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   <H1>[99s-extend] websocket over ssl</H1>
    <B>e at</B> 
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       TITLE="[99s-extend] websocket over ssl">e at
    <I>Sat Jan 10 16:28:19 CET 2015</I>
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<PRE>thanx again.
now everything &quot;magically&quot; works :)

On 01/10/2015 03:34 PM, Lo&#239;c Hoguin wrote:
&gt;<i> Just kernel, stdlib, ssl, cowboy should be enough. Order does not matter
</I>&gt;<i> I think.
</I>&gt;<i> On 01/10/2015 03:28 PM, <A HREF="">e at</A> wrote:
</I>&gt;&gt;&gt;<i> In Cowboy, use start_https instead of start_http.
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> thanx! it makes a lot of sense for me.
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> tell me please what deps should be declared in the .app file?
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> is the following correct?
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>      {applications, [
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>          kernel,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>          stdlib,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>          crypto,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>          public_key,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>          ssl,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>          cowboy
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>      ]},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> does the order matters?
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> (i borrowed that from the internet without deep understanding of the
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> roles of each app on the list)

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