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   <H1>[99s-extend] Rewriting URLs</H1>
    <B>Paul Dickson</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Rewriting URLs">pdtwonotes at
    <I>Tue Jan 27 14:24:30 CET 2015</I>
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<PRE>On Tue, 2015-01-27 at 14:10 +0100, Lo&#239;c Hoguin wrote:

&gt;<i> On 01/27/2015 02:07 PM, Paul Dickson wrote:
</I>&gt;<i> &gt;   Info [&lt;&lt;&quot;/&quot;&gt;&gt;,&lt;&lt;&quot;music&quot;&gt;&gt;,&lt;&lt;&quot;Library&quot;&gt;&gt;,&lt;&lt;&quot;Folk&quot;&gt;&gt;,&lt;&lt;&quot;Swiss&quot;&gt;&gt;,
</I>&gt;<i> &gt;           &lt;&lt;&quot;Alphorn.ogg&quot;&gt;&gt;]
</I>&gt;<i> Should be from Library onward, and not include the first two elements.

This is perhaps a confusing case, because the incoming URL and the
transformed URL both start with &quot;/music&quot;.  What if that was not the
case, and the resulting path was, for example,


which does not match anything in the rules at all?  Is that allowed, or
must the rewritten URL also match a rule?
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