body, InitialFlow0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
+ Path, Headers0, Body, InitialFlow0, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
when is_reference(StreamRef) ->
Headers1 = lists:keystore(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers0,
{<<"content-length">>, integer_to_binary(iolist_size(Body))}),
{ok, StreamID, HTTP2Machine1} = cow_http2_machine:init_stream(
iolist_to_binary(Method), HTTP2Machine0),
- {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers} = prepare_headers(State0, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers1),
+ {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers, CookieStore} = prepare_headers(
+ State0, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers1, CookieStore0),
Authority = maps:get(authority, PseudoHeaders),
RealStreamRef = stream_ref(State0, StreamRef),
RequestEvent = #{
@@ -833,60 +837,66 @@ request(State0=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, opts=Opts,
stream_ref => RealStreamRef,
reply_to => ReplyTo
- {State, EvHandler:request_end(RequestEndEvent, EvHandlerState)};
+ {State, CookieStore, EvHandler:request_end(RequestEndEvent, EvHandlerState)};
nofin ->
- maybe_send_data(State, StreamID, fin, Body, EvHandler, EvHandlerState)
+ {StateRet, EvHandlerStateRet} = maybe_send_data(
+ State, StreamID, fin, Body, EvHandler, EvHandlerState),
+ {StateRet, CookieStore, EvHandlerStateRet}
%% Tunneled request.
request(State, RealStreamRef=[StreamRef|_], ReplyTo, Method, _Host, _Port,
- Path, Headers, Body, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ Path, Headers, Body, InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
case get_stream_by_ref(State, StreamRef) of
%% @todo We should send an error to the user if the stream isn't ready.
Stream=#stream{tunnel=Tunnel=#tunnel{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0, info=#{
origin_host := OriginHost, origin_port := OriginPort}}} ->
- {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:request(ProtoState0, RealStreamRef,
+ {ProtoState, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Proto:request(ProtoState0, RealStreamRef,
ReplyTo, Method, OriginHost, OriginPort, Path, Headers, Body,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{store_stream(State, Stream#stream{tunnel=Tunnel#tunnel{protocol_state=ProtoState}}),
- EvHandlerState};
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState};
#stream{tunnel=undefined} ->
ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), stream_ref(State, StreamRef), {badstate,
"The stream is not a tunnel."}},
- {State, EvHandlerState0};
+ {State, CookieStore0, EvHandlerState0};
error ->
- {error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo), EvHandlerState0}
+ {error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo),
+ CookieStore0, EvHandlerState0}
initial_flow(infinity, #{flow := InitialFlow}) -> InitialFlow;
initial_flow(InitialFlow, _) -> InitialFlow.
-prepare_headers(#http2_state{transport=Transport}, Method, Host0, Port, Path, Headers0) ->
+prepare_headers(#http2_state{transport=Transport}, Method, Host0, Port, Path, Headers0, CookieStore0) ->
+ Scheme = case Transport of
+ gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
+ gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;
+ gun_tcp -> <<"http">>;
+ gun_tcp_proxy -> <<"http">>;
+ gun_tls_proxy_http2_connect -> <<"http">>
+ end,
Authority = case lists:keyfind(<<"host">>, 1, Headers0) of
{_, Host} -> Host;
_ -> gun_http:host_header(Transport, Host0, Port)
%% @todo We also must remove any header found in the connection header.
%% @todo Much of this is duplicated in cow_http2_machine; sort things out.
