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   <H1>[99s-extend] Updating Cowboy applications</H1>
    <B>Joshua McQuistan</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Updating Cowboy applications">joshua.mcquistan at
    <I>Thu Mar 13 15:23:09 CET 2014</I>
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</I>&gt;<i> I wish I knew enough to answer your question. But I do hope you publish a tutorial documenting your solution for those following you down the trail.
Will do.

On 13/03/14 13:22, Lo&#239;c Hoguin wrote:
</I>&gt;<i> There is no plans for supporting unix sockets for the simple reason that
</I>&gt;<i> it is not portable. On the other hand, if you use a separate library to
</I>&gt;<i> open a socket and give it to Ranch (socket option), possibly writing a
</I>&gt;<i> specific transport module for it, then it's very possible that you can
</I>&gt;<i> use unix sockets (and if it works, please do send feedback).
I had missed this last night, I will try passing the socket down and see
if it works.

I can also see the gen_tcp:listen in ranch_tcp but I'd prefer to avoid that.


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