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date = "2017-01-22T00:00:00+01:00"
title = "Don't let it crash"


We have a specific mindset when writing Erlang
programs. We focus on the normal execution of the
program and don't handle most of the errors that may
occur. We sometimes call this normal execution the
'happy path'.

The general pattern behind writing only for the
'happy path', letting the VM catch errors (writing
them to a log for future consumption) and then
having a supervisor restart the processes that
failed from a clean state, has a name. We call it
'let it crash'; and it drives many of our design

It's a really great way to program and the results
are fantastic compared to most other programming
languages. And yet, 'let it crash' barely convinced
anyone that they should use Erlang. Why would that

You may already know that Cowboy is capable of
handling at least 2 million Websocket connections
on a single server. This is in large part thanks
to the capabilities of the VM. Still, 2 million
is good, much better than most other servers can

Cowboy is not just a Websocket server; it's also
an HTTP and HTTP/2 server, and it handles many
related features like long polling or the parsing
of most request headers.

Can you guess how large the Cowboy codebase is,
without looking at the source?

Do make sure you have a clear answer in your mind
before you go check.

Good, you are back. Now what were the results? If
I am correct, you overestimated the size of Cowboy.
Cowboy is in fact about five thousand lines of code.
You probably thought it was at least ten thousand.
About eighty percent of readers will have
overestimated the size of Cowboy. And you did only
because I mentioned it can handle millions of
Websocket connections.

Numerous studies show this effect. Just mentioning
the large number already prepared your mind to think
in that direction. Repeating the number made you
focus even more on it. Then the question asked for
a number, which ended up larger than the reality.

The same effect can be applied to negotiation for
example. You generally want to start by giving your
offer (and not let the other party initiate) and
you want to give a really large number first. You
can also prepare your customer by mentioning an even
larger number in the previous discussion.

And it's not just numbers either. An experiment
showed that just by looking at an image of clouds,
customers of a pillow store were buying pillows
more comfortable (and more expensive) than those
who didn't see that image.

This is the power of associations. It is covered in
much larger detail in the books[Influence]
I highly recommend reading those and applying what
you learn to your daily life. I'm definitely not
a professional psychologist so take this post with
a grain of salt.

When selling Erlang, whether we are selling it to
a customer or trying to convince a developer friend
to start using it, we often talk about how Erlang
'lets you sleep at night', that it is auto healing
and always gets fantastic uptimes.

And then we talk about 'let it crash'.

And we describe what it means.

We might as well just say that Erlang crashes a lot
and then take the door. It would have the same effect.
It doesn't even stop at programs crashing. You know
what else crashes? Cars, planes, trains. Often with
disastrous consequences. Is that really the message
we want to convey?

They even[printed it on a t-shirt]!
Keep calm and let it crash. It's the kind of t-shirt
you probably shouldn't wear in an airport, and for good
reasons. A few people did, then realized what they were
wearing and were not too smug about it.

And yet this is how we sell Erlang.

A better way would be to focus on the positives, of
course, but also to make sure that those positives
are phrased in a way that prevents bad associations
to be formed in people's minds.

Instead of 'let it crash', you can say that Erlang
has 'auto healing mechanisms'. Healing is a good
thing and accurately describes what happens in the

Should you need to go into more details, you will
probably want to avoid 'recover from crashes' and
instead say 'recover from exceptions'. Exceptions
are a pretty neutral word and, should you explain
what you mean by that, you can talk about exceptions
that occur for reasons unrelated to Erlang, like
hardware failure or network instability.

The trick is to always use positive words and
phrases to describe Erlang, and to use external
factors to explain how Erlang deals with failures.
Never mention the failures internal to Erlang
systems unless you are asked specifically, in
which case you can say that the auto healing
applies to all exceptions.

The 'let it crash' philosophy is great when
learning Erlang or when writing fault-tolerant
systems. But it's not going to convince anyone
to use it unless they were already looking for

Do you like this post? Tell me on Twitter. I might
make more.