- Headers =
+ Headers1 =
lists:keydelete(<<"host">>, 1,
lists:keydelete(<<"connection">>, 1,
lists:keydelete(<<"keep-alive">>, 1,
lists:keydelete(<<"proxy-connection">>, 1,
lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1,
lists:keydelete(<<"upgrade">>, 1, Headers0)))))),
+ {Headers, CookieStore} = gun_cookies:add_cookie_header(
+ Scheme, Authority, Path, Headers1, CookieStore0),
PseudoHeaders = #{
method => Method,
- scheme => case Transport of
- gun_tls -> <<"https">>;
- gun_tls_proxy -> <<"https">>;
- gun_tcp -> <<"http">>;
- gun_tcp_proxy -> <<"http">>;
- gun_tls_proxy_http2_connect -> <<"http">>
- end,
+ scheme => Scheme,
authority => Authority,
path => Path
- {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers}.
+ {ok, PseudoHeaders, Headers, CookieStore}.
%% @todo Make all calls go through this clause.
data(State=#http2_state{http2_machine=HTTP2Machine}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, IsFin, Data,
@@ -1181,13 +1191,16 @@ down(#http2_state{stream_refs=Refs}) ->
%% Websocket upgrades are currently only accepted when tunneled.
ws_upgrade(State, RealStreamRef=[StreamRef|_], ReplyTo,
- Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
case get_stream_by_ref(State, StreamRef) of
Stream=#stream{tunnel=Tunnel=#tunnel{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0}} ->
- {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:ws_upgrade(ProtoState0, RealStreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {ProtoState, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Proto:ws_upgrade(
+ ProtoState0, RealStreamRef, ReplyTo,
+ Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts,
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{store_stream(State, Stream#stream{
- tunnel=Tunnel#tunnel{protocol_state=ProtoState}}), EvHandlerState}
+ tunnel=Tunnel#tunnel{protocol_state=ProtoState}}),
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}
%% @todo Error conditions?
diff --git a/src/gun_tunnel.erl b/src/gun_tunnel.erl
index cc58351..a1435f3 100644
--- a/src/gun_tunnel.erl
+++ b/src/gun_tunnel.erl
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-record(tunnel_state, {
@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@
%% We keep the new information to provide it in TunnelInfo of
%% the new protocol when the switch occurs.
protocol_origin = undefined :: undefined
- | {origin, binary(), inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number(), connect | socks5}
+ | {origin, binary(), inet:hostname() | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number(), connect | socks5},
+ %% We must queue some commands given by the sub-protocol.
+ commands_queue = [] :: [{set_cookie, iodata(), iodata(), cow_http:status(), cow_http:headers()}]
%% Socket is the "origin socket" and Transport the "origin transport".
@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ handle(Data, State0=#tunnel_state{transport=gun_tcp_proxy,
EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
{Commands, EvHandlerState1} = Proto:handle(Data, ProtoState0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{State, EvHandlerState} = commands(Commands, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState};
+ {ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState};
handle(Data, State=#tunnel_state{transport=gun_tls_proxy,
socket=ProxyPid, tls_origin_socket=OriginSocket},
_EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ handle(Data, State=#tunnel_state{transport=gun_tls_proxy,
%% message and forward it to the right stream via the handle_continue
%% callback.
ProxyPid ! {tls_proxy_http2_connect, OriginSocket, Data},
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState}.
+ {ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState}.
%% This callback will only be called for TLS.
@@ -199,10 +202,11 @@ handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {gun_tls_proxy, ProxyPid, {ok, Negotiated},
{_, ProtoState} = Proto:init(ReplyTo, OriginSocket, gun_tcp_proxy,
ProtoOpts#{stream_ref => StreamRef, tunnel_transport => tls}),
ReplyTo ! {gun_tunnel_up, self(), StreamRef, Proto:name()},
- {{state, State#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}}, EvHandlerState};
+ {ret({state, State#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}}, State),
+ EvHandlerState};
handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {gun_tls_proxy, ProxyPid, {error, Reason},
{handle_continue, _, HandshakeEvent, _}},
- #tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
+ State=#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) ->
EvHandlerState = EvHandler:tls_handshake_end(HandshakeEvent#{
error => Reason
@@ -217,29 +221,29 @@ handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {gun_tls_proxy, ProxyPid, {error, Reason},
%% receives a TCP segment with the FIN bit set sends a DATA frame with
%% the END_STREAM flag set. Note that the final TCP segment or DATA
%% frame could be empty.
