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   <H1>[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS Issue</H1>
    <B>Lee Sylvester</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Cowboy HTTPS Issue">lee.sylvester at
    <I>Tue Jul 23 15:59:00 CEST 2013</I>
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<PRE>Thank you, Loic.  I'd forgotten to update my releases folder.

I now have it running, but when I access an endpoint, I get

=ERROR REPORT==== 23-Jul-2013::09:56:29 ===
SSL: 1159: error:[&lt;&lt;48,130,6,220,48,130,5,196,160,3,2,1,2,2,16,15,199,72,40,33,
                    126,49,13,  [snip]  45,193&gt;&gt;,
                  &lt;&lt;48,130,6  [snip]  118,247,97&gt;&gt;] /usr/certs/cert.pem

Not a very helpful error.  I'm assuming the cert isn't being accepted by the SSL module?


On 23 Jul 2013, at 14:41, Lo&#239;c Hoguin &lt;<A HREF="">essen at</A>&gt; wrote:

&gt;<i> You need to include and start the public_key and ssl applications.
</I>&gt;<i> On 07/23/2013 03:12 PM, Lee Sylvester wrote:
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Hi guys,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> So, I'm trying to run Cowboy with SSL, but keep getting an error with the SSL module:
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> application: ssl
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>     exited: {bad_return,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                 {{ssl_app,start,[normal,[]]},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                  {'EXIT',
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                      {undef,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                          [{ssl_app,start,[normal,[]],[]},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                           {application_master,start_it_old,4,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                               [{file,&quot;application_master.erl&quot;},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>                                {line,274}]}]}}}}
</I>&gt;&gt;<i>     type: temporary
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> The way I'm starting Cowboy is like this:
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 	Env = [
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 		{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 		{onrequest, fun http_utils:set_request_cors/1}
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 	],
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 	case http_server:is_secure() of
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 		true -&gt;
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 			cowboy:start_https(https, 100, [
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 				{ip, Ip}, {port, Port},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 				{certfile, binary_to_list(http_server:secure_cert())},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 				{keyfile, binary_to_list(http_server:secure_key())},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 				{reuseaddr, true},
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 				{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 			], Env);
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 		_ -&gt;
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 			{ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(http, 100, Options, Env)
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> 	end,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Does anyone know why I might be getting this issue?
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Thanks,
</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Lee
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</I>&gt;<i> -- 
</I>&gt;<i> Lo&#239;c Hoguin
</I>&gt;<i> Erlang Cowboy
</I>&gt;<i> Nine Nines
</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>


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