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   <H1>[99s-extend] Rewriting URLs</H1>
    <B>Paul Dickson</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Rewriting URLs">pdtwonotes at
    <I>Tue Jan 27 14:44:14 CET 2015</I>
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<PRE>Ok, here is all the code in bz_libmap.erl

execute(Req, Env) -&gt;
    Path = cowboy_req:path(Req),
    Parts = filename:split(Path),

    case cowboy_req:method(Req) of
      &lt;&lt;&quot;GET&quot;&gt;&gt; -&gt;
         % Check for &quot;/music/&quot; requests
         rewrite( Parts, Req, Env );
      _Other -&gt;
         {ok, Req, Env}

rewrite( [&lt;&lt;&quot;/&quot;&gt;&gt;, &lt;&lt;&quot;music&quot;&gt;&gt;, LibName | UrlParts], Req, Env ) -&gt;
    % We want URLs of the form &quot;/music/LIBNAME/everythingelse&quot;
    % Get library definition.  If we do not know that name, then they
    % are asking for something that does not exist.
    case bz_db:get_library( LibName ) of
      [] -&gt;
         io:format(&quot;No such library '~s'~n&quot;, [LibName] ),
         {stop, cowboy_req:reply(404, Req)};

      L when is_record(L,library) -&gt;
          % Replace the library name with the library base.
          % This will be the head of an absolute file path.
          LibBase = L#library.base,
          NewPath = filename:join([LibBase | UrlParts]),
          NewInfo = filename:split(NewPath),
          Req2 = cowboy_req:set( [
            {path, [NewPath]}], Req),
          {ok, Req2, Env}
rewrite( _AnythingElse, Req, Env ) -&gt;
    {ok, Req, Env}.


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