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<H1>[99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html</H1>
<B>Graham Hay</B>
<A HREF="mailto:extend%40lists.ninenines.eu?Subject=Re%3A%20%5B99s-extend%5D%20Help%20to%20use%20frameset%20in%20index.html&In-Reply-To=%3CCAABECY1tDoHdPDEwJXk%3DW4ur-Fieigjxg7eSv21jVq%3Du50Czzw%40mail.gmail.com%3E"
TITLE="[99s-extend] Help to use frameset in index.html">grahamrhay at gmail.com
<I>Tue Jun 23 11:06:35 CEST 2015</I>
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<PRE>I think the order of your routes is the problem, try putting this line
<<A HREF="https://github.com/ethrbh/websocket_2/blob/master/src/websocket_2_app.erl#L17">https://github.com/ethrbh/websocket_2/blob/master/src/websocket_2_app.erl#L17</A>>
On 23 June 2015 at 09:56, Loïc Hoguin <<A HREF="https://lists.ninenines.eu/listinfo/extend">essen at ninenines.eu</A>> wrote:
><i> The {error, enoent}, especially there, is probably just because the
</I>><i> browser is trying to fetch the favicon.
</I>><i> Your issue is that Websocket won't connect, so it has nothing to do with
</I>><i> cowboy_rest. Try tracing cowboy_websocket or enable SASL to have more info.
</I>><i> On 06/23/2015 10:28 AM, Robert Balogh wrote:
</I>>><i> hello,
</I>>><i> First of all I would say I am a beginner in Cowboy web server, so
</I>>><i> probably I made something wrong, that is why I got the "fault", what I
</I>>><i> got.
</I>>><i> I would like to build up web page, where the client can communicate to
</I>>><i> server, and server can do the same to client, if client does not send
</I>>><i> anything to server too. The Cowboy has the websocket example, what does
</I>>><i> what I would like to do.
</I>>><i> There is only one thing is missing what I would like to have. This is
</I>>><i> the "frameset". My idea is to build the index.html using framsets. I
</I>>><i> made this changes, and I build up the html files for the frames, and of
</I>>><i> course I set these in the index.html.
</I>>><i> Here is how the index.html looks like
</I>>><i> <html>
</I>>><i> <head>
</I>>><i> <title>Welcome to Websocket example 2</title>
</I>>><i> </head>
</I>>><i> <frameset rows="64,*">
</I>>><i> <frame name="top_frame" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"
</I>>><i> src="frame_top.html">
</I>>><i> <frameset cols="450,*">
</I>>><i> <frame name="left_frame" scrolling="auto"
</I>>><i> src="frame_left.html">
</I>>><i> <frame name="right_frame" src="frame_right.html">
</I>>><i> </frameset>
</I>>><i> <noframes>
</I>>><i> <body>
</I>>><i> </body>
</I>>><i> </noframes>
</I>>><i> </frameset>
</I>>><i> </html>
</I>>><i> This is how the priv folder looks like
</I>>><i> -----------------------------------------------------------
</I>>><i> ls priv/
</I>>><i> frame_left.html frame_right.html frame_top.html index.html static
</I>>><i> This is how I changed the websocket_2_app:start/2 function
</I>>><i> -----------------------------------------------------------
</I>>><i> Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
</I>>><i> {'_', [
</I>>><i> {"/", cowboy_static, {priv_file, websocket_2, "index.html"}},
</I>>><i> {"/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2, ""}},
</I>>><i> {"/websocket_2", ws_handler_2, []},
</I>>><i> {"/static/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, websocket_2,
</I>>><i> "static"}}
</I>>><i> ]}
</I>>><i> ]),
</I>>><i> After compile and make release package of the app, I can reach the
</I>>><i> webserver on the port 8080, but some connection does not set up
</I>>><i> correctly. The following texts are present in the browser
</I>>><i> ERROR: undefined
</I>>><i> Connecting to: <A HREF="ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2">ws://localhost:8080/websocket_2</A>