- {{error, Reason}, EvHandlerState};
+ {ret({error, Reason}, State), EvHandlerState};
%% Send the data. This causes TLS to encrypt the data and send it to the inner layer.
handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {data, _ReplyTo, _StreamRef, IsFin, Data},
- #tunnel_state{}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState)
+ State=#tunnel_state{}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState)
when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) ->
- {{send, IsFin, Data}, EvHandlerState};
+ {ret({send, IsFin, Data}, State), EvHandlerState};
handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {tls_proxy, ProxyPid, Data},
State0=#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState},
EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) ->
{Commands, EvHandlerState1} = Proto:handle(Data, ProtoState, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{State, EvHandlerState} = commands(Commands, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState};
+ {ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState};
handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {tls_proxy_closed, ProxyPid},
- #tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
+ State=#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) ->
%% @todo All sub-streams must produce a stream_error.
- {{error, closed}, EvHandlerState0};
+ {ret({error, closed}, State), EvHandlerState0};
handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {tls_proxy_error, ProxyPid, Reason},
- #tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
+ State=#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState0)
when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) ->
%% @todo All sub-streams must produce a stream_error.
- {{error, Reason}, EvHandlerState0};
+ {ret({error, Reason}, State), EvHandlerState0};
%% We always dereference the ContinueStreamRef because it includes a
%% reference() for Socks layers too.
@@ -254,7 +258,7 @@ handle_continue([_StreamRef|ContinueStreamRef0], Msg,
{Commands, EvHandlerState1} = Proto:handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef,
Msg, ProtoState, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{State, EvHandlerState} = commands(Commands, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState}.
+ {ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState}.
%% @todo This function will need EvHandler/EvHandlerState?
update_flow(State0=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState},
@@ -262,11 +266,11 @@ update_flow(State0=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState},
StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State0, StreamRef0),
Commands = Proto:update_flow(ProtoState, ReplyTo, StreamRef, Inc),
{State, undefined} = commands(Commands, State0, undefined, undefined),
- {state, State}.
+ ret({state, State}, State).
-closing(_Reason, _State, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
+closing(_Reason, State, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
%% @todo Graceful shutdown must be propagated to tunnels.
- {[], EvHandlerState}.
+ {ret([], State), EvHandlerState}.
close(_Reason, _State, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
%% @todo Closing must be propagated to tunnels.
@@ -279,23 +283,25 @@ keepalive(State, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
%% We pass the headers forward and optionally dereference StreamRef.
headers(State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0},
StreamRef0, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0),
- {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:headers(ProtoState0, StreamRef,
+ {ProtoState, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Proto:headers(ProtoState0, StreamRef,
ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandlerState}.
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState},
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
%% We pass the request forward and optionally dereference StreamRef.
request(State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0,
info=#{origin_host := OriginHost, origin_port := OriginPort}},
StreamRef0, ReplyTo, Method, _Host, _Port, Path, Headers, Body,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0),
- {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:request(ProtoState0, StreamRef,
+ {ProtoState, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Proto:request(ProtoState0, StreamRef,
ReplyTo, Method, OriginHost, OriginPort, Path, Headers, Body,
- InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandlerState}.
+ InitialFlow, CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState},
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
%% When the next tunnel is SOCKS we pass the data forward directly.
%% This is needed because SOCKS has no StreamRef and the data cannot
@@ -340,14 +346,14 @@ cancel(State0=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState},
StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State0, StreamRef0),
{Commands, EvHandlerState1} = Proto:cancel(ProtoState, StreamRef, ReplyTo, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{State, EvHandlerState} = commands(Commands, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState}.
