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	<h1 class="lined-header"><span>The story so far</span></h1>
	<p class="date">
		<span class="year">2014</span>
		<span class="day-month">23 Aug</span>

<p>As I am away from home with little to do (some call this a vacation) I wanted to reflect a little on the story so far, or how I arrived to Erlang and got to where I am now. The raw personal experience. It&apos;ll be an article that&apos;s more about social aspect, communities and marketing a project than technical considerations. As a period piece, it will also allow me to reflect on the evolution of Erlang in recent years.</p>
<p>Once upon a time-- Okay this isn&apos;t a fairy tale. The story begins with a short chapter in 2010. The year 2010 started with a fairly major event in my life: the US servers for the online game I stopped playing a few months before, but was still involved with through its community, were closing. OMG! Someone found a way to log packets and started working on a private server; meanwhile the JP servers were still up. And that&apos;s pretty much it.</p>
<p>Fast forward a few months and it became pretty clear that the private server was going nowhere considering all the drama surrounding it-- which is actually not unusual, but it was more entertaining than average and the technical abilities of people running the project were obviously lacking so I decided to obtain those logged packets and look at things myself. I didn&apos;t want to do a private server yet, I only wanted to take a peek to see how things worked, and perhaps organize some effort to document the protocol.</p>
<p>There was 10GB of logs. I didn&apos;t have an easy to use language to analyze them, and hex editors wouldn&apos;t cut it for most purposes, so I had to look elsewhere. This was a good opportunity to start learning this PHP killer I read about before, which also happens to feature syntax for matching binaries, called Erlang. To be perfectly honest I wouldn&apos;t have touched the logs if I didn&apos;t have the added motivation to play with and learn a new language.</p>
<p>At the time it was pretty hard to learn Erlang. In my experience there was Joe&apos;s book (which I always recommend first as I believe it is the best to learn the Erlang side of things; but falls a little short on OTP), and there was about 5 chapters of LYSE. There were a couple other books I never managed to get into (sorry guys), and there was also a few interesting blogs, some of which I can&apos;t find anymore. Finally the #erlang IRC community was there but I was strictly lurking at the time.</p>
<p>What a difference compared to 4 years later! (That&apos;s today, by the way!) Now we have more books than I can remember, tons of articles covering various aspects of the language and platform, many targeting beginners but a good number of them also about advanced topics. We even have a free online book, LYSE, with more than 30 chapters covering pretty much everything. Needless to say I never finished reading LYSE as it got written slower than I learnt.</p>
<p>Back to 2010. I wrote a parser for the logs, and aggregated those results into one CSV file per packet type so I could open them in Gnumeric and aggregate some more, but manually this time, and draw conclusions on the packet structures. That was pretty easy. Even for a beginner. Anyone can go from zero to that level in a day or two. Then, having mastered binary pattern matching, I wanted to learn some more Erlang, by making this aggregation faster. What I had done before worked, but I wasn&apos;t going to wait forever to process everything sequentially. So I looked and found a project called <code>plists</code> (still exists, but not maintained AFAIK). I downloaded that project and replaced my <code>lists:</code> calls to <code>plists:</code>. Boom. In just a few minutes all logs were processed, and I had learnt something new.</p>
<p>It is particularly interesting to note that the lack of a package manager or index never bothered me. Neither before nor after learning Erlang. My experience with package managers was mostly related to Ubuntu, a little Perl and Python, and PHP&apos;s Pear. Let&apos;s just stay polite and say it was always a terrible experience. So searching on the Web didn&apos;t feel awkward, because even if I used a tool or website I would have ended up doing a search or two anyway. This is in contrast to the package index feature in <a href=""></a>, which is meant to simplify specifying dependencies more than anything: <code>DEPS = cowboy</code>. It does not attempt to solve any other problem, and will only attempt to solve one extra problem in the near future, which is the discovery of packages. So expect some kind of website listing packages soon enough.</p>
<p>I want to use this parenthese to also point out that at the time there was a very small number of projects out there, at least compared to today. While you sometimes hear people complain about lack of certain libraries, it is so much better now than it was before! The situation improves very quickly, so much that it&apos;s not going to be that big an issue soon enough.</p>