</I>>><i> I made a dbg trace on all cowboy modules, to start some kind of
</I>>><i> troubleshooting. In the "tons" of printout I can see this one. So in the
</I>>><i> bottom of this, there is an {error,enoent}. It comes when tries connect
</I>>><i> to the socket. But unfortunatelly I do not have idea what may cause this
</I>>><i> :-(
</I>>><i> The part of trace
</I>>><i> -----------------------------------------------------------
</I>>><i> (<0.177.0>) call
</I>>><i> cowboy_rest:next({http_req,#Port<0.646>,ranch_tcp,keepalive,<0.177.0>,<<"GET">>,'HTTP/1.1',
</I>>><i> {{127,0,0,1},33241},
</I>>><i> <<"localhost">>,undefined,8080,<<"/websocket_2">>,
</I>>><i> [<<"websocket_2">>],
</I>>><i> <<>>,undefined,[],
</I>>><i> [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost:8080">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"connection">>,<<"Upgrade">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"pragma">>,<<"no-cache">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"cache-control">>,<<"no-cache">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"upgrade">>,<<"websocket">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"origin">>,<<"<A HREF="http://localhost:8080">http://localhost:8080</A>">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"sec-websocket-version">>,<<"13">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"user-agent">>,
</I>>><i> <<"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36
</I>>><i> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, deflate, sdch">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"accept-language">>,<<"en-US,en;q=0.8">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"sec-websocket-key">>,<<"by/gwaQvb/51W7Wa9zrGQg==">>},
</I>>><i> {<<"sec-websocket-extensions">>,
</I>>><i> <<"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits">>}],
</I>>><i> [{<<"connection">>,[<<"upgrade">>]}],
</I>>><i> undefined,[],waiting,<<>>,undefined,false,waiting,[],<<>>,undefined},{state,[{handler,cowboy_static},
</I>>><i> {handler_opts,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
</I>>><i> {listener,http},
</I>>><i> {dispatch,[{'_',[],
</I>>><i> [{[],[],cowboy_static,
</I>>><i> {priv_file,websocket_2,"index.html"}},
</I>>><i> {['...'],[],cowboy_static,{priv_dir,websocket_2,[]}},
</I>>><i> {[<<"websocket_2">>],[],ws_handler_2,[]},
</I>>><i> {[<<"static">>,'...'],
</I>>><i> [],cowboy_static,
</I>>><i> {priv_dir,websocket_2,"static"}}]}]}],
</I>>><i> <<"GET">>,cowboy_static,
</I>>><i> {<<"/home/ethrbh/projects/github/websocket_2/_rel/websocket_2/lib/websocket_2-1/priv/websocket_2">>,
</I>>><i> {error,enoent},
</I>>><i> []},
</I>>><i> undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,[],undefined,false,undefined,
</I>>><i> undefined,undefined},#Fun<cowboy_rest.2.41839999>)
</I>>><i> (Timestamp: {1435,
</I>>><i> 46126,
</I>>><i> 935663})
</I>>><i> I guess, I did something very wrong, but I did not found what is that,
</I>>><i> thus I would like to get some help from you.
</I>>><i> Please find my small project in github:
</I>>><i> <A HREF="https://github.com/ethrbh/websocket_2">https://github.com/ethrbh/websocket_2</A>
</I>>><i> thanks for your help,
</I>>><i> /Robi
</I>>><i> _______________________________________________
</I>>><i> Extend mailing list
</I>>><i> <A HREF="https://lists.ninenines.eu/listinfo/extend">Extend at lists.ninenines.eu</A>
</I>>><i> <A HREF="https://lists.ninenines.eu/listinfo/extend">https://lists.ninenines.eu/listinfo/extend</A>
</I>><i> --
</I>><i> Loïc Hoguin
</I>><i> <A HREF="http://ninenines.eu">http://ninenines.eu</A>
</I>><i> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
</I>><i> A book about software development using Erlang
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