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   <H1>[99s-extend] (no subject)</H1>
    <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] (no subject)">essen at
    <I>Thu Dec 12 12:06:10 CET 2013</I>
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It sounds like you have a proxy of some kind on the same machine. The 
proxy would likely set a header with the real IP in it, or at least have 
an option for it.

On 12/12/2013 11:57 AM, Dagur Gunnarsson wrote:
&gt;<i> Hi,
</I>&gt;<i> I am using cowboy for our financial webservice platform.  We use token
</I>&gt;<i> based authentication, but I want to give certain ip adresses full access
</I>&gt;<i> without authentication.  I tried :
</I>&gt;<i> {{|IP||, ||Port||}, ||Req2||} = ||cowboy_req:peer||(||Req||).|
</I>&gt;<i> ||
</I>&gt;<i> |but IP is always {127,0,0,1} - even on production (where request|
</I>&gt;<i> |are comming from different networks)|
</I>&gt;<i> ||
</I>&gt;<i> |So my question is basically, Is there any way for me to see |
</I>&gt;<i> |frow which ||IP adresses the request is comming ?|
</I>&gt;<i> ||
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Lo&#239;c Hoguin
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