path: root/docs/en/
blob: a527253122f88a72ad48d4f72cfcc378c84bb4fc (plain) (tree)

== Erlang shell provides a convenient target for starting a shell
with all the paths set properly to experiment with your code.

=== Configuration

The `SHELL_DEPS` variable can be used to define dependencies
that are only to be used when the `make shell` command is called.
For example, if you want to use _kjell_ as your shell:

SHELL_DEPS = kjell

Dependencies are downloaded and compiled the first time you
run the `make shell` command.

You can customize the executable used to start the Erlang shell.
To continue with our example, if you want to use _kjell_ as your
shell, you also need to change `SHELL_ERL` and point it to the
`kjell` executable:

SHELL_ERL = $(DEPS_DIR)/kjell/bin/kjell

You can specify additional options to be used when starting the
shell using the `SHELL_OPTS` variable:

SHELL_OPTS = -setcookie chocolate

Any of the usual `erl` options can be used, including `-eval`:

SHELL_OPTS = -eval 'my_app:run()'

=== Usage

To start the shell, all you need is the following command:

$ make shell

The shell can be stopped as usual with a double Ctrl+C or the
command `q().`.