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   <H1>[99s-extend] Serve static files with cowboy from some	applications</H1>
    <B>Lo&#239;c Hoguin</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Serve static files with cowboy from some	applications">essen at
    <I>Thu Jul 18 12:17:13 CEST 2013</I>
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<PRE>On 07/17/2013 04:47 PM, Alexander Kuleshov wrote:
&gt;<i> Hello,
</I>&gt;<i> I have a web application which used cowboy (from master). I need to serve some static files, it's usual web application but i can use usual dispatch something like this:
</I>&gt;<i>      Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
</I>&gt;<i>          {'_', [
</I>&gt;<i>                  {&lt;&lt;&quot;/static/v/[...]&quot;&gt;&gt;, cowboy_static, [
</I>&gt;<i>                      {etag, {attributes, [filepath, filesize, inode, mtime]}},
</I>&gt;<i>                      {mimetypes, [
</I>&gt;<i>                              {&lt;&lt;&quot;.js&quot;&gt;&gt; , [&lt;&lt;&quot;application/javascript&quot;&gt;&gt;]},
</I>&gt;<i>                              {&lt;&lt;&quot;.css&quot;&gt;&gt;, [&lt;&lt;&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;&gt;]},
</I>&gt;<i>                              {&lt;&lt;&quot;.gif&quot;&gt;&gt;, [&lt;&lt;&quot;image/gif&quot;&gt;&gt;]},
</I>&gt;<i>                              {&lt;&lt;&quot;.png&quot;&gt;&gt;, [&lt;&lt;&quot;image/png&quot;&gt;&gt;]},
</I>&gt;<i>                              {&lt;&lt;&quot;.jpg&quot;&gt;&gt;, [&lt;&lt;&quot;image/jpeg&quot;&gt;&gt;]},
</I>&gt;<i>                              {&lt;&lt;&quot;.html&quot;&gt;&gt;, [&lt;&lt;&quot;text/html&quot;&gt;&gt;]}
</I>&gt;<i>                      ]},
</I>&gt;<i>                      {directory, {priv_dir, my_app, [&lt;&lt;&quot;static&quot;&gt;&gt;]}}
</I>&gt;<i>                  ]}
</I>&gt;<i>          ]}
</I>&gt;<i>      ])
</I>&gt;<i> And i try to explain why. In fact, i have one application (this application) which used cowboy and many plugins for it. Every plugin is an erlang application and also every application has own static files. I need routing something like this:
</I>&gt;<i> if path /static/v/my_app/index.html than serve index.html from my_app
</I>&gt;<i> if path /static/v/other_app/test.js that serve test.js from other_app.
</I>&gt;<i> and etc....
</I>&gt;<i> Main goal to change: `my_app` from here: {directory, {priv_dir, my_app, [&lt;&lt;&quot;static&quot;&gt;&gt;]} dynamically or write custom static handler.
</I>&gt;<i> How to do it correctly with cowboy?
Why don't you add one rule per application?

Lo&#239;c Hoguin
Erlang Cowboy
Nine Nines
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