path: root/docs/en/
blob: d4de20ddf1cfacec6899b778010288b6e4a8ebfc (plain) (tree)

== Sphinx documentation includes targets for running the[Sphinx documentation generator], which can produce
documentation in various formats, like HTML, man pages, Texinfo, LaTeX, and

=== Writing Sphinx documentation

Sphinx generates documentation from a set of[reST] documents. There is
a[quick start guide] on
Sphinx' website. For, we'll set up a minimal environment instead.

=== Basic setup

By default, expects Sphinx documentation to be placed in the 'doc'
directory, with 'doc/' config file in particular. The file contains
information about the project, among the other things.

A minimal 'doc/' will look similar to this:

project = 'My Project'
version = '0.0'
release = '0.0.1'
master_doc = 'index'
source_suffix = '.rst'

It points to a 'doc/index.rst' document. A simple skeleton includes a table of
contents for all documentation, and links to generated index of terms and
a search page:

My Project


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`search`

The skeleton above has a link to one other page, 'doc/other_page.rst'. Simple
header with some text will do for now:

Other Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

The files above are enough to build HTML documentation to the 'html' directory.

$ make docs     # all the docs, including EDoc and AsciiDoc if applicable
$ make sphinx   # Sphinx docs specifically

=== configuration defaults to the following configuration:


To change the location of Sphinx sources, you need to set the `$(SPHINX_SOURCE)`
variable. The '' file should also be placed in that directory, unless you
specify `$(SPHINX_CONFDIR)`.

The variable `$(SPHINX_OPTS)` allows to provide options to `sphinx-build`, which
is particularly useful for `-D name=value` options. You can even forego
'doc/' file, using `-D name=value` in combination with the `-C` option,
though in this case you will need to manually call `make sphinx` or add the
`sphinx` target to dependencies of `docs`.

The `$(SPHINX_FORMATS)` variable lists formats to generate. By default only HTML
is generated, but it can also build man pages or LaTeX documents which can later
be converted to PDF. See the[description of the `-b` option]
for `sphinx-build` for a list of known formats.

Formats are by default generated to a directory called after the format
('html' for HTML, 'man' for man pages, and so on). To change this behaviour
for a specific format, you can set the `$(sphinx_$(format)_output)` variable, e.g.
`$(sphinx_html_output)` for 'html' or `$(sphinx_man_output)` for 'man'.
There are also `$(sphinx_$(format)_opts)` variables for setting `sphinx-build`
options for a single format only.

=== Generating man pages

To generate man pages, you need to include `man` in `$(SPHINX_FORMATS)` in
your Makefile and define the `man_pages` option in 'doc/':

man_pages = [
    ('doc_name', 'page_name', 'Manpage Title', ['Page Author'], 1),

As the[Sphinx documentation]
indicates, the structure is:

* `doc_name` is the path to the man page's source (relative `$(SPHINX_SOURCE)`),
  without the '.rst' suffix
* `page_name` is the name of the resulting man page, which will be used as a base
  for the output file name and will be included in the generated man page
* `Manpage Title` is a short, one-line description, which will be included in
  the generated man page on a position that's used by the `apropos` command
* `Page Author` (or more of them) will be included in the autogenerated `AUTHOR`
  section. Leaving this field empty disables generating the `AUTHOR` section
* `1` is the man page section number

With the above configuration (and's defaults), 'doc/doc_name.rst' will
be used to generate 'man/page_name.1'.