<p>Wanting to know more about that game&apos;s protocol, in the year 2010, I ended up starting to write more Erlang code to simulate a server and use the server to query the client and see what was happening, documenting the packets and so on. This eventually lead to a larger project implementing more and more until people got their hopes up for a revival of the game, all the while the now competing original server project died in a stream of drama and technical incompetence. Of course, I ended up doing what any good Internet citizen would do, I crushed people&apos;s hopes, but that&apos;s not important to our story. The important part is that before giving up on this project, I not only learnt a good deal of Erlang and a little deal of OTP (which I did not touch until 6 months after I started with Erlang; see the paragraph about learning material above), but I also had an intriguing idea pop into my mind for what would become my greatest success yet.</p>
<p>The giving up part was not easy. Having had financial difficulties all year 2010 and part of 2009, I resolved to travel back to Paris to try and make it. I ended up sleeping in offices for 6 months, being hosted by a shady person, and hearing my fair share of stories about the dark side of business. While there I also worked for another company with someone who would end up becoming another high profile Erlang developer. The situation slowly improved, I started taking part in the #erlang IRC discussions, giving up my status of lurker and, a few months into 2011, started working on the Apache killer project: Cowboy.</p>
<p>This is the part where I probably should get accused of racism and other fun things, but I never did. And I think that speaks lots about the Erlang community. In all my time writing Erlang code, I can count the number of conflicts I had with other people on a single hand. This is the nicest programming community I have ever seen, by far. And the humblest too. The Erlang community feels like Japan. And I love Japan. So I love the Erlang community. I can&apos;t say this enough. This is something that stayed true for all my time using Erlang, and despite the rise of alternative languages that are not Japan the Erlang community has remained very Japan.</p>
<p>The first published version of Cowboy was written in two weeks. A little before those two weeks, during, and a while after, pretty much everything I said on the Internets was that Cowboy was going to be the greatest HTTP server ever, that the other servers were problematic (and just to be clear, Yaws was rarely if ever mentioned, due to being in a perceived different league of &quot;full featured servers&quot; while Cowboy was a &quot;lightweight server&quot;), and that Cowboy will be the best replacement to a Mochiweb or Misultin application. This, alongside a lot of time spent on IRC telling people to use Cowboy when they were asking for an HTTP server to use, probably made me sound very annoying. But it worked, and Cowboy started getting its first users, despite being only a few weeks old. Of course, as soon as I got my very first user, I started claiming Cowboy had &quot;a lot of users&quot;.</p>
<p>Looking back today I would definitely find myself annoying, this wasn&apos;t just an idle comment there. For about a year, maybe a little more, all I ever said was that Cowboy was the best. This probably made me a little dumber in the process (as if I wasn&apos;t enough! I know). Being French, I sometimes would also say things quite abruptly. To stay polite, I probably sounded like an asshole. I learnt to stop being so French over time thankfully.</p>
<p>I think what was most important to Cowboy at the time, was three things. First, it felt fresh. It was new, had new ideas, tried to do things differently and followed &quot;new&quot; old best practices (the OTP way-- which was simply too obscure for most people at the time). Second, it had me spending all my time telling people to use it whenever they were looking for an HTTP server. Third, it had me helping people get started with it and guide them all the steps of the way. Mostly because it didn&apos;t have a very good documentation, but still, hand holding does wonders.</p>
<p>To be able to help people every time they had a problem, I did not spend all my days reading IRC. Instead I simply made sure to be notified when someone said <code>cowboy</code>. The same way many people subscribe to alerts when their company is mentioned in the news. Nothing fancy.</p>
<p>Time went on, Cowboy grew, or as some like to say, completely destroyed the competition, and many people eventually moved from Mochiweb and Misultin to Cowboy. And then Roberto Ostinelli stopped Misultin development and told everyone to move to Cowboy. This is the most humble and selfless act I have ever seen in the programming sphere, and I only have one thing to say about it: GG. Thanks for the fish. He left me with the tasks of improving Cowboy examples, documentation and strongly believed that the Misultin interface was more user friendly out of all the servers. So I added many examples, as many lines of documentation as we have of code, and strongly believe that Cowboy 2.0 will be the most user friendly interface out of all servers. But only time will tell.</p>
