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   <H1>[99s-extend] Riak in Farwest</H1>
    <B>Tristan Sloughter</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Riak in Farwest">tristan.sloughter at
    <I>Fri Aug  2 17:54:38 CEST 2013</I>
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<PRE>Me for one. Rarely have a use case that fits Riak but daily have use
cases that fit a RDBMS, and Postgres is the best of those in my opinion.

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013, at 08:06 AM, Florent Gallaire wrote:
&gt;<i> I love the farwest technical choices. But Riak seems to only be the
</I>&gt;<i> &quot;prototype' database, and PostgreSQL the real target.
</I>&gt;<i> FMO, this is a huge fail. Riak is by far superior to PostgreSQL. I
</I>&gt;<i> want Riak, who really wants PostgresSQL ??
</I>&gt;<i> Florent
</I>&gt;<i> -- 
</I>&gt;<i> FLOSS Engineer &amp; Lawyer
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