path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/gun_cookies.erl b/src/gun_cookies.erl
index ce951c6..ce33b49 100644
--- a/src/gun_cookies.erl
+++ b/src/gun_cookies.erl
@@ -407,23 +407,8 @@ wpt_http_state_test_files() ->
wpt_http_state_test_files(TestPath) ->
filelib:wildcard(TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/*-test") -- [
TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/attribute0023-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (path override).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/chromium0009-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/chromium0010-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/chromium0012-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/disabled-chromium0020-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/disabled-chromium0022-test", %% Nonsense.
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0012-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0014-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0015-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0016-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0017-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0017-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0023-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0025-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0028-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0031-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (name with quotes).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0032-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (name with quotes).
- TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0033-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names).
TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/optional-domain0042-test" %% Doesn't match the spec (empty domain override).
@@ -464,17 +449,12 @@ wpt_http_state_test_() ->
{ok, <<"Cookie: ",CookiesBin0/bits>>} ->
%% We only care about the first line.
[CookiesBin, <<>>|_] = string:split(CookiesBin0, <<"\n">>, all),
- ExpectedCookies = cow_cookie:parse_cookie(CookiesBin),
- wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies(Cookies, ExpectedCookies)
+ CookiesBin = iolist_to_binary(cow_cookie:cookie(
+ [{Name, Value} || #{name := Name, value := Value} <- Cookies])),
+ ok
end} || F <- TestFiles].
-wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies([], []) ->
- ok;
-wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies([Cookie|Tail], [{Name, Value}|ExpectedTail]) ->
- #{name := Name, value := Value} = Cookie,
- wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies(Tail, ExpectedTail).
%% WPT: path/default
wpt_path_default_test() ->
URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <<?HOST>>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>},