<p>With the rise of the project and the rise in the number of users, my previous strategy (completely incidental, by the way, and definitely not a well thought out plan to become popular) stopped working. It was taking me too much time. The important aspects slowly drifted. If I wanted to support more users, I would have to spend less time with each individual user. This was actually a hard problem. You basically have to make people understand they can&apos;t just come to you directly when they have a problem, they have to follow proper channels. It becomes less personal, and might be felt like you don&apos;t care about them anymore. You have to hurt some people&apos;s feelings at this point. It is quite unfortunate, and also quite difficult to do. There is some unwritten rule that says early adopters deserve more, but in the real world it never works like this. So I probably hurt some people&apos;s feelings at some point. But that&apos;s okay. Because even if you make sure to be as nice as possible when you tell people to go through proper channels from now on, some people will still get offended. There&apos;s nothing you can do about it.</p>
<p>From that point onward the important points about the project was getting the documentation done, making sure people knew about the proper channels to get help and report issues, etc. Basically making myself less needed. This is quite a contrast with the first days, but I believe Cowboy made that transition successfully.</p>
<p>Not only did I win time by not having to hold hands with everyone all the time (not that I didn&apos;t like it, but you know, the sweat), but I also won time thanks to the increased project popularity. Indeed, the more users you have, the more annoying guys there are to tell people to use your project and that it&apos;s the best and everything. Which is great. At least, it&apos;s great if you don&apos;t pay too much attention to it. Sometimes people will give an advice that is, in your opinion, a bad advice. And that&apos;s okay. Don&apos;t intervene every time someone gives a bad advice, learn to let it go. People will figure it out. You learn by making mistakes, after all. Use this extra time to make sure other people don&apos;t end up giving the same bad advice instead. Fix the code or the documentation that led to this mistake. Slowly improve the project and make sure it doesn&apos;t happen again.</p>
<p>This is my story. So far, anyway.</p>


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<h3>More articles</h3>
<ul id="articles-nav" class="extra_margin">
			<li><a href="">Ranch 1.7</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.5</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Gun 1.3</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Gun 1.2</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Ranch 1.6</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Gun 1.0</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Asciideck: Asciidoc for Erlang</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Gun 1.0 release candidate 1</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.4</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.3</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.2</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.1</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.0</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.0 release candidate 2</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.0 release candidate 1</a></li>
			<li><a href="">The elephant in the room</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Don&#39;t let it crash</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.0 pre-release 4</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Ranch 1.3</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Mailing list archived</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Website update</a></li>
			<li><a href="">The Erlanger Playbook September 2015 Update</a></li>
			<li><a href="">The Erlanger Playbook</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Validating UTF-8 binaries with Erlang</a></li>
			<li><a href="">On open source</a></li>
			<li><a href="">The story so far</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Cowboy 2.0 and query strings</a></li>
			<li><a href="">January 2014 status</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Farwest got funded!</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Build Erlang releases with and Relx</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Xerl: intermediate module</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Xerl: expression separator</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Erlang Scalability</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Xerl: atomic expressions</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Xerl: two modules</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Xerl: empty modules</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Build an FTP Server with Ranch in 30 Minutes</a></li>
			<li><a href="">Erlang Tic Tac Toe</a></li>

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