+ {ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState}.
timeout(State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0}, Msg, TRef) ->
case Proto:timeout(ProtoState0, Msg, TRef) of
{state, ProtoState} ->
- {state, State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}};
+ ret({state, State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}}, State);
Other ->
- Other
+ ret(Other, State)
stream_info(#tunnel_state{transport=Transport0, stream_ref=TunnelStreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo,
@@ -409,20 +415,23 @@ tunneled_name(#tunnel_state{tunnel_protocol=TunnelProto}, false) ->
tunneled_name(#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto}, _) ->
-down(_State) ->
+down(State) ->
%% @todo Tunnels must be included in the gun_down message.
- [].
+ ret([], State).
ws_upgrade(State=#tunnel_state{info=TunnelInfo, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0},
- StreamRef0, ReplyTo, _, _, Path, Headers, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
+ StreamRef0, ReplyTo, _, _, Path, Headers, WsOpts,
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0),
origin_host := Host,
origin_port := Port
} = TunnelInfo,
- {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:ws_upgrade(ProtoState0, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
- Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
- {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandlerState}.
+ {ProtoState, CookieStore, EvHandlerState} = Proto:ws_upgrade(ProtoState0, StreamRef, ReplyTo,
+ Host, Port, Path, Headers, WsOpts,
+ CookieStore0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
+ {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState},
+ CookieStore, EvHandlerState}.
ws_send(Frames, State0=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState},
StreamRef0, ReplyTo, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) ->
@@ -430,7 +439,7 @@ ws_send(Frames, State0=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState},
{Commands, EvHandlerState1} = Proto:ws_send(Frames,
ProtoState, StreamRef, ReplyTo, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0),
{State, EvHandlerState} = commands(Commands, State0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState1),
- {{state, State}, EvHandlerState}.
+ {ret({state, State}, State), EvHandlerState}.
%% Internal.
@@ -440,11 +449,14 @@ commands([], State, _, EvHandlerState) ->
{State, EvHandlerState};
commands([{state, ProtoState}|Tail], State, EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
commands(Tail, State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState);
-%% @todo We must pass down the set_cookie commands. Have a commands_queue.
-commands([_SetCookie={set_cookie, _, _, _, _}|Tail], State=#tunnel_state{}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
- commands(Tail, State, EvHandler, EvHandlerState);
+commands([SetCookie={set_cookie, _, _, _, _}|Tail],
+ State=#tunnel_state{commands_queue=Queue},
+ EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
+ commands(Tail, State#tunnel_state{commands_queue=[SetCookie|Queue]},
+ EvHandler, EvHandlerState);
%% @todo What to do about IsFin?
-commands([{send, _IsFin, Data}|Tail], State=#tunnel_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
+commands([{send, _IsFin, Data}|Tail],
+ State=#tunnel_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport},
EvHandler, EvHandlerState) ->
Transport:send(Socket, Data),
commands(Tail, State, EvHandler, EvHandlerState);
@@ -592,3 +604,17 @@ outer_stream_ref(StreamRef) when is_list(StreamRef) ->
outer_stream_ref(StreamRef) ->
+%% This function is called before returning commands.
+ret(CommandOrCommands, #tunnel_state{commands_queue=[]}) ->
+ empty_commands_queue(CommandOrCommands);
+ret(Commands, #tunnel_state{commands_queue=Queue}) when is_list(Commands) ->
+ lists:reverse(Queue, empty_commands_queue(Commands));
+ret(Command, #tunnel_state{commands_queue=Queue}) ->
+ lists:reverse([empty_commands_queue(Command)|Queue]).
+empty_commands_queue([{state, State}|Tail]) -> [{state, State#tunnel_state{commands_queue=[]}}|Tail];
+empty_commands_queue([Command|Tail]) -> [Command|empty_commands_queue(Tail)];
+empty_commands_queue([]) -> [];
+empty_commands_queue({state, State}) -> {state, State#tunnel_state{commands_queue=[]}};
+empty_commands_queue(Command) -> Command.